The Rathen manual;

발행: 1905년

분량: 102페이지


분류: 미분류


The Roman has tino additional stanetas, but the rubricallo a the whole hymn or only a part lo M sung, prout videbisur.' This anthem Mith iis verses and responses does not cur here in any other Μanual or Processiones consulted. Iis presence seems to indicate a locat custom in thechuris sor .hich either the Rathen Manuat, or theolder ΜS. hom which it was copied, was transcribed. Although the Rathen rubrim are meagre, they exhibitanother disserence here hom Hl other known authorities. Accordine to the Sarum Use, the number os statio made in this ceremony was Bur: the sirst at the Great Crom on the North side os the church where the Gos pel Matth. a I was read; the seconu on the South side Where the hymn Gloria latis et honor .as fung; the thirdhesore the west door, Where the anthem And one os them V was fung, the previous anthem P The high primis and Pharisees,' having heen remaled belween the secondand third stations ; then the company entered the churchsinging, When the Lord entered ' and made the lavrthstation hesore the R d at the Rocid screen, Where the officiant ita our NS. called the et ter sang Ave three

times, each time a tone higher, and then the choir continued the anthem, Rex noster,' as in the Rathen MS. The Vork Processional aster the first station seniis the company round the church to the west door, inhere the hymn Gloria laus et Aonor is sung, at the end of whichthey enter the church with the anthem When the Lord enter . ' The remainder as in the Sarum. In the Roman church the celebrant beon-Procedamus in Pace, In nomine Christi. Amen. Then the processiongoes ouiside and round the Church, singing some or allos the anthems provided, tili it reaches the cloor. ThentWo or laur singers enter, and, closing the door, sing

be that the Romans come and tahe aWay Our place and nation.

for that year, prophesiod saying, It is expedient sor us that one man should die sor the people, and that the whole nation perish not. Fromthat clay sorth there re they took counses together sor to put him to death, saying, N. Lest it may be that the Romans come

R. When the Lord entered into the holycity, the children of the HebreWs, prociatming, the resurrection of lila: Mith branches os palmacried, Hosanna in the highest ly. When the people heard that Iesus mas come, they Went sortii stom Ierusalem to meet

fide. Then the singers within sing ali or some of the stantas and the choir Without sing the restain aster each. Then the Subdeacon knoclis at the door, which is at onceopened and the Procession enlers singing, When the Lord enter . V Immediately Μam is celebrated. In the Rathen Manual the place os the second station Memato be at the west D r, where after the hymn Gloria, lans, there is sung the anthem Avolu e portas, and thenthe procession enlers the church. The anthem, Whenthe Loid entered was fung in introitu ecclesie.' But


in the highest l

against me.

also he made partakers os His resurrection :

r.e., When the processionisis came in front of the figure os the dying Christ placed on the Rood screen. is response Mas fung while the clergy and singers returned to their places in the architectural choir. The remianing Verses and Responses Mere Suugalternately by the primi and choir to the simple chantused sor Preces; Whereas the preceding Verses and Re

sponses Me parta Os anthems, and were sung to more et orate mutic.

M Then was hegun the Mais sor the day ; sor which see the Missat os Arbuthnot or any other Sarum Mimal. The nexi section that may appear in a Manual is theservice sor Shere Thurinu. The scribe of the Rathen ΜS. omitting it, passes on to the Good Fridaν ossices an illustration of the variety in the matter containin that may exist in different copies of the fame Mannal. Thesolloining scheme of the Shere Thurinu icoena Domini ossices is talien stom an early printed blach letter Manual-which omits the service scar GOOd Friclay. I. The reconciliation os penitents. These assembled in the vestibule at the West D r. The priest, Mith twodeacons, preceded by a sackcloth banner, passed throughthe middie of the choir to the vestibule. A deacon goingio the fide of the penitenta, read to his Superior a requeston their linhais to restor to kirk privileges: Thetime is come, o venerable chieLpriest, &c. V The ossiciantansMered by incepting the anthem, Come ye,' thrice, and the choir proceeded, Uchild ren, hearlien unio me;


verae :

δ The VOrk eutfom is here the Same M the Sarum, whieh is ideniteat with that indicated a ve. In the Roman, the mode os sining the Trisagon is lem simple

7 Although our rubrim give no indication os the laci, this verse is the restain to the hymn M sung on this occasion. Aster it was firsi sung by the twoὶ primis, it was remaled by the choir. Then the primis sane the hymn, verse by Verse, and the choir respondeo to inch


For the work of our salvationNeeos must have iis order so; That the an divine os heaven Satan's fraud might overthroN; Thence the victory Pr uring

Ee surrendera to His passion,

Thou alone Mast counted WOrthy, Man's Redemption to Sustain,

Me can or incepting.

While the Maher of the worid sui red on the Cross the punishment os death, coing With aloud voice He gave up the ghost, and hold, the veil os the temple was rent, and the graves


Were opened ; sor there Was a great earlhquake, cause the Morid cried aloud that it could notendum the death of the Son os God: Whentheresore the fide os the Crucifieo Lord hadbeen opened by the lance of the soldier, there came out blood and water sor the purchase of

into Me Maliae, and Aaving sata mira a pro undinetination of the boo, In the spirit os humilitysand with a contrite heari may We be accepteclos Thee, o Lord, and may Our sacrifice be so performed in Thy presence this clay, that it maybe pleasing unto Thee, o Lord God. In thename of the Father, and of the Son, and of the

and in obedience to His divine commano, me

t ether.


M Withotit nou and wishout Glory. Sarum.' IIa dicens. Sarum more grammaticalty reads, Gsacerdote incipiense sic.' The solio ing prayers are almost ille Same RS th Seprescribed in the Sarum. Those in the Vork, Roman,&c., differ more widely. 7 In the Sarum, Roman, &c., there are severat additionat clauses, reserring to the Pillar os fire at the Red


whereuer this incense shali be, there thou shali by no means dare to approach, nor presume tomuse opposition, but, o unclean spirit, Whos ever thou ari, thou shali ny sar thence with all

Sarum adiis the collect Celesti nos lumine i Postc.

Some copies have cera, Maae.' For a ersarum . . . infectam, read diversarum . . . confectam.


The different grades of the choir os clerra occupita different henches, calles foranaa, ranges parallel to the est on either fide of the chancel, and different paris of the service longed to singers occuping different sorms. Rubrim os this hind reser, of eourae, to the arrangements of a cathedria. This hymn, hom the dissicut ty of accurately solioWingau ita drist, presented a series of pitialis sor unwa scribes. Most os the ancient coples consulted contain obvious misre ings. Our texi hecomes more intelli. Ne by the solloining emendations, taken hom thesecopies. Resrain, l. I , for boni reaae bone. l. 3ν


horridum. V. I, l. I,



lunari. v. a, l. 1,



pater. l. as


scilicet. l. 4s








Tne scribe has also written iv. I , innumero and --cussu M two Woros respectively. The errors in other copies are similar, e.r, iresrain I, l. I , ceteris sor certis; iv. a, l. I , Uem minis for spem sibi luminis; iv. 4, l. 33, contineant sor confinuas; andone blata letter printed Manual iv. 4, l. 4 , has the absurd reading purpureis sor perpetuis- binding to-gether the ages unio the purPle ages. VIn the Vork Manual the second and third verses ovenin our texi are replaced by two others, the lalter of whichdwelis on the glory os Christ. The absence of this verse from our texi deprives the per quem at the beginning os the last verse, os the antecedent noun. The truth is, thatonly a selection os veram appears in any Manual, and this serves to increase the obscurity os a sonaeWhat uncertain text. The metre is that of Horace's siret ode : Maecenas atavis edite regibus. Asclepiadeus choriambicus te ra-

warm Desire.

lace above:


Now let the anget host of heaven rejoice, letthe divine Mysteries rejoice; and sor the victoryof so great a King, let the trumpet os salvationsound. Let the earth, enlightened With rays so

by PODO Zosimus. CL Alcuin, De Usticiis Divinis, cap. De Sabbato Sancto; also, Amalarius, De Ois. eccl.

out by the Death os Christi O happy guili,

which was permitted to have such and so greata Recleemeri O blessed nighi, which alone had the privilege of knowing the time and thehour in whicli Christ arose stom the grave l

have remalneu unknown to the universe.


stores innocence to the fallen, and joy to thesorrowsui: hanishes halred, procures concord, and bows down dominions. In the grace of this night, theresore accepi, Ο Ηoly Father, ere incense Maia be fur in o the saper tu Meform os a cress I the evenire sacrifice of this incense, Which, by the hanus of her ministere the holy churchoffers unio Thee in this solemn oblation os thema taper formed by the labours of hees. Butnow We have heard the proclamation os thispillar, Which unto the honour of God the

Sarum adds or into the candelabrum ; likewise into the litile taper brought to him is a Portitori Roman : The Deacon fixes five grains of incense into the wax of the candie in this order :

the translation has no apparent meaning. It is absent, of eourse hom other Manuals.

ee, theresore, o Lord, that Thou Wouldest be pleas , am id these Easter joys, to grant us

severat petitions sor the Emperor.' For altissime read altissimus.7 The Paschal Taper is ordered in the rubrics os most Manuals to M lighted at the principat services untii cension Day. During ali Eastertide it stanos in iis Candelabrum near the altar, even when not lightedi buton the lay aster the Ascension, both taper and candie. sticli are removeo hesore Mass. The idea is to symboligethe Risen Christ as the Light of the worid. r.e., the names of the books isom .hich they are talienare not announced. his hinu of service consisting mainlyos lemons alternated with psalms or canticles, is helievedis some to be a remainder of the non.en haristic, non- monastic lay Morship of primitive times.