장음표시 사용
whethor rom those ho in thei manis id disputations and mos bus fearch, have reached to the suli investigationis thocreature, ut ne nothin Os the Creator, o fioni themwho hen the kne God glorifie Him notos Od norgavo Him thantis, and wh could no se perfecti oraealth-suli because the were proud Ther ore Thou has hi thesethingsiroin the wis an prudent, an has reτeale them
frona the wis an prudent, an has rereale them unio
SERΜ. When to bear this volio an burde is noth in else, butuo
ven as o hers. So then e imself was a vesse in thehouse of that Strong one stron in evit, heu he a apersecutor of the Chureli, a blasphemer, injurious, lining in malico antenrν, as e consesses. ut He ho ound thostrongino, took aWay rom im his esse of perdition, and made it a vesse of election. ii. 4. Asterwarils that the unbellovers an imgodly the ensemies of the Christian a me, might no suppoSe byreasonis the divers herestes an schism os thos Wh under
Christ, even though he Damoetho amem Christ. To ove thensomo illustrations sor exam pie' salie, the spiritis CovetousneSs, and the spirit o luxuriousness, e cause tho ne eapstogether, and the ther avishes, are dividet against them
selves; et the beton both to the Lingilom os the devit. Among idolater me spirit os uno and the spirit os Hercules are divide against them seliis an both bolong