장음표시 사용
Gist, Whichone They both have, that is by the Holy Spirit, atones God and tho Gistis God For in his are e reconcitedio tho Divinity, and tali delight incit For hat oui the
I80 Remission Usinsirstiis of the Spirit in Baptism.
cular Sori, and that ases have ait O discovered, or even asPthini clearly hewn to e the case, the perseverin hard nes of an imponitenti eari, cannoti talion holit os in annone, I repeat it, a longis hecis illi in his lisse. 22. An lut it no seem absurd that herea a man hi perseveres in ardened impentience even to the nil of this
lis e spealis long and much against his grace of themoly Spirit; et the Gospe has called his so long contradictionis
an impenitent cari, a though it ero omethin os stiori duration, a Ord, Saying, hosoerer spe iketh a ord gainst iis
neither in his orld, Melther in the worido come Forthough his blasphem be long continued, and made uinos, and dra n out at lengili in very many ordS,ae it is the
them that is, i he hali reponi, he hali hereb receive thegis of the remission os ali his in q, and of this also that hehath spoken a ord against the Son re an, o cause to thesin f ignorance, or obstinacy, or blasphem of hateverkinit ho hath Dot adde thu in os impuniterice against thegistis God, and the grace of regeneration or reconciliation,
whicli is consened in the Church by the Hol Spirit.
xiv. 24. heres ore Deither must, imagine, a some do that
of Sin and blasphem Shal bo forsit en uno mon: hicli in Mark3, another Evangelis is also thus Xpressed Al si is hal beforsiceu unt the sns of men, vid blasphemies cheremith- foener they hal blasphemes Without doubi that blasphemyalso hic licis spolien against the ather is included in that generat X pression and et stat alone is laid OK as un- pardonabie, hic licis spolien agnitis themoly Ghost. What ldid the ailior also tali the formis a servant, that in his respect themoly host hould e reatur thau He Nosurely but aster the universa mention os ali in and sal blasphemy, He Wishedri expres more prominently the
blasphem Whicli is spolien against the Son os an or his
deviis, O the ather and the Hol Spirit also For is Christ
I86 The operations of the Trintly inseparalle, SER M. diScussing, heia the Son a castin out deviis,me et seti. B.4 Sald, VI in the Hol Spirit ast ut doriis, thon the Di /g-
u hocis divido against himself should e rivon ut by that Spirit, hicli thu Fathe and the onm horare no divido in
Hol Ghos hicli remissio though ille the work of tho Whol Trinity, is et understoo speciali to elon to the Hol Spirit. Forme is the Spiritis the adoption of sons, in