Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament

발행: 1844년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류


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810 Our Lordis miracles are parabies SERΜ. prepare so the Lord, even Lings his servant at this

no nowledge Os With his intent then He cure theseblin me of Whom the account hascius nox been ea in the Gospei. An consider hat instructioni has by their cur conveye to the man who is sic Within. x. 9. Conside the issu of the thing, and the order of the circumstances Those two lin men sitiin by the Wayside cried ut a the ordiassed by that He ould have


to extreme δ: What are not ther men Christians This is sui miti,


the Wh shali persevere in doin such things a Christi atherioined, and regar Do the multitudes that inde them,nor thin much of thei appearingo solio Christ that is of thei bella calle Christians; ut ho love the light


Lor passet by let the voice of satin ound ut that Iesus standinu fili, that is, the Unchangeabio Abiding


the continuessit cry foras to attai tote beard, and to obtain the Lord' mercy that fame multitude no says, Iesus callem

xviii. I9. et in the mysterious ense of this passage Brethren, We recognis What is expressed mos plaint in ther places

live before or aster the coming of the Lord in his life thatili bad domo desile the good in unio illi them, domo on