장음표시 사용
eril, o acto approve os it Dor negligentis a Dodit reproveit nor proud foras to reprove it in a tone os insuit.
interpret it oursolves, let the Lord speali letis nodisiisse any oneri mali his gues at his WmpleaAure For the discipies sal to themaster Declare uni us the parabie of the tares.
η Tho occasion os the Donatis him, of hoing traditors that is os havingschism a a charge brought against surrendere suci copios of the olyCecilianus, Bp. of Carthage, and Felix, Scriptures a the had in thei posses-Bishopis Aptunga, ho ad ordaine sto in times of persecution.
and confine to this ou country, and our mali communion in . t pauci-
colanter o hine Oxv interesis, hile thou omnes colanter to the testator, even as e calleth the to the inheritance.
Abraham, an Isaa , in tho ingdom of God Bol thensis groto togother unii tho harvest, an both the lares o chasD xx. have thei passages in the Scriptures, and the hea theirs. An thon vlio do no understand them, conmund them an dare themselves consounded an in their lin destre they
has not ouehere tho unctoan thino Thou has reproved, rebuliud, admonishedaim, has administered, is the case re- quia exit, a sui table disciplino, and suci a doth no violate unity theia thou hastisone ut rom Menoe No considerili actions of the ainis, test perhaps this hould seum to be
Propheis rebuleii, but Dinia in Divine rites ira me rotele l. 823way that oichod ne hali die in his iniquity, and thou SER M.
visce rerition. With hat a sather' and mother' in sondness, et with hat assurance sat he his, as e considere at oncetho justice and the mercyis God that in that Horis just, Howould no destro the righteolis an and that in that Horis
mercisul, He Ouid pardo the inners. xxii. b. I i no Suret plain to ou discerninent', in halypruden-manne ali uel testimonios of the Scriptures are to bureceived so that he Scripture says that e must departsrom the iched, e re bido understand this in no thersense, ut that e depar in heart les by the separations rom me good, e commitin greater evi than e stirin si omin the unionis the wiched, a thes Donatist have done But
shed. ut the who have remaine in this ad an barron
GH β, stat is os illis ruit; The inruit of the Spirit, he says, is charis,
iliem, Dor os a molintain remove into the ea. et us
salvation uni tho Od of thmoarta se then, theore hath Withere away. and Christ aath been remove tanto the Gentiles the molantat into the ea. Forio fhould Dot theire Wither aWay hicli is plante in that vineyard os,hicli Is b, . it a said, I cili command my clousis that the rain nomin et on ty3. No v that in orde to conventhis truth in Lord acted propheticatly I mea that, a concerning this tree, it Was notHis it meret to exhibit a miracle, but that by the miracle He conveyed the intimation Os Somethingo come therear many things Whicli teach an persuade S, ea evenagainst Our Wilis orcem to belleve. In the first place, halsauit in the re u ascit that ilia no fruit, henisve is ithad Do fruit at the prope season, that is, theraeasonis it fruit, it ould Dot assuredi be an savit in the tree so the treeas hein without sense an reason could not eoo lame. But to this is added that a me read it in the narrative of the Main ther Evangelist ho expressi mentions this, it reas no the fimo for that inruit. For that a me time he the fig-treeshoot sortii iis tende leaves, hici come, eano tesseretho fruit; and this e prove bocause the da of the Lord's Passion asint haud, and Weano at What timem sustered; an is, didio lino it, e ought of courserio give creditto the Evangelist ho Says, The time V A rea notiset. So iste is it was ni a miracle that a to have been et sorti, and Dot Omething t be propheticatly figured, it would have been much more orthy of the clemenc an mero os the Lord, to have made green again an ire Hemight findwithered; as Heaealed the Sich, as He leansed the lepers, asi raised the ead But then contrariWise, a thoughagainst the ordinar rule os His clemency He ound a greentreo, not et earinis ruit ut oscit prope suason, but stillnot res using the liope os fruit toriis resfer, and He witherod