장음표시 사용
The Lor Christos termis Resurrection, a Walhing in tho β'P '
traveller. The came to the place hiilier the were going, LQ624, and the Evangelistisays, ut He macte a preteno a though
others, both instances Iacob in iston fremio Christ. 83Ifigurativol expressed, and tali it figuratively the Corner SER M.
calle the Jews rom ne side, and the Gentiles rom another, and these two alis ascit were cominis rom distbrent quarters, and meetin together in one, he has bound togotho by the grace of her Peace. For, He is ur eace, inhoraath made Ephes. both ono. 2, 4. 5. Yo avo ear instances Os a litera expression, anda litora laction, and is a figurative expreSSion; ae rure Waltin sor an instanc os a figurative actioD here reman such, but meanWhile, ascis suggeste by this mentiono the comer stone, hen ac ob anointei the tone hich G6ti. Is
stono hic tho buit lora rore Sed is a figurative expression; the anoi ited stone hich was a Jacob's head is a figurative action There is no due to Our Xpectatio an Xamplemade ut o both together, Somethin Whicli is at once
it in a figurative senso it is fictilious. Orci an sori erreatly Went out an dii cast the se ed in these disserent places,as e have heard ita eremo fiction, and solo salsehood Butno thoughit bina fiction, yet itis no salsehood. Why Becauso
I requires only one to understan it, and Oes O lead 89. B.Jany one into error And thus Christ Wishing to conveythis tesson to tis, ough sor ruit, an heret, set sorti, tous a figurative, an no deceiving fiction a fictio there ruri orthmos raise, Dot os lame Dot ne by the examina
on the word of the G spei, Mati xxii ab ut the marriage of the Eng Ason against the Donatisis, o Charity. Delivere a Carthago in the Rostituta b.
that the fame me are both aster a certatu manne good, and
Themeast heredo prepare for that east, oheremo bad sholide. 337
ieis chOSen. Leave alone tho se , cast ut the any. t strue that man was ut one. et undoubtedi that one notoni Nas many, ut hos many in number sar surpassed the number os the good For the good are many also; but in comparisonis the bad the aro se . In the cromi hereis much heat compare it illi the chass, and the gratiasos corn are se . The Same person considerod in them selvesare many in comparison illi ho ad are se xv. Ho do e prove that in them selves the are many λ Gny hali come Mai t. 8
are partallers togetheris an vi conscience eem to love ne another They ho commit robberies together, Wh love thohu risu aris of sorceries, and the stage together, hocioin to-