장음표시 사용
I 2. et iis prove that the Passion also O the Son a thework of tho ather and the Son Me mav eo that the Faciat
40 The Persons distinci, Their operation inseparabie. Sstav. the figureis His oWn bo , Destro this temple, and in three
reSurrectionis the o was the wor both of the ather and the Son. ou so the a distinctio os Persons, an an inSeparabienes of operation. et u not antheres Ore that
by so thinLing thou has deceived thyself his ille is notGod is thou has comprehended it; ut is it se God thou
hibited, hos operation is et inseparabie is thei thou artSearchinisor his among the creatures, earchrior it sirs instine own eis. For thou ari nolither than a creature. It Sa resemblance thou artisearchinisor. Wouldest thou earchsor it among the catiles Foris God it was thou Wast Speahing, whun thou ast in earch sor his reSemblance Thou ast
si eat in os the Trinityis Majest inessabie, and bucause thou list didst ait in contemplating the Divine Nature, and with be-
Wilt thou malle thy earchismong the catile, in the Sun, O SERΜ. tho star. What of theSemas made aster thesima gerund likenes is hoo God Thou mayest suarch in hine Wn self sor omethinguior familia to thee, an more X cellent than at theso. ForGod made man aster His ori u mage and likeness. earchalion
in illinem n eis, is haply the mage of the Trinit bear notsome vestige of the Trinity And what is this mages It is animage very different frona iis modet; et different ascit is, it is an image and a likeneS not illi standing, Dot indeod in thosame anas therion is the Image, bling tho Samo Whichalio
and in concer discuS Our common nature uni Substance.
v ery creatures os the lo est ordor, and subjectri change, e
20. The Lord ill e in present help, aniles se statae viii. is presentato hel me; by our understandin What I say, I
rably. The three togethor have produced ea chisne os these, En Μ.buisset his one Whicli the thre have pro lueed has reseretice bifu i nota the three, but tomne. The ilire togother have producod the wor memory,Vi ut this Ord has referen cerio Done ut the memor Only. The three together have produced the ord in dorstanding, 'ut it has reserene to non but ille under-
standin Only. The three togethor have produce tho ord ,ili,' but it has resereno tomone but the wil only. So the Trinit concurre in the ormationis the Bod os Christ, butit belong to nono ut Christinly. The Trinit concurred in the ormationis the ove hom heaven; ut it belong to nono
tho lilienses of the ather, hicli of them to that of tho Son, and whiel, of them to that of tho Holy hostλ' I cannot say-
O the word of the Gospei, ait chap. v. Blessed are the oor in spirit, c. but speciali on that Blesse ars the pure in heari, for the shali see