Sallust's Catiline with explanatory notes and a special vocabulary. For the use of schools

발행: 1878년

분량: 181페이지


분류: 미분류



2τ. Ab infimis, froni the lowest With specia reserunco to laves. 23-Verbis, oralli lit., in reor δε i. e. in Sp0ken WOrds Abi Ofruantior. 28 Quum . . . Coedere. Indirect Discoui se In the Direet sorin the veri, would eis solioWs judicatus sis, repudias o repudies, parata sunt, jussisti, cunctare, acced6re. Explain the changes in passingsrom the Diruet to thu Indirect form. G. 30 531 533. Se also notes o perfacile esse, etc. CaeSar, P. 2 lines, andis quod P8e, etc. p. 2 line 38. 31. Constituta nocte i. o. in the night o Dee. d. v . . . proficiscerentur Relative clause Os Purpose. 32. Cuncta G. 371.-L. VnIerio, etc. Lucius Flaccus and Gaius Pomptinus, praetor unde Cicero, ad both Seon service in previous wars A the close of the praetorshil' Flaccus ecam governor of the province of Asia, and Pomptinus o Gallia Narb0nensis. 33. Praetoribus. The praetors, eight in number, ore Omaumagistrates, charge With the administratio of justico. -POnte MuI-vio This Was oue os the ridges ove thu Tiber. t Wasin the oadto Fausulae, and was three miles fro the R0ma Forum. 34. AIIobrogum comitatus, Allobroges et comitatus. 35. Cetera uti facto, etc. ho permit them to anage that thdyma manage the et aa the occasion may require lit. Eo as thereia ben00dis action).

I. Id Ioci, that plue I lit., that of plaee. odi, Partitive Gen. 24

XLVI. XLVII. Arres of Severat of the ConsFirators.

11. Into Iogens, etc. aliis is the reason sor his oy, While dubitans

bolo explain his anxiety. 12. Porro actain. 13. Tantis, o important.14. Quid facto opus esset, refiat ought o bo done I lit., in respectio has there reas need os action. 15. Perdenda . . . fore, ould end to ruin the republio lit., reould be os, etc. G. 563, 5. 22. Manu tenens, ta iv by the hand in recognitionis his ossiciat

station.-Perducit i. e. in aedem Concordiae.



24 24. Eo thither i. o. to tho templo os Concord.-Magnu que frequentia, and with a fuli attendanee Abi Absol 29. Quid, nut, etc., quid consilii aut qua de causa habui8set. 3O. Fingere uIia, trietto devise a disserent eo ni i. e. different

32. Paucis ante diebus G. 42 . 33. Legulos subjectis scire, to e supplied. 34. Solitum, that he had been accustomed. Iuppi esδα 37. Pruete . . . Sermonibus both by his letters and by the eon ver8ations lit., by the conversations besides the letters.

25 I. Ex libris Siby Iinis, rom the Sibylline predietions Thesepredictions Were noctahen Dom thu throe famous Sibyllino books sal toliave been purchased by in Tarquin, o those ad been destroyed tWent years efflare, at the time of the burning of the Capitol. Various other Sibylline books,ere, 0W0ver, so0 aster collecte from disserent portions os Ital and Gruoce la ne os thes Was mundis predictionWhicli Nas interpretexto mea that thre member of the Cornelian gens Ahould rulo Romo. In the opinion o Lentulus, the thre Cornelii Were Publius Cornelius Cinna, notorious sor his tyrann and crueity, Lucius Cornelius Sulla, the amous dictator, an himself, Publius Cornelius

3. Urhis G. 409, 3.-Urbis potiri in apposition illi fatum. 4. Incenso CapitOIio. From Some unknoWn cause, the Capitol, i. e. the emplo of Jupiter o tho Capitolino Hill, vas burne 83 B. C. s. Signu sua cognovissent, had recognized thei seala. 7. Addicato magistratu. No Roma magistrat could e punishod whil in ossice. S. In theris custodiis Ono a sui t b in libera custodia Whon instead of 0in throWn into prison, he Was put unde the care os

13. Iebes, mutata mente. Immediatel aster the alournmentos tho senato Cicero dolivore buforo thoi0oplo his Third ration against Catilino, Whicli producet th change of seeIinthere mentioned. Se Introduction, p. 47. I 5. Exsecrari mistorical Infinitive. 1 G. Gaudium, Iaetitiam; audium is v, the laetin iiseis; a filia, exultation Ospeciali ascit manifest itSeis in Iook and action. 17. Alia, ther I i. e. other than incendium.



19. Quippe cui erant, eccius theshad. 2520. In usu . . . Corsoris, in articles of atly use an in elothinosor their perSOn8. 21. Post eum diem Q. e. o the nex day. 23. Aiebant, diceret Dico is to teli, ay, opposedo taceo ς aio, to Orm, assert, opp0Sedri nego. 25. Eudem Senutum G. N. 26. De itinere hostium; i. e. of the appr0achis Catiline an his

2 T. Qui nuntiaret Relative os Purpose Qui refers to se a iis


3. Amplius potestatem suppi indicandi.-Cujus consilio by 26



26 22. Grundem pecuniam. his indobtednegs is suid O avo amoutite atine timerio nearly 81,000,000.23. Singulatim circumeundo, by goinmarounda individuati. 25. IIIi referrinito Caesar.-Usque eo, ut, o such an extent that. 28. Animi mobilitate, by thei Moitubie feelings.-Quo studium . . . ESSEt Subj. O Purp0Se dependiniupon minitarentur.

L.-LII. Discussio=i in the Senate on the Punishment of the Conspirators. Speeches of ae8ar and Cato.

33. Liberti, the free en Libertus is a ree an in his relatiout his forme master libertinus a free an Without Sue reserenue. 34. Diversis itineribus, in disterent placer lit., the outes eino disserent.-Eum referrinit LentuluS. 35. Partim, sonte of them I lit., thesin parL-MuItitudinum, of the rabbies i. o. in disse reo localities 'ene plurat.

27 1. Grege facto, in ibo .

4. Convocato Senatu This as o the fifth of December. ItWas on this occasio that Cicero pronounco his Fouri oration against Catiline See Introduction, p. 4 .-Quid . . . Iuceat Indirect

Question dependiniupo refert

10. Supplicium, capita punishment. II. Decreverat, clixerat, censuerat Hero in Persect ense, Which Would have been entiret proper, Would havo state simplfine historical saui, Whureas tho Pluper et contemptates the action a complutedat thestim o somo Otho action, in his casu doubiles the final Vote.- oratione C. Resuris i. o. by the orationiive in the nox chapter. 12. Postibus in sententiam iturum se that he reoni vote forthe opinion The voto Was osten alio by a division of the 0use l. ., thos in tho affirmativo ook thoi places togethor in ono par of the house Heno the expression in the text. ib. Neronis Tiberius Claudius Nero tho grand&ther of the semperor Tiberius. 13. De e re . . . referendum, that the question ahoqild be referredio the senate after the suarri ad been strensthene ἐς i. e. he lavore apostponement of the subjeci. 15. Hujusce modi; i. ., ea erili genera purpor o Caesar'Aspeech, ut notiis exae WordS.



16. Patres conscripti, conscript fathers, i. e. Senators. The sena 27 tors Wor originali culled patreδ, athers, after ard patres On8cripti, i. e., the nr0lle sat hors, onrolle in the lisis of the senate. Somo hink, upo the authorit o Liv ΙΙ. 1 that the addres patres conloripti Nasoriginali patrone conscripti, ather and thos Who,ere onrollex vitii them, and that conscripti Was applied to the ne member adde to tho senatuin the establishment of the commonwealth. 19. IIIa, My i. e. odium, amicitia, te.

20. USui, intere8t, a Gantage.-Ubi . . . ingenium rehen ou have exerted your intellectua pomers. 21. Magna . . . memorandi I might mention many instanees inrehie Linos . . . have currie out ad counaeli lit., there is to me greαtabiliis , etc. Quae is the objectis eonsuluerint. 25. neIIo Macedonico i. e. tho War in Whicli L. Aemilius Paullus conquere Perses, Linio Macedonia 16 B. C. 27. ΟΡ II . . . re verat. For thei earlier servicus to tho Romans the had received the territorius o Caria an Lycia. 30. Injuriae, of the injuri l. e. the injur done torus.-ImPunitos. his statumen is no stricti true, a the Rhodians,ere deprivedo Caria and Lyeia. 31. et Iis Punici. i. o. in tho three Punic Wars the lustis Whichrusulte in the destructionis Carthage. 33. Per occasionem, hen the opportuniti erod. his mayio tho Roman vorsionis the story, ut it is certaini no tho Carthaginiantiem. 34. In illos against them I i. e. against the Carthaginians. 3. OVum con Silium, a ne meas re i. e. the punishment of 23 death, Which couldi legali inflicto Onl by a Volesos the pe0ple. The Senate, hoWever, laime an exercise the right os declarin martialla in times of great public peril.-Omnium ingenia, at our powersos conception I lit., fili. 4. Eis utendum suppi esseta e mus use those lendum scim


. . . have enumerate i.

10. Pati suppi ea, the omitte antecedent of quae.13. Quo . . . pertinuit An uti, o reficit purpos reas that oratory orridas it that. m. 316, II. 2 4). 15. Scilicet doublIess, in irony. 17. Suno; refers to cuiquam G. 449, 2. Gravius aequo

habuere, have exaggerate ἐ


23 19 AIi nliis . . . est one degre of license is alloreelto one partyand anothera another I i. o. an ac Which Would attrae litti attentioni an obscure easant ould disgrae a Roman Senator.-DemiSSi; construe in the antecedent clauso, is hos in hunis life ho live in obseurisy have dono anything rong. 22. In exceIso, ii conspicuous position. 24. Studere, to favor. 25. In imperio, in persons in authori . 27. Minores quum inadequat sor. 29. Postrema, ha habens ast in this casu the punishmentii the criminals .-In in the caseis. 32. Neque illum gratium exercere, and that he is no insuenoed by lit. Ges nos erercise favor.33. O . . . cognovi, sueha hane learnes etc. 36. Aliena . . . nostra, foreigna ou republic. 37. Injuriri; . ., cur ense of the Wronidon the state.

29 4. Id quod res habet, that hio the ase laey involve, i. e. the fac ascit reatly s.

5. Aerumnarum requiem, a res fron tolla. s. UItru neque . . . ESSE Caesar does no appea to recogniZe



dangerous precedent, Whicli in the hand of tyrant may be used againstilio innocent.

22. A dignis, fromahos reho deserve it i. e. this Specia punish


23. Devictis Atheniensibus i. o. in the Peloponnesian Nar, 0 431 to 404 B. C. 24. Triginta viros. alios are nown in histor a tho Thirty

2s. Ea objectis laetari, hic usuali talius the Abl.

12. Quo minus imitarentur, fro imitating lit., by rehicli thoy


es evenit.

D. Fit reliqui, is est reliqui, Predicate Gen. 11. Iuris fecistis have priaed moro high0. M. 402, 2, 2).14. Capessite rem puBIicum, secure the publio Ues. 1 G. In studio, in peri 17. In hoc ordine G. . in the Senate. 19. Adversos as opponenis, Stricti an adjective agreeing Wit mor-

20. Qui mihi . . . gratiam fecisSem, a I ha neve gram ted pardon o me , etc. Fecissem Subj of auge. The language hereused is eminenti characteristic of this remat Labie man.

23. OPIIIenti . . . OIerntini; i. e. the refources of the state Were adsequatorio Saverit rom the congequences of this neglect.

26. Sed haec, ut hether these thingi the interrogative particle is

33. ω construe both With largiantur and with eant. 36. Bene et composite, etc. Notice the sine irony. 3τ. Ea explaine by diverso . . . habere. 4. Videlicet timens. Iron again a Cato suspeet Caesar os sympathieting Wit the conspirators. 5. Conducta, hired. . Non PIus poSsit, reas nos more pomer fui. M. 503, II. bi, ubi, there, heres i. e. in the municipat towns here Caesar Would eo the

II. Eo magis refert me, i is the more important that L. 14. Quanto attentius, the more care fulim 15. IIIis, refers to exercitu Catilinae, etc.-S . . . anguere o. e. , ii thoe discone any indication ostiea ne8Hon Our pari. 16. Aderunt, themwit be present; i. o. Wil attachbou. 21. Quae nuIIa, non of hich lit., hic none. 23. Neque . . . OBMOXio, ubω neithera suiu norito passion.


25. Publice gestatem, as a state, poner*. 3229. Hic heres i. e. in the Senate. 30. Vacuum; i. e. Vaeuam ab defensoribus, defenceless. 32. Incendere. Conjuro admit cither tho Infinitivo o ut illitho Subjunctive. -GaIIOrum gentem i. e. the Allobroges. 34. Nupra caput est a figurative expressio denotin imminent peril lit., is ove ou headi render, is at our very gates.-Quia tio Sti

Spudification. 28 Quum, hereas, introducing the proamble of his resolution. 32. De consessis construe With sumendum. 33. Manifestis, convicted. -MOre majorum. Accordinito the ancient custom, thos Wh Were condemne to capita punishment erestrangle in priSon.

LIII. LIV. uses of Roman reatness. Charactersos Caesar an Cato.


Roua an army, is here applied to the forces of the enomy.-Contendisse; suppi populum Romanum. S. Parvis copiis reis amat refouroex in contrast With opulentis. D. Fortunae Violentium referrinito their various disastercandreverses, as in the Puni an Gallio ars. Facundia. Facundi is

eloquenco, o the bilis to Spea Wit eas an effect eloquentia is

eloquenoe a an art.

IO. Ante fuisse had surpassessi-MuΙt agitanti, refectini ch. 11. Paucorum Civium, etc. his ingenious explanation has un-sortunatet litti historica value.

14. Rursus, on the contrary.

1τ. Ingenti virtute construe With viri. 19. ObtuIerat, fuit, etc. sor obtulit, est, etc., as in letters G. 4 2, 1. 20. Quin aperirem, reithou unso ing. M. 498 3. 22. Genus famib. The Julia gens to hic Caesar elonged, and tho Porcian to Whic Cato elonged Were both illustriouS.-Aetus. Cato,as sive years Ounge than CaeSar. 23. Ioria suppi par fuit.-Alia alii, ali gloria alii l. c., though their lor Was equat, it Wa no the Same 25. IIIo, huic G. 450, 2.2τ. Nihi Iurgiundo by sivetv nothing i. e. t purchaSe saVOror popularity.3O. In animum induxerat, ad determined i. o. had made itthe rulo os his liso. 31. NegIegere Historical Infinitivo. 32. Quod esset G. 501 Ι.-Dono dignum reorthiiviris.

3. In . . . sententium discesSit. Se note on pedibus in sententium, etc. p. 2 , line 12.4. Octem Rute capere, to anticipate tho night i. e. t executo the priS0ners besore night.