Sallust's Catiline with explanatory notes and a special vocabulary. For the use of schools

발행: 1878년

분량: 181페이지


분류: 미분류



5. Eo spatio; i. o. in the courge of the night.-Tresviro S i. e. 35tho respiri capitales Who had charge of executions. T. Ceteris to the othera. S. In carcere . . . TUII innum Thesprisonis Rome Was silualedat tho oot of tho Capit0lino hil uua the Templo os Concord The Tullianum Was a Subterranean ungeon in his prison.-Quod attracted. G. 445, 4. IO. Humi depressus, duo in the eari, lit., on the ground. II. Lusidei . . . uncta compoὀe oscitone arches lit., joined; i. e. made by oining. 13. Vindices . . . ensituIium. Not tho tresviri mentioned above, but tho common executioners Who actexunder thei Orders. 14. Laqueo gulam fregere; i. e. Strangle him, the comm0nmode of execution.

LVL LVII. Catiline organizes his Forees in Etruria, and fresares for Batile.

20. Dua . . . inStituit, organizedare legions the usual orco os

34. AIienum . . . rationibus, inconsistent,ith his interesis. I. Patefactam, patefactam esse. dependiniupo a verbis say 36 iniimplied in nuntius pervenit. 5. In agrum Pistoriensem, into the territormos Pistoria, among the Apennines north-West os Faesulae Catilineiope to find protectionamong the AllobrogeS.

Willi existimans.-norum, of his Catilinu's as ira. IIIa objec os agitur referrinito Catiline' stight into Gaul.



36 II. Sub . . . radicibus, at the ery oot i. e. o the northerusido of the Apennines. 12. IIIi in Catilinae.14. Magno exercitu G. 414, .-Expeditus, uni eded, beeauselis Was pursuin locis aequioribus, While Catiline Was fleein per montes asperos. The textris uncertain. I 5. In fuga, fugientem. 17. Adversus, tinfavorabl. i. e. to himself.

LVIIL LIX Catilino' Ad Ires to his Soldiers. Disposition of Torces on ither Side.

21. Compertum habeo, I have ascertained. The objectis habeo is serba virtutem non addere, With Whicli compertum agrees G. 388, 1, 2).22. Ex ignavo, froni eing inactive. 26. Timor nnimi, ea in the foui lit., of etc. 28. Me consilii, of my determination ς i. e. t engage in batile. 30. Quoque modo m et quo modo. 31. Dum opperior, hil I have been atting for I the reason sorno haviniearlier se otiosor Gaul. M. 46 , 4. 34. Ab urbe, on the fide torear the eity. See note on ab Sequanis, Caesar, p. 1 line 1 . 35. Maxime ferat should especialty impe us. 3τ. Forti animo Abi os Characteristic. 37 4. Commentus suppi the Ver Dom erunt above.

5. Adversu sient, ill beeome hostile. D. III is supervacaneum no nece83ary for them in contrast With nobis necessitudo impendet. 11. Licuit vobis, etc. The alternativo offere them is tho hadnot entere the conSpiracy. 14. Hnec equi, o sursu this courae I i. e. t espous the causeos Catiline. I 5. Audacia opus est implying that i Would bo moro perilous toabandon the causo than to defend it G. 419.-Pace deIIum G. 416, 2. 17. Ea laesi in apposition Wit in us . . . verare attractedio agro Wit dementia. M. 445, 4. Is Hahetur; lit., is posse ed i. e. is a pOSSeSSion; renderisim- ply se.

22. Hortantur encsurasse.



2G. Potius quum relinquatis, rather than leave. 29. Signa cancro Iubet ordered the signa tode sivei lit., to found Signa the subjectis canere. 33. Pro Ioco, in aecordanoe Mith the charaeter of the plaee. 34. Sinistro monte . . . Spera, mountain o the es and places rogis reii roo non the right.-ASPern, Ace Plur. Neut m loca

rare, to command.

3. Cum Iibertis, missi his freedmen See noto on liberti, p. 26, lino 33.-PrΟΡteriquilam, near the eule the standar of the legion. d. BEIIo Cimbrico A War in Whic the Cimbri, a Warlike people o the noriti mere conquered by Marius, 101 B. C. 5. Pedibus neger. Perhaps a mere excuse to avoldioin intobatilo against his friend Catiline. τ TumuIti. Tumullus is oston applied to sudde invasions, insurrections an civit Wars em0rgencies o specia peril Whiel deman extraordinar mensures of delanco G. 119, 3. s. quo circumiens, ridinfabout. 12. AmpIius unnos G. 41 , 3. 13. Tridianus i. e. tribunus militum. Iste Dict.-Praesectus. The praefectus, not praefectus equitum, helytho fame positio am0ng the auxiliarios as the tribunos among the Roman Soldiers. 14. Ierosque ipsos, mos of them personalis

LX. LXI. Defecit and Dealh of Casiline.

22. Veterani, refers to the cohortes veteranas mentioned above, linea. 23. IIIl; . . tho sordes of Catiline. 25. Pro sauciis testa e the place of the wounded lit., for thelounded. 2S. Contra ne ratus erat, contrarya what he had evected. 29. Tenu ere, eter him6elf


38 31. Utrimque on both fidei; i. o. of his oWn orces, Dum his position in the contre of the nomy' lin0.-Ex Interibus, o the anks i. c. the innu flatilis exposed to him by the brealiing of the centro. 32. In primis, among the fremost construe With pugnantes. 36. Cerneres, yommight have seen. M. 486 III. 4.39 1. Quem Iocum, eum, eum lacum quem. 2. Quo medios, etc., hom, statione in the centre me pretorianeohor had separated. Se precedin page line 29. s. Etiam spirans, stili reathing. D. Iuxta pepercerant lit., had Fared alike, i. e. nodiat ali render, had been ali Lunspurins V. 11. Strenuissimus quisque G. 458, 1. 15. AIii, pars in partitive apposition Wit multi. 1τ. Laetitia, inueror lay an sorrow, as involuntarii expressest in I 00 and action. Seo note o gaudium, laetitiam p. 25, line 16. Luctus atque gaudia, mourning and eaeultatio. i. e. SorroW and oyas intentionali expresse in Wor an deed. Gaudium in tho Sing is simply tho inreard feling, ut the tur gaudi denotes instanoes of tho Deling, concrete expressions oscit, or exhibitions oscit. Notico also thoinvorte orde in motus atque gaudi in contrast it laetitia, maeror. G. 595.




ACCIPIO ADSUMTo sali, fati pon to besali, occur,

ud, prep. Wit ace. To, OWard, in the directionis ut, ear umong, bolore, in the vicinit os for ad hos more0Ver, beSides, in addition, XIV. ad urbem, ea the ity,






aggerate, LI.



rude, barbarous.


Way O directio . . . another in another, Π.

ulluS, , ud adj. G. 151. Other, uother, disserent alius atque, other than, disserent rom, XXXVII.

ulo, ere, alui α tum OP alium V. tr. O OuriSh, Suppori, HStain, maintain. ulter, era, erum, ad . G. 151. Ono i i , he ther alter . . . alter, the one . . . in Other.