Select letters [microform];

발행: 1881년

분량: 365페이지


분류: 미분류



ita est in senatu, ut omnia illius ordinis consulta ei in laudaret, mihique, ut adsedit, dixit se putare satis ab Se 'am de istis rebus esse responsum Crassus postea quam vidit illum eXcepisse laudem ex eo, quod SuSpicarentur homine et OnSucatum meum placere, surrexit ornatissimeque de meo conSul ulocutus est, ut ita diceret, se, quod esset Senator, quod civis,

quod liber, quod viveret, mihi acceptum refers , 'λς'

iugem, quotiens domum, quotiens patr1am videret, totien Se

soleo pingere, de flamma, de serm-nosti illas sis s Valde raviter perte uit. Froximus Pompeio sedebam' intellex hominem moveri, utrum Crassum inire eam gratiam, quam PS Prae- 'ermisisset, an esse tantas res nostras, quae tam libenti Senaturi a darentu, ab eo praesertim, qui mihi laudem illam eo minus

deberet, quod meis omnibus litteris in Pompeiana 'aude T

3. De istis rebus. Boot timks the actuat ord os Pompe are quoted, homigh say on resumin his eat, ' satis a me de istis rebus responsum puto.' f the woresare Cicero's, the ma mean ither in the two potiti upon hic Messalla questionedhim, or on the assairs ou Atticus 'nowaboui. i. e. m proceedings a Consul. Crassus M. Licinius, after ard trium

Illum excepisse . . placere, that Pompeyiad Won pratse, because men sanctea he approvexo m consula measures. Bootremarks excipere, that it is aid, ' de rebus quae sorte offeruntur. Minus aliquanto est quam accipere. . Ut . . . diceret in saying, Xplains ornatissime Ita is sed pleonasticatly

Utrum . . praetermisisset, an, POS-

sibi a Crassus' establishing a claim forgratitude which he haddaile to secures possibiy-' 16 Neis omnibus litteris, mali myliterar efforis Cp. te neque illos versus neque ullas omnino litteras nosse Philipp. a. 8, 2, and so the abl., Madv. 253. Pros. Tyrrei dentes the sense hic Phave givento litteris. and read ' meis orationibus Omnibus litteris,' taking the last two word tomean in every letter of the word I spolie. O the plura sense of litterae. p. p. In Pompeiana . . esset. ha ha his presses curruiled ha been censured, tbat

strictus esset. Hic dies me valde Crasso adiunXit, et tamen ab illo aperte tecte quicquid est datum libenter accepi. Ego autem ipse, di boni quo modo επερ περευσάμην noUo auditori Pompei, si umquam mihi περίοδοι, Si καρποί, Si θυμι ματα, SI κατασκευαὶ Suppeditaverunt, illo tempore. Quid multi clamores. 5Etenim haec erat ποθεσις de gravitate ordinis, de equestri concordia, de consensione Italiae, de intermortuis reliquiis coniurationis, de vilitate, de otio. Nosti iam in hac materia sonitus nostros tanti suerunt, ut ego eo breUior Sim, quod OS usque cistinc MXauditos Iutem. Romanae autem me rex Sic Iohabent senatus Αρειος παγος Nihil constantius, nihil severius, nihil fortius : nam cum dies Venisset rogationi X Senatu consulto serendae, concursabant barbatuli iuvenes, totus ille grex Catilinae, duce filiola Curionis, et populum, ut antiquaret, roga-

prat sed Pompe a the conqueror of Spartacus, hos insurrectio ha been suppressedalmos entiret by Crassus Cp. Pro Leg. Man. II, 3o.

3. νε περπερευσάμ ην, founde myown raises. Epictetus uses the verb, butit is no iunxi classica Greela. Novo auditori. Pompe had oni recenti returne iso Asia See aboveri I, note, and Manut. . περιοδοι, ,ell-turne periods.' p. Arist. Rhet. 3 9 Cic. Orat. 6I, O . καρποί. I cannot explain his ori insuch a connection, ut it is apparenti thereading of the best S. καμπαι Whicli hasbeen suggested might mean transitions,' and occurs in Demet Phal. p. L. and S. ἐνθυμηματα, conclusion stom contra

ries antitheses Cp. Cic. TOP. 3, 5, an sor illustration, Pro Milon. 29, 9, quoted by Quintilian, Inst. r. 5. I 4, 2.

5. κατασκευαί, figures.' r. retor quotes ronovius for the senses figurae elocutionis and Ernest so the senses constructive arguments, confirmationes. Se also

whicli it ad pursue in punishin Catiline's

7. Intermortuis reliquiis Theseword seem to reser to the furviving accomplices of Catiline, ho were so the presentharmi ess. Intermortuus ' is a term sed in cases of suspende animation or activlty. Cp. Pro Muren. 7, I 6.8. Vilitate, ali cheapnes os provisioras, supposexto have resulte seo Pompey's appotniment a Praefectus annonae, whichaad been made at Cicero' suggestion,in 63 B.C. In hac materia, o this topic 9 Sonitus nostros, my thunders Io. Usque istinc, ' even rom pirus,

CP ἀρειοπαγιται, sed ironicali in Q of the neX letter, and p. 28, 4. The ighcharacter of the Areopagus at thens asproverbial, an is much weli pon in the Eumenides of Aeschylus. I 3. Barbatuli, with mali delicate beards Cp. bene barbatos ' In Cat. a. IO,aa. O wear suc a bear aster comingis age was a mar of soppishness. p. Smithys Dict of Antiq. Sub voc Barba, I97. I . Filiola Curionis TheyoungerCurio. notorious Ormis debauchery Cp.ap. II. I; Philipp. a. 8, 44. For an account of his

subsequent Career se note On p. 3Ο, and


. il

bant; is autem consul, lator rogationis, idem erat diSSuaSor. Operae Clodianae pontes occuparant tabellae ministrabantur

ita, ut nulla daretur VTI ROGAS. Hic tibi rostra Cato advolat, convitium Pisoni consuli mirificum facit, si rid est convitium, 5 o plena gravitatis, plena auctoritatis, plena denique salutis;

accedit eodem etiam noster Hortensius, multi praeterea boni; insignis vero opera Favonii fuit. Hoc concursu optimatium comitia dimittuntur senatus Vocatur. Cum decerneretur frequenti senatu, contra Pugnante Pisone, ad pedes omnium singilio latim accidente Clodio, ut consules populum cohortarentur adrogationem accipiendam, homines ad quindecim Curioni nullum senatus consultum facienti ad Senserunt e altera parte acile CCCC suerunt. Acta res est. Fufius tribunus tum conceSsit. Clodius contiones miseras habebat, in quibus Lucullum Hortenis Sium, C. Pisonem, MeSsallam consulem contumeliose laedebat; me tantum comperisse omnia' criminabatur Senatus et dea operae Clodianae se 3 of the

precedin letter, and note thereon. Pontes. Narro passages leadin torand rom the enclosures saepta 'Din the Campus

Martius, here the tribes o centuries assem-

ble separalelyae reaiving thei votes. Isthe comitia ere convoked sor legislation, each voter ought to e furnishe wit two votin tableis tabellae , ne marked .R. 'uti rogas' , amrmative themther A. anti- quo' , negative andae Would give his vote by throwing one of these into ibaskeis cista ' ache passediuti his saeptum. But o thes resent occasion, o in to intimidation apparently no tablet marked .R. Were supplied See, o the mode of voting Cic. de Leg. 3. I7, 38 Festus sub vo . Sexagenarii,

4. Convitium . . facit: p. Ep. 2I. 2.3. Salutis, o beneficiat advice, ' patriotism. 7. Favonii. . Favonius as a deteris

mine aristocrat, eatous o Pompey, and agreat admirer o Cato. e opposed the triumvir in B.c. Was aedile in 53 α, and probabi praetor in B.C. SeIVedunde Pompey in the civit War, and was par-doned by Caesar aster the batile os Pharsalus. He didiso conspire With Brutus an Cassius

against Caesar bulcioine them in the war hic ensued, and was putrio deat aster inebatile os Philippi Hesis frequently mentionedin Cicero' letters See too, Suet. Oct. 3. II. Curioni C. Scribonius Curio, atheros the oung man mentioned above is probablfhere referre io, o his son an hardlyhave been o senatoria age. The fathermas consul in 76 B.C. he sterward governed Macedonia, and won victories ver the Dardani. e generali supporte the optimates, and his delance of Clodius on this occasionmay have been dictaled by hostilit to Caesar, who ad received a rievous wron stomClodius Cicero delivered a speech abolit this time, In Clodium et Curionem, of hicli portions are extant. Curio die in 53 B.C.

Nullum senatus consultum facienti, who suggested that no decree of the senateshouldae made. 13. Acta res est, alie assat was setiled.' Concessit, yielded, di not res his opposition. I 4. Lucullum L. Lucullus, the amous generat, is probabi meant On hom P. ΕP. I, 3, Ole, and Pro Milon. 27 73. I 5. Pisonem se the precedin letter, a, and note. I 6. Comperisse omnia Cicero seems osten to have sed his expression about the

informationae had procure acto Catiline sconspiracy, instea os publishin his proose, anxio have give offence thereby. p. Ad

De provinciis praetorum : p.ria os the precedincletter, an note.

provinciis praetorum et de legationibus et de ceteris rebus decernebat, ut ante, quam rogatio lata esset, ne quid ageretur Habes res Romanas. Sed tamen etiam illud, quod non Speraram, audi: ΜeSSalta consul is egregius, sortis, constans, diligens, mOStri laudator, amator, imitator ille alter uno vitio minus vitiosus 5 quod iners, quod Somni plenu S, quod imperitu S, quod πρακτο -

τατος, Sed Voluntate ita καχέκτης, ut Pompeium post illam contionem, in qua ab eo senatus laudatus est, odisse coeperit; itaque mirum in modum omne a se bonos alienavit, neque id

magis amicitia Clodii adductus fecit quam studio perditarum Iorerum atque partium. Sed habet sui similem in magistratibus praeter Fufium neminem. Bonis utimur tribunis pl. Cornuto vero Pseudocatone. Quid quaeris Nunc ut ad privata redeam,

O. Trater, qui Argiletani aedificii reliquum dodrantem emit is

HS DCCXXV. Tusculanum Venditat, ut Si possit, emat, acilianam domum. Cum Lucceio in gratiam redi video hominem valde

I. Legationibus. In his a sage, embassies to an seo foretgn states reprobabi reserre to the were usuallyreceived and appotnted in February. p. Ad Att. I. I 8 7 Ad Fam. I. 4 I. 2. Ut . . ne se Madv. 456, sor his

combination. Habes res Romanas, there is an account of Roman assair for Fou. See note

5. Uno . . vitiosus, has ne fauit

ic canceis ome of the est he is

lay. 6. πρακτότατος, mos indolent. 7. καχέκτης, ill- assected. Originalty a medica term Cp. Polyb. I. 68. Contionem se the secon sectio osthis letter. I 2. Cornuto C. Cornutus a praetori 57 .C. Cp. Post Red in Sen. 9. 23. I 3. seudocatone. Oes his ordmean secon Cato, or sham Cato γ' Perhaps the secon versio is eares to Cicero' meaning. Quid quaeris 3 enough. The eXpression seem to e borro e sto conversation, an to e suggeste by surpris eX-hibite o the face of the person it, homone is alliing p. also Ep. 8, 4, note. I . Τευκρις . . recepisti se on χof the preceding letter. 15. Argiletani. The Argiletum feemst have been ea the Forum Iulium morthos the Forum Romanum. See Smilli' Dict. o Geogr. a. 798, and cp. Virg. Aen. . 3 5. Reliquum dodrantem. Q. Cicero Waspreviousi o neris One quarter of thelouse. an seem to have bought up the hares of the ther otiatis ners See, for the se of dodrans an similar ords,madv. Suppl. II. B. 2.I6. Venditat, ' offers sor sale. Forceli., and cp. Plin EP. I. 2 . Pacilianam domum. I a findiso explanatio of this allusion. I7. Lucceio L. Lucceius as a mano eminent literar attainments an great wealth. e coalesce wit Caesar at theelection o consul for 59 B.C., but falle tosecure his own election. e then seemst have devote himself to literature, and Cicero wrotecti a remarhable letter ask- in sor a atterin description of his own services. P. Ad Fam. 5. a. he quarret between Atticus and Lucceius seem to have been parti caused by Lucceius as arbitrator. givin his decision against Atticus in omeamir. p. Ad Att. I. II, I. That letter.

and Weserab agrees it Madv. Adv. Crit. a. 23 in proposin to substitute redii for aedi, arguing that Cicero is more lihelyto inform Atticus os a reconciliation belWeen



PARTH. 5apetiturire Navabo operam. Tu quid agas, ubi sis, cuius modi istae res sint, ac me quam diligentissime certiorem Idibus i


1. I ill explain totou my comparative inactivit os late, and the reguli os Clodius tri long a there was any hope os success. I exerte myseis to the utiermoSt':ut hen Hortengius ad made his sata concession a to the appoenim ' 'iudoes I ithdrem no gharin his confidenc a to the result. a. et even alter ne menste the judiles. hie went ver much in savour of the accused 4 in ali be

me know al about ou Amaltheum.

CICERO ATTICO SAL. Quaeris e me, quid acciderit de iudicio, quod tam praeters opinione is omnium actum sit, et Simul Vi Scire, quo modo ego minus, quam Soleam, Proeliatu Sim reSpondebo tibi στερον

himself and Lucceius both bein a Rome, than to exhor Atticus Wh Was absent, Obe reconcile to Lucceius Phardi thin weare suffcienti acquainted wit the circumstances to justis adoptio of the suggestion. Hominem. Instea os a pronoun. Itexpresses no contempt, an is se of Pompey in the third sectio of this letter. I. et iturire, is ver anxious to e candidate for the consulfhip probably. p. Ad Att. I. I7 II; Ad Fam. 5. 2-I5, Ornotices of L. Lucceius. a. Istae res, ' the flairs O are en-gage in .' p. Ep. 6 I, Otes, O an account of them. 4. De iudicio, in the matter os lodius triat. . Quod . . actum sit. that it has ende in a a so contrar to generalexpectation. The conjunctive is sed be- cause the sentenc is a question quote stomAtticus. See Ep. 6 I, Ole. 6. Minus . . proeliatus sim, tookles par in the struggle than usual. Apparently the word sint here sed metaphorically, and Boot hiulis it is adopte stomAtticus' own letter. υστερον προτερον - Ordine praepostero,' I Wil ans er ou last question


πρότερον, 'Ομηρικως. Ego enim, quam diu senatus auctoritas mihi defendenda suit, sic acriter et vehementer Proeliatu Sum, ut clamor concursusque maXima cum mea laude fierent quod

si tibi umquam sum visus in re publica sortis, certe me in illa causa admiratus esses cum enim ille ad contiones confugisset in iisque meo nomine ad invidiam uteretur immortales iqua ego pugna et quantas strages edidi quos impetus in Pisonem, in Curionem, in totam illais manum feci quo modo sum insectatus devitatem denum, libidinem Juventutis saepe, ita me di iuvenil te non solum auctorem consiliorum meorum, o verum itiam spectatorem pugnarum mirificarum iesideravi. Postea vero riuam Hortensius jXcogitavit, ut legem de geligione Fufius tribunus pl. erret, in qua nihil aliud a consulari rogatione differebat nisi iudicum genus - in eo autem Frant omnia , pugnavitque ut ita fieret, quod et sibi et aliis persua isserat nullis illum iudicibus effugere OSSe contraX Vela PerSpiciens inopiam dudicum, neque ii XL quicquam pro testimonio, nisi quod erat ita notum atque teStatum, ut non OSSem Prae-I. Ομηρικως, aster the anne os ΗΟ-mer, ,ho in medias res Non secus ac notas auditorem rapit. Hor Ars Poet. 48, 49. Auctoritas. Perhaps the resolution

mentione in the fifth sectio of the precediu letter. 5. Ille Clodius.

Contiones. addresses to the populace. 6. eo nomine . . uteretur, Used myiam to Xasperate the eopte against

me. See of the precedin letter. 7. Quas ego . . edidit in ha bat-lle I engaged, and o G overthre mysoes.' eaeeps up the metaphor se proeliatus sim.' an is probabi alludin to de-bates in the senate. Ri s ominis The consul os this year.

note o the passage in the Philippics. In later Latin i meant inconstancy Pros Tyrreliremarks that senum refers speciali to Piso and Curio the lder iuvenum especiali to Curio the younger. GP ΕP. 7, 5-6.

IO. Auctorem, as an adviser, suggester.'

I3. consulari rogatione se Dyos the precediniletter. I 4. Genus, mode os appotniment. The consul had suggested that the praetor'ho presided at the triat should nam the judges cp. Ep. 7, I , While the tribune Fufius Cal nus proposed that the sua practice houldbe followed. The motives o Hortensius in supporting the alter proposa are explainedpresently Prosessor Beest Forinightly Review, June I, 866 belleves that therea question in dispute between Fufius and

the senat was, whether the ouri hould beestablished by a vote of the centuries o os thetribes, and thus, indirectly whether it hould have powerrio pronounc sentence sedeath. Cp. Maiiae, Ancient LaW p 388. But his conjecture seem needies to me. e learn sto the oratio Pro Murena 23. 7. that the selectionis judges by a magistrat Wasthought more likelyrio ea to convictions than thei appotniment by tot, and this Would account so the enem ies os Clodius preferring the siret way of appotniment. In eo . . erant omnia, O that everythinidepended. I 5. Ut ita fieret, that suc a measureshouldae passed. I 6. Nullis illum . . posse, stat Clodius could not escape, hoeve the judges might e. On the abi. see EP. I, a note. Contraxi vela, reeis m satis,' checked myseis. Cicero is son os nautica metaphors. I7. Inopiam, the neediness: common in his sense in Cicero. I 8. Ita notum atque testatum, so Mell



terire. Itaque, si causam quaeri absolutionis, ut iam προς τὸ πρμερον revertar, egestas iudicum sui et turpitudo id autem ut accideret, commissum est Hortensii consilio, qui, dum Veritus est ne Fufius ei legi intercederet, quae eX Senatu FonSulto

ferebatur, non vidit illud, satius esse illum in infamia relinqui ac sordibus quam infirmo iudicio committi; sed ductus odio properavit rem deducere in iudicium, cum illum plumbein gladio iugulatum iri tamen diceret Sed iudicium si quaeris quales

fuerit, incredibili exitu, sic, ut nunc e eventu ab aliis, a mei iam ex ipso initio consilium Hortensii reprehendatur. Nam

ut reiectio facta est clamoribu maXimis, cum accusator tamquam censor bonus homine nequiSSumo reiiceret, reus tamquam clemens lanista frugali SSumum quemque Secerneret, Ut primum

iudices consederunt, valde dissidere boni coeperunt; non enimis umquam turpior in ludo talario con Sessus fuit maculosi senatores, nudi equites, tribuni non tam aerati quam, ut appellantur, aerarii pauci tamen boni inerant, quos reiectione fugare ille

known an attested. Cp. testatam rem abjiciunt, accordin to ne readin in Pro Muren. I, 45, and ut quasi testata esset nostra gratiar p. 29, 2o o Cicero evidence p. Introduction to Pari I, p. 4

I. προς τὸ πρότερον, to our rst question. Cp. στερον προτερον p. 52 l. 6

a. Id autem . . consilio, the mistakewhic made ille choice of such udges possi-ble, as owing to the advice Ostortensius. 5. Satius esse . . sordibus, that twas lettet nat Clodius bout be est in

disgrace and anger os a triat. Sordes means the mourning Norni persons accused. 7. lumbeo . . tamen, that a leadensword would e starrienough to sta him.'For his se of tamen' it the correspondin partici suppresse Cp. Cethegus qui paulo antea aliquid tamen respondisset In Cat. 3. 5 IO. 8. Iudicium M the triat. . Incredibili, extraordinary, hecause the judges hewed such a rigorous dispositio at rst. For the omission os 'fuit' asteri exitu, see Madv. 478, 2.

Sic uti nunc . . . reprehendatur.

We might expres this, s much so that alidisapprove the advice of Hortensius aster the event, a Ddidae recit. ' Sic , tale, cp.

II Reiectio, challenge. A largernumber of jud ges than a actuali required sor the tria was chose by tot hom thewhole register o album iudicum, and thenreduce by ames ein struch o by the prosecutor and defendant. p. below in iliis

section: alsocp. In Verr Act. I. 6,I6 IΟ,3o. Facta est. On the tense see Madv. 338b. Clamoribus maximis, anaid the loudest

outcries. Perhaps Dona the friend of both parties. Though Clodius as a favourite With the populace, his anxiet to get id ofupright udges may have disguste many.

O the abi. see EP. I, 2. Ole. Accusator. L. Lenti. lus Crus, consul in

49 B. C. He a supporte by two ther Lentuli. p. Schol. ob ad orat in Clodium et Curionem 5, 3. 13. Clemens lanista. A traine os gladiators, hen asked to urnis i combatanisso a public show Mouldie glad to reserve hisbest me sor future service, i possibie Pros. Tyrrei thinks that these ord refer to thebehavi our os a clanista' hen buyin flavessor service a gladiators, ho might how his hindnes by passing ove the more reSpectabie. I 5. In ludo talario, in a ambling

Maculosi, inde a stigma. CP. Tac. Hist. I, 7, Capitonem ut avaritia et libidine foedum et maculosum. It nee no refer toth nota censoria. I 6. Nudi, nee ly.' beggared. Tyrr. Aerati, men O property.'

non potuerat, qui maesti inter sui dissimiles et maerentes sede bant et contagione turpitudinis vehementer permoUebantur. Hic, ut quaeque res ad consilium primis postulationibus referebatur, incredibilis erat severitas, nulla varietate sententiarum; nihil impetrabat reus plus accusatori dabatur, quam postulabat; triumphabat- quid quaeris p Hortensius se vidisse tantum;

nemo erat qui illum reum ac non miliens condemnatum arbitraretur. Me ero teSte Producto credo te e acclamatione Clodii advocatorum audisse quae consurrectio iudicum acta Sit, Ut me circum Steterint, ut aperte iugula sua Pro meo capite o

P. Clodio ostentarint quae mihi res multo honorificentior visa est quam aut illa, cum iurare tui cives Xenocratem testimonium dicentem prohibuerunt, aut cum tabulas Metelli Numidici, cum

Cae, Ut OS St, circumferrentur, nostri iudices aspicere nolue-

doubie meaning iis prope oneras ' paymaster ' When sed illi Maribuni, to describe ne of the three order of judges: ut there seems toae in his case an allusion to the corruption of the court whicli tried Clodius. p. nummariis in I. Pros Tyrrelisuggesis non tam aerarii ut appellantur quam

a. Contagione turpitudinis, theircontact illi corruption.'3. Ad consilium. See neXt page. Primis postulationibus, in the rstrequesis made by the two parties to the judges, e .g. t haVe Witnesse compelle to

6. Triumphabat metaph. p. Ad

Fam. 2. I 2, 3, and Ep. 66, 2.

Quid quaeris Menough. Noli quaerere quid quaeris ' sunt sormulae

quibus utimur cum rem ejusmodi dicturi sumus quae XSpectatione major sit, quasi dicamus ne plura quaeras' sit hoc satis quod iam dicam. orcell. p. p. 51, noteo l. 3. Se vidisse tantum, that he had shewnsuch penetration. 7. Reum, a man accused onb. Ac non, an not muchoather. See Madv. 458 a, Obs. I. 8. Credo te . . facta sit, I thin youmus have heard hoin the judges rose aster the utcries made by the partisans of Clodius. The natura orderis the word wouldbe ' quae consurrectio iudicum facta sit ex acclamatione. M r. retor and r. Jeans both understand the passage a meaning the outcries of the partisans o Clodius musthave tot bou,' and reser ii illustrationo the hyperbole to Ad Att. I. a , , ad

9. Advocatorum: p. p. II. 3; Philipp.

givin his testimony. Tui cives. The Athenians, ho ad offere Atticus the rights of citigenshipamongst them See Appendix 3 I.

Xenocratem. Xenocrates Was a sello

student of Aristolle. p. Diog. Laert. . a 4. Cicero De Ost . . o calis im philosophorum severissimum, an ostenmentions him in his philosophica works. The incident here referre t is mentionedagaina Cicero Pro Balbo 5 Ia .

I 3. Tabulas, his accounts, Which, o acharge of extortionis peculation, ould e important documents.

Metelli Numidici Q. Metellus Numidicus is more than once mentione by Cicero, as an example os firmnes and high principie. e commanded in the war against Jugurtha, IO9-IO B.α an did good service, ut incurre the hostilit o C. Marius. one os his principalimcers, arid was obliged. during the fixi consulfhimo Marius, o go into exile, sor resusing to tali aniat imposed by the consulis the senate. See Ep. 29. 16. It is oubilat when the occurrenceto hic Cicero here refers took place Rein

Criminatrech 6 9 says that Metellus was

round among the judges for inspection.'



runt; multo haec, inquam, nostra res maior Itaque iudicum VocibuS, cum ego sic ab iis, ut salus patriae, defenderer, fractu Sreu et una patroni omnes conciderunt; ad me autem eadem frequentia postridie convenit, quacum rabiens conSulatu sum domum reductus Clamare praeclari Ariopagitae Se non SSe Venturos nisi praesidio constituto. Refertur ad consilium : una Sola sententia praesidium nos desideravit. Desertur res ad Senatum gravissime ornatissimeque decernitur laudantur iudices datur negotium magistratibus; responsurum hominem

a nemo arbitrabatur ἔσπετε νυν μοι Μουσαι, οππως δὴ πρῶτον πυρεμπεσε Nosti Calvum, e Nanneianis illum, illum laudatorem meum, de cuiu oratione erga me honorifica ad te Scripseram: biduo per unum servum, et eum e gladiatorio ludo, consecit totum negotium arcessivit ad se, promisit, intercessit, dedit. 13 Iam vero o di boni rem perditam l- etiam noctem certarum mulierum atque adulescentulorum nobilium introductiones nonnullis iudicibus pro mercedis cumulo fuerunt. Ita Summo discessu bonorum, pleno soro servorum. XXV. iudices ita sortestamen fuerunt, ut Summo Proposito periculo ver perire malu

I. Haec . . nostra res, this receptionos mine, ' this incident in myclise Iudicum vocibus, o in to the X- pression of the udges: abi. Caus. see Madv. 255. 3. Conciderunt, Most ali confidence Cp. θ 9, IO, notes and Liv 28. 26, omnis ferocia concidit. 4. Frequentia, crowd Abiens consulatu, at the expirationos consulate See Inlr to Tari I, II. 5. Ariopagitae, ironical CP. τρισπει παγBasap. 28, 4. 6. Refertur ad consilium, ' the voles of the cour are taken 'consilium,' seneralty in passages relating to the administration os justice, means the od of judges actin unde a praetor in an case Andperhaps that may be iis meanin here thejudges havin previousi signified theirmishes by acclamation, may have declared, them by a sorma vote Boot. O ever, consider the ' consilium to have consiste of the praetor' legat advisers, noto the iudices' r. Tyrret agrees ith Boot. 7. Sententia, vote 9. Datur negotium magistratibus, the protectio of the our is entruste toste magistrates . Responsurum hominem, that Clodius ould malae an deseiace.'

II. Calvum M. Crassus is probablymeant. A Nanneius Ormannius Was among the victim os Sulla' proscription, an Crassus seem to have bought ome of his properi unde the nam os Calvus. Somanutius. p. Plut Crass. a and 6, it Q. Cicero De et Cons. 2 9. r. Tyrrei potnis ut ho much conjecture there is in his, and suggest that a Gree wordinave is to ex Nanneianis ad is possibi Ucallidum illum, illum laudatorem meum V is haline Cicero wrote Laudatorem meum: Ie PQ of the precedin letter. I 3. Ex gladiatorio ludo, i.e 'not oneo the more educated of his classJI . Arcessivit ad se, c. iudices Intercessit, gave security. Cp. Philipp. a. 8, 45. I7. Cumulo, addition Summo discessu bonorum, henthe well-disposed spectators ad altogether retired. For his se of the adj., se Na- gelsbach 78 a 4 P. I 3. O the abi. See

I9. Periculo. From the disorderi sup. porter of Clodius.


erint quam perdere omnia XXXI. suerunt, quos ames magis quam sama commoverit; quorum Catulus cum Vidi Sset quendam, quid vos ' inquit praesidium a nobis postulabatis r an ne nummis vobis eriperentur timebatis λ' Habes, ut brevissime potui, genus iudicii et causam absolutionis. Quaeris deinceps, qui nunc Sit 5 statu rerum et qui meus rei publicae statum illum, quem tu meo consilio, ego divino confirmatum putabam, qui bonorum Omnium coniunctione et auctoritate consulatus mei fi Xus et fundatus videbatur, nisi quis nos deus respeXerit, elaPSum cito cisse de manibus uno hoc iudicio, si iudicium est, triginta homi iones populi Romani levissimos ac nequissimos nummuli acceptis ius ac fas omne delere et, quod omne non modo homineS, Crum etiam pecudes actum esse sciant, id Thalnam et Plautum et Spongiam et ceteras huius modi quisquilia Statuere numquam esse factum. Sed tamen, ut te de re publica OnSoler, non ita, sui Sperarunt mali, tanto imposito rei publicae volnere alacris eXsultat improbitas in victoria nam plane ita putaUerunt, Cum religio, cum pudicitia, cum iudiciorum fides, cum Senatu auctorita concidisset, fore ut aperte victri nequitia ac libido Poena ab Optimo quoque peteret sui doloris, quem improbis ao Simo cuique inusserat severitas consulatus mei. Idem ego ille non enim mihi videor insolenter gloriari, cum de me apud

I. Quos fames . . commoverit, Whoseare famine more than infamy 4. abes, C. eXpositum .' Habere dicitur qui quippiam audiit intellexitque.'Forcell. Cp. Epp. 7, 5 36, IO 29, O. Ut brevissime potui, C. χXponere o the ellipse se Madv. 479 d. 9. Nisi quis nos deus respexerit: cp. ' nisi idem deus . . respexerit rem Publicam ' Ad Att. 7. I, 2. Elapsum . . de manibus: p. Pro Mur.

39, 5.

Io. Uno hoc iudicio. For the abi. see

Si iudicium est . . delere, is the overthrow of al la and justice, is hirtyworthles me sor retched eis, deserveth nam os a trial The word populi Romani are governed by the followingsuperlatives. Se Madv. 284. The Ostworthles me in the whole Roman people.

I 3. Sciant. For the ood, P. Ep. 5, 8, an note p. 39 Thalnam et Plautum et Spongiam. These eem tot names given in derision to the udges Oreli. Onom.

I. Quisquilias, resuse Cp. Pro Sesti

I 6. Tanto imposito . . . Volnere: cp. ' volneribus quae sunt imposita provin

ciae Ad Att. 5. I7 6. Improbitas and mali seem to e disserent designations of the fame eopte in the disassecte an disorderly. I 8. Fides ' integrity.' I9. Nequitia ac libido, criminalia

I so the expression in a lighil different sense; also Pro Milone, I 3, 35, punitor

doloris sui. 21. nusserat: p. cur hunc dolorem cineri eius atque ossibus inussisti ' In Verr. Act. 2. I. 4 , II 3.

Idem ego ille, I also See Madv. 88.



PARTH. te loquor, in ea praesertim epistola, quam nolo aliis legi

idem, inquam, ego recreavi adflictos animos bonorum, Unum quemque confirmans, excitans insectandis vero Xagitandisque nummariis iudicibus omnem omnibus ritudiosis ac lautoribus 5 illius victoriae παρρησίαν eripui, Pisonem consulem nulla in reconSiStere umquam sum passus, desponsam homini iam Syriam ademi, Senatum ad pristinam suam severitatem revocavi atque abiectum X citavi, Clodium praesentem regi in senatu cum oratione perpetua, plenissima gravitatis, tum altercatione huiusto modi; in qua licet pauca degusteS-nam cetera non POSSUnt habere neque vim neque Venustatem remoto illo studio contentioni S, quem ἰγῶνα vos appellatis-: nam, ut Idibus Maiis in SenatUm convenimus rogatusque ego sententiam multa dixi de Summa re publica, atque ille locus inductus a me est divinitus, 15 ne una plaga accepta patres conScripti conciderent, ne defice-

I. Aliis legi, to e rea to thers. Boot. advig. on Cic. de Fin. . , II says that the word must mean his, and that the insertio os ab ' ould berequire i the were o mean rea b

Studiosis ac fautoribus see Ep. 6, 2,

5. παρρησίαν eripui, I deprive ofati reedom os speech. Nulla in re . . sum passus, gave

os his self-command . Cp. EP. 23, 2. 6. Desponsam, promised 'aut probablyinformalty not decreed. p. De Prov. OnS.I5, 37, here the irregula 'desponsio is contrasted it the format 'decretum .' Syria onlyaecam a province after the successes offompe in the East. See Appendices I, o an a Now to auoi favouritis it Was usual to assign province to the consulso eachbearie re thei electio too place; henc the provinces for the consul of 6 B.C.would e fixe in the firs hal of 6 B.C. Syria appear notrio have been ne of them, but Piso may have oped by his personal

influence, to procure a change of the arrangements. See, o the genera question of the

alloiment of the provinces, Appendix 6 L a

8. Abiectum, in iis humiliation. Fieg L- domui Forcell. , overpowered. 9. Perpetua, set,' continuous. Altercatione, in disputes carrie o instior alternat speeches. Io. De gustes, have a aste L Cp. et tu Galba quandoque degustabis imperium' ac Ann. 6. O. Nam cetera . . venustatem, a sewpassages lily, for the est Would have no


Non . . neque . he genera negativeis ot cancelle by the wo hic follow.but is applied t two distinc ideas. See

II. Studio contentionis, the heat os dispute. Ia ἀγῶνα. Not quite classica in his

sense, forci seems O beatven a an equivalent for studium contentionis. Quem . For it gender, se Madv. 316.

EP. 5, 3, P. 37, note sor his sense of ille. Divinitus, Mith marvellous appropriat ness.' r. retor, solio in Casaubon,

effeci. I 5. Conciderent: p. concidit, Io. Concidere in ruere, Perire, deficere. For- celi. Who ives severat Xample stomCicero.


rent volnus esse eius modi, quod mihi nec dissimulandum nec pertimescendum videretur ne aut ignorando stultissimi aut memendo i navissimi iudicaremur bis absolutum esse Lentulum, his Catilinam hunc tertium iam esse a iudicibu in rem publicam immissum Erras, Clodi non te iudices urbi, Sed carceri reservarunt, neque tes retinere in civitate, sed exsilio privare voluerunt Quam ob rem patres conscripti, erigite animos, retinete vestram dignitatem. Manet illa in re publica bonorum consensio dolor accessit bonis viris, virtus non est imminuta; nihil est damni factum novi, sed, quod erat, Ventum Si im

10 unius hominis perditi iudicio plures similes reperti sunt eduuid ago Paene orationem in epistolam inclusi. Redeo s

altercationem : surgit pulchellus puer, obiicit mihi, me ad Baias fuisse. Falsum, sed tamet quid huic Simile est quam quasi dicas in operto suisse. Quid inquit homini Arpinat is cum aquis calidis λ Narra' inquam satrono tuo, qui Arpinatis

a. Ignorando, i assecling ignorance.'Cp. ignoro causam, detestor exitum Philipp.

a. Lentulum . . Cornelius Lentulus Sura, the accomplicem Catiline. p. Plui. Cic. I 7. Lentulus ad been charge with

peculation in I or o B.C., and agam in sonae later ear he eem O both occasion to have been acquitted but the censors, L. Gellius an Cn. Lentulus Clodianus, X-

pellexhina rom the senate in 6 B.C. See Rein, Criminatrech 689. 4. Catilinam. In DB.C. for repetundae' see Ep. 2. I, note , an m 6 B.C. for the murder of M. Marius Gratidianus Ascon in orat in Tog. Cand. p. II 6); perhaps also sor incest illi a Vestal cp.

o pena detention though occasionalty used Jor the custod os prisoner te retriai. . e 6. Exsilio privare, to deprive yo otthelower of oing into exile ,hic appears sto this passage to have been the penalty Clodius ould have sussere so sacrilege. Cicero implies that, i he wen o as ehad egun, he would incur the las penaltyos the law, and not be allo e to evade it by goin into voluntar exile. For instances os suci evasion, P. Liv 3. 3 26, 3.

8. Illa, the former: that hic had

prevalled in his own consul ship. . Dolor accessit bonis viris, thewell-disposed have been made indignant. Boot ' have now the adde stimulus Vindignation Tyrreli. 1o Nihil est damni factum OVI, no ne mischie has besallen us, ut that whic atready existe has been rought to'h1 . Pule hellus cp. Εp. II, 3. An allu sion perhaps, to the Claudii Pulchri, towhos tam ii Clodius elonged, illi an

ironica notice of his persona appearance. Cp postquam speculum tibi adlatum est, longe te a pulchris abesse sensisti orat. In Clod et Cur 5, 4 ,

Μ ad Baias fuisse. The luxuryand dissipationis Baiae ere notorious, and

Clodius sal a rustic sto Arpinum ouglit notrio have gone there See note on l. 5

I . Falsum, cremar to Atticus. Simile est . . in operto fuisse, ibis


I 5. Quid . . . homini Arpinat . . . calidis 3 p. quid homini Arpinati cum Baiis, agresti et rustico Orat in Clod et

on of the precedin letter Curio is



aqua concupivit nosti enim marinas.' Quousque' inquit hunc regem feremus p Regem appellas, inquam cum ReX tui mentionem nullam secerit λ' Ille autem Regis hereditatem spe devorarat.- Domum inquit emisti Putes inquam 5 dicere, iudices emisti duranti' inquit tibi non crediderunt.'

Mihi vero' inquam XXV iudices crediderunt, XXXI. quoniam nummos ante acceperunt, tibi nihil crediderunt.' Magnis clamoribus adflictus conticuit et concidit Noster autem status St 11 hic apud bonos iidem sumus, quo reliquisti, apud Sordem urbi SIO et saecem multo melius nunc, quam tam reliquisti: nam et illud nobis non obest, videri nostrum testimonium non alui SSe: missus est sanguis invidiae sine dolore atque etiam hoc magis, quod omnes illi fautores illius flagitii rem manifestam illam redemptam esse a ciudicibus confitentur; accedit illud, quod illai contionalis hirudo aerarii, miSera ac ieiuna plebecula, me ab hoc Magno unice diligi putat, et hercule multa et iucunda consuetudine coniuncti inter no Sumus, Sque eo, ut nostri isti

in to C. Marius a Baiae, hic might be

callex aquae marinae. a. Rex Q. Marcius Rex asirother-in-

law o Clodius, ho had expecte a legacysrom him apparently. 4. Spe devorarat, 'had atready Wallowed in his opes.' p. Pro Donao 23,

Domum . . emisti, Myou have bouot apalace, a censure On Cicero' eXtravagance, as unbecominii a me man. Cp. Epp. 6 6 25, a. Putes . . dicere, Suppose O say.' Idem valet atque illud simile est quasi dicas. Boot 'Putes seem to have the fore os a potentiat One ould suppose. Tyrreli. 5. Iuranti . . non crediderunt, thejudges id o belleve Fou on Iour ath.'Cicero gave evidence to disprove Clodius

pie of alibi and a the judges acquitted the defendatit, it is argue that the didnot belleve Cicero. See Intr. to Pan I,

7. Nihil crediderunt, gave ou Ocredit. play on crediderunt.' 8. Concidit, tost eart. Cp. of this letter, note Philipp. 3. 9, 24 mente concidit. 9. Iidem sumus, quos reliquisti, Ihave a much influenc as hen ou est

Io. Nam et illud . . confitentur. The constructio of this passage is ather confused perhaps the solio in version illgive it generat force. Udomo suffer stomthe ineffecti venes of m testimony, and profit more etiam hoc magis, c. non obest' by the genera confession that thecourt was bribed. Ο hoc may be theabl. and then the meaning ill at themore as. In the lalter case, accedit illud may be substituted for the more natural et illud nobis prodest, because of the long passage intervening etween non obest and accedit. So Boot. II. Nostrum testimonium, my evidenc against Clodius. I a Missus est sanguis invidiae, myswelling unpopularit has been reduce bybleeding. materia subtracta est invidiae nostrae. Forcell. p. ' Appius cum ἐξ ἀφαιρέσεως provinciam curarit sanguinem miserit Ad Att. 6. I, 2.13. Rem manifestam . . a iudicibus, that the case Was clear, and that the udges were bought ossi I 5. Contionalis hirudo aerarii, themo who drain theoreasury by demandssor corn, c. the hundredaeade leech, Prof Nettieship that loodsucker of thetreasur the wretched starveling ob. Tyr-reli. Plebecula, rabbie, apparenti onlyoccur here in Cicero. 16. Magno . Pompey then, mus have been popular at this time.


1 mirandas ἐπισημασίας sine ulla pastorici 'IStu lan est Xsvectatio comitiorum, in quae omnibus invitis trucit

noster: nus Auli filium atque in eo neque auctoritate neque z, o hac e quibus Philippus omia castella CXpugnari

ere consul autem cisse deterioris v t 'ta laeta putantur Catone et Domitio OStulant unum, ut

apud magistratus inquiri liceret, alte um, cum 1 habitarent, adversus rem publicam. Iurco autem P

Comissatores coniurat IODIS, the oon companions of the conspiracy, whocioine it meret to gratis their astela sensual leasures. Qui inter vinum de coniuratione egerunt.' Gronov. Consortes conjurationis Catilinariae quae Per OmiSSationes inita erat. Forceli.

Barbatuli se on Q os the preceding

a Ludis et gladiatoribus, at thegames and gladiatorial hows Abl. t ne

date, se Madv. 276. Obs. a. a. ἐπισημασίας, ' demonstrations os

opinion, heres applause. Cp. Polyb. 6, 6. Sine ulla . . fistula, Without nysound of the shepherd' pipe, i. e. ISSing. Pastoricius is found Pro Cael. II, D, and Varro R. R. 2. I, I; ut pastoralis 's

4. In quae . . trudit . . Aut fitium, into hic contes Pompe is pushingAfranius against verybody' Wishes h Or- celi does no give another instance of neus os trudere in quit this ense. Prol.

Netilestii suggest that Afranius may be compared to theras alludexto in the saying quote belo stoni Philip Cp. Hor. pp.

I. Io I for suc a se of trudere. 5. A. filium : p. EP. I, I, Ole. In eo, in his cause.

8. Ille Piso. Deterioris histrionis, liber playinga subordinate part to Pompey, O Insertor. Aster inhat Cicero has sal in Ep. , , ne ma no compare Piso tora ad actor in sarce. nother readin is loterionis, hic ma mean an actor harge t distribute present in a play: o as r. Jeans thinks there may be an allusion O Aristodemus and Neoptolemus, tW actor mentionet by Demosthenes de sals leg Pp. 3 , 419, Ada as agent of Philip. 9. Negotium, C. ' suffragiorum emen dorum. Matth.

Io odiosa o Pompe and his hiends, o perhaps to the public. II. Domitio see Ep. I, 3, Ote. Postulante. O this se of the sing., see Madv. 213 a, and Obs. Ut apud magistratus . . Iceret, that there shouldie powe to earch in thehouses of magistrates, formone supposed to be deposited there, o sor Corrupi genis. presume that without suc a decree themagistrates' houses ould e exempt stom

Ia. Cuius domi . . rem publicam se. sacere, Man magistrate at hos house corIup agent stouldae detected. hould beheld uill o an offence against in State. I et iurco M. Aufidius Lurco was lame, and Cicero remark ironicatly that his proposai might have been thought inauspiciOus, but so the suspension os the Aelian and Fufian laws hese laws were carrie about 154B.C. Lange Rom. Alt. I, 9, a. 77 , an gave to the tribunes an to ali magis

than their own the right of spectio 'nd obnuntiatio. They also sorbad the Pr posal os lavis in the days appotnted forelective meetings of the comitia. As ne objectis these lams, probably, as O limitthe legislative activit os the tribunes, the postponement os the comitia on his occa-



PARTI . qui magistratum simul cum lege Aelia iniit, solutus est et Aelia et Fufia ut legem de ambitu serret, quam ille bono auspicio claudus homo promulgavit ita comitia in a. d. VI. Kal. Sext. dilata sunt Novi est in lege hoc, ut qui nummoS 5 in tribus pronuntiarit, si non dederit, impune sit; sin dederit, ut quoad vivat singulis tribubus HS CID ID ID debeat. Di Xi

hanc legem P. Clodium iam ante servasse pronuntiare enim solitum esse et non dare. Sed heus tu videsne consulatum illum nostrum, quem curio antea iποθεωσιν Vocabat, Si micro tactus erit, fabam mimum futurum qua re, ut opinor, φιλοσοφητεον, id quod tu sacis, et istos consulatus non flocci facteon. Quod ad me scribis, te in Asiam statuisse non ire, equidem 14 mallem ut res, ac vereor ne quid in ista re minus commode fiat; sed tamen non possum reprehendere consilium tuum, Prae-35 Sertim cum egomet in provinciam non sim prosectus Epigram λοmatis tuis, quae in Amaltheo posuisti, contenti erimuS, PraeSertim

sion to enabi Lurco to bring sor ardhis proposat was an evasio of thei spirit. Claudus. Apprehensions os disaster eresel a Sparta in connection it the succession o Agesilaus, ho a lame. p. Plui. Ages. 3.

I. Simul cum lege Aelia, ' unde theobligations of the Aelian law. Hota suggest 'insimulatus lege alia τ' Boot suggesis qui magistratus simul cum lege Aelia corruit; Mr. Munro, hom ros Tyrrei sol-lows, insimulatum lege Aelia. Matth. omiis cum lege Aelia; ' esenb suggesis cum iis Ἐ.e Catone et Domitio. 3. a. d. VI Kal. Sext. Jul 27th. 4. Novi est in lege hoc, the law

contain the folio in novelly. It was notcarried. p. facto senatus consulto de ambitu . . . nulla lex perlata Ad Att. I.

cuniam quam pro reo pronuntiasset Pro

Cluentio 29 78 an Pro Plancio I 8 45.

9. ἀποθεωσιν. Frequent in Cicero, and used by Strabo. Hic Afranius. Io Fabam mimum. Billerbec explain a meaning a ohe, like the electiono a in at the Saturnalia, he boyselecte a Ling, using eans to vote With.

ludentes, Rex eris aiunt 'mor Ep. I. I. 59; Tac Annal. 3, 15. osm suggest fabae hilum ' reli Famam mimum, a miluo aliquo Fama inscripto ' Schut fabulam mimum ' esenb. fabulam ac mimum,' but thinks that Tabulam ' may be a gloss. φιλοσοφητεον, one must turn philosopher : qui te classicat. II. Istos consulatus, those consulfhipswhicli some prige so highly.'Facteon. A Gree sor sor faciendum, suggeste by φιλοσοφητεον. I a. Quod . . scribis. Vas to the lactthat ou rite. 'a tofou writing. Me Madv. 398 h. Obs. a. Te . . non ire, that ou have decided notrio gorio Asia ' a legat to Quintus. See Appendix a.

Ιn ista re, ' in the administration os Quintus. e was asty an incline toharshness. Cp Εp. Is 6. I 5. pigrammatis, inscriptions. Under the statues of eminent Roman in his Amaltheum in Epirus cp. Corn. Nep. Att. I 8 . Atticus ad verses inscribed, ivin ashor account of thei exploiis. I 6. Posuisti, have place unde my



cum et Thyillus nos reliquerit et Archias nihil de me scripserit,

ac vereor ne, Luculli quoniam Graecum Poema condidit, nunc

1 ad Caecilianam tabulam spectet. Antonio tuo nomme gratias egi eamque epistolam Mallio dedi ad te ideo antea rarius scripsi, quod non habebam idoneum, cui darem, nec sati Scie 51 ham, quo darem. Valde te venditavi. Cincius si quid ad me

tui negotii detulerit, suscipiam; Sed nunc magi in Suo Stoccupatus, in quo ego ei non desum. Tu si uno in loco es suturus, crebras a nobis litteras Xspecta ast plure etiam ipse 1 mittito. Velim ad me scribas, cuius modi Sit 'Aμαλθειον tuum, o

quo Ornatu, qua τοποθεσια, et quae poemata quaSque hiStorias

de 'AμαλθMu habes ad me mittas lubet mihi sacere in Arpinati. Ego tibi ali quid de meis scriptis mittam nihil erat absoluti.

I. Thyillus. Apparenti a Gree poet.

Nos reliquerit, ' has deserte us,. nos finishes hic promisees inscriptions. Matth. Archias . . Licinius Archias a poeto Gree extraction, for,hose laim to the Roman franchise Cicero pleade asterwards. Se Intr. to Pari Ι Ia Archias Wrote heroi poena in prais of the Luculli cp. Pro Arch. 9, 2I , and another in prais of Cicero. Atticus seem to have asked for nything Thyillus o Archias might have rittenabout Cicero. 3. Caecilianam fabulam, a Poem Onthe Metelli probably Archias was intimateboth with L Metellus Numidicus and with

his son ius. p. Pro Arch. . thersthin there is a reference to Statius Caecilius a seeedmanis themetelli, an an ea lyLatin poet, hos language is criticised by Cicero, Brut. 74, 258. Antonio C. Antonius seem to have

complied wit a request o Cicero that hewould interest himself in the assairs of Atticus in Macedonia es sor an account of hichrequest P. Ad Fam. 5. 5. . Mallio. of this Mallius litti seemst be nown L. Manlius o Neapolis is mentioned Ad Fam. 3. O, I , an T. Manlius, a negotiator at Thespiae Ad Fam.

6. Quo it What address. Venditavi, ' prat sed ou. Boot thinlisthe nam os the person to Whom Cicero re- commended Atticus has been lost. Ciceroma mean to Antonius, a Matth. hinks, though the long passage intervening since thementionis his nam is ather against this.

Facere. sc simile quid, millerb., a similar apariment tofour Amaltheum. In Arpinati, Onm estate at Arpinum. Cp. Ep. IO, 4. I 3. Nihil erat absoluti, I have nothin finished. For the tense See Ep. I, I, note P. 26.



Violent, I shali summon o at once Metellus is an excellent consul. 5. Clodius is eager toaecome tribune of theseopte Lattachediim latet in the senate, but e reon sat term wit each other, notwithstanding my okes bout him. 6. o comptauios, intimac uit Pompey, but I hope to influence both hi an Caesar so the publicio . . In an case I shouldae dispo sed for conciliation ut no that Someos ou nobles thin oni o indulgin frivolous astes, hile . ther b ill-tim edobstinac have estrange the Senate and the equites rom ac other, an so increaSed the power of the populace-such a polic a mineris ali the more neceSSary. 9. FaVΟ-nius has falle to secure his election, and id not mali a very good impression Saccuser os Scipio Nasica. o. Cato' ill-time rigour is the cause of ou dissiculties a Sicyon. II. I tali much pleasure in m different country estates, though thei purchase has rathe embarrasse me. e ope that aut is tranquil When a we expectoo a Rome Ia Pleas tali care os Paetus legac o books, an se that I get them sala. d wroterio OctaviuMonaou behais.

CICERO ATTICO SAL. Kal. Iuniis eunti mihi Antium et gladiatores M. Metelli cupide' relinquenti venit obViana tuus puer cis mihi litteras abs te et

commentarium consulatus mei Graece scriptum reddidit in quo laetatus sum me aliquanto ante de isdem rebus Graece items scriptum librum L. Cossinio ad te perserundum dedisse: nam, si ego tuum ante legisSem, suratum me abs te esSe diceres. Quamquam tua illa-legi enim libenter-horridula mihi atque incompta visa sunt, Sed tamen erant Ornata hoc PSo, quod ornamenta negle Xerant, et, ut mulieres, ideo bene olere, quia nihil olebant, io videbantur. Meus autem liber totum Isocrati myrothecium atque omnes eiu discipulorum arculas ac non nihil etiam Aristotelia

pigmenta consumpSit quem tu Corcyrae, ut mihi aliis litteris

I. Gladiatores M. et elli, the ladiatorial show whicli M. Metellus was bouit provide. Cicero ad no aste sor suchamusements. P. Ad Fam. 7. I, 2 and 3. The Metellus here mentioned wasarother of in Metellus Creticus, and one of the praetorsin 6 B.C. Cicero mentions him as a friendo Verres. In Verr Act. I. 9, 26. It oesno appear it what object he was no

goin to exhibit gladiators. Cupide relinquenti Pros Tyrreti has cupido relinquendi.' e also remarhs, Mema gather iro Ad Att. . 4 b, a that twas a practice it wealthy Roman to buygladiator as a speculation, an to iv ashowas a specimen of thei powers. 3. Commentarium consulatus mei, a memoir of m consulfhi writte in

Greek by Atticus. p. 'tuum' a feW sines below, and Corn. Nep. Atticus I 8. 5. L. Cossinio. his Cossinius as a Diendis Cicero and Varro He belonge tothe fame tribe Lemonia with Ser. Sulpicius, o hom Cicero recommend hi in Ad Fam. 3. 23. 6. Quamquam, and et, correctingili previous remark. See Madv. 443. Theroughnes of Atticus' style ould reventCicero' bein suspecte o plagiarism. 9. de . . olebant: p. mulier recte olet ubi nihil olet. Plaut. Mosteli. I. 3. II 6. Io Isocrati. A common sor for thegenitive. See Madv. a. a. Myrothecium. Apparently the ord

menis, suchis Aristolle recommend in his Rhetoric.


significas, strictim attigisti, post autem, ut arbitror, a Cossinio accepisti; quem tibi ego non SSem ausu mittere, nisi eum lente ac fastidiose probavissem. Quamquam ad me scripsit iam Rhodo Posidonius se nostrum illud πόμνημα cum legeret, quod ego ad

eum, ut ornatius de isdem rebu Scriberet, miSeram, non modo non excitatum esse ad scribendum, sed etiam plane Perterritum.

Ouid quaeris conturbavi Graecam nationem ita, Volgo qui instabant ut darem sibi quod ornarent, iam Xhibere mihi molestiam destiterunt. Tu si tibi placuerit liber, curabis ut et Athenis sit et in ceteris oppidis Graeciae; videtur enim posse aliquid o

s nostris rebus lucis adferre. Oratiuncula autem et qua Postulas et plures etiam mittam, quoniam quidem ea, quae nos ScribimUS adulescentulorum studiis eXcitati, te etiam delectant. Fuit enim

mihi commodum, quod in eis orationibus, quae Philippicae nominantur, enituerat civis ille tuus Demosthenes , et quod se ab is

hoc refractariolo iudiciali dicendi genere abiunXerat, ut σεμνοτερός

12. Quae . . scribimus. Whic I commit to riting, urged by the agernes of youn men to have them. Cicero affecisto suppos that ni the oung ould caret have optes of his speeches. p. ' oratio iuventuti nostrae deberi non potest Ad Att.

. . .

I 3. Fuit enim . . nominarentur. The substance of this passage may be thus state ;

L l compi with our equest, o Phavesound it suit m purpos to combine theorations os, consulfhi in one collection, jus a Demosthenes id his Philippics. Enim think, explain plures. Atticus lia apparenti oni asked for ome of the

consula speeches Cicero promise all. ros. Tyrrei follows relli in suspecting the Pas. sage stom Fuit enim. l. I 3, to miserebam o the nex page toae spurious. relli, in-deed suspect the precedin passage egin- ning with Gratiunculas. I 4. Quod . . enituerat. The indicativeis sed a giving a re a reason. See Madv.

357. The eminence of Demosthenes dated fro his excitange of the position ona legat advocat for that os a politica leader; Cicero hopes that his consulfhip Wil form

similar epoch in his own Career. I 6. Re fractariolo, quarreisome. For-

celi. The word is only found here apparently. Ut σερινότερός . . videretur, thath might assume a more dignitie and statesmanlike position. πολιτι κίφρος is osten used in his sense by Cicero, as by the Greeri. I. Strictim, hastily, in obiter. Schulet. The book seem to have been publisbed be- re Atticus received a specia revise copy. 2. Lente ac fastid ose, deliberalelyand with pedanti rigour.'

3. Probavissem, had tested, revised.

Cp. villam publicam probare, sat of the censors perhaps approve inster re


4. Posidonius A pupilis Panaetius bornat Apamea in Syria bout 135 .C. Asterspendinisome time at Athens an Rhodes, he remove to Rome, I B.C., and Iedihere shorti asterwards. In menta philosophyae is satyto have been eclectic, atha leaning oward the Stoics; in physic herathe solio ed Aristolle.

rius. The wor is sed in his sense byPOlyb. I, I, 6. Non of the memoi referredio has been preserved. T. Qui instabant. Some Gree con- temporaries of Cicero probably.

8. xhibere, facessere, ' creare, Or-

celi p. demat Deor. I. 7, 45. Ut . . sit, 'hat ita in circulation. Io. Aliquid . . lucis adferre, to givesome distinctio to. milleIb. . II. Oratiunculas, My litti speeches. Billerb. supposes Cicero to reser o hortdeclamations, writte sor Oun student topractis orator milha ut is noti speaking of his politica orations it assected modest, Cp fuit enim mihi commodum'




τις et πολιτικώτερος videretur, curare ut meae quoque SSent rationes, quae consulare nominarentur; quarum una Sion Senatu

Kal. Ianuariis, altera ad populum de lege agraria, tertia de Othone, quarta pro Rabirio, quinta de proscriptorum filiis, eXta, cum provinciam in contione deposui, septima, qua Catilinam emisi, octava, quam habui ad populum postridie quam Catilina profugit, non in contione, quo die Allobroges ' invocarunt, decima in senatu, Nonis Decembribus. Sunt praeterea duae breVeS, quasi ποσπασμάτια legis agrariae. Hoc totum σῶμα curabo uti habeas et quoniam te cum scripta, tum res meae delectant, isdem e libris perspicies et quae gesserim et quae diXerimo aut ne Po

poscisse. ego enim tibi me non offerebam Quod quaeris, quid

sit quod te arcessam, ac simul impeditum te negotiis esse significas, neque recusas quin, non modo si opus sit, sed etiam si velim,

I. Ut meae quoque . . nominaren

tur, that there houldae a collectioni myspecches also, unde the ille consulares.' et Una est This as o the agrarianlaw of Rullus apparently Only the egin- ning has been preserved. 3. Altera the secon against Rullus. De Othone Spoken to reconcile themas os the citigens to the precedence whichthe law of L. Roscius Otho grante to the equites in the theatre. The eople alsed an utcry against Otho hen e appeared in the theatre but Cicero invite them to atten him to the temple o Bellona, and

there appeased them. The law of tholia been carrie in 7 .C. Plin Η.N. 7 3o refers to this speech of Cicero 'hichlias been lost, as have the fifth and ix thhere mentioned with one of the two hortones o the agraria law.

De proscriptorum filiis. Sulla' lawshad excluded the fons of proscribe citigens stomaigh ossice, and the repea of this r

vision a discussed in Cicero' consulfhip. Cicero persuaded theseopte apparently that the repeat would do more harm than good. Cp. Inlis 2, 4; and a fragment of the speechitself, quoted by Quinctil. Inst. Orat. II. I, 85.5. Cum provinciam . . deposui, ε .heno publici renouncedis claim togovernis province. The two provinces ob administered by the consul sor 63 B.C.,

after their ea os ossice ad expire were apparenti Macedonia an Gallia Cisalpina. Cicero seem firs to have allowed his colleague Antonius to choos Macedonia, and then to have waived his own laim o Gallia Cisalpina, hic was allottexto Q. Metellus Celer Cp. Ep. 5, 3 and 4. Septima. his and the three sollowingare the our orations against Catiline hich

6. misi: p. In Cat. 2. I, I Pro Sull.

7. Invocarunt. Manutius suggesis m- dicarunt, made thei disclosures. Cp. In Cat. 3. 3- so the facis. 8. Dua e breves. ne of thesesis extantas the third against Rullus. 9. ἀποσπασματια, fragments. The word occur here oni apparently. σω in collection. Not apparently Classica qui te in his ense. II. Aut ne poposcisses, oryo fhould not have asked for them. Cp. forsitan non nemo vir sortis . . . dixerit restitisses


13. Quod te arcessam, an indirect question See p. 6 I, Ole, O p. a. Prof

in readin 'quo' - in quam rem for quod. I . Neque recusas, and et do notrefuse. might expect tamen to sol-low neque.

accurras, nihil sane est necesseri Verum tamen videbare mihi tem ora peregrinationis commodius posse discribere nimis abes diu, Praesertim cum sis in propinquis locis, neque nos te fruimur et tu nobi cares. Ac nunc quidem tium est, Sed Si paulo plus furor Pulchelli progredi posset, valde ego te istim excitarem. Verum

praeclare Metellus impedit et impediet. Quid quaeri. est consul

clitλόπατρις et, ut Semper iudicaVi, natura bonus. Ille autem non

simulat, Sed plane tribunus pl. fieri cupit qua de re cum in senatu ageretur, fregi hominem et inconstantiam eius reprehendi, qui Romae tribunatum pl. peteret, cum in Sicilia aedilitatem se petere odictitaSset, neque magno opere diX esse nobis laborandum, quod nihilo magis ei liciturum esset plebeio rem publicam Perdere, quam Similibus eius me consule patriciis esset licitum. Iam cum se ille septimo die venisse a freto neque sibi obviam quemquam prodire Potuisse et noctu se introisse diXisset in eoque se in contione 5

iactasset, nihil ei novi dixi accidisse, ex Sicilia septimo die

Romam tribus horis Roma Interamnama noctu introisse item

I. Nihil . . est necesse, C. te ac- Currere. For the se of nihil sor non

se Madv. 455 ObS. 4. Videbare . . discribere, I thought yo might have arrange the times Dyour residence abroad more convenienti thanyo proposexto do. 3. In propinquis locis. Atticus Wasin Epirus probably. . Cares, lae the want of me 'haveto do ithout me. 5. Pulchelli see Ep. 8, Io, note OnP. 9. Posset. Non poterat impedientem 1ello. Boot. Valde . . e X citarem, Pshould press ouearnestinio come hither frona hereJOurare. 6. Metellus. The consul Q. Metellus Celer Cp. Ep. 4, I, Ole. 7. φιλοπατρις, patriotic. Polyb. I. I . Natura bonus, naturali wel disposed, though et against me formerly by his bro. ther. p. Epp. 4 and 5. Cicero' satisfaction illi the conductis Metellus probably

aros frona the alter' re,istance to a prin

posa of C. Herennius for transferrin Clodius to the plebs. p. Ad Att. I. 8, 4; Pro Cael. 24 6o Dion Cass. 37. 5 I. Ille, P. Clodius.

Non simulat. does no meret pretendio destre the ossice: supp. cupere. Itis no a mere pretence to righte me.

9. regi, humbled. Qui Romae . . dictitasset. Clodius ha been quaestor, an in Sicil had aid. apparently that the ex ossice sor hichhe hould stand would e the aedileship. But o his return to Romea changed his

min and expresse anxiet to e tribune. As a patricianae could onlyaecome tribune by renouncin his orde and goin ove tolli plebs. II. Neque : se notem l . Magno Pere . . laborandum, that weshould have an serious causerior anxiety. I 3. Similibus eius . . patriciis Catiline, Lentulus, and Cethegus were patricians. Cum se i l . . iactasset. Clodius look credit for activit shewn in his travellingrapidi Do the stratis to Rome, an sorhis modest in avoidin a public reception. I . A freto, frona theatralis of Messina. I 5. In eo, in that accountd in in ob, propter. Forcell. I7. ribus horis Roma Interamnam,sc. isse. Cloclius amrmed that he was at Interamna o the night when the utrageat the rites of the Bona ea occurre at Rome, ut Cicero swore that he had seen him a Rome three our besore that eventhappened. Interamnam thema was morethan fixi miles seo Rome Interamnamuthe Liris a stili more distant.