T. Lucreti Cari De rerum natura libri sex, with notes and a translation by H.A.J. Munroe ...

발행: 1891년

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Beronidi praeceptoris quondam mei nunc collegaeci impressus quidem: sed tamen perpens examinatu S. Codri quoque grammatici Bononiensis: cuius copia mihi per Bartholomeum Blanchinum Virum loquii sexcultissimi iacta est Marullique poetae industria mira castigatum non defuit exemplar Severo Monaco iacentino graece latineque perdocto musarum athleta non gravatim offerente'. 0 mahes no mention ut allii th manto homi was mos,indobted Avancius Gor his textris a roprint of thofipsi Aldino, Willi homove not acie changes of Word o phrases, flenior th bottor, iton to the worse, ither inserte in the ex o pro- posed in the notes, an derive it may be presume in many onsos romon or other of the foureos jus mentioned But strange to say vhen homahos a change in tho texi, the lemma o his note early ut Ways con


INTRODUCTIONiollows Avancius in tho minutes potnis i pollin an punctuation. Tho latis io instanc says in his prefac that se rites votores imitatus repertumst, ite=nst, necesses, and tho lik Candidus in his proiae that in tam culto tam nitido, tam undecunque castigato poeta' ho it no admit archaismiltho volgὶιm, volnera o nullast, haudquaquamst and th lik0. An so in his texi hil rejocting Avancius' patefactast, volnere, te , he eep his frugiferenteis, a ceis and thousan suci form Which have, authorit in thei favour, hilothos Whichio discard have much. Lachmann ulWay so hard upon Avuncius says huius ineptissimam scribendi rationem Elchstadius studios imitatus est', ut has notis Wor o blam for Candidus. But wlistic has tho alter o his many and rilliant corrections lior se Orion appea to come rom himseli. II says in his addi essio Thomas Sothorinus that What he id mas to collat ali ho eiusta exemplaria that ore in Florene and to expungo What rus condemned by tho oboli i ontanus an Marullus, praestantissimorum aetate nostra vatum'. o refers of coursono Joh Iovianus ontanus and his

cuius in hoc opere censuram potissimum secuti sumus' and in a noto

improbus an othor opprobrious numes That heio much assistancoirom h labourio Marullus is certain; ut by ascribinito the latior severything that is in the Juntine, in some respect more, in ther leSAcrodit is ive to him thana deserves. Asa an thro sotia light onthis intorsestiniquestion, I rili Xamino it a som longili hero an in Various puris o notos LThe scholar, poet an soldior, Michao Tarchaniota Marullus Onstantinopolitanus, as se calls himseli in tho ditions of his po0ms



Αncona He receiVed his training howevser in Florenoe anda founda Maeconas in Lorengo de Medici Though ho neve printe anythingon Lucretius, his manuscript emendation appen to have pen eliknown durin his life and a copy of the poet to have beendoundi himat his death sex miseranda illa in mediis Cecina undis Latinarum musarum iactura cladeque insigni unus est Lucretius receptus Say Candidus in his profaco an his tristi P0trus Crinitus in his do honesta disciplina xv , publistis in J 504, ut mostly writte it ould 00mbeior Marullus death, aftser et refutinian alteration o his hichshali pressently b roiserre to add qua ab ius quoque Sectatoribus recepta sunt pro Verissimis'. his intens lovs of Lucretius e seem soni to hau conceived in the latior years o his life Candidus, hose

Say Lucretianae adeo veneris per omnem aetatem studiosus fuit, ut

cet.' ut his musti an sexaggeration th firs sedition o his poems, publish0d without a dato, ut notriator thati 1490, containing only tWObook of epigrams, Ah0Ws sociaris I an se no truce o any aequaintaneemith Lucretius Catullus is hios imitate sue in the legia es, and nox t hi Tibullus an Horace. Si pagos tro the eginning thereis a poor poem, eight linos vi posetis Lattiis' sic , in Whicli 0 saysthat Tibullus Maro sereno Horace Catullus, ach in his iud areth only good Latin poetsci Hos si quis inter caetero ponet vate8, Oneret Nam honore verius Tho Roman odition o 1490 and 1493 havse not accos to ut in December 1497 two years and a te monilisbeior his d0ath h published a Florene a much senlarge i sedition. Athir an fouisti book of pigram ars add0dci in hos to I fini notrae o Lucretius. Th0 fosso fou book of hymni naturales. In these, specialty Auch as are Writte in heroius th strat is illa highormood' and w mese With frequent imitations o Lucretius even in tholyries, asi busque late pollens titis Whicli recalis Ipsa si is pollens opibus. ut in thes heroicit is ora noticed that tho huth is Viroi lian, o in an respect Lucretia even here se losely ollows th0lniter' language, as in the hymn to parth Ante repentino caeli tiam territus adisti Vagiat aetheriam in lucem nortis edittis infans. υm proiectus humi nil iacet, indigus, aesors Atiaeilii, in firmusque pedum sermusque palati Then imitatiniat once and contradicting Lucretius' tit aestumst, Ctii tantum in ita restet et he oes o Atque no non tantoni infeliae, qυod dia damna Non capit et quaquum superat per


INTRODUCΤION inseris Wo ne verses in the poem 'de poetis Latinis spolieni above, Natura magni versibus Lucretii Lepore musaeo illitis, tho est in thopoem an recassinimusaeo contingens cuncta tenore Crinitus l. l. XXIII quotes his poem and mentions a conversatio h had With Marullus in hich factum est iudicium nuper a nostro Mamillo de poetis Latinis egregie periectum et prudenter an Ovid and thor poets areitam sed;

and th0 it is adde filaque logondi quidem sunt omnes inquit Marullus sed hi maxime probandi pro suo quisque genere Tibullus Horatius

Catullus et in comoedia Terpntius. Vergilium vero et Lucretium eriscendos asserebat' et What has justi00 saidas at one applis to astrihin interpolation. iter I 15 the Juntino firs insertud tho v. Illecebrisque tuis omnis natura animantum, Whicli long hept iis place in

the common editions Lachmann i courso attributos it to Marullus asilo mos editors Lambinus says icit teque eum augerius neque Pontanus habuerunt Marullus unus vir doctus ex auctoritate veteris cuiusdam codicis, quemadmodum mihi religiose asseveravit Donatus Ianottus, nobis eum restituit amicus quidam meus ingenio et doctrina praestantissimus putat osse ab ipso Marullo iactum cet. What his

onem his vorsus. I infer horolor that it is olitiati's wn an asCandidus says in his profaeo that ho collated ali tho' vetusta exemplaria' in torsenco h could Do have neglected hi manuscript Whicli asthsen in tho iam ous conv0ntua librarsos an Mareo. I conclude therefore that Candidus takiniit rom tho margin os olitian's ms icth right explanationis Ianotius assertio that Marullusiot it rom an ancistit codex. It is quit possibi indosed that Marullus copio it himsoli romthis s. hicli pass0 to an Marco immediately after Politian' docpaso, and thus obbo hi o his vors alto duath, as se is sui to avo robbo him o his rido duriti liis Naugerius has in his firs pagoanother variation iro tho Juntine, ut that a perverse ono in II horead Ac entia queatio an joiniit With What odoWs. his corruption bellovo o proc00d iro Marullus for his hymn to the sun contains a passage evidenti imitato fro Lucretius Cum primum tepidi sultennpora verri s voni Aur suun terris genitalem ea scitat uotum Adventuquo dei stemmantia prata colorat At pecudum genus Omne viget, genus omne virorunn Percius teneras anni dulcedine mentes. I canshe in othse cases that Marullus corrupte Lucretius, Wherei has not


boon ollowed by Avancius o Candidus VI 650-6.32 are quite correct lygive by Avancius, an in his earne preface e says With refereneoto 652 Nec tota pars et totus prima brevi, quia quot redditivus est'. Crinitus l. l. X 4 quote 650 5 riglit ly, and add qua in re grammaticorum nobis aut horitas patrocinatur, quando et centesiλλω et nillesi-inus probe dicitur parten imultesimanu inquit Nonius nove positum est a Lucretio pro in inna, ne quis forte paulo incautius atque audacius a veteribus decedat quae a me Vel ob eam rationem sunt adnotata,

quoniam Marullus Bigantius aetate nostra, vir alioqui diligens, paulo improbius delere haec et alia pro ingenio subdere tentavit; quae ab eius quoque Sectatoribus recepta sunt pro Verissimis . Candidus gives theso tWo verses rightly and says in note at endii Junt citatur Nonio locus' ho has ot his clearly iro Crinitus, hocin the fame hapte correct lyquot se an illustrates I 640 uarinde gravis et whicli the Italian mss. and ditions ad corrupted this to Candidus too iron him tor Marullus appears o have readri mni gravior Graios inter a dous ius in his

notes, and Gryphius o Lyons Again 1 332 Avancius righil givesper rar viarunι, Candidus perverset niter Marullus per operti se his note But iit instances lik tho las might l, quotud. Candidus has also miss0 som o thu est o Marullus conjecturesci se for instanee notes 1 ora 10 lxwher I hau go tro th marginii otio of th Florentin mss. perhaps the mos brilliant Xample o his critica acumen. The again utiles I greatly er I have Ahewn in myriotes that Gilanius in proparin his seditioni ad b0ior hi a copyii th V0nide sed oles 495, lent to hi by th040alous schola Sambucus asa testis es both in his prefac to Sambucus an in his uddrosito tho reader. In thesiorme hosay exemplum Lucretii ad nos dedisti, non illum quidem calamo Xaratum, sed ita Vetustum et idonpum, ut vicem optimi manu scripti uerit, siquidem in se vidi omnium paene mendorum Origines, quae RgΠRm partem a Michaselo Marullo, cuius immutationes in eo adscriptae erant omneS, primum parta, mox admiserunt Florentini pl. in the ad drsessii sp0ak of the ambuci lib0 quem ipsius Marulli manu adnotatum magno pretio vir ille praestantissimus paravit'. Why the Lachmann p. 6 should rite isque enim facit Gilanio 1 pdsero possum Marulli ipsius manu annotatum fuisse illud exemplar impressum quod se ab Iohanne ambue uisendum accepisse scribit I anno comprehend. Gilanius mas a dishonos plagiary, ut at the sam time a mos astute man. hyaliould hestoli a gratuitous fals0hood whicli ambucus Wouldat ne detecta e mas ritinioni tmo generations alter Marullus' death and ven ii ambucus ave his moneycior hat a noto licthandwritinio Marullus, it Was a least a genuino copyis his noteS. But notes Piurnish abundant prooti What I say se for instrenue thosset 1 806 1 I6, 4 and speciali 111 994. I appears then that vancius ot frona Marullus much whicli the Juntine doses no record, and n


ili other hand that Candidus too iro AVancius Avithout achnowledg- metit much that Lachmann and ther assign to Marullus Candidus, a Pliave sat above forme his textis a copy of th first Alditio cindoinithis lis mus have ad piore hi anothser edition illi ho s. not0 Oi Marullus perhaps the eo ne Whichae selis us was ound onhim at his d0ath. Inno ali that is common to thoirs Aldin and tho Juntine comes ironi Marullus a Lachmann maintains, suret Candidus mus havse sese structi With his coincidene and would havse recordedit against Avancius the oditor of the reat rival publislier. et Avancius didiorro largely very largelydrom Marullus, especialty in the caseo interpolate v0rses made by the lalter How is his tot 0xplainoda Eridenti suo besor his path Iarullus labour o Lucretius erelinoum an probabi there per more copies than Onei these the oneno alWay agrosein With the other. O this potnt comparo notes I to 551 627, here Candidus ahes Some perverse transposition Oi VerSes, O the authorityo Marullus h says in his noto a th 0nd butthe parne annotatorii onei the Laurentia mss. states that sonae put55l 564 ait0 576, an add ' vorum Marullo parum referre videtur quomodo legatur'. his annotator an Avancius ius Candidus Gilanius cati ardi ali hause ad the fame copy perhaps ali eredisserent. Avancius the may have ad his notes in the very op of Ven on phicli ho forme his tex, and ma hau look0 o thsem aspublic properi Whieli ho might mali us o Without achnowlsedgmentaecordinito the practice of the time for n0ither ius nor Candidus achnowl0dges in his turn What he got rom vaticius nor oes , augprius tho editor o Ald 2 say a syllabis o Canclidus Whos editionlio copio mitti e variationS. But Lachmanti to 111 9 cites in proo o his charge that Avancius Was a distiones plagiar thre interpolated verses Which doubiles mero composed by Marullus an are corrupti give in Ald. l. In notes to 111 9 I avo att0mpte to ho tromitianius that Marullus perhaps Wrote putarit, and that Avancius intend0 to rea the sam :AVancius a probabi a good a Latin schola a Marullus, ii sessuersed in Lucretius. In the lino inserte alter 1 10 met hae tor radias may be an error of the printer o an Versight oi vaticius. In that inserte ait se 1 532 ther dati boliti doub that he purposely Wrote is imagining that oris mas a plural The correctinio textimas theni it infancy and Avancius hadio ripvous a tas heior hi in mahing


TO NOTES Ilias notice thes Whicli are ver important ior his reputation se i)otest to 1 422 an other passages Tho infereno thenestra iro ali hisis that both Avancius an Marullus di much ior Lucretius, Marullus doubtlses more than Avanctus ohat much hicli is seculia to tho Juntino is no irona Marullus, and uel of hat Marullus id isno in the Juntine. et w0011 thsem the vasti improvexa grievouslycorrupi texi and though the introduce mari perversities, e ought in simplo justic t tali into consideration onl What i good. In mynotes for obvious reasons, hen Ald Panduunt agre in a rea lino omention both hsen a reacliniis peculiar o Ald. , I assign it toAvancius by nam When it 1irs appears in Junt. I Atili a Junt. , though it is always o b inferre that he hos readings are ostlihol diis to Marullus B assigninito him ali alik0 110 ould iten bolointhim ess somelimes more than justice. In Da secon editio hoW0ver I Was ablo to throw i 0sh lightin tho histor an criticism of Lucretius tex by th undoubie corrections os Pontanus and Marullus stili existiniam ong the book an manuscript so Potor Victorius Whichiavo formod orienturio so valvabie a portiono tho Munich library. Tho vere examinpura m and copiod ut in the summor i 865 m attention aving 0011 diroci sexto thom by a Goettingen program i ros Sauppe. The eurne writer inform us that ho ad xamine tho Munich ms of Lucrotius and found it correcte throughou by gomo Italian scholar. Whor Candidus h sedit oro the Juntino mentions in his note a readinio Marullus, his readinginvariabi appeare amon these corrections. From his and therindications se concluded, and the conclusion Aeemo mos reuSonable, that these pro the Ver corrections o Marullus hicli Candidus hanused ior his sedition. 0 mahes h probabi suggestio that th longconnexion o Victorius illi ho Giuntas ould readit oxplain his possession o a manuscript hich ad 0longo to that firm. At Munich through th courtes of tho libraria Phad thesiui us ofth follominiimportant document. l. the manuscript just mentioned 2. a copyisi tho enice sedition o 1495 With correctionsi Pontanus intho haudwritinio Victorius Wh doscribses them in tho res pago res emendationes ex ontani codice testanti ipsum ingenio en eXprompsisse': . another op o the fame editio lik0Wis correcte throughout by th hand of Victorius Who say at the n contuli cum duobus codicibus, altero Ioviani ontani, altero Vero Marulli poeta Bigantii, impressis quidem, sed ab ipsis non incuriose, ut patet, emendatiS, quos

commodum accepi ab Andrea Cambano patritio Florentin M. D. XX.

Idibus Martiis. Potrus Victorius'. What th prinio sedition astro Whicho copio thsese mendations o Marullus Ita notanow very lik0l it Was his Vonios dition iis0li,hicli must have had a largo circulation and was the vor sedition containing Marullus notes Which


INTRODUCTIONGilanius macteis Oi, as has been ulready old. Victorius sayio grando in v 192 glando in ont libro ' no sine not ni the Enico odition, ut tho Verona an sirst Aldino have gra)ido, and also the Brescia a Plearn rom Ear Spencer' librarian, Pontanus mus have used somo prinio edition no unkno n. Tho altis hich so eminent a schola a Victorius has talion in copying out twio tho emendations os Pontanus and once hos of Marullus Would provo thoiighistimation in whicli hos two learne me mus have eon held Whe ho Wa n ounginan o tWenty. As he has also fille a cos o the Juntino illi long parallel passages rom the Greela, o mus himsoli at ne timo havo contemplate an laborat edition o tho post an has to b addo tolli long lis o scholars illi hom his romaino an unaecomptishod

V hau then an undoubted copyi Whationianus himseli assertodio b his ommoriginalimendations and res themare accuratet repented by Victorius in his secon copy, ii, subtrae thpso, have in What remain the undoubio cori sections o Marullus. No tho alter,ithoni a se Variations sensit toto accountsed foris heing earlier thoughisor in other Ways, ut reappsen umong the alterations of the Munich s. Whicli ure ho Neve much more numerous. When, conside ali his, and remember that Wherevor Candidus in his notos sentions th nam o Marullus, the padin Whicli ho assigns olim is ound hero that hotolis us in his profac his sex is r unde maint o the revision ofΡontanus an Marullus, the lalter more specialty that, as the presentedition Wil demonstrato the num0rous readings,hichirst apponesin tho Juntino, goodia an indiffserent, Where not ahen rom What, no know o se hos of ontanus, early tWays regre With the corrections of this manu script undinalty that Candidus no unirequently gives an0 40ading poculiar o his o ali manuscript known to mo as in his noto to V 26 here ho mentions pariendo us a Variation, me a fairly concludo that Candidus in preparinthis sextiad thois of this corrocted manu Seripi, und that the corrector a Marullus. It would bo naturalto to conclud that this is his o niopy amen led by his own haud undior homost parta do not doub that this is so. o ove tho cannotali avo sese Writto a tho amo timo, a tho in diffors in difforent places an as S many of the emendations agro With thos o Pontanus, it sesem no improbabio that thesms Was in his possession bolore it came into thoiand of Marullus Acth ItalianiandWrilingio that ago resembi euch other so much, ut least o our pyses, tho writinio the pupilma no hau differoci much rom that of tho master. Howeve that may be, e must conclude that the corrections common to both elongio ontanus, asino was thoildor and w sa ab v that ho laim themio his oWn, and th schola mould naturali horro fro the master. The emendation to os Pontanus, valvabie a many of them re haVe


lli appearancellaeingiariter an uiore rudimentar than illos o thoother: he notinirequently too seos that Somethiniis Wantiniani says fragmentum', here the bitte supplies a Whole verse With more resses success. The Scholin thereiore completed What the master commenced

and tho mondation of Lucretius inlis thei name together not esshonourably than does the verse, quoted ironi Ariosio. Upon tho wholothis resti information has greatly raissed, estimat o both, especiallyo Marullus. His industrycis at least a conspicuous as his sagacity holias evidonti carofuit collate manuscript an edition an gathpredmatorial from ut accessibi Aources Throughout the poem the many verses omitte in the Munich manuscriptor supplied illi uniuilingdiligenco. 0 vidsenti Was acquainted illi severat of the sexistingFlorentine manuscripis amon othors that oi Niccoli I boli0v0, a Wollas that o his senem Politian uno Flor. 31 hos readings Lachmannso stranget assignito the notar Antonius Marii Upon the whol homus bellauexa an amendor o Lucretius immediatoly uiter Lambinus an Lachmann ii nos ind00 in th samo ront rank, hen, considerthe circumstanc0s of his ago and the imperiectionis his materials and Pontanus perhaps may an alter him Lambinus, us weli us Vancius an augerius oditor of tho socon Aldine, mus have had acces to

What Psaidis Marullus in m 1irs sedition with much more imperfeci materiali oui vhich to dra conclusiotis, Irin no confirme in eSSentini potnis There,or in circulation dissorent coplesii Marullus' emendations Gilanius liud acces to one o theses se note trio I 274


illustrious, tho great Latin scholar Who studio und augiit a Paris in tho statosenili century. ichnowlsedge i Cicero and tho olde Latinwriter a med a the Augusta poets has neve been surpasse andraret sequulled. Whoeve dolabis that th nicsest critica an grammatica questions a b expresse in Ciceronian Latin Without sessor orassociation, set his stud the commentaries o Lambinus. Scaliger savso his Latino et Romane loquebatur optimeque scribebat' his assean readines are astonishing. e made se e totis, o sive mss. :iouris thes appea to have bee Italia nass. O the fifteonth century:th Gith, i hicho used a collatio by Turnobus, and whicha calistho Bertinian, a the fame a the Leyden quarto In his prefac and throughout tho wor he achnowledgos his obligations o Turn0bus and Auratus. His Lucretius is perhapithe greates of his Works ther Wasmore to e doti here, and thereior he has done moro. He had more-ove a peculiar activiratio for his author o Whom in the prefacesto his thir seditioni says omnium poetarum Latinorum qui hodie sexstant et

qui ad nostram aetatem pervenerunt elegantisSimus et purissimus, idemque graVis Simus atque ornatissimus Lucretius est'. I his boas that ho