장음표시 사용
i INTRODUCTIONier quae in eo Lucretio recta sunt, mea Sunt quae tamen iste aut i-otitio prasitermittit aut maligne laudat aut Sibi impudenter arrogat. Y0 so great was the shid with Whicli ali his a dono that ho dec01uod
ho o Lambinus id more tor Lucretius. In private e correspondedwith the anhere an utili py Muretus the w exchanged utile charge o dishonust against the dea critic Who as a to genuans schola to h cap te es beluia plagiary achmanu o ter With Avancius has nothinito sano this much more flagitiou case qui quo iure ho observes aut ambinum aut alios compilasse dictus esset non qua0sivi'. Milanius had n busines Whateve to edit a poet he Waswithout poetica iuste and grossi ignorant of metre. For a centur alto Lambinus nothinimas done O Lucretrus thecommon edition tollowe either ambinus o Gitanius. In 60 tho singula laboursii assendi more given to the Worid. Deepi verse in
rections o tho tex aro ulmos Without sexception orthless. In the illicentur severa distinguished scholars, Salmasius . . ronovin Nic.
ili Ias of his 200 quarto pages there is nodia singi sexplanation of tho Word o philosophy, his author for,hic a schoolbo would thatili
in genera appearance nor in the form o particula tollers nor in their abbreviations have the an resemblanco to th ms of Lucrestius. This scribo' nam thorolor I have exclude from, notos tho thor Laurentia mss. 29 is to e notico for tho marginal annotations iAngelo Politian spolieni abovo and orion referrosto in notos i it twico ovor has his noto liber conv0ntus Sancti Marci do Floronti ordinis Ρraodicatorum habitus a publicis sectoribus pro libris quos sibi ab eodomuonventu commodatos Angelusiolitianus amisit seu qui in mort Angeli Politiani amissi sunt'. ra has omo learno margina romark on thesirs book ironi hicha hau dori uod som facts about Marullus Thesi mss. of the Vaticana collat0d us long ago a thesautumni 1849, butnot illi much care o Ahili; ot it,ili ho 0011 rom notos 1 that theyhave beenii considerable servio to me thoi marks aro as follows, 3275