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unum addo, quod ab aliis nondum quod sciam animadverSum coniecturam de rictoriani codicis origine propositam valde confirmet. Post l. enim V. 360 Versus noVem Scripti sunt, quos delendos esse homo quidam doctissimus in margin monuit, qui versus 403 4 II per errorem hic illatos esse vidisset ration autem subducta uteri. 360 0 403 versus bis Viceno senos interpositos esse invenimus, ut facile intelligamus in singulis archetypi paginis versus Picenos sono scriptos fuisse eiusque inter Seribendum cum unum vellet Acriptorem victoriani duo folia vertisse in archetypo vero oblongi C. Lachmannus ostendit p. 3. 49 233. aliis locis eandem Versuum rationem fuisse'. robabi bolore this time tho J0arnod
irest torturo, an permit him to se that in no par of th posem is thoargumen or ex in a Soundo State. But ove Whil rovising thoranded. io the press I ound in a recent program by Th. orgh, With thonam o Ed. Hein o tho ille page, a resti attempt to magnify this much 0Xod Victorian codox in p. 1 it is said that it solus iusto ordinooxhibo libro V locum antiquitus archetypi schedae paginis inversis perturbatum nam post V 298 Atque e continuo Sequuntur, 323 Servet.... 347 Ac resisire, tum V 299 Splendida .. 322 υα sit sunt, denique V. 34 Quod contra hoc igitur insigne est Virtutis documentum, atque possit aliquis inde colliger librum Ρoggianum carchetypo descriptum eSSO, antequam illae paginae inVorsa sunt' etc. Is it no strango halso definito an assortion Ahouldi prinioli, when in truth this manuscripthas the versos in jus tho fame invertexorder, in Whic the ars givon by th L0ydon an ali ther noW mss. a more the corrector Marullus ithout doubi arrangos the disordered lines, Whotho astor Politian or nos, Oxacti a Candidus doses in tho Juntino, ho Hyondan question adopte his arrangemonDirom his manuscript An yotthe main purpos o the program polienti icto prove Marullus nos ob tho corroctor of this Victorian codex, and to provo it rom his very passaget at illi seu that by th maiorial Whicha hau collectodand jus dosoribu I havo in many important ense go nearer tha hasbeon dono eior to th reading oi oggio's ms. Which Was a Worthyrivalis tho Loyden Wo. But Lachmanti' long 0xperione an discipline aeutones have Π- able his to go 0yon ovisting mss. an to ted us much of tho ostarchetype, as Vcali Castor him, Dal oxisting mss. Notos 1 Wili ho that many dissicultio ar cloarodi by thisinowledge. his archetypeihon, though it is no certain that voti A Was immediatoly taken romit, a Writto in hin capituls lik tho modi coan o Virgil the word sWeremo Separated, ut in tho middi o versos potnis Wor put at thoen o clauses Ancientiss. as a rui k00 With singula care to the
neve could et Whethor humor or umor, humerus Or umerus γαtium Or
spacium, species o speties Wa correct an conSequently us a rulo choso
ali eliminalsed ne one hoWever ein introduced, uel a coelum coena moere Sylva caeter lor caelum en maereo silva cetera in ordor toderivo hom proposteroust irona Greeli ord. Marullus as e sidabove, rites sylv and hymbres.
In following Lachmann thon Pam ure lini Phave authorit oti niysido I bellovo thates have renson us Woll. In hos cases ind00d towhicha havs at ready referre i Where the univei Sal teStimon os inscriptions and of mss. beyond a certain age proves that there sintnon right way an about whicli the est scholar are nil no agreed there cannotb any oubi hat course hould bo ahenci e must rite querella loquella uella sollers sollemnis sollicito Iup)nter littera quattuor stuppa lammina , on th other han milia conecto conexus coniti contaeus coniveo conubium belua baca sucus litus and the likes condicio solaciu=n setius artus adj. autumnus suboles in many of them an important principis is involved obeying the almos unanimous testimon os uriwn undother good SA. e cannot ut give umerus umor and tho likes also
quicquid indei.). ut generali quidquid relative), though quicquid is
record centurio beior Cicero or Lucretius a compromise Was made be- tWeen these opposin interest. Word in common Se oon egan tochange the consonant, hos in es common uso retnino it longor. In
the sirs volum o the corpus inscrip. Lat. the mos recent i hichar as id a tho age of Lucrotius mos O them much older, imperator occur 26 times, an is alWays pol mitti m provin that in M. a