장음표시 사용
Se auferre, Se agere, Se penetrare, Se immergere, Se dare, Se amouere, Se ducere, Se abripere, Se cape88 e, e reportare. Ver se of thesem ad their Way into literar Latin the are for the mos partcomie, an have many Parallel in American lang. 559. at, I Will, ' aiter impu. or equiv. MoSt. 1038, Amph. 770, Aul. 211. Cf. Asin. 39, despuas. lsat mos geratur tibi, Men. 162, concs de huc a foribus. sal l etiam concede huc. l licet Thesubjunct. her has litti more than iis original future force.
563 ictCirCo . . . Quo is found ni here, ut idcirco . . . ut 1s common. i. Draeg. II. 687 Hand urs IIL 173, here Cic. Att. I. 19 Caes. B. G. V. 3, are giVen, Oth, illi compar in quo Clause. 565 sim facturus hould Stricti be me facturum to correspondupithi promittere, and the teX has been o changed; ut the attraction in to tho subjunct. by the interveniri clause 564, i no Strange in his style. 566. The vario us attemptito mali s0ns of the las par of this VS nremo Satisfactory, and it is seit in tho textis it is ive in
56Ti. i. 106 i. 394 ff. his uia sertaint abolit the means but certaint of th accomptishment of tho ui pose is a Standing motivo in tho com0dies in his play it is rought forWard illi specia distinctiaeSS. 569. actcleo et about a dorsen timos in Pl. ior decet ithout nyclear distinction in sense Intensive 3)5T2 Concienturio, ne of the frequent militar metaphoi S. SVS a is completed by LoeWe, statim revortar: non et .
SVS b. Tho tilaicen stood upo the stagerio play the accom Paniment to tho cantica. In trod. g 11 34. his assag is the n lyone in hicli distinc allusion is ad to a paus in the actionfillo in by musica interlude, as in ur theatreS.
I IETH CENE. - Aster a light c lay Pseudoliis reappears rom Simo' shOuse, having , as e belleves, hi upon a plancior geliing the money and thegii l. The solio vin cantic Dii, gi ven Nith musica accompaniment an ni propriate dancin and gesture is Xtremel dissiculi. The mss. Vary in thoi rea lings, the versification is uncertain and of the loOsest init, the metaphors re confused, and the thought is vague A in many other cantic t aiolabi Bacch. IV., 9, here the them Of the spealter is self-glorification there is in factis desinite line of thought, and the fornis of Xpression reflectat he vaguenes of the ideas. The absene o colloquia idionis is also a marked characteristic t suci cantica.
GTq. ut exclamatory, hicli is infrequent in later Latin is very common in Pl. Vith an adv. 62, 11, 29 1l88, etc. Nith verb, 707, 9ll, 11, 13ll. - proSpereque euen. or in Wo Silabies Introd. g 40. 5 PS. e Ctore and ConclitumAt are licenses hic mar theos.
SIT. i. Cic. de orat. III. 56, 13, haec omnia perinde sunt ut aguntur agaS, MCia are Subjunct. Diu dei. 2 pers. ST B. nam introduces the speciat illustration o the generat law, as iten in Pl.
From his poliat through 591 in ideas are lothed in militarymetaphors, introduce Mundoubfodi byil himself, ho in his fond. nos for thes figures hoW the influence i the great evenis i theyears 22 200 D. C. SBO. uplicis triplicis uot to euaken literati as in 704, gomith dolos persidias. 5B i. Tho Bacchia vss interruptrili light anapest With goodesseut, and givo a comi gravit to the thought maiorum rom astave ould ound absurd 'o Roman ars. - uirtute is Without
mora forco, the Power influence. f. Most 168, uirtute formae, Bacch. Ti, mea virtute parta, mon by m influetice. V iten in combination illi dicam se n. on 106) Pers. 391 deum uirtute icam
et maiorum memn hardi more than thaulis to the od an myancestor I can sanit, ' and so Aul. 166, Trin. 316, Mil. Glor. 672.5B3. ut repeated rom 580, as Oiten. See n. on prius 521.5B5. Hallionem AB allistalao, a good pun. brilista in L sat ways th shoti red rom the machine, o the machin itseli, and eaeballistare, a comi coin ago oundini here, musti to reatissa cillista,'' i. e. I, ill fir him ut, is possibin I, ill bombardhim, V cf. Bacch. 709 f., de ducentis nummis primum intendam ballistam in senem, I Wil bombard the old an io tW hundrod
at onc against his olytown. V The confusion is increassed by thoiae that Ballio an Simo are illi in Die Vss spolienti as hostes, perduellis, inimicum, Ballio, and two id toWns. 5B9. me eAA natum, that Phave beeniori tote,' o simply that Lam. tutior again tho textris confused. 591. Clara et cliu adj. an adv. o Trin. 268 miseros maleque habeas, illi Brix' note Bacch. 474, falso atque insontem arguis, Men. 1073, stulte diae atque inprudens, ali in close connection illi verbs hiuli ake either an adj. or an ad V. - Clueant This verbbelong properint tragi or epic Style in Pl. bout a dogon times, generali as here in a parod o serious style. For it variationbetw0011 2Mandra conj. 00 eue, II. 278, 26. At this polia Harpax the essetager of the miles Macedonius, comes pon the stage froin the est the arbor-side, look in forBallio' hou SQ. 592. ignotitii in ignotus. Fest. p. 174 nobilem antiqui pro noto monobant, ' quotin this passage S also 61. The n lyother caseris Amph. 440, uapulabis, ni hinc ab is , ignobilis, here
Mercurius is provinito Sosia that i has tost iis nam and idem tity, and hyn ob dis must ithou Four identity, ' a nos ra
595. Io Ci, o Trin. 931, quos locos adisti an in acie v ther passages rom early Latin But also loca, Trin. 86o, 61 Rud. 111 in siluations exacti like this.
596. ut . . . Tationem CRPio, Se D. on ut audio, 99. Notice
597. halaitat, Rit. Goel Z Lor. habitet, and ii 599 Becker, Stud. Stud. p. li, Lor. GoetZ in both cases against the mss. Untila caret ut stud has besen ad of tho se of the subjunctive in Pl. it suom to in dan gerous to correct the ood Both clausesare relative, and the in dic in the fit si is supporte by quoi iussit, in th spconixi, Epid. 4334. caue praeterbitas ullas aedis, quin ῬES, sene hic ubi hiabitat Periphanes Plothenius. εο is o early a repetitionii 38 that it niusti regarde asa glos in his place. 602. iEAa halaeo. The iis os habere anil also reddere, facere, dare, tradere, Bricon Capt. 345 With the peri. tu is ver common in L so that it must avo originato beiore his time. It is pr0- servo in tho litorar Latin and reacho it greatest extent in Cic. and Caes. then the usago was graduallyaestricte da certain Phrasos,unti th fifth or si xth contury. Whon the lossii inflectionalisnd-ings sed to tho quival of this diomin a substituto so the perfectiens in the Romane langu ages. Cases in hielicit is equivalsent to the peri are more rare than has been supposed probabi non ein Pl. Ph. Thiolmania in Wolfflin s Archiv II 3 and 4 Renderiere a a present, H dro at thos things hicli . . .
to save the doors rom injury. Sorasin. 386, nolo ego foὶ es, Misertia meas, a te uerberarier, MOSt. 886, heus, ecqui hic St, Gaetimam
qui his iniuriam foribus defendat fεOP. Sulalaallio, H in tho und0r-Ballio, is eoiued Word Lor. compares Subner o Domitian in Tertullian. GOB. promus promo, to give ut provisionShi a regular ordior teWard Trin. 81 Hor Sat. II. 2, 16, and condus is forme byanalog irom condo I ut it is ound ni here, an the combina tion is intunde ior comi essect asci also the Xaggerate phrase
oo might as et say. The atriensis, Wh Wa in attendatice in the main hall, as an verseer of the ther laves, an truste db his maSter. 61O nunci quictem etiam, ust at present I 'm in lavery. 611. non . . ctignuA. Harpax, hoci represente a rather a Simple-mindei person, egins evertheles to e that s. is intendi nito b impudunt. For sense i Capt. 120, non uidere ita tu quidem, in Would not thin so rom ou bellavior. V612. EAPiCere te, i. e. to conside Foui Aeli, Four Wn aulis. Heaut. 70, 19, non te respicis 'ε1xior spolien fide. oportet, muS Certainly, ' Oen. 1030, seruom hercle te esse oportet nequam et malum. - The figure in incus procudam does not oecur elso here of heating. 616. militi Traces of the early long owel in the abi. oi ddeclo n. aro abundant in inscription an in verse. It was rittenet, . Or . In l. e Prodominates, ut i an e re found occasion-
atly in the dipio inscriptions Gna inod patre prognatus 30 ,
625. victinulaitas ctare 2 almost se quin das ' illi impu. esseet. Wh don to ou give it tome ut neu l3l3, Mil. 1008, quid ergo hanc dubitas conloqui ' Epid. 260, quid istuc dubitas dicere Poen. 789, sed quid ego dubito fugere . . . . Bacch. illi quid dubitamus pultare . . . ' dubitas is alWays just eiore the insin and has sunt almos to the essee o an adv. hy re ou S SlOWabo ut ... 3 CL cesso, l099.627. ACCEPto . . . ctato. The frequentative Senseris percepti bie
lubi,' is used in a generat,a in Pl. of payments of ali hin iis, and soli transactin an busi ness. Rud. 14l3, res solutast, the businus is suillud. ut Harp. in his repi talius both res and soluta
the crumina) 631. uae titit, uae aetati tuae, confound oui ' A frequent retortat a johe, hera the speaher cannot hink of anythingiptior. S i in in alam crucem 335. Rud. 375, Amph. 4 l. and osten. - tu inventu' appearit be proverbial Capt. 568 f., tu enim reperius, Philocratem me' qui superes Neriuerbio. pol ego ut rem et deo, tu inventu's, uera uanitudine qui coli uincas, te Phil. II. X. 22, quod igitur, cum res agebat tr nemo in me disit, id tot annis post tu es inuentus qui diceres ' So Mulier the sentences are Xel amato , and may be punctualed a question or not. oui ave appenred have JOu . . .,V So ou 're tho an to hahe m crediti ' Warren, P. 56, Suggest tui inventu's, hich a very possibi bo correet. furcilles fur illa furcas is define by Placidus, . ad surcillaui subrui labefactaui, concuSSi. Tho ord oes no occur else-whoro, and the definition in the Lex cannoti right.
633. Ῥ6teat, Se Introd. D40, and D. Ompotin ut 235. 635. Notin ali it is ou ho putrit into orils I simpi re- main Walchful, I don' eVela nec uSe Ou. Thelointii the nexi two lines is not apparent. The nam e Surusis used latur in the play, 1203, ut there is uoueason hyis . houldgive a false a me, and the hole matte is ut aside a otio accounti IIarpax, quicquid est nomen tibi. 639. quo ct cf. 27 and note oti . 541. Cin qui expreSses the indignation roused in tho indoi Harp. by the reuerie attemptu cheat him. f. n. o 276.5 2. Tectctere . . . migit. The infin alter veri, o motion is rathe frequent. Cure. 206 i. nam parasitum misi nudiusquartus Cariam petere argentum, aiter eo Bacch. 351 Most. 66, abeo Bacch.
concessive se 1301 and in certain phrases salveto, audacter dicito, facito the futuro sons has almost disappeared. ILoch. JεSO. Cum eo se Introd. D35. 651. Semplum that is, a tam in a froni his se al. 653. Apage te ιμαγε talis an accusativo os Xclamation, andis frequently ussedis a Pro term i 0pudiation illi hau non)places, Amph. 10. i. Ἐ0t out illi ou V lea House, Chap.
s feceris lia been Ome lint generali substitutud; ut I bellevo Goet lora right in tali iniit as a quotation, o brough in to the
construetion Oi the Sentetice.
the in n. - TRAAus, isto ut, is regulari in Pl. 661. ut . . . ueni, ei Bacch. 106, nam ut in naui uectia's, credo timida' , Merc. 371, per mare ut ecfu's, nunc oculi terram mirantu, tui, Ost. 268, ut speculum tenuisti, metuo ne lant argentum manuS,
SEVENTI SCENE. - Pseudolus is test alone it the lette in his hand.
66B. uiatico oes illi the figure in redduaeit, em ore uiam, Iwas andering roui the way butae has brought me baccandiaid in travelling-eXPen SES. 659. Opportunitas. Such personifications, o to e ahenseriouSty, are frequent. Or. Eint. Anm. 20 gives Salus Capt. 529, neque iam Salus seruare me potest) es, Commoditas, Festiuitas, Pietas, Voluptas, Venustas, Saturitas by a paraSite), and thers. Mannos these are used by lover a term oi endearment, CaS. II.,
3 13 ff. GTA I. The mss. Nonius, and nil recent editor have faciam. Lor. ahes ut illi gloriosum and traeustates, cich werde mich stultenwio in Praliter Ussin paraphrases, ut de uirtute mea glorieret copiam ing0nii ui autem V etter a punctuate in the textWith ut exclamatory, io I am go inito bragit ut vel thisis no entiret satisfactory. The ragging one of 671 3 recalis to Pseud his orni sermopos and plans hicha ad been ut aside by thoc oming oi HarpaX, an die changes ora humbler tone This chango Ahould egi u illi atque nunc, an faciam: houldi faciebam soLamb, and i. ex o Bothe). ut faciebam anno b brought into the metre ithout great changes. Possibi gloriosum is a gloss cf. the variation in poSition o ut O possibi facerem: Andoset justio hoWH was intendinito malis mysed boastiui lySuecessivi. Jεγγ. eformata, ,ell-Shaped. V - erit for tens ei Trin. 923, num Charmides em istic erit, there that 's the man, AEun. 732, uerbum hercle hoc uerum erit. GBO. PraeCellet, a PreS. ira conj., supported by d conj form sol eaecello - eo). - Sincte, henee,' a meaning oundini in early Latin εB1. For th two indefinite pronouias quoi quod se Di aeger Q. , 89. ACCictiAAE, Ulia turn ed ut, is sense no found else here in L an in Ter oni And. 264, misera timeo, incertumst hoc quorsum accidat. tangen and mos edd. change to cecidisse.
Pr9 pecunia. EIGIITH CENE. - Calidorus comes acros the stage froni the forum, bringing with liini a friendri Wh0m he has been describin the sit uation. The conVersation I so arranged afri introduce Charinus to the audience On the contra