Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum Palaestinae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 397페이지


분류: 미분류


out Syria the terni sagat is a Frankis wor i that continuecl to he Used in the Coastalareas, whic Ail been repossessed froin the hancis of the Franks, in accor clance wit

the lanil given to the person in a status of a sinat, has ali ea δε ali the features of pure Arabic: it is the passivo participio of the root f -l whicli not sui pris- ingly, could Casib be unctorstoocl to forna tho basis of the foroign) fasal as


credibilis' arguing that on this issuo his testimony is Miliout parallel, coul l ave tiari a Case. Howevor, information supplied by an inscription is, on the w Ole, as solio as the material on whicti it hari been inciseo; ospecialty whentho information is offore i in passing. Our inscription speaks abolit sinat in avillago that untii li87 a more 27 years bos oro iis incision, was uniter Frankis rute. Since Nuwayri describes a state os affati s in Syria; w ore he himself was



os Canais, the water of the springs on iis west that


Fasaelis. uerin, et ol. cit. 232) There is no mention of the place anywhere in the Arabic litoraturo as far as I coulit Chock. For this reason the inscription discusseo bolow is a unique testimony for the existence of a setilementos importanco in the area in the 9 V centui . In l982 tho IAA carrieri out oXcavations in the ancient site uniter theclirection of V. Porat. Clearing the ruitis of a wator mill in locus il the cliνgors founil in the ruitis a stat, of stone Miti an inscription. It was catalogue luniter the number Lil Bl0l3.

Bene liction


Complete blessing and comprehensive prosperity and perpetuat happiness to iis


I brought the few CXamples above, Covering a period that CXten is to the 4 h l0 h centui on to illustrate the various usages of the formula bogin- ning with barahah on both mobile anil immobile objecis. The usage of the samo formula in the present inscription frona Fasa'il represenis, therofore,


cisely for thiS PUI POSC. The inscription froni Fasa 'it throws a glimpse adclitiones light on his poli . For here we have ericlen e of his interest in a rauaer remoto locality, in the JOrclan valley, whicli ho probably thought to clevolop. It is not cliniculi to foethat Khumarinam coulo havo wolt been attracteri to the once paraclisC-like arca os Herodian Fasaelis Witti iis abundance of water, anil instigateo a profectos garitens and watormilis thoro. It is possibio that Fasa 'it stili rotaineri sonio os iis olcl- lays prosperity in his timo, though bosicle this inscription wo still