The Rosslyn Missal An Irish Manuscript in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh

발행: 1899년

분량: 291페이지


분류: 미분류


II APPENDIX. Apoc. v. 6-Ia 6. et ecce om. 8 fiolas sic in et P. o. 9. domines deus o. regnabunt Ia uoce magna dicentium . . . in secula Seculorum vii I-ia. I. staret sic ruentus a magna m.

P. I. 4 Signati om. 6. neptatim ischar 9. denumerare . . . lingis sid et populis Io saulus pro salus ras sequ ut uiae)II in Circuitu curi. . . . et seri om. a. amenom. Ut L . . . et Sapientia Om. . . . actio, et xiv. -5. I. et CC Om. . . . Super montem Sion agnum P. 6. Stantem . . . quadraginti a uocem sec. m.





α The Missalos M. Auxustinae Abher, antectur . . . edite rem a manuscri in Me lorarmos Cor ι Christi Cotidie Cambriae e by Martin Rule, M. A. . Cambridge. 896. A is inmetimes sed so the earlier ritin os themanuscript where it dister froni the late texi A*ὶ. - The a seris Irish Lissa helon inciso Ihe President an How of Corpus Chris i Coiae , Oxford, edited with introduction and notes by F. E. Warren, B. D. London, I 879. Dis Missas Drummomsiense. 7 he velen Iris Missa in Me possessiam of the Harones inium his de Eresb. Drummonae CasID, Perthshtre edite by the late Rev. G. H. Forbes, urniisland ISSa. α The Rosslyn Missallas here print . G α The Gelasia Sacramen av. Lifer Sacramento m Romanae Ecclesiae, edited with introduction, α, by H. A Wilson M. A., Eord, IS94. - e Gregoria Sacramentar in Lituro Romana Vetus, ed. L. A. Muratori, Venetiis I748 t. ii. Γ' - e Gregorian Antiphonarmas printed in the Benedictine edition os the Woris of St. Gregory t. iii an in P. His Missale ad usum percelebris ecclesne Hers ensis, d. . . Hendenon, Letas, 1874. - Missa os olent of mie es, dii ed by H. A Wilaon, M. A. HenryBracita Society vol. xij, London, IS96.




p. 3. l. 3. The manuscript egins in the iddie os the Gospel Joh. i. I-i4 so the thim mascos Chrisimas Day. The earlier par of the Temporale probabiyille a single gatherinios seu orisve heeis, supposing that it containe the fame asses a the corresponclingrcos C. But reasons have beeniive in the Intioduction, p. xii, sortievin that this was no the rs qui re os the manuscript in iis origina State. l. 4. gratia Readiratiae. l. s. isserenda This rather than .eriorium is the correct expansionos .. The wor is ni once writie in suli p. 36 l. ix and in that instance this is the formised Thessam Nord is used in the offertoryli Remigius of Auxerre in his Expositio Missae quote by Le Brun,

Explication vol. i. p. 28 I, ecl. 777ὶ Deinde sequitur offerenda quae inde hoc nomen accepit quod tunc populus Sua munera offerat. Sequuntur versus a vertendo, dictu, quod in offerendis reuertantur, dum offerenda repetitur.' Soalso abillon's risit Appendix, cap. lo: Non cantent offerenda' ordo xi cap. 2 Primicerius cum schola cantant offerenda' cf. Capp. 4o, 3 Ordo xii Cap. l. sic D us, CAP. O Hittorp, De Divinis Caraolicae Ecclesiae O iis ac Minisuriis Coloniae, I 368, p. 44o Finito euangelio statim est offerendum, dum et offerenda canitur' cap. II: Romanus tamen ordo nullam orationem instituit post offerendam ante secretam. Lanseanc, quoted by Martene, De Mon. H. III. xv a, col. 4I3ὶ es In hac consuetudine concordant omnes sere principales monachorum ecclesiae, quae nostro tempore majoris authoritatis sunt, Sicut et in eo quod offerenda et Agnus Dei et communio ad hanc Missam non dicuntur. Durandus, ID DIU. xxvii. Dicitur etiam offertorium, quia dum offerenda cantatur sacerdos accipit oblationes.' An so e n it in the

Ambrosian Liturg Daniel, Corix urricus, Lipsiae 847, fasc. i. p. 72 Duchesne, Origines uiuue Chresten, Paris I 898, p. 96 , ille Book of Evesham, Λ, p. 98, note, and the Sarum Consuetudina .

The reserene is to De Ansiquis Metissae Risibiι Libri . . collecti asque exoraurti a R. P. Domno Ε. Marten . . . editio secunda. . . . An tuerpiae, 73 i 738; ille laurili volume of whichris his De Molia. horum Risibus.


NOTESDISSee also Radulphus de Rivo, De Canonum Obse=vantia, Prop. 23s Flittorp, p. 37quin Amalarius uses the word, ut illi a disserent mean ing, applyin it to the portio of the mas extendin stomDominus vobiscum to the en os the secret De Eccl. m. iii I9 Hit torse, p. 88 sq. . Compare also D Cange s.v. l. 6. his is the offertor in CHARS v, but in ali these the verses sit. I4 are omitted. In φ ein three verses l. II so ingthe major par of the first, an l. a sq. the thim, between hic is intercalate a secono, Misericordia e ueri as, hil Firmem is omitted. Single versos are occasionali adde to the offertor in late Englis Missais e g. Wx hut the wem to have been generat lydisused since the custom os mahing the oblations at this pari os the Service a ahandonecl. Durandus, Nationale, IV. xxvii. Bona, Rerum ratur . II. viii. era, Paris I 678 t. iii p. 359D Frere, Gruduale Saris riense London, I 898, p. xxxiii. l. 8 Read iustitia. l. o. Read potestati, auum. Compare Introduction, p. xxiv.

l. 6. oblati tibi C. l. II. nosque nos quoque Z in per haec Λ maculis

elementer S.

l. 19. ut supra Referrinios courserio one os the proceding Christ mas

l. 22. The scribe in no caseiives this ille in lall. It is heresore impossibierio determine illi certaint whether he would have written

l. a qui tecum u. per L. l. 26. Ita ad horus Di I his collec is Mund in severat of the olde Sacramentaries an Missat in a positio correspondinito that which it occupies here, unde various tities. Γ has it aster the post common, and waster the super populum, a theirs of Aliae orationes de natali ni. In cit is ea ted ad populum, in I simplo alia.'o the other hanclis has it with the ille ad matutinum aster themstcommon os therars Chrisimas mas in vir ni in nocu), whilem G tris ne os the collects of the secon mass mane primu). Thehrading seem to impi that in was intende to e sed asapparenti also inis instea of the Mas Collecto the Divine office in his respect the usage in Our missat differs sto that os authe later Englisti books. Alia actioina mei. GPIAM Pὶ

l. 28 ostendeJ infunde G. per eundem JAP. qui tecum M.



Couoet alia oratio aster postc. ΛΜ alia aster postc. IZ ad uesperas, in octauis L sor Aug. 3 . l. 7. sempiterne aeterne G. l. heati sancti GL stephani in martyris Z. l. . existat assistat G. etiam om P. l. o. exorauit supplicauit G H per GI LM. Evistis. In flectio maris are place above the ollowingword. Tule apostolorum bi. 8 magna cum Io loquebatur bii. 36 et ait, uirtutis unanimiter uocabatur

l. o. sicut quod DP quia Λ. illos AD PIAM PRWZ pasio gloriosa effecit innocentem passio gloriosos emcit et innocentes A p. gloriosos emcit effecit R A passio gloriosum reddidit C passio fecit semcit )gloriosum gloriosos PhilPSYfecit p. gloriosos Z passio gloriosos IDMW. sic ita DRs

l. 6. ine. q. A. imitari om. I. l. 7. eius natalitia. celebramus colimus . l. 8 suis om. exorare om' C. per om. en P . NATIVITAS S. IOHANNIS EVANGELISTAE. l. enair See note On p. 4 l. I. l. Io. eumJ Read eius. amon Englisti missat s. The res have octin imum It is re

memoratione .



I. o. euangelistae et p. tui A. ap. tui et om PIAM PRZ. et euangelistae tui, anteine. l. i. nobis raelictorum I V.

NATALE S. INNOCENTIUM.L i 3. enai rL See note o P. 4 l. I. l. Id aptavi' This appears to e intende to mar the Romanslation, whichris note in P and the heina II S. os the Gelasian Sacramentarnas 4 sanctum Paulum. The stations areii ven twice else here in E P. I 4 l. Ioa p. 3, l. 6 , an occasionalty in the older Enelis missais, eae sor Christmas Danino an frequently in x urscribe seenis notrio have understo these indications, andae appen rato have copio the ne elare u incorrectly should perhapsemenes flatio ad apostolum paulum: or, since felwwhere in the M S at ways represent apud apud sanctumJruulum.

q. H.

l. I 3. tribuant C. subsidiumJ praesidium G

I. I 4. The ille of this mas is unusual It combines that os theearlier books Octau te natalis aeni. I IAM PRZ with that of the latermissals In circumcisione ni AH SNY . It is thus a conflate 'heading, and the mar Os the conflation re main in the fac that thedates Ianuarii is in the ni dule insteadis a thelegi nning of the ille.


is a furvivat rom the ancient commemoration os St. Marnon his clan ascis also the alternatives Sicommon. Secret. PR de S. Maria c. CHSw sor lxx ' Drior ne Martyr G in nat consecrationis presbyteri a dominica post nat eni. c. L prope pasca Niso S. Oh ante ore.

l. 3. nos om G. et sec. - per intercessionem b. de genetricis mariae A nodis p. 73 intercedentei. N. m. tu D. l. 4 nm. eundem A.

l. 8. ine. O. d. V om. quodJ quae di nati . nostri saluatoris A. nostri mundi, m. S. l. . Solle ianitate sestiuitate, percipimus GZ. perpetuam Z. redemptionis saluationis, S V. conserant Z. l. 3. Rea uir uine. Alternativo matcommon. a L)ΡRΣZ ACD de S. Maria ΗΛSWY

l. 3. caelestibus remediis Z remedii faciatygaudii tribuatua. l. 4. OnSorteSJ participes Σ. DOMIN lCA I POST NATALE DOMINI. l. s. his mas appears illi disserent tities in many missias and Sacramentarios. It is as here so the unda xvii hin the octave in AMPRZ so the unda aster the octave in I AK so the sirili Gyaster Chrisimas, whether undano not in S, so the si xt day, is a Sunclay, in II. O tho otheriand a different mass. illi the fame ille, is Mund in P col. 38 IA. v. in the mas sor the Sunda within the octave agrees illi the alter rou in the collecis except the post- common), Othcrwi se illi the former. Se surther Dr. Legg' note p. 434ὶ This mas sor the unda with in the octave might more naturali hau come hesore that so the Circumcision, ut anomalles in the orde Os masses occur else here in , an in W the converse mis placomen is Mund the undanaster the octave coming hcsore the octave Moreo, crithe orde in AZ agrees, illi thalos E.



v. 3 Seruiente. v. 6 abba.

L a. sacrificio m. S. l. 3. absumptaeJ SSumptae S.

l. 22. The fimi ord should have been printe Marissiym . The sui texi ha been ive in the secon Christinas maSS.It willie observed that the grail offertor an common are omitted, and catch- Orecare notii ven a in the office an epistie to guideus. It is natural to suppos that these choi paris ere intende tobe supplic iso the immediatet precedin mas sor the undayaster Christ mas And this conjecture is supporte by other eviden cein the case of the offertor and common. In RSW the common is repente sto the correspondi nonias and o also is the offertoryin ali os these exceptis The grai present more difficulty. The


rao NOTES majorit os Englis Missalsisse on this anthe fame graillas a thesecon Chrisimas massa an no book cite by Dr. Legi W p. 343 sinrepcat that of the Sundanaster Christinas. ut o the ther hancl an sonae SS. o PMahelai thei choi portions iso that mas :and e ma perhaps assume that in his case E sollows Romanrathe than Anglican Sage. l. 27 Read eum.

l. 27 euin ei P illum, illi, cum I. praesentibus illum

illi Limmolemus M . praesentibus immolemus -mur P GHI APSYZ. l. 28. et ' eum . sumamur P. quem quae P. sestiuitatis sollemnitatis. l. 20. in m. n. per JAM qui tecum P . l. 31. Theiosicommon in A and the Arbuth noti missat Mund also in P among aliae orationes astor the postc. os Epiphany agmeSwit this down to accende, hut the remainde is entiret different.

35. coaeternus sempiternus G. nostrae carnis σε natus G.

l. 36 uisibiliter magis de longinquo uenientibus uisibilis et , . apparuit, sed.

l. 4. ine. d. nr. o. d. AC hu see col. 78 ΗΛΜPRSNY.ur. m. I. quae quo AH v. l. 3. purificatae mentis intelligentia purificatis mentibus indulgentiam .

l. 7. Rea epifaniae. l. See p. b l. 3. Colloci. AHIAM PRSWYZ C. sor Epiphan P among aliae orationcs ' asteriosic of Epiphany . l. o. cuius in filius A. l. it. Iora G. l. 2. per qui tecum H MRSWYZ. l. I 8 The manu script has a note os interrogation astor exul en the penultimate et ter of this ord has Lee enclose With in quare bracheis in error .