장음표시 사용
l. 27 sqq. his passion is no letterta. From hicho may perhaps inser that it was no intende to M sung like that appotntedis Palm unday by three cantors S also C, hic sor almriunda oves the ex of the passion in suli, with the letters indicatingthe division belween the cantore here and a the wednesdanos Holywee has meretna direction that the passion is to e reacl, without
l. 32. Read Uectissimi. Firat Bictaing. l. 3a nobis ε inprimis GHJSY.l. 33 pacificare i adunare GRYZ et Custodire om. . toto orbe J per uniuersum orbem G. l. 34. terrarum orbe P.
l. 33 tranquillam et quietam G. devmydnm. et .
l. cuius Haeterno GΛ. l. . electos σε te . l. o. antistites G. talibus G te . l. II. auctoribus sub tanto pontifices G. l. 3. Read presburis laconibus. l. IS. Read confessoribus. This Bictaing. l. 3. oremus se et episcopis in et presbyteris Het . diaconibus in et . l. 8 Read sancti catur.
l. 8 sanctificaturJ multiplicatur C. l. o. tibi gradibus eici hom G. fidelitur om P. Fouri Bictuinae. l. I. christianissimo. imperatore rege M uel rege G.
l. 22. subditas Φ illi illis G) nationes, et faciat sapere ea quae recta sunt atque contra inimicos catholicae et apostolicae ecclesiae triumphum largiatur uictoriae CWv. l. 26. Readio rata es.
l. 27. christianorum christianum ΛWV romanum ΓΡR romanum siue romanorum atque Disancorum M anglorum I. quae qui CW uirtuteJ seritate. l. 28. dexterae tuae potentia οῦ. l. 32. Read inueniantur. Finti iactinsi'. l. 29. ut Φ et M. achet. l. 3i misericordiae, suae S. l. 32. digni post ipsi AH S post peccatorum et ipsi
l. 8 omnes saluasi in homines HS. l. i9 respice ad animas. l. 2o prauitate deposita peruersitate depulsa G. l. ar unitatemJirmitatem l .
l. 34. amen This scenas qui te ut os lac here, an might heregarde a a scribe' error due to the ac that amen usuali else-where sollows the word in saecula saeculorum. ut it is ound herei cu and the Cod Ottob os I the ther an iis expres :
et non respondetur. Amen' p. 32. l. 2. Reau ecclesia uuae sanc ae. Nini Coueci.
l. 3. nm. eundem . l. 4. The resemblance belween the rubriccos candi is very striking. Thenare osten verballyridentica when, in ther books, even thoughthe Same senseris expressed, it is couched in different te s. It is areas nable inserence that the wcre derived hom a common Ource and is his he so the rubriccos the ne may be alien a giving the Practice suppose in the ther, even hen there is no expressedili rection. An illustration is afforde hy the present rubric, whicli sidentica ruit that in C, excepi that the alter read sus eniam sorsus ineatum aes above o p. 7 l. 6, and below on p. 48. l. 24 sqq.
A p. a), an in service book of the Churches os Noyon, Chalonsen Champagne, St. Germai des res, Corbie, an Montecassino, cite hy Martene, De An . Ecri Rit. IV. xxiii. 27 t. iii coli. 372, 379, 38aὶ De Mon. H. III. xiv. 23, 26 col. 39 Sq. in 'ios orationes
Praeparatur crux ante altare . . . Sustentata hinc et inde a
duobus ι θ riis. Similari a Pollier book Martene, De Ant. Eccl. I. I.c. iii col. 3753. I have no notice elwwhere, excepi in C, thecli rectio that the Croscis tote supporte hy acolytes. R has simply vinistris, S 'resburi de superiori gradu, Y vicarici presburi. Cantantibus hos uersus The manne os singing this pari os theservice li 7-24 seem tote nearly identica in the two I risi, Missalsan in the uses o Heresord, Salisbury, and ork. The antiphon Sare sun by the two who suppor the ross Axio hy two thersdifferent: Duo fratres ex parte hebdomadarii cantant . . . meus usque otheos x. Popule meus . . mihi. P. Ouia . . . Iuo. Chorus ex parte hebdomadarii cantant heos. Alius chorus respondet Sanctus deus . . . . Postea duo fratres de Secundo choro cantant P . Quia eduxi . . . . et chori respondent alternatim Arios . . . Sanctus. Ita tamen quo primus chorus semper reincipit, Fos Deinde duo fratres de primo choro cantant F. Quid ultra . . . Item chori alternatim respondent A os Sanctus ut dictum est. In SY an so apparently the uncovering of the rosSsollows, in ii precedes, ne singing of the antiphons. l. 6. episcopus Thesbishop, it,ill he noti ced, ahes ille chie place whicli minis to the fac that our missa belonge to a cathedral church.
l. 8 qui C. l. o. Read alii. Duo diaconi de secunda forma . . . ad gradum chori ad altare conuersi SQ duo iaconi . . . in medio chori ante ostium occidentale chori alii duo .... stantes in medio chori 'H. Cris again very simila to Quibus respondendum sit a duobus aliis paratis qui sic dicunt. l. a. ea dicat Deinde subsequatur chorus et dicat flectendo genua. l. I is again dentica with R.
Seoon Antiphon. CHRSY.l. IS. annis. uestimenta . . . trita sem. l. 6. et ante manna. quoque m.
l. i 7 introduxi Φ te CR. optimam J bonam S. Parasti . . . tuol. 18. reui cantores C som . The resere iace is to the duo parati' previOust mentioned l. Io .
l. II. uinea mea f. decora S. fructu decoramJ speciosissimam HR. satis nimis ex m). l. 22. mixto cum selle om C cum selle mixto, sit inea C. l. 23. resorasti C. saluatori tuo CHR. l. 24. C inseris here an address to the eoplo sollowe hy a rubric, hicli appeam tote in pari a misplaced repetition, illi stight variationos that gi venabove l. 4 sq. Post hos orationes sis expleta prcsearatur crux ante altare . . . Sustentata huic et inde a duobus inconi-hus', α). Then solio antiphon an psalm during thc adorationos the priest, an finalty the hymnim sufetis, as heres i. 26 . l. 3l. Here e ma Suppose, as in C, too place the adorationis thecie in and Deople. l. 32. A rubri has clearly been omittemhere. I may be supplicithom salutata uero cruce et reposita in loco suo discendit pontifex aut sacerdos ante altare et dicit oremus preceptis salutaribus moniti.
Pater noster sed libera. Sumit de sancto et ponit in calicem nihil dicens. Compare litor , p. 66 recte M), M. There is no mentionos the Consuor an other prayers directed toto said here in HSV. See Martene, De An . EGI RH. IV. xxiii. 23 t. iii col. 366ὶ Veteres nihil praeter orationem Dominicam et obem nos dicebant.' l. 34. his is the postcommon so the precediniday. I know of noother authorit sor sayiniit at this place o Good Friclay. In C. M PRthere isto postcommon. Inm Refectibus ut alibus comes at the enuos Vespers, an in S, in the sanae place Respicei une. hut here thereis a separate collectrior Vespers p. 33 l. ). l. 34. HS and the Ahercleen Breviar have the fame psalm anclantiphons sor esperion Good Frida asin Maund Thumclay Anditiis Was the uSual rule. Inis,however, there is a variation Thelvo psalms are uniunde a single antiphon Calicem sum aris, instea ofhavini p. 27 l. 34 sqq. a separate antiphon sor each psalm Thecloses parallel hic I an cite is the directio os a Strasbouinordinar of A. D. 364 that the vesper psalm on Frida shallhe sun without antiphons Martene, De Ant. EGI Rit. t. iii col. 39 ). p. 33. l. 4. S and the Abercleen Breviar have the fame antiphon sorva ni caros o Mauno Thursclay Cenantibus auum H have esus autem cum accesses, the twoirs word omitte in H). l. 7. his collectris no Mun here in annother missat illi hich am acquainted. wo collecis Occur elsewhere in , both os,hichbegin with these words, an ei ther os hic may theresore e here intended-that sortite Exaltation os the Cross, p. 7. l. I 6, and that sorthemas de S. Cruce, p. 78 l. 3o. The latior, a be ing the more frequently used os the two, is probabi the ne hero referre to though it ma be note that the forme with some variations is undietween the adoration and the mas os the pre-sancti fied in a Lyons S. of the thirteenth centur, , and in a si xieenth centu irinted missat of the fame Church Marthne, De Ant. Eces. H. IV. xxiii., t. iii. col. 384 Sq. . ut it musti rema rhed that in ali previ ous instances Where the paris os masses are indicatei hy ues the sui texi ad appeare in an earlier partis the hooh. Not improbabistheresore the
Missa de S. Cruce came hesore that nox unde considerntion Is sothe arrangement of ou missa resembled thatos C the Otive Masses prece ling the Temporale. Other indications pol ni in to the Same conclusion,illi notice hereaster.
hic induit se casula The formis this rubric and the absenc os thetitie in the S appea to indicate that in the exemplar thi Was notthe eginning os the service The benedictio cerei' probablyprecede the lessons, as in C. here is no rubri here in C, hut v p. m has the directio ' equitur benedictio Cere Paschalis . . . I relato capio inserim in se se sua residente' and later on, henthe lessons are a ut o begin, Praelatus interim Casula in reuestiari indutus' c., hicli agrees ith, an explains, the rubriciesoreis. Compare the Sarum Consuetudinar ed. rere, i 8, p. Si l. I S. ea mirabilius. l. 6. Read seccati.
l. 3o. miraculaJ mirabili R. l. 31. egyptiaca HR, V. l. 32. potentiam SY. cinya S in salutem id, .
336 NOTES. redeunte in uestiarium The pries here excitanges his chasuble
procedat ad sontes Both C an comit the lessing of the Font but his rubric evidently impliescit. It was probabi in the exemplar. The rubriccis omitte in C. l. 36. subiectam letaniam In S the litan aster the Blessinios thethe Font is metrical: ut CRW have here litantes simila to that in E l. 37. The litantes in CR Y begin wit KFris Dison, Chrisu eleison, which may have been accidentali omitte here But, O the therhand the litanna the beginninio the StoWemissat MacCarthy, P. isahbegins with Christe audi nos thrice repeatex solio ed however, by KFrie eleison. l. 38. Read dei. P. S. l. 4. Read sancte, si hane or zephane . l. 6. Readire mi For Sylvester an Gregor C has Marti and
l. 28 tuam tibi. EvintIo. Inflectio mar over iue ad. l. 32. Heluia is writte in the fame an as the epistie no in thesmalle script used so the choi portions. his may be explaine asinapi, in the manne os singing the Alleluia erioinc in Finita epistola sacerdos qui cantat missam incipit Alleluia, et totum decantat te exaltando uocem gradatim : et chorus post quamlibet uicem in eadem uoce repetit illud idem. Postea uorsus Consumini. . . Cantatur communiter uel Sicut cantor disposuerit, Sc. Compare Martene, De Monachorum itibus III. v. 22 t. v. col. la). Somewhat simila directions appea in s and Y but so the celebrant we have in duo clerici de secunda forma, an in duo uicarii.' l. 33 Rea P with CRS F. p. 36. l. s. 'ead Auriis. l. 6. Read prosciunt. Socret ACGUAPRSNYZ DHM so the day .
NOTES. 337L quoque m C semcD L. I. IS. ex aqua et Spiritu Sancto tos quo L. l. 6. omnium m. D semelo sos peccatorum I semeH. Peccatorum in ut inuenires eos in c. i. uno nostro G. ine Om.
Pontcommon. AcTHJΛPRS YZ D M soria α' pro caritate ). l. 8 Spiritum in K. l. 9 sacramentis paschalibusJ uno caelesti pane G. tua una G. i DIE PASCHAE. l. 24 Sq. CDHRS V have ut ne alleluia aster tuam, and wo aster
l. 26. his litterior Lo Sundanappear in C alone of the printed editions os early missat whichra ave examined P have Dominicastos albas, A Dominica Dros Pascha, the remainde OPIuua Octauae
I38 NOTES.mas sor the previous Monday , in Whicli it stand a the verses os the offertory. The secon alleluia l. 3 is there omitte i x is inserte helare tin es an Mesus, an alleluia adde at the nil. The word dixi pri an sicut Hai in . 3 are omitte l. Theyshould have been marked illi an belus f in the text. Compare
l. 33 quo unigenitus filius tuus diis. nr. filius tuus M. sollennitatis hodiernes uenturae solemnitatis S sollemnitatis uenturae HYZ sollemnitate hodierna A. auctor in caelum . p. 30. l. 3. Read cuique. Eolatio. Insectio mainove Tiue apostolorum.
l. a. his is the offertor in HAS, , here, however, ali sollowingalleluia l. 4his omitted P approaches closely to , mahing Cumque inmerentur the verse of the offerto , with the wores adde at theseiadqui et dixerunt i ueniet quemadmodum ui istis eum ascen enum in caelum alleluia These ord may have been omittet in Q hyaccidcnt o design), hau in appeare atready l. 3 q. Cris,anting
l. II. Almost ali Englisti missat agre in aving Ascendi in the firs x as here But in giving ns in sina sor the secon Ε, agreeing withis, has litile suppori stom Englisti books: so tio everΛ. has it a ille ourili P. The seconda in I HS i Ascendens, to hicli Discld a third, Non uos relinquam P has Ad Res p. Ascendi Heus in iuhilo. Psallite deo. At L P Ascendi ' it thualternative All. y. Dus in sinu. l. I sqq. his addition to the fierior appeam to e peculia tomamong the more modern missals C hein mutilate here. It is mundas the verses of the offertor in P , Plein inserte besore quoniam l. 9han subiecit i. 2 l .
l. 28. nostrae fragilitatis A. fragilitatis . . substantiami hominem nostrae Substantiae GL exteram D HY. l. 29. collocauit se Sed. l. 32. DI HRSW add alleluia a the cnd of the common.
P. l. l. 2. The word ad uisam ithout an surther ille scem to implytha the exemplar containe the lesson in the Vigil Compare C where aster the lesson we have the heading ad missam achere ButW note in I p. 17 22s, Similari laconi tities, hicli, illiso admitos an analogous explanation. l. 7. Rea tuae. l. . mite . Couoct. ACI HIAM DRS YZ. l. illustratione illuminatione A. Eulatio. Inflection marks ver Tiue apostolorum v. dixitque o. 4 in sec. v. 8 Suadens λ). l. 3. Laudate Enm is the trac in the other hooks, including C. Thatit is here include in the grai is probabina scribat error. CL above
LΛ om. celebrantes praeuenientes o the Vigil only
l. 28. Sanctus sm. sente se adueniens . apostolis om ΑΓ semc ayostoli . . . apparuit apostolos plebemque
NOTES. credentium praesentia suae maiestatis impleuit Glo M not
For collation se a vei p. 36, l. II. P. 42. Postcommon. ἈΓΗΙΛ PRYZ CDMS so the da G ad uesperas infra octauo . l. intima aspersioneyubertate G.
l. I 4 sancti Spiritus. Eptatio. In flectio marks ver Tiue apostolorum v.
p. 42. l. 26. It is observe in the ootnote that the rubricator has omitte tostippi tities o s. 73, and the three solio in leaves This an accounte sor a the result os pure accidenti his explanation howcve is carcet satisfactor in te os the lac that ille leaves inquestion orna a complete gathering Is it e rejecte it a besuggeste ei ther I that the writinios his athering was no complete hen the remainder of the manuscript was rubricated or a)that it was intende to cance thes leaves and that in consequerice of this the rubricator passe ove them. In lavour os i is the facet, ilic probabilit os,hich wil presenti appear, that the major par os the contenis of this athering was inserte as an aster-thought in savour of a certain mistahes in the prefaces which willie mentionedhelow. nisi ther hypothesis the S. was testinfinished- confirmatio of the supposition that it was used hut litile, is a est, at the altar. lndcc the fac that herilites of the prefaces,ere not addestili a date Considerabi later than that of the writinios the missat, and then inone Case erroneously, oinis to the fame conclusio significam ly
l. 3 sqq. his occum in the verses os the offertota, iththe exception o Ibi leniamini usque excessu, hicli is clearly an additiona verse inserte in ' elare iri ecclesiis l. 32 andreae na l. 33 In CDHARSWwallister i. 3o is reiected. Compare abo, e