The Rosslyn Missal An Irish Manuscript in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh

발행: 1899년

분량: 291페이지


분류: 미분류



counto for ei ther i by the caretessnes of the scribe or et o the suppositio that the missing paris,ere intended tote supplied romitte precedinimas. γ above o p. 9, t. 22). Against the lalter hypothesis is in the n likelthood that there out be a specia collect, epistie, an gospe so the octavo without a specia secret an post- commona β the fac that there scenis tote no other example os thesecret an Dosic os Epiphan beinluse so the octav and the surther fac that the scribe has et seu here test masses incompletes seopp. 78, 9 I. I f, have reali here a lunde os the scribe it sunt i hely that the missa should have hec iniserior an considerable time ithout at eas the catch-word of the missing collecis eingsupplic by a corrector This is ne os severa indications that thebook was litile is at ali used a the altar.


l. I. Rea erigania is p. II l. 7. his Scem the mos naturalemendation the substitution os a sor ae ein frequent though ityielus liat is apparenti a unique titie so this maSS. r. Legg

octave sis argument so the sam Orcle obtains in Q se also

above o p. 8 l. IS. It is no impossibi that the orcle in such cases may indicate the actuat practice, the ille bellaicopi ed rom an earlier book an theresore bet nimi fleacline. Is we have rightly understood the ille of the present mass, it would seem that in it the word epiphania is applied rathe to the seasontegi nning with Epiphany thanto the da it seis A similarisse of ascensio is ound in Z where

the unda aster Ascensio is calle Dominica prima Ascensionis. An in like manne Septuagesima seem tote a season in A, whicli has for the Conversionis St. aut GH T cI. Tu es uas.' l. s. his psalm lxv. I, 2 is Mun also in F w an somerat GallMSS. Frere, Graduale Narisiuriense Index. More commonly HRSY we have here Ps. xcix. I, Iubilate deo omnis erra seruite. There is no mas in C. l. 7. Rea uom.

l. 7. populi in tui I.

Sum, alteriuS.



l. I 4. usque tuum indicat in the addition to the office os the wores prosur nomen tuum, Milichor no mund in I HRS- C has no

V 24 minus , a naufragi uiri; v. 26 periculis quart. salsis v. a uigiliis, nuditates v. 3 non V. 33 manu ; v. I xPedit, reuelatione. v. 4 homini dixit.

l. 2. i. III. G.

l. 3. sacramentis , et G. etiam n n. M. l. 14. deseruire concedas insorines G M. DOMINICA IN QUINQUAGESIMA.


v. 2 nichil omnia quartu nunquam, distruetur; . o Parte v. II Cogitabam, erant v. I lacte v. 3 autem sec. l. 27 .

l. Io. haec om. D. q. dne Di RSV. l. II. et, ad DPHIRSYZ sacrificium celebrandum uenturam sestiuitatem Sanctorum m. tuorum 'n' celebrandam D.


l. 9. There is considerable variation belween the di fierent book in the service sor the Blessinios the Ashes Cthroughout closely solioWs inly departinisrom it by the insertio os two psalms, an in the final colleci. Clives a shorter office ali the paris os hic are laundi S. That in II is identica with C excepi that the fines collectris

omitted. l. 23. Read niniui arum. l. 26. eos qui omnes Read omnes qui eos.

l. 23. sanctiΦficare. l. 24. nostra delicta,Y.I. 23. more nineuitarum ferre constituisti S. l. 26. inuocationem Φ Sancti S.I. 29. sic eorum. inchoare sancta ieiunia S. Sancta om. V.

l. 3i accipere percipere,. A the conclusion of the firs collec the ashes are sprinkled withholy water in S. l. 33 sqq. his secondirayer of benediction is Mun in many books, an is thesoninone in C at this place. l. 33. Rea non The confusion belwee t m in andra m nonhis frequenti molli abbreviations are common in Irish MSS. p. 7. ea imponi the substitution os e sor a Min no unusual. 'onfer is a tempting mendation, but this reaclin appeam to beunsupporte by MS authori ty.

l. 33. non iis, desideras sed penitentiam C. Peccatoris C. l. 34. humanae conditionis C. l. 33 perserendae praeserendae HS proserendae R .

Promerendae Om.

p. 7. decrevimus HS benedi, icere henedicere se et sanctiq ficare C om. g. pro tua bonitate beneΦdicere .

l. 2. Pro om. C. pietate bonitatem V dignare R. nos in K. cineres Sc esse CHRY- esse monuisti S. l. 3. cognouimus cognoscimus CHRS V. l. peccatorum Φ Omnium.


l. 7. homo m. . cinis . . . reuerteris pni. m. W. puluis reuerteri S Sec. m. HSY.l. 8. n. in nomine patris &c. S. l. Io. his antiphon appears inis at an earlier par of the service in W ithout psalm . Q HSY, as in Ε, it is sun with the psalmSaIuum me a cluring the distributionis ashes. In C the samerant. an psalm come besore stramento, without an rubric indicatiniwhenthe were tote salo. It is natural to inser that the were intende tobe sed in the fame way. In Rw the ani during the distribution is muremur se l. 0 adding also uisa uestibulum l. is , with psalmis responsor differing froin those gi ven hereri l. 8, 22. l. 5 sqq. These two antiphon are omitte in C and the printed editions of They are sales Without psalms during the processionini an som MSS. of Henderson p. 46 note p. 473. One os them Immufemur in W, and th in , are connected with the distribution.

At Evesham the antiphon Immutemur,as uni cum interpoliatione Uersuum psalmi Deus miseream nostri' on accordin to the Bodleian S. Ra l. c. a the psalm Deus miserea ur,as to he used cluring the procession si opus suerit' W col. 3s note . l. I sq. Read Drusim . . . et dicent illi MSS.hani the Vulgate is plorabant . . . dicentes,ith S. l. 3. ea leuisae. l. II. Rea ad feci I not however bein a scribe' error, but an orthographica solecismis ot uncommon to tristi MSS.

l. 3. plorabunt H. l. I 6 et dicent dicentes RS. l. 7. dissipest despicias II. clamantium canentium R. l. 8 has no psalin here.

l. 22. his psalm is notiive here in S. l. 24. E seem to e unique in placing this collec here. It is usualty the mas colleCt. Couoct. AC PHIAM PRSWdias mas collecti in ieiunio mensis septimi). l. 24. praesia m. GHMS.



L 3. in misterii J ministeriit C.

DOMlNICA H IN QUADRAGESIMA. l. s. Rea Dominica seMnda, in accordance with the usage os thebl S. else here, though dominicus has much supporthom other books. l. 7. Read unquam. l. I et Rea inurius.

l. 8. The lalter par of the mass, includini portionis the epistie, ing absent rom, through the os os a leas, I have used sor thepumos o collation another re Pia edition, Missus Romanum sensis LucunIonii e tanta enctiis Is . V Id. Jan. whicli Idesignate a R'. L I9. It willie observed that there is no grail. in like manner have two tracts an no grail. s. xxiv. PSq. here giventas the traci, is in the vas majorit os Englisi books the grail. S and the Sherborne missa include theraret alsis v. 7, egi nning Tribulationes cordis, and mar hesore uide l. o R'. ut thegreater number egin, as 'E, With De necessitatibus se Dr. Legcs note,' P. I 46 I, in hicli, o Mever, there is an error illi regar toour manuscripi, cis,ithout the mass. Lai. Reail meum.


ta6 NOTES. l. 22 sq. A D. . . inimici mei is a Wini' Hv. his addition to the grail is no Munesin, S. l. 23 sqq. Etenim, Q ap ars also in V, where it is marhedis a separate v. have notriound i else ere. l. 34. Read ecclesiae suae. Socrat. CHMPS- L in ieiunio mensis decimi). l. 33. in omnis. p. I. l. 3. adoraboJ The usual reacliniis adae orabo.

l. 7. tua tuis sta

l. s. propitiatus tantis tantis, mysterii GR. participes J

p. 23. Seoret. Ἀ- L orationes ieiunii mensis septimi . l. II. nobis om. diuinis tuis L. l. I 3 sacri Syeorum L.

Socret. HS . l. 23. i. d.


l. 3a praesidiis subsidiis, PRY.

l. 8. nostrum in et G.

l. o. ipsius eius G. documentum G. eius m. e rc CG . l. II. consortium per eundem qui tecum uiuit M. c. dni nostri qui uiuit PE G. EvistIo. In flectio mar over Die ad. l. 6. Read manum. l. ao. Rea uidens Most missat clo no mar Quia, α, as a

l. at There an e litile oub that the scrihe has btundered here. Deus deus meus is the egi nning of the trac in ΠΗΛRSWY, and apparently in almos allisther English books. For x wealiould there-sor rea narius Andris this correction e accepte xv may, Withth authorities jus mentioned suppi aster usque the wor is posuIoqui nascerumquem feci . s. mali in the traci PS. xxi. 2-9, 18b I9, 22,

l. 22 sqq. There is a paragraph in ali missals marked in by a large ornamenta initiat at uera autem te, the egi nning os the Gospei. ut the rea at EI Fmno dicto is rare. It is Mund also

in C.

It will e observe that this passion is lettere in such a wayas to sugges that it was intende to be recited by three persons This fac ma perhaps ive ome et in determining the date os themissat since the custom os recit ing the passion in his manne seenas noto have been ancient. It shout be notice that the lettering cloes no appea in the passion accordi noto St. Joh in themo clFridanservice An in his respect Magrees, illi it contemporaryC. In the lalter the Palm unda passion is give a sui tengi and lettered, ut in the case of the wednes lanandarida passion ille texi is no transcribed, and then ere clearly supposed to e readiso a book of the os is Thus in both missat the Palm Sunclaypassion alone a to e clivide bet ween three ministers. The elaborate singing of the Passion oui qui te naturali a first e confine to this day, an so e manliave here an indicatio thathoth the Corpus an Rosslyn Missat bolon to a period when thecustom referre tomaclio fuit festablislied itfel in the Iristi Church Unsortunately, however, data are notis present avat labie so fixing the dat when the practice ad iis heginning. In Rome it ould seem noto have ad place helare the fifteenth century, since labillon' orta xv en os fourteenth contury direct that thepassion is to e sal by a single Cardina dracon. In some renchChurches it was no in Ogue tit ille eventeenti or ighteenth

Socit,ould seem to have been a Romes Catalant, Rituati Romanum, Patavii, 376o vol ii, p. 88 g viiij Forte secutori inualuit mos ut 1 assio a tribus diceretur in solemni missa huitis diei.


NOTES.Centuta. Else here it arose much earlier. In the obbio Missalin the Ambrosian Librar D. 84 ins) whic helong to the tenthcentuta, the wores of our ordore indicate by a mar in themargin jus as e find in two early printe Sarum missat enice I 404, solio Rouen, 407 His ord marhe with a ross. The evidenceos Durandus Rationale, I lxviii. 6 proves that the customgoes ac to the hirteenth centu G. In England the eviden ce of manuscript Sarum Missals hows that it was prevalent at thel ginning of the fifteenth centurn but whether i may be trace toan earlier date Deo notanow. The letters use to indicate the different paris in Mare unusual-Lu, The two alter are Mund in Roman books both modern and pre-Pian, in hicli the saying os Christ are indicate by a ross. I seem probable that the scribe os, mistoo the ross, in themanuscript stom,hichae copte the symbols, io a , and that Domthis error has arisen his se os that lciter so the wom o Christ, is hic I belleve is ithout parallel. me a very wel have muricl,I in an Englisti book. In Dichinson' reprint of the Sarum Missa the letters areis so the explanation o whic se therubri in col. 64ὶ but in the early printe editions 4 curare notuncommoni used, whil in SS. os the fifteent centur theyappea to e the rulo. In C, have D A therars os,hicli clearlystanes sor Mesus. See surther Gavanti, Thesaurus Sacrorum imum,

iv. 7. M Catalant, Rituale Romanum, x. S. secon editiori, Patavii typis seminarii, i 76o, vol. i. p. 18 sq). Since writing the above in attention has been directed by r. De chi in trech Missa printe a Leyden in sicin hich the letters of the

passion are t m a explaine in the ollowin rubric Est notandum quod ubicunque habetur ni . . . mediocriter cantari debet ubi autem a alte . sed ubi I tacite. his seem to suggest that at trech the passion was surighy one person it va in tones, ather than by three persons his is consistent,ith the wotas os Durandus aliove reserre to Cantus uerborum Christi dulcius moderantur et/.I. modulantur . . . euangeli Stae . . . uerba intono euangelii proserentur ν.L untur) Uerba uero impiissimorum Iudaeorum clamose et cum asperitate uocis' and possibiWalso with the lette ingos Further, it ma be plausibi conjecture that theo os, is no a

munus oblatum.

l. deuotionisJ bene uiuendi effectum Φ beatae APHIAMRYZ nobis P. effectum perhennitatis gloriam



l. II. commemorationem AMS Z. hec hoc. l. i 3 traditione die . c. - filius tuus M Z. l. 3. have not ound this Communicanus elSeu here l. i sq. Read et cunctae familiae.

l. 23. accipias, et tua pietate C. G. l. 24 sq. In the manuscript qui pridie sol lows accipias ithou any indicatio that i long to a late par os themanon It is di multio belleve that is the book ha been much, sed a the altar his error of the scribe wouldio have been marked in sonae Way so that thepries might e revente fro omitting the clause Hanc Titur.

Compare bove notem P. II l. 35. l. 24. Rea quam nostra. The symbol sor quam and quia in IrishM SN are Sometimes scarcet distinguishable. Qui minis. APHIAM BRS UZ. l. 24 omniumque omnium IMP. pateretur anu pro S.

l. 23. - hoc est anu hodie. hodieJ hodierna die K.

cultum R. l. 33. tuae immortalitatis R.



i und in s and the Ahercleen reviary in the correspondin placem Manni a d anxit is cloubiles this canticle whichris here indicate thy the wom euaneelium. So Y p. - In euangelio antishona Iesus autem, &c. s. Magnificat. Cf. abillon' ordo i Appendix, cap. I sqq. Duchesne, Origines uiuue Chresten, an Med. p. 3 , 56. hec An error sor auum the Iristi symbolia lavini en read . l. 3. The repetition os the postconimo is explaine by the rubrics of S coli. 3o4 3 3. Vespercare salo immediatel aster the common. and so the vesper collectris substitute the postcommon os the in S, sol lowed by II. , missa es Et sic missa et vesperae simul finiantur. In HY O post Ommon is gi ven an Resen a vespere is eaded

l. i6 Rea vi', 'amasciue. l. 8. ut supra Referring to themas for the Previous Gy, p. 26. l. 22. This praye is mundi fore theirst lesson in CGAPN, and apparently in A. This is it place probalil also in , here immediatelyaster the super populum os Maund Thumda we have Deus a quo, eade oratio Then Feria sexta in Parasceve. Oratio. .itii peccare. The ille Feria sexta in Parasceve has apparent ly beerimi spla ecl. In HIRS there is no collec besore therars losson Musa quo cing sed cfore the second. In a Roman Pontifica prin te lat enice per spectabilem virum clominum Lucamamonium clegiunt florentinum' Sept. 3, 32o the fame two collecis that we have here are iveri, ut in invertet order. In the collatiori

below this book is indicated by the symbolis'.

Kesponsorium, ni Canium. l. 23. Read tua. l. 23. Rea amroflinquauerint.

l. 2. ea nafurae. Terreni is no an error sor Ierrenae, though,e

parentis nature,' naturae necessitate Om. .

l. 3. ita, et P. imaginem, unigeniti filii tui ni nostri