장음표시 사용
2 7. Europam in tauro, thei Europa on the ut L Cicero is herereferring to ork of art hicli,ere eli nown at the time. This Europa o the buli a probabi a orio statuary. 2 9. Cupidinis signum. Mentione above, . . I 6. 253. Ialysum. Ialysus was a mythic hero os Rhodes. Lindus, Ialysus, and ametrus are mentione in di. I. 44 a the three cities of Rhodes, whicli ere include in the orian Hexapolis, o League o fixcities. The were personified by the Greelas a three brothers. Pindar, Ol. 7. 74, celebrat in the victor os Diagoras o Rhodes, speah of 'Poδosas a nymph edde to Helios, the Sun-god, and ivin birili to various
254. Paratum This as a patritin by Protogenes, a semous Greelapa inter of the murth century B. C., represent in the Paratus, ne of the State vesseis of the Athenians See Dict of Ant unde 'Paratus.'255. Myronis buculam Myron as a statuary, who live about 48 B. c. His Cow was ne of the mos famous ork of Gree art. 257. Illud est- volo, the reason hyci mention these is thates,ishyo to bellexe,' c. The clause quod-auserantur is in apposition ith illud. 263. Heracli hereditatem. He is referring to a case, hicli adbeen spolier of in delat in a previous par of the pleadings, in hicli Verres lia deprive Heraclius o an inherit ance amountin to 3,OOO,OO SCSterces,on a false charge, and distributexit among the eople of Syracuse. 264. Propter societatem, iecauseae made them harers. 266. Tabulas, i. e. the tabulae publicae,' the accounts an record os the ity. 267. Neque publice neque privatim, ieither rom the authorities nor frona private individuals.' Cp. bove, I 2. 2. 29. 27o. Qui- fuisset. The relative is sol lowed by a subjunctive, ecause the clause gives an instancerio prove his nobilitas, and so is consecutive talis, ut. 27 a. Fratre. It appears rona the mention elow of the praenomen Lucius that it was his cousin Lucius Cicero, o his rotlier Quintus, ho
273 Esse dependentis verbum dicendi implied. 278. Honorifice sane consurgitur, the stoo u in a bod toreceive iis, in the mos complimentar manner. Consurgo is sed in the
28 I. Timarchidi. nother instanc os a genitive in i, rom a Greela
28 . Quid utilitatis. Qii id in suci sentences a this ahes a genitive, a bein equivalent ora ordis quantity.
288. Quum petebatur- deferebatur. As include in the account whicli Cicero ives of his own ord in the oratio obliqua, these verbs would naturali have been in the subjunctive. I the read in is correci, we must suppos that he oes no give them a par of hat he sat dat the time, ut inseris them as a sor o parenthesis, to expla in to his present audience hat occasion he was referring to heri e sed the phrase in conventu Siculorum. They thera ould e indicative, though pastrenses itii nuum, 'aecause the two clauses refero Simultaneous time, not
293. Commemoratione, ei ther My calliniit to thei mirid. i. e. hyallusion to t. or ,hat it calle to thei mirad, i. e. the recollections it suggested. The ornae is perhaps the simpler. 296. Quantum-poterat. The would e tryin to spe ala in Latin, a sore igia langu age, and ne hich a Greelas the would despis as
298 Palaestritis Heraclius inheritance vias latine by the palaestritae, or luardians os the palaestra,' on a false plea that he had neglectedto sulfit a claus in the will Whicli require him to et u certa in statues in the palaestra. The inherit ance hicli, a thus transferred to the palaestritaeshould by them have been held in trust so the eoplem Syracuse, ut ascis implied elow, it a distribute amon a se only, who vere VerreS'
3oo. Inventorem olei Aristaeus, mentione d ab ove l. 173. ZO7. Defuissent. A sor o Zeugma, a the word is used in a lightlydii serent sense illi the two datives. Gad resus e to otia in the generat wish of the deputies that Cicero fhould under talae the prosecutioni Verres , and deserte the cause saluti of Sicily. 3II. Proposui. An other Zeugma. Proposui ' ould nos e thenatural ver to se illi' meum animum in illos is it ad stoo Latone. 3i3. Quam- dicebant This is in the indicative, ecause the clauseis a sortis a parenthesis, explaining to his presentiearer What laudatio hemeant. Laudatio here means a savourable testimony vote by the assem bly vote of thaillis ' ould perhaps early expres it.
3I6. Aerario sanctiore. The inerarium' o state rea sur a Rome was divide itito the inerarium commune, where the ordinar reveniae of the State a deposited, and the aerarium sanctius, where the reserve fund was Eepi, hicli as neve tota che excepi on reat emerge iacies. p. Livy27. Aurum vicesimarium the produce of a tax os 5 per cent onthe value O manumitte flaves , quod in sanctiore aerario ad ultimos Casu servabatur, promi placuit.' See Dici os Arat under aerarium. There may have been ometh in correspondin to this at Syracuse, o the phras maybe sed by analog the sat est place in the reas ury. 'SI9. Per scripta. a list writteri ut in fuit. 322. Ita perscriptum erat there a this enir made.
325 Esse ignotum Impersonat passive persectis ignosco. '
326. De portandas, talien to Rome.' Deportare is constantly used os person and thitig brought home rom the provinces. 327. Ratio sic mihi reddita est, the solio ing account,a salve me. 33 I. Repudiatos, 'hei proposa was ejecte d.' 332. um L. Metellus a propraetor of Sicil a the time. Misadministration is prat sed by Cicero for restoring eace an securit to the inhabitanis aster the right sui cenes hicli ad been nacte there by Verres: ut e nevertheles attempted in conjunction illi his rothers, tostii et Verres rona justice, an trie to prevent the Sicilians Dona bring ing rwarythei testimon and complainis against hi m. Dic t. of Biog. vol. i.
3 5. Ei negotium facessitum, that he was in trouble. Peducaeus h ad been propraetor in Sicil in 76 and 75 . C. Cicero describes him et se-where vir optimus et innocentissimus.'348. Iam non uteretur, no longe required.
33; . Recita This is ad dresse to the cler of the couri, ho readisu tali documents quote Don a tria l. Quod verba facta sunt. This is the format way in hicli the reambleo a meas ure a commen ced like ,hereas, ' c. in an Englisl bili. 3sio. Praesertim quum and that too, hen,' c. 363. iusmodi senatus consulto fecisse laudationem, that theresolution votin the testimon was couched in such ternas. 368. A quo cognoscetis. The relative claus es here are introduce asoratio recta, ad dressed to the iudices e re hom Cicero represent himselfas pie ad ing, inserte parentheticali in the oratio obliqua dependent on docent, ' hicli recounts hat the Syracusansi ad said olim. The sentences beginning ith quod are clauses of the pre ambie of the senatus consultum, quo ted indirectly, and there fore in the subjunctive.
376. Hospitium publice fieret, that is that L. Cicero hould besor mali voted hospes of the state. Hospitium is a forma bon ossa credriri end shi p. 384. Varie, Willi opposition. 386. Discessio facta esset, the divisiona ad been talae n. Discedere' and discessio are technical ternas sor divid in in orde to vote on a
387. Per scriptum agre es With senatus consultum.
396. Quis hoc vidit quis audivit 7 Who ever saw or evera eard ossuch a thing 3' o I. Nihil aegrius- abstinerentur, ' I ad the reat est disii cult in inducing them, by the ulmos est oris o in part to kee thei hand of theman who ad the appeat.'
O3. In ius, into couri,' to have themat ter decided. 4o9. Enimvero is here ironicat, 'sorsooth.' II. Graece locutus essem. It would e considere to great a condescension sor a Romano adoptoli langu age os a conquere people. It
was a ule that ne Graecis unquam nisi Latine responsa darent magistratus: Valerius Maximus, quote by Long. I et Tum multa-dicere, I remember many thing that I said, and this among the est.' Ι3. Facile, qui te. 4I6. Qui cum optime Convenisset, ' though he had been o the estos ternas illi im, i. e. ad n personat round sor refusing in his
i 8. Quod ubi On his quod' se note ab ove o l. III. Here it admits of explanation a m et ubi hoc intellexi. I9. Tabulas non commendaticias sed tributarias. Litterae commendaticiae' ere sormal letters os introduction or recommendation, whicli ere constanti given; litterae tributariae is a phras coine by Cicero to suggest that the communications hicli Metellus received romVerres offere hi some substantial consideratio is he would try to quaslithe charges against him. Cicero ad mentione previ ousty that Metellus athis firs com in to Sicil Whad ahen a stron line against Verres, ut stera hile, o the receipt o certain letters froni Verres, ad entiret changed his poticy, and id verything to inde the prosecution It might be translate perhaps letters notis introduction, ut os credit. 42o. Impetum-facio, Pendeavou to tali forcibi possessionis thedocuments.
422. Tamen 'in spite os all. ' 25. Theor actum Θεορακτόs, iteralty godstruch, was a nichnamesorme ora his nam Theomnasius. The sotadnes of both Greelas andRoman sor broad personalities is ellanown. 3o Copulati, Vclingi radito ne nother. In ius, cinio colari. 43 . Legem The la o Rome, hicli ave a prosecutor, Sciat lyappotnted in a public prosecution the right to insist on the productionis alidocuments hicli,ere require in evidence. 35. Fieri potestatem is the passive of the phrases sacere alicui potestatem rei,' 'o give anyone the right to anything.' 36. Nihil- pertinere, ahat he had noth in to do illi ou laws. Negare sibi placere, ' said that he wouldio allow. 439. Legum sanctionem. The sanctio os a la was that hichgaverit ratification, i. e. the penalty hicli it imposed on those ho violatedit. Poenam is there re a mere synonym sanctionem. The are nottwo disserent things, ut Wo ames for the Same hing. I. Qui de clamasset, after having declai med. Qui 'is here equivalent to quum, Whicli riuum Wouldae concessive.
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