장음표시 사용
75. Quod conflaret. Conflaret is subi a be in virtuali oratio obliqua being the reason Verres gave so his attacion him. 77. Negotiaretur. his and the followin verbs a re subj because qui is consecutive. It should e translate man who. 78. Ita-ut- deperderet, liter ally, that he ought to malae money in the province in such a way a no in an wayrio sacrifice his liberty; nioreidiomati catly that he ought noto malae mone in the province at theleas sacrifice of his liberty. 8 . Ini portunitate, tu trage ous, turning the ablative o qualit into an adj.
86. Si dimisisset is oratio obliqua of si dimisero.' and therelare is ulli plup. It must e translated in Englisti he dis missed . 92. Aestuabat, Was ossed, keeping in Englisti the metaphor of the Latin Sometimescit is sed ithout an ablative to expres vacillation.
e. g. Hor. EP. I. I, 99 Mea si ngnat sententia Secum, Aestuat, et vitae disconvenit ordine toto.
98. Se demittebat ad aurem, stoope and whi sperexto him. Ioa. Dixisse. The rier's ord was 'dixerunt, the have spoken,
IO6. De sententia, in the verdict. Scribae, medici haruspicis, is an ironica description of the se olVerres creatures ho ere est in the ouri.
II. . . Ex aere et Deliacam et Corinthiam. Aes, when appliedio ork of ari, means a cona position os meta is, of hicli opper is thechie ingredient. Delos an Corinth ere ea ch of them amolis for theirown mixture, hich, as sed in the aking of the choicest ork of art.
Se Dict of Ant unde 'Aes, and note on l. . Se Ct. a. 5. 35.11. Ferebant. Fero is common ly used in phrases of this fori, illi ut or pro ut orithe particles, in the sense of to alio , or to require,' the expression be in osten equivalento according to,' 'in proportion to,' to the est L e. g. ut fert illorum opinio, ' accordin to thei notion. Caes. B. G. 5. 13. Translate here ' in proportion to the means os a nativeo Thermae.' p. t. a Scipio ' Dream l. 33 natura sert, ut, &c. I 3. Adventus is the osticia term for the en tr os a go vernor into his province nostrorum hominum means, o coharse, Roman citi gens Thewhole claus may be rendered, Not for his own plea sure so much, as inorde to e able to enteria in ur olla, o to et conte them n thei ossicia lenir into the place.
23. Adamavit. The ad in ad amo is intensive This is no a commota mean ingo ad in compositiora, but it sol lows naturali enough stoluit meaning in addition to.'
26. Id sier nullo modo posse, that it could not possibi beallowed. 29. Etenim introduces an Xplanation o these signa Were monumenta P. Africani, memorial of Africanus.'Ut-cognoscatis . his final clause states the purpose, not of what is actuali expresse in hal follows, ut o Cicero' relatiniit at that time. The ellipse ould arillyae bearable in Englisti: e ma infert sonae suchphras as bou mustano that. 38. Quum collocabantur. Quum is here Oine to an indicativebecause the wo evenis are simultaneous, no the ne subsequent to theother. Translate, ly the setting u in thei town of those ork of artwhichaad belonge to thei ancestors. I. Ex oppidi nomine et fluminis. Both the own and the rive in whicli it stand were calle Himera There as also nother rive Himera in the oum o Sicily, o the bank of whicli Agathocles a de aled by the Carthaginians 3II B. C. Cicero heresere means that both were personifiedunde the orna os a semale. 4. Sed The force of the adversative particle here is the sameras f the sentence had rura, qui non modo fuit Himerae, sed et est et fuit Graecia ' c.
5O. Non quo mo eo quod notin the ground that,' no a though,
soliowed by a subj. because the reason it give is no the true ne and onlyexist in dea.54. Nunc, in it s. 6o. Beneficia, alie gi sis. p. note on Letteres Quintus, i. I 33. 63. Adhuc, up to that time. 68. Hospitium renuntiat, formali declines to e an longe his
guest.' p. the phras ' amicitiam renuntiare,' hicli expresses a formalannouncement that ou eas to e stiend with a person It was the Romanequivalent to culting a person. 69. Atque adeo, Or ather.
78. Quidquid vellent-probaturos, that the should et a verdicton an charge the liked, as Oon as ver the brought it besore him.' So. Educunt summon, a legat terna. Ab eo litteras publicas esse corruptas, that he had ampere withthe accounts of the State. 82. Eius rei actio sit, there a a regula formis procedure in such a
85 P. Rupilius a the man who rought the war illi the laves in
Sicil to a successisl end B. C. I 32, and then, rema ining there a Proconsul, regulate the overtament of the province, in conjunction illi te commissioner appotnted by the State. 87. Agerent, should bring thei actions,' a law phrase. 88. Edicto. The praetor on entering thei ossice issued a statementis the principies by hicli the intende to beauide in the performance of their judicial duties. For further insorination, se Dict of Ant sub voce.
Ut This is sinapi a repetitio of the ut in . I, and the claus is dependent ori postulat. 89. Se ad leges reiiceret This means have hi trie by the laws of his own civitas, Therma. 93. Id agere, ut that his object was. 95. Id aetatis ae aetate. his acc is explaine by Zumpi, Sech. 459,
as an irregular se of the Cc. O respect. Se also Pt. I. Secl. 2. 27. id temporis ' - eo tempore. The Same Xplanation is ive by Donaldson, Lat. r. I 6, ObS.Io1. Certus et diligens, regula and punctuat.'IO3. Venerios These e re laves elongin to the Temple of Venus at Eryx Verres appears o have attache a number of them to hi inset Lando have employe them a the agent of his obberies an other
II 3. Videri. his is the formal phras in giving verdicis o decision sinquestions o fac t. IΙ . Venerius, ironicat, devote to the worshipi Venus. II 7. Tantulum, inve socii ille. I 23. Affinem, 'implicate Dira, no an uncommon mea ning of the ordii Cicero. It is otiae so metimes illi it natural case, a dative so metimesa here illi a genitive, a partaking of the force of a participi os a verbisscondemning. 13o. Qui pervenisset The relative here is causat, suum. 136. Faciunt mentionem, propose, OV e. 142. Erat enim summa voluntas senatus, do the senate ook up the matter illi hearly goodwili.'I 4. Placere. Placet is the forma phras in hicli a vote or resolution a PASSed. 146. Id temporis See bove on l. 95, and n Pt. I. Secl. 2. 27. 2.15O. De Sthenio ne laborent, te id them notae anxious bout Sthenius. It is the oratio obliqua os an imperative, andio directi dependentos rogat atque orat,' ut o jubet o sonae suci, word inferre Disoni them. I 52. Et terra et mari, o as to secure that his message hould arrive intime test ei ther ne or ther might ea indered by tres of wea ther ascit, asili depti os, inter. 158. Q uum isti etiam tum de Sthenio in integro tota res esset. Besore Verres h ad compromise diimself iii an way, illi regard o Sthenius.' Res in integro est means, iteralty the matte is stili unto uched, i. e. nosteps have been alien in regar of t. 16 a. Neque pietatis neque humanitatis, mor his ut ei ther as ason o as a man. The rs of the two solio K in clause put his present actas an offence against pietas, in that he rea ted illi dis regari a fallier 'surgent ad vice the se condiuis it as an osse iace against humanitas, in that
I 68. Benignitate aut ambitione There are two motives hichmight have ted in to isten to the friend's request, ei ther rea Lindlyseeling, o the wish to conciliate his supporta
173. Pietatis, filial duty. I 82. Non ego, c. Cicero refers to angers hich he had incurredisnhis return rom geliing up evidelice in Sicily. nee not. he means, have hurrie baciat the risio myclis to e in time sor his triat, ii thepresence of the accuser i unnecessary.
183. Fugitivorum, runa a flaves 4. The Stos V Caius Heius. TT. 4. I. Mamertinus. The inhabitant of Messana ere callet Mamertini, a being the descendant of thos mercenaries of Agathocles, hoaster his deatli 28 B.C. , instea of qui itin Sicily, ei Zed pon Messana, massacredisti the male inhabitanis, and established thenaseives there, callingiliemselves Mamertini, i. e. hildren o Mamers, hicli as an old Oscarinam os Mars, unde whicli ille the claimed the right to malae,a without provocation Arnold calis them the Mamertine buccaneers, and the parallel is a good onea the buccaneer calle thenaseives much in the sanae Way friend of the ea an enenates of al that falle on it.
3. Vel optima, the ver best; vel' illi superlatives iving them additionat orce, like δη in reela.
7. Quae- sit, ' though it is, a concessive sentence. 13. Idiotas. 'Iδιίτη in ree means I. a person in a private station, as opposed to ne engage in public assairs. 2. An unpro sessional personi reserence to an subieci, as opposed to ne ho malae it his bufiness, in hicli sense the modern se of our,or layman' early corresponds tori t. Thus huc dides a. 8 spealis Os ἰατρὸ και ἰδιωτἹs, an Aristotie of ἰδιωτaιναθληταί. Here, applied to atters of art, it expresses the opposite to
a connoisseur. - an ignoramus.
I . Praxiteli. The genitive of Gree word in escis generali formedi Latin in i instea of is. So e have in Virgil, Achilli, Ulixi See
Zumpi, 6 I. I. 18. Ilae, the great. Thespiadias These ere statues of the Muses, who ere called Θεσπιαδεs, ecause speciali Worshippe a Thespiae. 25. Quae posse ut Possent' is ei ther subjunctive aere, the clause
bein consecutive, o conjunctive, the claus bella regarde a the apodosis os a suppressed hypothetical clause. 3o. an ephoroe . r. κανηφόροι, literat ly, iasket-bearers. The appliances for a sacrifice, suci a the sacre calae, frankincense, artandS, sacrificiat ni , c, were carried by ouia maidens in baskeis κωεον),whicli the bore on thei heads. In the reater sestival the office fuat ηφόρos as ne of high honour. A the altitude a a gracesul ne it was a favourite subject o Gree art. Illustrations may be een in the
Dici os Ant. and in Rich' Companion to the Latin Dictionary. Quem 7 Cicero here pretendoto forget his name, an toae remindedissiti sorne ne sitiin by. 35. Aedilitatem. The aediles had the generat charge of the public bulld-ings, an among them of the temples Along ith these the had the dutyo superintending the festival of the gods, and the games ludi Whicli,ere performe in thei honour. In the later perio of the republic the aediles,
in orde to malae themselves popular, illi a vie to aining aster ardstheaigher ossices, incurret enorinous expenses in malain these a splendidas the could, and addita vario us attractions to them Cicero here alludesto orae a in hicli the di this by borrowing ork of artrio adoria thesorum orither places here the celebrations ere held. Se also Pt. I. Seci. 2. 26 2, and the note on Let terrio Quintus, i. 228.
38. Illis benignis usus est, 'found them ind. See note bove
I. Nuper- modo. Nuper implies a longe intervat than modo. Wh do I say, no long ago Nay, ver lateir, ut a very hori timeback,' C. et Basilicas. See Dict of Ant sub voce. 43. Commodis hospitum, with what thei friend lent. This senseis more common in the ver commodo, to lend. 45. Quatridui causa, i. e. so the se days that ome lio or enter-t inmeiat hicli the gave to theseopte lasted. 52. Pro deum hominumque fidem, heaven helinus,' good heavens, o sonae suci phrase ili sufficienti rende this exclamation. Pro is of course the interjection, no the reposition. Fidem means here heli',' protection. It is governed by obsecro undet stood. 55. Tot has heremo correlative, an may be renoere generat ly many,'
numbersis.'63. Superiorum, his predecessors. 74. Cuiusmodi esse, What ou thought the ouris a Rome erelike. 77. Uuae suerint This ould e subjunctive, even part rom iis belli in oratio obliqua, o the relative here is consecutive, aucti as ere, limitin the omnes reS.
8 I. Legatione, A the ossice of a legatus, who, a belligini the deputyos another, hadiso potestas imperium ' of his own, ut ni acte iu
the nam os and used the poWer os his superior the meaning is
legatus, se note o Cicero' Leiter o Quintus l. 6.83. Mancipium, in lave. 84. Et non praebetur. A the relative in his clause ould e in adisserent case, it wouldae more accurate forci tote Xpressed, is quod non
86. Si qui demortuus The question here impli es, Doesi mean, is one dies a Romel' 88. Illum supplere The orce of illum' may be expresse thus,
to supply our an mere or oonder' in the province.'9O Uuod putabant, The claus is in apposition to haec '93. Quanti vellet, in his own price.'96. Ad rationem, inccordin to the standard. 97. Concede emerit. Grant that his purchas escapes the penalty os the law, i ita true that it was a bona-fide purchase.'IO3. Credo is ronicat. Cicero is ridiculing the dea os a man like Heius selling the statues ut of his hapel. IO4. Auctionem fecerit, laxa sale of his goods.
Io9. In suis nummis multis esse, ' has Plent of ready money. IIo Tamen, even then, no doubt.
III ID. Thicis the originat way os representing oo the Pand the reversed bella astemard drawn together an made into . The number hichsollows CIDIDC, stand sor 16Oo, CID eing the original representative of oco the C e re the ID Oubi in it, hile the seconLI stand sor 5oo, and therias C foro oo. See explanation in Zumpi, II 5, note I. Cupidinem. This is an elliptical exclamation. V must fili pthe sense in sonae such way as his, to thin that any one ould sellis Cupida Praxiteles soro 6o sestercest 'Profecto hinc natum est, this must furet be the origin os the
an practice, i. e. I do no value them at lia I could afford or liould bewilling to giUe.132. Denariis quadringentis. A denarius m Mur sestertii so that Oo denarii is the fame sum ascis gi ven bove as 16o sestertii. The HS stand throughout this for sestertii. 133 Putasset, had rechoned. I Fascibus, i threat os punishment.'15o. Publice, istici ally. 153. Ne forte reticeat These ord state has the diTeuhywould e, hicli is inte at in the word ne dissicilia optemus above.
The sentence ould have been more complete had Some such word as ut metuendum sit precede the me sorte. 16o. Ut grante that.' 162. Qui-vellet, in Who Wished, a consecutive sentence.
17o. Peripetasmata, tapestry, probabi calle Attalica, stomone of the kings of Pergamus, ho et ther introduced o Patroni sed the manufacture. They belonged to what the Roman callex vestis stragula, Whicli,ere sed sor spreading ver ouches, Chairs, Sosa S, C. 17 I. Licuit eodem modo . e means that Verres might have madea orged eritry ache had done e re. I72. An litteris pepercisti Was it to much troublerio rite it 3 I73. Armario. See note nit. I. Sect 2 8. 5.179. Dicto audientem. In his phra se audio talae a dative, asbein equivalent to a verbis obeying. 183. Referret, suppi in tabulas, mahe an enlr in his accounts 186. Fuit tanti 'it Was orthoour hile. I 87. Haberes quod defenderes, cis o had, ou ould have som thindito allege in Our de lance.' 'Haberes requires to complete the senseth suppressed clause si id fecisses, whicli is implied Dom fuit tanti. 189. Nunc-habes, incit is, o canno find an way to extricate our-self rom the charge bout the tapestry.'Peripetasmatis. Mith regard to the dative and ablative plurat, it is obe observed that the Latinised Gree word in m preser the termination-is of the secon deciension to ibus Thus Cicero an other authors se poematis, epigrammatis, emblematis, hypomnematis, peripetasmatis, Peristromatis, toreumatis. Zumpi 67 8.
5. Verres' genis mis Pamphilus ased hi Custi
Were usuali made in a X, as ere also sculptors modet s.
6. Expilasse follows in suspicionem venissent a bein equivalent to a simple verb otherwis a gerund in di,ould e the natural construction, asa genitive aster suspicionem. The passive 'octe suspected is necessari tyexpresseda a phrase, ecause the ni ver suspect is suspicor, a deponent: suspicio is neve used in that sense, though iis participie suspectus ' coiistanti is. Io In legationis praedis, iis depredations hen he was legatus. Verres serve ac legatus to Dolabella, lienae a pro-praetori Cilicia in
I 3. Graecis pictoribus These ord Nould in Englisliae attached tolli demonstrative rather than the relative. Theserare the Greelata inter towhom,' c. Dedisse has no accusative expressed I may be supplied stom the ollowin sentence Dominia earlier par of the argument: Mi Tadius -tabulas protulit quibus pecuniam se dedisse ostendit. I9. Perdendum erat, the wners had to part illi.
25. Per potestatem. Potestatem is here sed in iis technica sense, the potestas' hicli his fice of pro-praetor conserred. 3o Venerius P. bove note n 2 3. O3.3r. Sigillatos, with figures sigilla, diminutive of signa them. These figures ere ei ther made in relie in the materia of the cup, o madeo other materiai and Xed on to t. hos made in the alter a a re callex emblemata. 34. Quiescebat, Ma talain a testa, was lyi nidorun. 37. Quod- esset Subjunctive, as eira a consecutive clause, limit ingilie mihil. 42. Id quod audissent, Dona ha the hadaeard; literalty thingwhicli the had heard.' 3. Luteum negotium. Negotium is herem sed in the sense in hich res is more common. Jus as e se in simila expression assair or conceri instea of hing. - shabb conceria.' 6. Hoc is explaine after xvard by the clause cista intelligere, whicli is in apposition illi it. Nescio quid nugatorium, mere triste. 48. Quem scirem, ,hen Iane 'hatae,' c. 54. Posteaquam est Comperendinatus, after therarinum mentis thetriai. 'Comperendinati, was the adjourninent of a trial ill the thirdia aster perendie the first earing to give the prosecutor timerio prepare his rePly. 35. Pro damnato, in good a condemne d. Ludis Circensibus. See Dici os Ant. 'Ludis 'is ablative of time. 59. Accessit, coepit. I the read in be correct this is an instanc os Anacoluthon. The tength of the sentenc has caused Cicero to orgetrahat,a he has rame his sentence, these verbs a re in dependent consecutive clauses, solio in the ut above. ut a Cicero is to care sui an accuratea riter tot likelyrio malae suci a lunder, it is perhaps et terrio suppose, as relli does that the error is in the SS., an to correct the ord to
62. Cui-veniret in mentem, that it hould come into his ea todo anythingis the Lind during the adjourninent of his triat, after so many witnesse had gi ven their videlice. 64. Pueri, the servants. Qui audivissent, iecause the had eard 'a causa relative sentence, and there re in the subjunctive. 66. Digitum, an incli,' a finger' bre aditi, accusative os 'mea su Iemi
67. Unius cuiusque ' os individuat s. 69. Re ' practical ly,' 'clo ali intent and purposes.'
IIo Diodorit was obbed. IT . . . Multos iam annos habitat, has been iving these any 1ears. The formi expression combines bothias and present.
3. Queo here ad quos. q. Gratiosus ' influentiat. 5. Toreumata ' specimens os cha sed ork. Toρευτικη is the Greelaterna correspondin to the Latin caelatura, and the both expres the artifchas in in the preci ous metals See Dict of Ant. , Caelatura.'Thericlea, 'in the style o Thericles.' e was an artis os Corinth, whose orks were amous, an calle Θηρίκλεια or Θορίκλειαι κυλικεs. Dici of Biog sub voce. 6. Qui-haberet, a causa sentence, he wasIoath o lose them. I . Nihil ei longius videbatur quam cum, c. the time seemedver long to hi in intit, i. e. te couldio rest, tili.
17. Paucis illis diebus, se daysae re. 26. Ut opinor - gemmis, no doubi ad of old an preci oussiones, a these lapsi Diodorus were. est ironical Irmaking the parallelbet ween Eriphyle and Verres a clos a possibie. 32. Vasa collegerat is a militar phrase, lihe the ne it is couplexio. Vasa colligere is rio ac up the aggage.' nother phrase vasa conclamare, to give the woryto pacti up the baggage. See Caes. B. G. I. 66. 2 he two clauses may be reversed in Englisti, ladiachedi his baggag and marched ut o Sicily, o the orde ma be Leptis rendering had marchedout os Sicil) with baxand aggage.'33. Rationem ratio There is a play on the doubie meaning of the word Rationem means stan ratio, standinii antithesis o lamentia,' means sani ty. The Englisli,ord reason', ill render both. me devises the ollowin reason sor recalling imo Sicily, i it ho ut notoather e
7. Videret. Oratio obliqua of the imperative, in hicli the letter ouldbe expressed It would ruta, 'Vide quid agas de Diodoro, quo progrediaris; res clara est et invidiosa, ' c. 9. Etiam tum, ' stili. He is alludin there to the iter disregard of hissa ther' ad vice hicli Verres howed asterward in the casei Sthenius, hicli, though mentione earlier in the spe ech, happene later in pollit os time. See bove 2 3. Is soli. 5 . Absentem de reis eximit, he suspend the tria durin his
T. Notio Verres obbed Prince Antiochus of SPria. TX. T. I. Non iam literat ly, no longer. It is ascis he had said, I have
nomno longe to teli of thest,' c. 5. Hospitium, the tie of hospitality. The two Syria princes ere hospites populi Romani. Hospitium spoliatum is a stronge eXpression than hospites spoliati, implyin more fuit the enormit of the crime; ut itfound strange in Englisti. It will e belle to say, the tie of hospitali tyviolate da piunde and reachery. 6. Nationes, tribes, generali applied tocles organi sed communities than
IO. Sed regnum This is made an in dependent sentence, ut strict lyit hould ei ther qui non venerant propter Syriae regnum, sed arbitrabantur, or qui venerant non propter Syriae regnum, sed quod arbitrabantur.' A the sentence stands, venerant is the principat verbo the whole, an quod arbitrabantur ' ould e correlative to the repositionalphrase propter Syriae regnum. The interventior of the parenthesis has caused the exac construction to e sorgoiten. I a Temporibus rei publicae, the circumstances of the State. He is allud in to the servile ar, hic gave the Romans fuli occupation a that
17. Quod in eius regnum venerat This is a reason assigne by Cicero, no par of what Verres thought i so the ver Would have been in the subjunctive ood, and eius would have been suum. Observe that Cicero se the wor regnum provinciam is an invidious terna, o suggest that Verres a more like an Oriental despot than a Roman
25. Copiose ornatum, laxa splendidi surnished est abiistiment. 3I. Trulla as a table utensit employed sor ah in the wine ut os alarge recipient, hicli containe a quantit mixe with now. It was a species of cyathus' of an improved character, ei nisurnishe with an in nerca se perforate as a strat ner, and fit tin into the ollo bow of the cup. Rich, Companion to Latin Dict. p. 693, here a b seen an engravingos one fouia a Pompeii, hich looks omething like a rigi landing-net. O. Qui istum non nosset, in he id not know him. The relative clause suggest a reason hy he was o ready to let Verres have them, and there re the ver is in the subjunctive. I. ille se, saying that he wished. Velle is dependenti verbum dicendi implied rom rogatum.' 6. Candelabrum- afferrent This long sentence is no quite regular: potuerunt' and voluerunt are evidenti meant for principat verbs i theyWere meant tot correlative to offenderant the wouldie plupersecis); then, after the intervention o a long final clause, it perveniret, the spe ahersorget that he has ire ad introduce any principat verb, and ut Statuerunt Without an conjunction. I he had remembere that potuerunt'