Extracts from Cicero, narrative and descriptive;

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48. Nondum perfectum. The temple had been burn down in 83 B. . and was rebuit principali by Sulla, ut Wasio finished illi A. C.

63. Q ut esset, a causal Clause. Animo et puerili et regio. AS aio he ould naturali be uia suspicious, asinain the wouldae bove enteriaining such a suspicion. 6 . In praetorium, 'o Verres' od gings.' 'Praetorium is literat ly, the place here the praetor is to e ound .' Praetor originali meant a genera at theae ad of his army, and so the common est sense of praetorium is the generar tent, head quarters. But it is also applied to the residen ceo the governor os a province Whetherae as actuali called praetor orio. 7O Ars certare videretur cum copia, the workmans hi se emed ell-malched with the costlines ' of the material).7I. Apparatum. Apparatus magnificence, state,' speciali su chas a displayed in the accessories of great enteria inments. Se note in Pt et o Scipio's ream l. I . . Si videatur, ut reddat, to ethim to e good nough to reternit. The orde is, ' Tum mittit rogatum ut reddat, si videatur,' 'hen heseiad to asthim o retur it, Di seemed good o him. 8a. Quod sciret, a concessive clause, and there re in subjunctive. 9 I. iratas. The ead-quarters of the pirates, ho war med in the Mediterranean utili finali put down by Pompe in 7 B. C., e re in theeasteria par of iis Coasis e speciat ly the outh of Asia Minor There asthere re ome amount of plausibilit abo ut the charge. 93. Affingere aliquid suspicione hominum, am adaptingo itfometh in iuri dedis mere genera suspicion.'IO3. Dare, donare, C. his accumulation os verbs marks a sormallegat consecration. Io 6. Quae latera, ,hat lungs. io 7. Qui fuisset. The relative clauses here a re consecutive, a manwho had been,'inc. II 8. Scitote. There is no specia future force here, ut scio has nopresent imperative. III. Haec fama. the present repori, the reportiow prevalling. 125 Profecto, no do ubi. I 26. Interverso, intercepted. Infervertere is properi applied toturning the course os a stream n iis Way, e fore it reaches iis destination. I 29. In rege, 'in the a se of a hing. 'I3o. Neglexisse, have est unpunished.' Hoc refers to interverso hoc regali dono.


B. Ηον Vera es obbed Segesta V an mage of Diana. TT. S. I. Segesta. The legend about the oundationis Segesta varyconsiderably Thucydides. 6. 2 spealis of it a founde by Trojan setilers, fugitives Domine destruction of thei cit by the Greelis Accordin toanother version, it a founded by Egestus o Acestes, ho was the soni a Trojan mollier and the river-god Crimi sus Virg. Ae. 5. 38 Troia Crimis conceptum flumine mater Quem genuit. The stor of the Trojan originis Segesta a convenient to the Romans when at war illi the Carthaginians in Sicily, and the naturali made themost os t. 7. A Karthaginiensibus vi captum. The destructio of Segesta by the Carthaginians is noruliere recorded in history. I may be an exaggeratia account of iis conquesta Agathocles. 24. De quibus antea dixi See bove, a. 3. 29 soli. 27. Quo in quem. 28. Supplicii causa, by way os punishment. 3O. Utrum, ,hicli of the two.'31. Suis, 'heir own countrimen, like Phalaris. 7. Quasi illa ipse face percussus esset Cicero means, a thoΗghhe were a lunatic, struc by Diana' torch, i. e. by the ays of the oon. 49. De moliantur, 'alae it down rom it pedestat.'53. Opponebant, ' quot exto him me him illi. 6O. Nautis exigendis, 'in pressin me so the navy.'6 I. Frumento imperando, in xing the amount of cor the had topay as decima' o tithe. Imperare frumentum civitati is the sual phrasei this like imperare milites sociis, 'an as imperare in his sense talaesar accusative, it an have in this ense the gerundive construction. 63. vocabat, summone stomaome.'7 I. Tollendum locatur, is ordere to e talae domn. Literat ly. the ahingi it down is et by contract.' iocare is the opposite ord

77. Quod quum exportaretur. Zumpi' readin is ea portabatur.'Εither ood is admissi bie, and the sentenc is a good instance of the disser- ence etweera quum with the indicative and quum With the subjunctive in a narrative. With the indicative quum whilsi, and the two actionsare regarde a coincident; illi the subjunctive quum in When,' and the actio of the principat ver is regarde a consequent ora, and o caused by that of the tempora sentence Below in l. 9, the ver must be χXportaretur,' ecauserit is dependentis an infinitive OOd. 89. Complesse, cloadexit. IOI. Tamen is correlative to loco mutato,' hich α quantum locum



IO2. Quo scelere suscepto, lavin committe this crime,' liter ally, hau in incurred, taken pon himself, his uili.'IO7. Quod quum, but hen; ' quod 'is here meret a conjunction. See note below ora quod tamen, 2. 3. II 2. O. Eois Verres trealed Sopater a Undaris. TT. . . Apud eos-coleretur. The ood coleretur malae it par of what the deputies ad sald, and there re e liould have expected se rather than eos. Cicero se the eos asci he were inserting the claus in hicli it occurs as his Own remark. I 8. Pro agoro . his appe ars o have been the ille of the hie magis


2Ι. Ne multa, i. e. dicam,' 'o b bri es,' noto malae a long toryo it. 25. Attigisset is the oratio obliqii os attigerit.'iniam mihi senatum 'mon' tallacio me os sacre character, Orpenalties, o Senate. 33. Conventu See bove note On a. a. 44.

O. Videres, yo might see, oro ather in Englisti, bo might haveseen, i. e. i Dyo ha been there. It is a conjunctive. eing the apodos so the suppresse hypothetical sentence no dependent ii quum, for in an inverted sentenc like this, here the ver whicli solio ius rivum ' is reatly the principat verb, it is always ut in the indicative, excepi lien, as here, the principat ver Would of it selfi conjunctive. . The rea sentenceris, io ViX plane imperato, illum videres. On these inverted sentences, hicli are very common, speciali a the egi nning of a resti stage in a narrative, eeZumpi, 58O. I 2. a. Caederet. Conjunctive os deliberation. The whole passage is, of

5o Deligari, clied down.' It is the regular ord sor astentia a manu sor courging. 52. A ere. This may be ei ther frona aer, in hicli cas it means 'in theopen ir; o Dona des, in hicli a se it means in metal. The ormerseem the best. 6 I. Disposite, Varran gingat offences unde disserent heads. 65. Est Mith ach est suppi crimen. Est pecuniarum captarum, it comes unde the head os extortion,' theu sua titie sor hich Was repetundae. 66. Pecuniae magnae This is a genitive os qualit attache to

signum, statue of i. e. orth, a large Sum.'Peculatus, emberglement of state properi y. Unde these two ead she represent ii as an ostence both against the allies, o hom the Statuebe longed, and against the respublica ho had restore i it to them.


7 I. Sceleris sacrilege. 74. Iam non queo dicere, I cannota on to say. 75. Quod in C. Marcelli statua supply deligavit,' that he selected C. Marcellus statueri bindaim to. 76. Quo id spectat 3 Which way does that teli 3 9o. Clientelam tueri, indertalae the protection.'92. Ex illius honore, out os liat Was a complimen to him, i. e. the statue the had rected in his honour. Honorem habuerant, had pald his the compliment. 95. Propter alongside os.'Ιoo. Eius religione, to the engeance due so the utrage done im.

Verres ac is calle religio, Van offence against religion,' ecause the circumstances under hicli the statue a set up an relationis patronus in Whichae stood to the Tyndaritans gaverit a quasi-sacre character. IO . Quod, ,hereas. ΙO7. Si araxime esset inventus, Verres succeeded ver so et in dirigine, 'C. II a. Dicunt quanti the mentio the price paid. 117. Ei loco, i. e. the gymnasi Um.

Hoc nos dicimus the emphasis is o the mos.' Is tri Whomahothis assertion γ' 12O. Si- dicturos, is ali evidenc on the subject were destroyed, and the gave im securit that the would not ive videlice against hi m.'

Testificatio is documenta r evidelice: testimonium viva-voce VidenCe. 12 2. Dixit, the singula ver with two nominative so clos togetheris unusual Other instances are. quoted in Zumpi 373. 5. note . e ab S, Even here the subject consist of the ames of two o more persons, hepredicate is no usi requently ound in the singular, and that not ni in cases here it may seem that the writer a firs thought oni os ne person, an asterWard of the ther e. g. Cic. Tusc. I. si quidem Homerus sui et Hesiodus ante Romam conditam, 'aut also ithout this excuse.'

no in proCortion to the number of objecis I have seen.'9. Nocte intempesta, at the dea os night.' 12 Male mulcati, roughi handi ed.' IS EX pugnari deos, c. The order of the word in his sentenc isno quite accurate. A the rs par stands, expugnari bein besore the non, should have overne not only the ablatives hicli solio it, ut Other in the fame construction, in the clause eginning ith sed, thus, sed manu fugitivorum instructa armataque, quae ex domo atque X cohorte


praetoria venisset.' Asterward Cicero substitutes a disserent sermo sentence in the alter pari, leavin the irs part una itered, o that the do notexacti sit. 21. Offerebat This relative claus is in the indicative ood although dependent on a subjunctive, ecauserit is meret a circumlocutio talaing the place of an adjective to telum. such a forte oblatum, and there fore is notassected by the ood of the ther verbs. 22. Hora amplius iam moliebantur, ha been orkin sor morethan an hour. The combinationis the imperfeci illi the lora amplius iam 'impli es the continuance of the action as etl a the time ita ad atre ad beengoing on. The fuit orce ould ha been orti in for more than anhour, and were stili at ork. It is the fame dioni in an histori narrativeas that hicli otiis a present tense illi iam,' diu, and such words, or illi παλαι in reela. 3 a Verrem, the olae tum in on the litera mean in of Verres, boar-pig, on hicli Cicero malae many coars persona j okes in theco urse of his spe ech. 42. Facta manu armataque, havin collecte a bod of men andar med them. 57. In instrumento atque in supellectile, among the equipage and furniture. The two ord a re here reali synonymous. 6o. Praesertim, and that too.'83. Quae esset, though it Was; a concessive relative clause.

87. Possetis. Zumpi has possitis.' ither read in is admissible. Possetis may be justi fi edin the ground that the principat ver is an historicpresent, possitis oti the ground that the purpo se is no present though the ac os,hicli it a the purpos is Past. 11. Eo Verres arriet 4be mage of Iimo from Melita. TI. 11. I. Satis dato. It is orty-seve geographica miles rom theneares poliat of Sicily Dic t. o Geogr. 6. Illis 'in forme days, in antithesis hac, the present

a . Iudiciali iure, regula judiciat proces s.' 12. Verres compare to luto.

9. Umbilicus. Soin the sanie ground Delphi, a called γῆ υμφαλos. 15. Aequata agri planities fortis table-lai id. I 6. Ab omni aditu circumcisa atque directa, sleep and precipit ous


os acces on ali fides. For directus in his sense, P. Caes. B. G. I. 45 praeruptus locus utraque e parte directus. 18. Locus ut ipse-videatur, so that the ver spol seem to pol ni itfeliout a the cene of the amous rape o Proserpine, hic is have ear offrom ur childhood.

29. Privatim ac pii blice, iotha individual and states. 39. Atroci ac difficili rei publicae tempore, sin a gloom and perilous risis o public assairs. Tib. Gracchus a murdere in a fot

. Collegio decemvirali, the ' decemviri sacrorum,' ho ad thecharge of the Sybilline Books. The were originalty only two in number,

duumviri. 49. Obtundam, Meary ou. The accusatives aures' is generali adde din his ense. p. Cic. r. 66 Ne brevitas defraudasse aures videatur, neve longitudo obtudisse.'5o. Iudiciorum ratione, alie stablished practice of the colaris.' 65. Insistebat-Victoriae. p. note o Pt et Argument against Providen ce l. 63.7I. Fani, c., re genitives aster venit in mentem,' hicli is equivalentio a verbis remember ing. 7 . Verbenis, sacre lioughs. Verbenae sunt omnes herbae frondesque festae ad aras coronandas, vel omnes herbae frondesque ex aliquo loco puro decerptae. Donatu on Ter Andr. 4. 3, II, quot ed by Pros. ConingtoniuVirg. E. 8 65 Cp. Hor. d. I. 9, I Verbenas, pueri, ponite thuraque.

Ara castis Vincta verbenis avet immolato Spargier agno. 13. Verres' obberies a Dracuse. TI. 13. I. Aliquando, in last. 6. Conferte- dicetis. Here the imperative ood is qui valent to an hypothetical clause, si consertis-dicetis. Se note on l. I. Sect. I. l. I. It mustae remembere throughout his passage that Cicero is here speakingas an advocate He mahes ut Marcellus to have horun much greater consideration than e reali di to the Syracusans, o malae the contrast of Verres conduci the more marked. p. iv 25 3 Urbs diripienda militi data est. Quum multa irae, multa avaritiae, foeda e X empla ederentur,' c., and 25. Marcellus - ornamenta urbis, Signa tabulasque, quibus abundabant Syracusae, Romam devexit. Hostium quidem illa spolia, et parta belli iure ceterum inde primum initium mirandi Graecarum artium opera, licentiaeque huic sacra profanaque omnia vulgo spoliandi factum est.'


7. Adventum See notem 2 3. 3.15 Karthaginiensium This is quite contrar to hat iv says. Cp. 25. 25, here e spe alis of the Carthagini an fleet unde Bonii lcar ashaviniit station in the arbo uri Syracuse aii sat lingi ut frona thetice toattac the Roman feet uiside. 17. Myoparoni. his is a Greela ord, μυοπορων, apparenti thenam os sonae Lindis light, Wift-sail in vesset, sed by the pirates. 2 . Urbem Syracusas. his description o Syracus Will e bestunderstoo by referring to plans, such as may be mund in lae ordinaryGree an Roman histori es, o in Arnold' Thucydides, vol. 3.

28. Prope- inclusos. He means this as a speciat Datur os Syracuse, be cause it a more common or ancient towns, speciali Greeiones, o bebuit a sonae distanc frona the ea, it his arbour de tache froni them, though so metimes Oined by long alis, s at Athens. 29. In exitu, at their ut let. He must reser to the narro channelbetween the standis Ortygia and the main-land whicli connected the twoharbours, an serve as a sor Os uti et rom ne into the ther. Heevidently uses the word χXitus, as a sori os antithesis to inditus, ille mouth of the arbour.3Ι. Disiuncta, separat exhoni the est. 39. In hac Insula extrema, on the hore or edge of this fland. Extrema insula is sed like summus mons, an such-like Phrases. 44. Prytaneum, Gr. πρυτανειον See Dict of Ant sub voce. 7. Continentur, consis of Cp. Cic. N. D. 2. 23 Non enim ii

venis et nervis et ossibus continentur,' in re no made pis,' C.

52. Theatrum est maximum. GDal the buit lings described by Ciceroas existin in Neapolis, the ni orae stili extant is the theatre, hicli ejusti extol sor it large si Ze. Diodorus also alludes loci a the larges in Sicily, a remariwhicli is fuit borne ut by the existin rema in s. It is noties than o Det in diameter, and appe ars o have had si Xt row of seat s sothat it could have accommodate no es than 24,oo persons.' niitti's

56. Non dubitasset auferre. It was a sterward transportexto Romeb Tiberius Suet Tib. 7 Dici os Geogr. ubi supra. 6 I. Ostenderetur is subjunctive, o meret a belli in oratio obliqua, but ii iis rura account, a bella in a causa sentence. 64. In ornatu. In here is, iterat ly in the case L It a betranslate D in resere iace to,' in dealin wit h.'Habuit rationem, Je ook account os, i. e. he attende to the

7 a. Suburbano. p. note O 2. I. 57. 73. Domum suam- futuram Cicero means that is Marcellus abstat nedsrom tali in an os these ornamenta' so the decorationis his own house, the ver absence of thena ould serve to rem in peopte that he had studi ed. no his o u sellisti ad vantage, ut the glor oscili state, an so suggest a


the character Horace, Od. 2. 15. 3, gives of the old Roman heroes - Privatus illis census erat brevis,

Commune magnum.'79. Adventum et comitatum For adventum' p. bove o 2 3. 33 Comitatus is the wor for the sui te of a civit go vernor Translate a peace fui enirnwith a civit suite. 8 . Tamen, at ali evenis. It reser to a suppressed concessive clause, Who, thoughi Was an nemy, yet,' C. 86. Agathocli See note ab ove n 2 4. 4. In tabulis picta, satiate o paneis. Tabula picta cis the regular Latin phras for a picture, and Dona tabula came to e sed in the fame sense by it self. 88. Pictura, series os pictures. 89. Quum concessive, although. 9o. Pro sana fecisset, i. e. by the larus os Nar everything in the conquere dcit beca me the properi os the conquerors, and so vera ha ha been dedicate to the god lost iis sacred character. 95. Si cepisset, the lupersect is sed a the oratio obliqua of si


IO . Commemoratione hominum, i recalling the re membrance os the individuals.'io 7. Tamen is sed like the sanae ord jus above. Suppi in thought, tyrant though the were, and translate lat ali evenis.'112. Quod tamen, ,hereas.' Quod is sed here a in ' quod si quod nisi,' c. losin iis signification a a pronoun. Se Zumpi, 3 a note, and 8O7, hereae Xpla in the sage as arising roin the oiadnes of Lat nsor using the relative to connec SentenceS.II 3. Tam cupidum, So et upon m object, i. e. o ager O SV anything hich may helint thro v odium on Verres. 124. Argumenta, A subjecis. Cp. Virg. e. 7. 789 At levem clypeum sublatis cornibus Io Auro insignibat jam setis obsita, jam bos, Argumentum ingens.'

Cratera fabricaverat Alcon

Myleus, et longo caelaverat argumento

Et vetus in tela deducitur argumentum.'I27. Bullas aureas, the olden ait-heads. These ere made ofricli an elaborate designs in bronge, o soni et inaes old, andis Sed for ornament in the externat paneis of a oor. Rich' Companion to the Latin D ctio nary, p. 92, here an illustration fine a b Seen. 132. Gramineas hastas These ere iamboo-canes, whicli in thoseda verem do ubi rare and valvabie.


I37. Id instea of eas, referring to and repeating the hastas aster theton parenthesis Infert in Englisti I say. 'I39. Nam here, a severa times e fore, is to e expla ined by an ellipse, sucti as, nee not a much abo ut the Sappho, sor it,' c. 1 5 Beati, wealthyn delicati, iat tity. I S. Monumentum Catuli, the temple uiti by Catulus to recor his victory. This as a temple o Fortuna, uiti by in Lutatius Catulus, o

commemorat his victor ove the Cimbri a Vercellae IOI B. C. I 9. In alicuius istorum Tusculanum, the colant ry-seat os Verresor sonae of thos like him, i. e. men ho adorned thei hous es illi plura derwhicli the brought rom thei provinces Tusculum Was a favolarite Placefo the villas of the wealili Romans Cicero hadine there himself later in his life Tusculanum agrees illi' praedium under stood. Forum ornatum, the forum heri declaed ut, i. e. by the aedilessor sonae great festival or how See bove on 2 4 35. 152. Huius operarii, a coarse sello like this.' Mill ou let a coarsesello like his have his astes and sancies γ' Cicero turn sud leni stomiron to violent direct invective. 155. Ad ferenda signa, i. e. t be a porter. IS9. Quod- sustulisset. The dissiculi os this sentence consist in this that quod, whicli as originali intende to e the accusative of the Verb is superseded by the inam literam, ,hicli is o ined with the verb. Itis an ana coluthon the sentenceratio uidi ave eraded in his sor of way, quod -si intellexisset. then to add more orce to his description o Verres' ignorance, he inseris thes unam literam Graecam, to the derangenient of the gramma of the sentence, hicli is sacrifice to the vehemen ce of the invective. Care must e taken noto translate the sentenceras is quod'were accusative after sustulisset. It wil be est to substitute a conjunctionfor quod . The sentence ma illustrate the diona notice a bove in ' quod si, an such phrases, howing o a relative is introduced as a connectinglinli even here iis sud orce is superfluous.168. υριον. The Greela εἰ Oυρι os, thego os avola rabie ea ther. He is changed by the Roman into Jupiter Imperator, probab lyraecause theyhadiso ille o Jupiter hicli corresponde to υρι0s. I73. Aristaeus, a be in one of the deities connected illi agriculture, is o inextu ors hip illi Liber o Bacchus. I 83. Ita - ut the orce of the particles is his, his ne Flamininustook4way, it is true, stoin the temple it belonged to,aut on lyrio placerit in ille Capitol. 186. merserint- invecta sint. Emerserint refers to ossensive wars aged by thos e lio live on the hores of the Euxine beyond theirown coasis, o that he had to come ut oscit emergere to age them; invecta sint to thos in hich the Ronians ad invade thei territori es, and ente rei the Euxine to do so. The firs war illi Mithridates, in os Pontus, is an instance of the sortiter ind; whil in the third, Mithridates


at the eginning emerged froni the Euxine to the lege of Cyzicus: at the en the Romans invade his domini oras and carrie war into the


I93. Sic habetote, yoia re t understand,' I eg ou to belleve. Insoni such way a this the future force of the imperative a beatven. 2oo Mensa Delphicas 'Mensa Delphica was a nam applied to an abacus' o sideboar sor displayin plate on. See Dict of Ant under Abacus. The nam probabi originate frona their sing sed in the temple a Delphici hol the offering αναθὴ ra whicli e re presented to the tem Ple. 2ΟΙ. Vasorum. Observe that vas,' vasis, is an heteroclite ors in the plura it preser the forins of the secon deciension. 2O . Mystagogos. υσταγcirros in Greela meant originalty one hoinitia ted other into the hysteries. It appears to have been sed in Sicil v. a Cicero here appliescit, a meanini a guide or cicerone. Se Lidd. and

Conversam iam habent demonstrationem suam, have hence sortiit poliat ut jus the opposite o what the di besore.'eto 8. Mediocri, but light. 2Ι3. Nimio opere, eXcessively, 'a phras sor med on the analog of

opere, c. allis,hicli are sed so metimes in the compo unde formoso me-

times a Separate Ord S.

225. Posteaquam, c. Cicero's argument is that it is no lihely that the Greelis ould ei their ork of ar now, heia frona the lax state of the ouris the might ait to et thei money a id, hil in the dayswhen the could depenson findita impartial justice the neve did so. 227. Quum iudicia fiebant, ,hen tria is ere a reali ty. The severa 'whicli is otia ed with iudicia jus ab ove expla in the orce of iudicia byitself here. 23o. Commercium istarum- non fuisse, ha no opportunities of dealing ith the Greelas for such matters. '236. Referri in tabulas, that it hould e entere in the accounts of the State. 242. Vectigales aut stipendiarios. The distinction etween these two ord is his: vectigales denotes hos conquere nations ho a id thei tributerio Rome in the formis axes o imposts, hether pald in hind.as ille Sicilian decimae o tithe of thei coria, o in money stipendiarii 'those ho ad to pana xed sum annually. Where the word a re sed separat ely the are not tways confine to thei accurate mea ning. In Liv 2I. Ι, Hannibal is spolien os illi rhetorica exaggeratio by Scipio as vectigalis stipendiariusque et servus populi Romani a patre relictus.'

et 6. Merere, to talae literalty to receive a payment.'