Extracts from Cicero, narrative and descriptive;

발행: 1890년

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I96. Quid enim ei praecipiam quem , c., sor hy should I laydown rules for ne hom γ' c. Praecipiam is a deliberative conjunctive. 2O5. Quae quum-necesse est these things are creditable indeed in ur private an every-da lis here, ut in f high a command where morat are so depraved in a province so fullis temptations the cannot ut

seem more than human.

2o8. Haec institutio, these ules. 2II. Susceptas habemus . his circumlocution is no to e regardedas a mere substitute so the perfeci it always implies more emphaticali thepresent existence of the state expressed by the verb. εχω is sed in the fame

way in reela. In Latin i is mos commoni used illi verbs signi bing to know or a resolve. It is the rs trace in Latin f hat re in later times to e the regula usage, storia hichirench and the other Romancelanguages have derived thei methodis forming perfeci tenses, whicli, alsous in Englisti. Paconii nescio cuius a selloru called Paconius.' Nescio quis ' sine of the phrases in Latin hicli is decline as i ii ere a single ord like ἐστιν os and ther phrases in reela So we osten spea in Englisti of nobod ei se's, nobody' else. Paconius and Tuscenius ere, it is lain, obscure individuals who ad made violent complainis against in Cicero'sconduci, hich had reached his brother' ear a Rome. 219. Parvi refert 'it is o litti avail. 223. Iurisdictione. See Dict of Ant sub voce. 224. In qua-e X pedita est, an in regar of this it is eas enough ohave a mere ipsa theoretical nowledge of the principies of provincialadministration. Ratio cis theor 'las opposed to practice. 226. Non solum-suspicioni, tot meret partiali ty, ut the very suspicionis it. 220. C. Octavius. This a the man who was bestinown or his proconsul shi os Macedonia he was the ather of the C. Octavius ho was adopted by Julius Caesar, and who asterwardsiecam the emperor commolilyknowna his ille of Augustus. 23o. Apud quem, ' in hos Court.' Primus lictor, the hie lictor. 232. Videretur-tueretur. An instance of the common Latin diom Whereb complet ed actions actions supposed orae completed 3 inpast timeare transferre to the present, by the se of the imperfeci instea of theptuperfeci. Zumpi, ecl. 25. The Englisl idiona requires them to e translated by pluper cis It is pia in froni the contex that Octavius year of

233. Sullani homines. He means thos supporter os Sulla ho adtaken advantage of the Proscription to ge the propert of proscribe persons byae trayin oratiling them. 24o Tot auxilia, so many hind os protectionio appealto.' Auxilium Was a technica terna sor an ossice like that of the tribunes, hos du


consisted in giving protection against wrongii oppression to thos e lio clai mediheir id. 246. Sic se adhibere, a conduci imself in suci a manner. Thistas sentence hows hat Cicero' mean in is in the whole passage . Hemeans to recommen 'lenitas las an accompanimen to the severitas, whichii has atready urged, andae oes solere o the ground that it,ould e evenniore acceptabie in the provinces, here the go vernor as an autocrat, and there a no ne et Se to appeal to than it was a Rome, here there ereman refources for protection.

2 9. Cyrus ille, c. his is a true description os Xenophon' Cyropaedia, hicli is an historical romance intende to describe a modela ing, and notis accurate historica life o Cyrus. 25 . aque, c. his long sentenc is an instance of Ana coluthon. The sentence a resume aster the parenthesis do es no fit on to the partwhicli has goneae rea nor has quos libros ' an grammatical antecedent; while ea refers to omnia officia implied in the nullum ossicium' of the precedin parenthesis. The mean in of the passage is pia in nough. Ille of course is Cyrus, lio, as aing, ould etain his power orcii . 256. Uuibus- redderent, , hos Powe was ive them o the conditionis thei surrenderi nil again. 258. Huc omnia-aliis, ' that hos e lio rule thers hould ahethis the aim fili the do. 26o Antiquissimum, bour hi es obieci: antiquus, a derived rom ante, ma natural lyrae reserre to hat is besore in potnt os regar asweli as in potat of time. It is sed in his sense ni in the comparative and

superlati Ue.

265. Cuius generis, gen aster diligentiam,' and in his respect. 266. Nullum-civitatibus, no Cities a re involve in regi debis.' Civitatibus' is a dativus incommodi. 69. In quibus in et in iis, and there fore the claus is co-ordinate illi,no subordinate to urbes recreatas GSe.

27o Samum Samos, the capital of the fland of the fame a me, asone of the welve cities hicli forme the origina Ionia confederation. Cp. di. I. Ι a. Chios as also include incit. 272. Optimatium, the aristocracy, to hicli part Cicero imselfbelonged. 275. Illa, the ordinary. 278. Calumniam, ' false accusation. The wor is derive seo anold ver calvor,' to cheat,' hicli occurs in a fragment of the welve Tabies. The substantive is sed in the sense of qui bble in Pt. I. Seci.

II. 23. I.

28 I. Nullius inopiam ac solitudinem- exclusam tuo. The abstractsubstantives here mustae turne in Englis into a concrete forna no ne, howeve poo and unbe friended, sive excluded I domo meret sanisona me ordinar means of approach to ou hen o are tu public an on thebench, ut even Dom ou private hous and ed-chamber.'


288 Vectigali aedilicio These ere contributions en rced hom the province toWard the norinous Xpenses of the public hows give by the curule aediles. The were apparenti originali voluntata contributions, but gradu ali canae oae comput Sory. Cum magnis nostris simultatibus, tot ithout our incurring greatenmities in consequenCe.

29Ι. H MCC. his ould naturali stan sor o sestertii: ith a lineo ver me CC thus, CC it ould represent sestertiunt ducenties, GO,OOO, Oosestertii. The ne sum is too mali, the theroo large so the case. COSestertia a Oo,CO sestertii, ould e suci a sum as ould sui the contexi, and we must there fore consideri as here sed sor sestertia.

20 . Quod- laudatur, ,hicli, howeve it a b taken in Asia, in Rome is received with very great approvat.' 296. Ad templum monumentumque nostrum, to bui id a templerasa memoria o our services.' P. t. a. h. 6. 19 , here Se note on monumentum Marii.

amantiorem quam temporis. Es Sent, Constituerentur, tribuerentur These must notae ista hensor impossibie hypothetica sentences such as a re put in the imp. subj. On theirown account the are the oratio obliqua ' o hypothetica sentences illi

pres ind. sunt, Constituuntur, tribuuntur.3 6. Existimabam. The orce of the tens here is, told o whenes Wrote, that I thought,' c. I is connected in thought with quid sentirem scripsi ad te antea ' bove. O courfecit is notrioa taken to impi that hedoes no thinis stili. 357. De nobis optime meritum. The publicani as a moneye classtia naturali supported Cicero against Catiline, ho istiexto bring bout a genera bankrupicy. Per nos cum republica coniunctum. He means that he had induced them to suppor the si de hic hae considered the constitutional one, that Osthe optimates.

367. Inductione in nimi resolution. This sense is inductio '


resolve. Causa, matter.

369. Civibus, Roman citi gens in Italy. Nuper. In the previ ou year B. C. O. Portoria. See Dict of Ant sub voce. 372. Hic in his matter. 373. Praesertim publicis male redemptis, especiali a the have made a ad argain in thei contrac for the a Xes, i. e. have ver-eStimat edthe amount of them, and so have id more than the are reatly orth. 376. Quod sunt vectigales, A the ac of being tributaries. 378. Ita, in that light, i. e. e re vectigale S. 3So. Sulla. When Sulla a in the Province of Asia during the war, illi Mithridates, he impos ex heau contribution on the province . 38 . Attributae, attached. 396. Possunt- molestiae. y lex censoria a re meant the condition son hicli the censors et the axe to the publicani. Cicero is here suggestin a in os compromise e tween the strict justice hich was ueto the provincials and the interest of the publicani, homae id not isti his rother o offend. His rother is to suggest to the provincials that in malaing thei barga ins illi the publicani the had etter no insist rigid lyon the ternas hicli the censors ad fixed, ut conside the ad vant age of getling the matter se illed without dispute. O 2. Gratia atque auctoritate. Gratia is ' persona influence,' that whicli a man has horia his own individual character auctoritas i ossiciat influence, that hich he has in virtve os his position. In his sentence Cicero means to suggest to his rother that without using an actuat compulsion, he might asini as a favour of the provinciais, totaive the publicani ha the ask, and not orce him into collision illi them. os . Sed et The et is ut oscit place, a the two relative clauses both reser to the fame et os people It prope place is e re de quibus.' Io. Societates, companies. These e re associations os publicani, who combinexto alae the contra cis See Dict of Ant unde 'Publicani.'412. Voluntate coniungere, rio unite in good wili.' 17. Vellem could, istici ha been. The imp. subj impli es a suppresse hypothetical clause, ' Would isti is the time vere notiassed.

o good reed ing. 439. Neque ego nunc hoc contendo, ' and I am notio arguin sorthis. Mutare animum is in apposition illi ' hoc. '



4 o. uum-difficile est, Vis dissiculi indeed in an character, ut speciali so hen ne has reached iam our age.' 442. vellere Cp. Hor. Ep. I. 4. 4 5

Spinas animone ego fortius, an tu Evellas agro.

443. Illud literalty that ther po int, a contra sted illi the one justmentioneddi the English diom ould require 'his,' i. e. the ne followUt Observe that the ut is repeat ed. owin to the interventio of twoci Mases etwee admoneo anxit fina clause. Observe the force of ob in occupatur Whicli is ver much los in Our derivative occupy. Occupo is to tali possessionis anything o as to

49. Illud here refers to the one Whichrismeares mentioned, viz. omnino non irasci, because the ther is the ne illi,hichae is more immediatelyconcerned here. The common rute, that hic refers to the ea rest, 'ille tolli furtii est is may hold good is it e remembere that earnes nee notat way be earnes in orde of ords, ut a somelimes mean nearnes in regar of thought: therwise, though the rule ma hold good inmine cases out o ten it, ill ait at the tentii. See also note on l. 5 3. 45o. Lentitudinis, Mant of sensibili ty; lentus is an easy-go in character, hocis ot ut ut of his a b circumstances. 5a motum animi, your excitem ent. 45 . Commodiorem, des di sagregabie. 458. Iracundiae. The plural of the abstraci ter here, as usually, means instances,' cases of iracundia. The generat sense of the sentenc is

of respeCt. 477. a nostra ratio est, tu position is such. 478. Quum faveant, tum etiam, C., in re on ur si de indeed, ut also,' C.

8a E sortitus. I have here inserted relli' conjecture, in a passagewhicli, ithout emendation is nintelligibie. 83. Celebritate. his and the ther ablatives a re ablatives of respect. 85. Significationes, expression of Opinion, et ther applause or the

86. His rebus an illa omnia a re not opposed here. The both reser o hat has jus been mentioned on in illa omnia is the more inclusive of the two, and reser notis ni to them, ut verythin et se of the Lind. 88. In magistratibus, i. e. both a consul an a praetor.


491. De reliqua- dimicare, ' that e re no struggi in sor more glory hicli, ea ope sor, ut fighting to kee What, have on.' 492. Quae est, and we have belle causerio maintain i now than elia to aspire t it at the egi nning. 493. Si mihi- separatum, risi interest were in an way separate

5o2 Iis etiam qui futuri sunt suppi hominum besores qui . 5O3. Illorum refers to qui futuri sunt, an is nother instance of ille reserring to hacis more remo te no in orderis, ords, ut in thought. See ab ove on l. 449. Their udgment,illi the truer,aecause uninfluenced.bydetraction an ill-wili. 5o5. Quod si esset though even is it e re o. 'so 7. Voluisse is plup. e cause attache to the imperiscis of heavpothetical sentence: ut e liould in Englisti more naturali us the persect, because Quintus intention a notis bandonexa the time. It is supposedio reser o his intentior of writ in a histor of his times, hicli is alluded toelsewhere in Cicero' letters. 5O8. Prodenda, cloae assed on, in the sense in hicli trado is more

common ly used.

5I4. Laudarent. Observe that the ense of this ver is ruted by the dependent ver secisti, and not, as ould e more stricti correct by the principat ver facies. Observe surther that the imp. sol lows the perf. fecisti on the principi explained in note nat . . Sect. q. l. 12 o. 516. In te Te is the ablative. For the mean ing, se note on l. 182. I may be translatexhere, 'sor ou. 522. Tua - delector, like ou letters the belle in proportion to their tength. 528. Tertius actus As a cord in to Horace' rute, A. P. IS9 Neve minor neu sit quinto productior actu Fabula, quae posci vult et spectata reponi,' sive is the regula number os incis in a Roman play, e must suppoSe Cicero to mean by tertius ractus that hicli ould in 'his a se e thethir an las acu of Quintus performance, the metaphorical an no theliterat drama For the sentiment, cp. de Sen. qua natura non verisimile

est quum ceterae partes bene descriPtae sint, extremum actum tanquam atinerti poeta esse neglectum. '

II. 1. 3. Quum tum These two ord are neve used in good Latin sinapi sor both and ,' ut there is always sonae specia emphasis on thelat ter Clause even heia it is no accompani ed, as here, by praecipue, oran like Word ' Tum-tum are osten used where the two things are to beconnected on equat term s.

6. Princeps se- applicuit This as in the second ear of the rst Punic War, hen Hiero, hin os Syracus e. ho ad at rst in conjunction



with the Carthaginians been at war illi the Romans, ho supporte hiscnemies, the Mamertines O Messana made a separate peace illi them, and

an alliance, to hichae ad hered faith fuit ali his se. 8. Id quod ornamentum imperii est He means that the possessionos provinces as ne of the reat distinctions os theampi rem Rome A Provincia was a country eyon the ound of taly, hicli ad been conquered, and reduce to orna a par of the dominion o Rome, unde a militar governor The wor is probabi derive Dona providentia,' and

means a territor entrusi ext the care os sonae ne See Dict of Ant. v. Provincia. Sicily, illi the exceptioni Hiero' hingdoni, was made a provinceat the en of the sirs Punic War, and when in the secon Punic War Hiero' successor Hieronymus ad abandone the alli ance illi Rome and joined the Carthaginians, his ingdom also, after the tala in os Syracus by Marcellus, as adde to the est, and the whol istand ecam a province,

II. Quae venissent, subjunctive a be in dependent o the subjunctive deficerent. ΙΑ. Itaque - factus est, and accordingi ou ancestor sound his standa stepping-Stone to the conques of Africa.'I5. Tam facile, as ea sit a the di d. 'I6. I llud 'it, i. e. Sicily. Pateret be in a copulative verb, the pronounwhicli is it subjectoahes the geniter of the predicate, an notis the ordio hicli it refers. his is the ordinar Latin construction illi both demonstrative an relative pronouias. p. advig, Lat. r. 313; V, Lai Gr. IO39. Re frumentariae subsidium, Q surnisi supplies of grain. Cp. Cic. de Leg. Manil. I 2 3 . here Cicero spealis of Sicily, Africa, Sardinia, as tria frumentaria Ubsidia reipublicae.

mentum Marii means the temple uiti by Marius as a memorial of his

victori es.

22. Marcellus How sar hat is here a id of Marcellus is true ma begat hered rom note ono 3 6 of this Pari, p. 3O6. 24. Superatis hostibus temperavit, deal gently ith his ne mi es

when conquered ' illi his se of the dative aster tempero, cp. in Verr. 2.6 si cuiquam ulla in re unquam temperaverit, ut vos quoque ei temperetis; and Hor. Od. 3. 24, 8 Illic matre carentibus Privignis mulier temperat innocens. 25. sum- esset ' Quum is sed here illi 'tum' in the ollowingclause in the fame way as bove. suum, in his sense, oes no usuallytake a subjunctive. Key, Lat. r. 23 I says, Ru una sol lowed by tum, in the sense os tot only-but also, has generali the indicative, occasionalty the subjunctive an he add in a note the ex amples of the subjunctive

Con Structiora are o numerous, and what there a re scena pen to doubt.'


Possibinhere the subiunctive is suggested by the verb, on hic the whole clause depends, ein itfel in the subjunctive. 25. Manu i art Cp. Caes. B. G. 3. 23 oppidum et natura loci et manu munitum. Liu 2 5 Whereae is speakin o an fland orme in the Tiber by an accumulation o various substances postea credo additas

moles, manuque adiutum ut tam eminens area esset.

28. Idem, in once, lit 'it the fame ining. 34. Ut-putaremus, asci me regarded literalty so as to regard,' everything that it could furnish, notis produce there, ut ather a storedu here at home. 36. Deberet, putaret, imperaretur, are subjunctives, ecause the interrogatives here are equivalent to negatives, and theresore the relative clauses limit them. 39. Cellam penariam, the granary.' 1. Italico bello, the Sociat ar called also the Marsic War. 3. Coriis Long observes, that 4kins ere sed for tenis, hields, and other militar purposes ' and thus justifies the readin coriis, a correspondin to armavit. Another readin is copiis. 45. Sentiamus is a conjunctive sed potentialty ,hicli possibi me

46. Multis locupletioribus civibus utimur, we n many of urcountrymen enriched. For his se of itor' illi an adjective, p. Ter. Heaul. 2. I. D nae ille facili me utetur patre ' Cic. Rosc. Am. 26 ne bestiis quoque immanioribus uteremur; Verr. 5. 59 vide quam me sis usurus aequo 'Plaut. Aul. 2. 2. 55 et te utar iniquiore.' 8. Libenter, in their ili. 5o. Compendio. Compendium,' hom con anx pendo, literalty, a angin together, has two leadin meanings I. a layin together,' storing p, heiace profit; a. a layin together, in the sense of short- ening,' abbreviating. Here it means the former. p. de Ois. 3.15 facere compendii sui causa quod non liceat.'Ut- libeat, 'o Lee com oraraging-sa s, oro trade, accordin tothei sancy. 57. Sic-provinciae, so this province is like a pleas an suburbanvilla to the Roman eople. The wealthy Romans ad mos of them a suburbanum, i. e. an estate illi a hous on it in the countrymea to Rome, besides thei more distant country houses. Cicero means that Sicil Was tolli State in comparison of the ther provinces suburbanum o an individual compared to his ther estateS. 58. Quae nunc increbuit, ,hicli is no in fashion. 65. Publicanus See Dict of Ant sub voce. 66. Ita elong to tulerunt, notrio multorum.' 67. Publico consilio. He means that though there ad been cases Where individual o separate toruns ad appeale to Rome, et that the provinceras a Whole had neveraesore laimed protection.


68. Illum annum This is explained to reser to the year 8 B. C. When M. Aemillius Lepidus a Praetor of Sicily. He was succeede by C. Marcellus, hos integrit is osten mentioned by Cicero. 69. Ut salvi esse non possent, that the would o have recoveredhom it. 7 I. Infinitum imperium M. Antonius Creticus, the ather of M. Antonius the Triumvir, ad a commission illi extraordinar po ers in the war illi the pirates, exteta ding ove at the coasis of the Mediterranean, much the fame a Was after ard gi ven to Pompeius. He mi sused it toptunder the districis ver hicli it gave him control, speciali Sicily. 76. Hunc Verres, the defendant in the fuit, is usuali callex iste, as explaine belo in note on l. 8o. Here hunc is sed for the salae of the antithesis this present man, as opposed to ali ho have gonea ore. 78. Beneficia senatus populique Romani, the favour conserredon them by the Senate and people.'8o. Istius Iste,' in a speech made in a criminal a se, alWays means the defendant. The speaker is addressing the judices, and ciste means the an e re ou,' the prisone at our bar. In these extracis the translatio ma be varie by substituting the nam Verres, instea of the defendant.

2. The Case of Sopater.

TT. 2. 6. Eiusdem rei nomen detulerunt, accused him o the samecharge. Nomen deserre ad praetorem is literalty to carr down a mari'snam to the praetor sittin in his couri, whicli a thetars ste towardsgettingat brought to triat. The praetor a salx nomen accipere cis heallowed the case to e tried. p. a. 3. 3o. Huic Sopatro is dativus incommodi. Eiusdem rei is genitive aster nomen detulerunt,'whicli is equivalent to a verbis accusing. I 2. In primis splendidus atque honestus. It is to e remembered that the epithet attached to a man's ante hen mentione by a speakerare meret Phrases of courtesy. The osten ould found exaggerate is this wer no remembered They may be compare to the phrases sed in thedebates os the Englisti Partiament, . g. the right honourable gentieman, the mos nobi lord,' the right reveren prelate, o to suci an expressiona ou mos religious an gractous Queen in the Prayer Book, hichias sonaetimes give offence rom his no bella understood. 15. Accensus See note o Leiter o hi intus, i. 3I. Idem, ' also, at once.'I6. Priore actione, o the forme hearing. The plaintisror prosecutor a technicali sal agere, and was calle sometinae actor, an ali his proceedings, speeches, examination o witi tesses, c, ere include unde theterm actio. This par of the speech a written to e deli vere on thesecondiearing the trial hau in beei adjourned.


2 o. Ob salutem malle accipere. Supply pecuniam : had rathe tahemone to acquit.' nother read in is in soluto, 'from the si de hichwante an acquitiat, i. e. hom the de sendant. 27. Ei fuissent auctores redimendae salutis, indulsed hi topurchas acquitiat. 29. Perducit ad ' get hi to alie, 'beat him down o. The HS. here must furet stan sor sestertia, no sestertii. e cannot imagine Verres accepting o mali a sum a eight sestertii, hicli ni amounts to bout

fisteen hillings. 33. Posset is a conditiona conjunctive, a suppresse hypothetica clause

37. Videret is oratio obliqua os an imperative, o os a present subj. The direct fori is no si sapias, videas, Dyo were ise, ou ould consider,' ut si sapis, vide, Dyo are ise, consider hat ou haveri do.'39. Et iure iniquo et tempore adverso, both in a position ofdisadvantage an in adverse circumstances. I he had been a Roman citi genhe would have been 'iure aequo 'cis Siculus, a mere provinciat, nable toclaim the privilege of civis Romanus, he was at a disadvantage, iure iniquo. Consilio-conventu A Roma province a divide so the administrationis justice into districis, in hich couris ere et a stated times. Conventus' ometimes means the ouris 'or assietes thus held, sonaetimes the districi or circuit, as here. Consilium is the ameapplied to the od os selected me belongin to the conventus, who actedas jurymen or assessors. The phras in the Acts of the Apostles ix. 38,dγοροι or a Ioνται, the couris ere opera, means that suci a conventus

was then einiheld at Ephesus See Dict of Ant. art. 'Conventus.' 6. Hoc rationis. Mationis 'is genitive os quantit a te hoc metantum. Translate 'he had his much ground thei confideiace).'56. M. Petilium. Verres' device in orde to et id of those ho had acquitted Sopater e re a this. He appotnis Petilius iudex in soni civilsuit, res privata,' hicli a then e re hini. Petilius pretend that he Cannot try the case Without the id of the fame assessor a Verre had withhim in D in Sopater. Verres then say he an do ithout them, an dis-charges them frona thei attendancein him. The res of his consilium then, seein What is alme at appi to e discliarge o the round that theywishe to suppor one or ther of the two litigant in the case hicli Petilius as O try. o Verres is est to tr Sopater' case illi non but hisown creaturus ora the ench withaim. 68. Si tibi-iudicem, Vis ou don' inita me utat o decide onthe caseis a mere Sicilia Greela.'7o. Dic g on illi ou speech. 7 I. Nam is here elliptical giving the reason for the refusal to go on,iththe case hic is implied by his leavin his eat.