Flora Americae Septentrionalis, or, A systematic arrangement and description of the plants of North America : containing, besides what have been described by preceding authors, many new and rare species, collected during twelve years travels and resi

발행: 1814년

분량: 433페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 식물학



3. SALICORNIA. Col. ventricosu8, integer. Gr. O. Stam. 1-2. Sem. 1. in fundo Calycis. 4. HIPPURIS. Cal. margo bilobus, SuPerUSA COT. O.

Sem. I.


fragilis. exilis.


simplex. gracilis. virginica.

l. ZOSTER A. Gen. pl. 139O. Gra8S-WrRCh. l. Z. foliis integerrimis subtrinerviis, Caule teretiuSculo. Vahi. enum . pl. l. p. 14. Icon. Engl. bot. 467. Fl. Clan. l. I 5. In salt-marsh ditches, in the bay of Delaware, ScarCe. . Aug. v. v. Leaves long 1lowers very smali. The leaves are narrower and more obtuse than in the European plant in every other respect it appears tobe the Same.

2. CAULINIA. milia: in act. ac. ber. 179S. p. 87. I. C. foliis ternis oppositisve lineari-subulatis recurvatis aculeato-dentatis rigidis . Inlid. sp pl. 4. p. IS2. Icon. IVilia. l. c. t. l. f. 2.-Michel. gen. t. S. f. 3. In flow-flowing maters ; SUSqVehanna, Kenhaway, &C. rivers. S. Aug. v. v. Immel Sed, Boating. 2. C. soliis senis linearibus apice denticulatis patentibus. Vilia. s'. pl. 4. p. I 83. Icon. IVili f. l. c. t. l. f. l. In s mali ponds and old ditches: NewNork to Carolina. S. Aug. v. v. Immersed, iloatingue flowers verygmall. 3. SALICORNIA. Gen. pl. 14. Samphire or GlaSSwort. I. S. herbacea patula, articulis apiCe compressis emarginato bitidis, spicis axillaribus oppoSitis pedunculatis, squamis obtusis. I ilia. Sp. pl. I. p. 23. α Εngl. bot. 4l 5. 3 ramis simplicissimis, CaUle prostrato.

γ Caule Stricto ramoSo, rami8 laxiS. Var. α and β a re Common along the Sea-COASt: Var. γ Ιobserved on the Salt-lahe of Onon lago, New York. S. g. AUg. v. b. Fleshy, Sinooth ; sali tas te. 2. S. herbacea erecta, ramis simplicissimis indivisis : spicis longis articulatis. IVilid. Sp. pl. I. p. 25. Frequent ora the Coast of Virginia and Carolina. S. JUly, AUg. υ υ.; v. s in Herbario Grono iano iulguseo Bantitano asservato. Smaller than No. I. I consider this no more than a Sub species, aud pro


amer. I. p. 2.

p. I.

In ditches an smali ponds: Canada to Pensylvania, rare. 21. N. S. S. s. Upright, simple ; may be a

Ι tahe the liberty to place this plant in Μonandria, as it will be more east ly found by a young Bolanisi underthis head, than under Monoecia Diandria.

1. C. foliis superioribus spathulato-obovatis, inferioribus linearibus obtuSiS e marginatiSque. C. Verna. Wilid. Sp. pl. I. p. 28 8ΙCon. Fl. dan. 129 8 In sphings and rivuleis, Very common. S. Μay-July. v. v. FloWers White, axillary ; upper leaves 1loating. 2. C. foliis omnibus linearibus apice bifidis. C. AUtumnalis. Wiud. sp. pl. I. p. 29 ZIn similar siluations, not So common. S. ΜΠ, June. v. v. More Stender than No. I. Upper leaves somewhat spathulate- linear. S. C. soliis omnibus linearibus truncatis brevibus approximatis. ti 2 ambigua. vulgaris.





ΜΟNANDRIA Di GYNIA. Calli triche. capitatum.



2. C. CaUlibus niadis superne papillosis, ramulis teretibus ba i et in articulis foliosis, soliis linearibus, bracteis bacca brevioribus. Wilid. Sp. pl. 4. p. IS4. Icon. Willd. in act. ac. ber. t. I. i 2. In Clear maters and smali ponds : Pensylvania, Virginia,&C. S. JUly. N. ν. Green, ghining, fragile. 3. C. caulibus diaphanis nudis, ramulis inarticulatis aphyllis Compressis, baccis nudis latera bus. Wilia. Sp. pl. 4. p. l Sp. Icon. Engl. bol. Iopo. In muddy pools and ditches in the westeria part os Pen Syt Vania, &C. S. A Ug. v. v. Green, flexile, ten


13. CHIONANTHUS. Cor. 4 fida : laciniis longissimis.

- Fl. completi, inferi, I et. irregulares, angio ermi. 18. VERONICA. Cor. limbo 4-partito: lacinia inseriore


26. SALVIA. Cor. ringens. Filam. transverse Pedicello


27. COLLINSONIA. Gr. inaequalis : labio inferiore


a. C. panicula terminali trifida, pedunculis trictoris, foliis acutis. Willd. m. pl. 1. p. 46.




montanus. maritimus. americana.

ta a

οι foliis ovali lanceolatis coriaceis glabris, paniculis densis, drupis ovalibu S.C. v latifolia. Aii. hew. I. p. 23. β soliis ob ovato- lanceolatis membrana eiS pubeSCentibus, paniculis laxis imis, drupis ellipticis. C. v. angusti folia Ait . heu . l. p. 23. Var. α in the molantatris of Pensylvania a d Carolina. 3 on the sea- coast in boggy woods si otia New Jerseyto Carolina. Ir . JHay, June. v. v. Flo ers White, Verv hand 8ome ; berries purptish-bliae. It is probable that those, as γ' et considered sub SpeCies, a re reatly distinci species, whicli fur ther observations will decide.14. ORNUS. Dalech. Flowering-as h. I. o. soliolis late ovatis serratis: impari fere obcosdato. Per S. ench. 2. p 205. In moist shady Nooiis 1 Maryland and Virginia, rare.' . MAy. υ. v. Flo ers resembling those of Chionanthus; SeedS Smali, Winged. 15. FRAXINUS. Gen. pl. 1597. ASh-tree. I. F. foliolis sessilibus ovato- lanceolatis serratis rugoso-nitiadis; basi rotundatis inaequalibus, agillis venariam subtus villosis, floribus nudis. il ilid. Sp. pl. 4. h. IO99. Icon. Mich. f. arb t. . . . Llach-ΩSh, mater-ash. In Stony Soli, o river sides s rom Canada to Virginia. . April υ. b. 2. F. filiolis subsessilibus lanceolato-ellipticis Serratis, sub ius pubescentibu S, Samari S Utrinque obtusis. Wilia. sp pl. 4. p. Ilo2.

In rich bottonas of the western states : Ohio, Kentucky

3. F. foliolis lanceolato-ellipticis subseritatis, Samari S cuneatis apice obtus 3 emarginatis inserne teretibus. Vahi.erium. pl. l. p 50. F. discolor. Mich. f. b. 33. F. Canadensis. ωPrt de jr. et Sem. 1. p. 222. t. 49.

Icon. Mich. f. arb. t. . . .


DIANDRIA MONO GYNIA. Fraxinus. 9 d. F. soliolis petiolatis oblongis nitidis acuminatis integerri- acuminata. mis subtus glaucis, floribus calyCulatis. Lam. encycl. 2. p. 542. F. amor.Cana. Wilid. sp. pl. d. p. IIO2.

5. F. soliolis petiolatis lanceolatis serrulatis nitidis glabris, Carolinialist. ramulis glabris, floribus calycalatis. Wilid. Sp. pl. 4.

In boggy woods of Virginia and Carolina. Ir . April,

A F. foliolis petiolatis elliptico-ovatis serratis subtus petiolis ramulisque tomentosis, floribus calyculatis. Wilid. Sp. pl. 4. p. li O3. mali. I. car. p. 234. Lam.

encycl. 2. p. 543. F. Digra. Du Loi, ed. 2. t. l. p. 398. F. tomentosa Mich. f. arb. p. 33. ΙCon. Mich. l. C. t. . . . Re Lash. Blach-ash. β foliolis ovato- lanceolatis attenuatis subSerratis. γ soliolis ovatis latioribus obsolete ad medium usque serratiS. δ soliolis elliptico oblongis acuminalis argute serratis inferne subpubescentibus, petiolo Communi glaberrimo. PerS. ench. 2. p. 6Ο5.

Common in the woods of Canada and the United States April, Μ3y. N. U. S. F. soliolis petiolatis ovatis opacis serratis subtus glaucis juglandifolia. axillis venarum pubescentibus, ramulis glabris, floribus calyculatis. Wiud. sp. pl. 4. p. IJO4.



1s VERONICA. Gen. pl. 32. Speedwell. I. V. spicis terminalibus, foliis quaternis quinisque. milia.

Collccted by Messrs. Lewis and Clar k in boggy soli. onthe banks of the Missolari. V. JUne. v. s. in Herb. Lemis Caulis repens, fili formis, ad geniculos radicans. Folia Opposita, longe petiolata, reni firmi-cordata, inciso-crenata, glabra. Pedunculi axillares, alterni, longitudine soliorum, tereteS, glabri, Superne UnibraC-teatL Braclea oblonga, crenata. Spica oblonga,