De vita excellentium imperatorum

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 208페이지


분류: 전쟁



Taenares, a promontormanduit at the fouinem extremit of Laconia noem, R. Tamphilantia, a, um, of -- philus. Tamphilus, Cn. Baebius, a,

maen consul. . Baebius, a consul the next year. Drentinus, a Tarentine.

Terentius, a Roman gens: see


'arii, in Thasians. TLMm, o Thasos, an istandrininem of the regem. righantis, a Thebaen. Thebae, rem, Thebes, in capital o Boeotia : it greatnem romand et it Epaminondas a id Pelopidus. Themistoctes, a celebrate Athenian generia, Whos lis is in the

man consul.

Thessalia, Thessab, a count in the N. o Greece. Thraae acta, a Thracian. Thracia, Thrace, a counisT N.

of the regem, and w of the


Thraashfitas a celebratia Athenian generat, ho expelle thethlat inanis. is liferis in tho

nti dides, a celebrate Gree historim.'ibit, Ortim, a tow of Luc nia, in thera o Irib. thino, a satramo Paphla via. Dore, eris, a river of Ilah, onishic Rome standB. Tiberitis, prenomen a Rome. Timaetia, a historian of Scib. Timoleon, ontis, Grk. , a celebrate Corinthia generat, livierator of Syracuse. is liferis in the text.Timoleonteum, a public place ut Syracuse, calle in Timoleo


Timophanes, a Corinthian gemerat, brotheroo Timoleon, hoattempte to mata imael absolute in Corinth. Timothina, an Athenian generat, distinguished si his patriotism ad great probid, abell a volar. iis life is in the text.Arabaetus, a Persianismemoro Sardis.AM TO, B, e brother of Miltiades. Tiam emes, a satra of thering ot Persia there mere sevoras of the fame nRme. Tithratistes, a Persia satrapor ovemor, an iam a rei arctor captain Cae Musan men et there mere severat Persian ossicerso the fame nume. Titus, a renomen ac me.


INDEX. Trebia, a branch of the o,

Utim, a munime citror Africa, neu Carthage. Uinsanitia, a Roman ceria: Beei famili nam Agrarea. lamniva, P. ad i. AntonF. Utilio, Cn. Manlio, a Romanconsul, et eme in Amine provinces. Xenophon, mina, a celebratia philosopher historian an generia o Athens. X ram,ris orta, a celebrate but mea emperor o Persiae, non ofDarius. e invaded Graece missian arm o above 5, o, o including servandi, c. but it provecto him a moat ruinous campia'. e mas murtared by Artabanus. Ualerius, a Roman gens see in famurum ames noema and

Varro, mis, C. Tere eius, a consul mit L. militia Patiatis. Ventiata, a toes of Apulia, in the E. o Irib. Vettones, araeopte orae in.

Zavnthius a tim, of Sinyminus, an istandri in Ionian ea, mestis Greece norum Zante. gama, an inland rerumho Numidia, o miles S., or Carithme, samo dor Scipio's victo over Hannibal.