장음표시 사용
XI. XII. The barbamus reaiment e receives hic ath. XIII. His servires me read otium enteriaine by Alexan
16. QMd M. Construction: quod a quis me facta in
'rum veteranorum, cogno mi est l. e. facta horum esse paria. 22. Avera rumis lamorem. r. R. LXI. M. 5 Tumtum is here a noun literalty longe is amiser o meis, i. e. rimice a lov. 28. Utrua aeque etiam minos Bothbere made of Ieather; but in Ialter mere muchata largeat, and ver capacio .
II. Cirremiseret See. note re p. 3, 18. MI2. Tuli. Me note tos M,I. 23. 13. et M. S. Prima. r. R. II. M. f.- am. XXXIX. ori. 3.16. Tereia The Greeta divide the night lato three matches; tho Romana into four. 2. Sed tanga, sic. aut so great macine oppositionis somo sis mine brave Lor superior talenta. Tomiagoram an virtvitia are both goveme in the genitive by obtrectatio. s. virum. Note re p. 82, t. 3. s. Uin tes note io p. 5,l. 25.
32. Mustes the nominative initim nea I. m.
I. in integrit o lise ,1 pover . II. Accuse of ingrat, inde to Demosthenes and of necle itine the interesta of the Athenians in a particular case. III. Tmo factions age ut Athens andrae is expellecto Macedonia; a tanto prison and finalty dragged bach in disgracerio Athens. IV., is navited by the populace res e thel right o defitico ut trita condemnet; and disgracemurex cuted. 88 8 m. molarios N, I. M.
23. Careret could do mithoui.'S 12. Eum gradum. Monstruction: Meem Tacerum groedum, quem M. M Capitis damnatos not condemnestrio death, laut de- privaxo ali his righta; Whic it somelimes means. 5. - their, i. e. theseople's. T. Vrebo: in sim; re Fam in act.' Hebas directed inform is pleta his causere ore tam Philip but in fare, bolare Polysperchon. Io Ecemsilii semieritia. Me note re p. 6 , l. II.M. In ... .simn M. Construction: inde damnvitis judicio, Dibusdam gissimis e fretis then contanine in a triat, certain legat pro edings Ming gone uisough. 21 Undaeemviris. ' neven, fore Ied rom their number, mere elected ut of the oh of the eople, ac of the tentabes ending one to hic there mas adde a Register, tomahere the numberet theis ossice mas in ome inires no un- like to that o ouris risis for the were in se malefactore putis execution, and had the chregem succas mere committe toste publie prison. POTThR. n. Inhoe se in hune In expressiona Cerviam, haered, M., in is uaed mit the ablative, no the accusative.
I. His character, an actaevementa Re causes his Mother,m Iad usurpe the goverament, Corinth, to e illed. II Heris senta Corint torui in Syracusans against Dionysius; -homine ethrones, but spares his life : Severia other explous of his III marino coloniecto re opis Bicib, Where heris beate mi in the Ughest desereno an consideration. v. Aliquestions famemmentire, by unanimo bonsent, deserae tohim. ia modest an piov. v. Remarhaiae incident in his histora Examples of his sorbearunce: in deat an funerat
I. A alight nouce of severe distingvi e Persia iunga. II. Aiso, o Philip Alexander, Pyrrhus, and Dionysius, the et r.
I. Compitinent of the author in his gener inm: Im heredita latred of the Romana. II. His influence and aingular communication missi Antiochus. III. e folloma his aether into B in atri regem nine Mars, an auoceed hi in Ommand fore heris trumentPfive crosses in Pyrenees, France, and the Alas, and arrives in Irib. v. v. His batiles an universia succes in Italy I. The Romana anachin Carthage, he is
recialia, an his fidit en-gement is a tota de M. VII. The Carthaginium mahe peuce His varistus services: Compla isor in Romana in res, an is declare an utlaw. VIII. Re tanta at Cyrenae, an attempta a nem expedition against Rome ; ut uing, Des in Antiochum NM aes ut an expedi tion, ut is defeMed. IX. Hannibal'a stratagem in me his, money in Crete. . e Decio Prusias ring o Pontus; for o he heias a fleet against Eumenes marat ingem. XI. Seque an succeas thereos. r XII. The Romans, dimovering -here heris, senesam Madorario demandraim; by Whom Minga munde in his malle, tabula himself by Dison. XIII. Amidat in tumulis of arma, his devotion to letters. d. Quod so that.' o AtD Noterio p. 12, t. 23.
33. Eamque m. Const. que Dasit me tenentem eam jurare. 6. -- quidem: aut hen.'-IS. Foederatam ac Romamia I II IAM Coma ea: Thelmo Consul ;'--chie magistrates a IolRome, Whos dis macto administer justice an command thearm. They mere electe an ally, and ence inela names mere secto denote ine Marciae insisadis telliu in What year an event happened, it mas sua is nam in Consula orthat 'M. Mancin ances of this occur in the remiander ofinis mori. 33. Consi res Ex-Consias; i.. e. Who ad Men Consula. 22. Uerba deceived.' 3. Ob ista nocte: se caelo. M. Pari ae m. equia commandis in Dictator.
s. 3. Id Senarus daretur an audience of the aenate mas viven. '
I. Commencement of his publio liferi an enumeration os severat ossices hic herilled. II. is consulsiup and comtention missi Scipio ius censorship an severit against luxur an tibuses III ins prudence an induat Ηis litera character an compositions.1M d. minoritis: the Ex-Censor. s. Pro sortis Messisudines accordincio in necessa rundini Et relations of the ossice.' ora iubae soc eo bee usothe Consul divide their duties by lat. M. Abiatis tent M. Tentare is here jussitatim invocare. Plutarc relates that he was cited for trial abo in times. 32. mictum detrimenturumiferit, ae austeredi I s.
I. of the remotest equestria descent: Η distinguishes im- set in his education ina mi lenem os character. II. Toavoid Ming involve in aere svise, e repulas to Athena;where, by his benefita, e conciliates the good Nili and highestestim ion o all. III. Is invite m necome a cuiren, but res es: Is appointecto inces. IV. Intimav and high est vition missi Sylla. V. His conciliatin character. I. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. In the corrupi state finire hepuraues, migdie comae res es ossices diaco tenancea byhis exemple the pard persecutions and thereb occasionallydisconcerta their plansu contenta imael missi inordin liberalia in the persecuted and thus is equali respecte an heloved
domestic habita. v. His attachment in truth Ηis sinceriban integrid. XVi. Emerussa missi hic his Mend priscultivared. XVII. in filia an statema pleb. XVIII. His acquaintanc missi histoet an antiquities, and mortis thereon. XIX. labant of de re toreultivato familcaniances missi ita great; hic, M ver is mught y them. XX. His intimavmit Caesar. XXI. m is attached by a diserae Whichaec-int infuli and past the hope o cure, e by refusing aliment,put amen to his dus. 25. intimas remotest; reometimes in Mareat; i. e. Me Ios
II 2. Quomum partim, M. Q rem dependam partim Thisis, strietirapea ing the ob accus stive of pars, Wit an ellipsis of the preposition ad It is also se ac nominative haringadjectives agreeing Withit, an has in pomeris a substantiveto govem a genitive, or is fosso ed by the preposition eae. s. Metitum est i de ac helium, inque it standam nearer thin the heginning of the luat section. 12 me: c. Mus sit. 15. Ut priται- - that a private sim meis made v, by the Romananimis for the assas nam Caesar. 18 Appia tua eres mas requested. n. Provinciartim is ovemed by rebuS. 15 ai. Sectorii redimonium: gave bau.'23. In diam: in croqit; but means the preciso time o payment. M. Versuramsaeeri Seo nolario p. IV, I. 31. 33. Sui Dineta from principie. . II S. Praerorium V a Lx-Praetor. 16. Neque non malebat, M. Elther non mustae strachout orbulae an ovisis change places for ne e rem arenevor seundinite in strenotan a negation. m. 'vinus......--: iv.' 3. Ea reserario gratia. IIS . Idem, rem Construction: Idem eve vit L. Mitim motam, diem ore videor posse contendere nostram aetatem tti sae iam mvis elegantissimum poetam post mortem sierati Calvia glie, neque minis bonum virum, erudirumque cutimia artibvso a proeriptionem equirem, propter otia magno Affricanas mea mea, re tiuum though alaemem in naememem proserim rum,s P. Volumnio, praefecto fabrem Antonsi Thicis strie accordin to the grammatical eonstruction, ut in sonoming
is the proper expression of the sense in the English idiom: quem post mortem veretii Caralligue, re videor posse eontendere esse titio elegantissimum poetam quem nostram istem tulisse, M. construin Matram aerarem as nominative Nithout the particie tiar.M. Familia: domesticas stom famiati a grade ove Serem. 22. Anagnostin readere; hom magnostes, Gree neun, firet deciension. 1. Utrumque Omm i. e. both rea an transerisse. Iluideas mustae Iooked for in the preceding anagnostis and librarii. d. mmique forarum ei indiducate in his house.'et Co inretis se esse. Gr. R. XV.11. Ut in M. that it mas remuis te formetther extreme. 15. Scimus, se Construction Selmus eae ephemeride, timeam solitum ferre revemstim vim, non amplius giam tema minis aeris, ac Datam. An incredibiy mali sum; about 8 3. s. In sestertio dicies. Note re p. 112, t. 25 aboutari,ssos M. Misereretis centies Se in fame . d. Eum solitum 'monstruction rem esse solitum metiri 12o