장음표시 사용
Goac riser: notis river ho-ever but a tow of the Thraedian Chersonesus, Where in Athenianfleet, of 18o hips, mas defiated by Lysander.
amilii, a nobi gens at Rome, o very ancient descent, an distinguished in severia families.
Amidina, L. Patitas a Romanconsul, stat in Apulia, in acta ue againstruannibal. lia, or Colia, a count Asia Minor, o the regem seu, Mimeen Troas o the norin and Ionico the muth. The inhabitanis mere a colon o Greeha. lis, id G see Eolla.
frumis A iacteone of the ineat continent of the earth. Heuntis, a furnam o Scipio, on Vcount of his achievementa in Africa. amemnone hing o Mycenes and Argos, Whobas captain generat of the Greelis in the Troj-
Agesilatis, a son o Archidamus, of the via familco the Proesi, ni Sparta, mκde hing attho deat of his brother Agis, in preferenc in his nephew Leotychides. For his life se the text.It is sal by ome that he was absent froin the batile of Leuctra, not voluntariIy bullan account of
Agis idis, ning of Lacedaemon, of the familv of the Proelidae, sue,eded by his rother Agesilaus. Diades, a rhetoricia os Athens, ho publici accused Phocion, an caused his execution for hic herias iner-wards ut o Math, hen the Atheniana recollecte Phocion's
Agrippa, M. Vipsanitis, a celebrata Roman who married Pomponia, the ingliter of Atticus. e favore the cause of Augustus at me batiles of Actium an Philippi in hich, as Nellas in many iners, he displayed great valor. e spent large sum in embellishin nome, andriasing magnificenti luildings; one os,hich, in Pantheon stillexi s.
Altariades, a philosopher, state man, an heroi generat, of Athenses his liferis in the text.Alcmaeon son of the prophet Amphiaraos and Eriphyle, homurdere his mother o havim caused the deat of his ather.
etandem dari, summo me a the Great; son and successoro Philip hing o Macedonia. Η Was ne of the mos enterprietin and extravagant heroesine ori has produced. ecommence his career about thelmentiet year of his age, an inles thun twelve years conquerellineece, in Persian empire, and nearly ali in the known pariso Asia an Africa Herias dimat patron os o andieareed en Misosti his destinis attributecto Oison, and Dotherario intoxications by Nepos, io direme. Aleaeander, calle Hreuem, crue tyrant os Pherae in Thessaly, Who imprisone Pelopidas When an ambassudor, contrarcto righta chno ledged by II nations since the persons of -- bassadors mere universiab considered sacred. is crueid madehim suspicious eveho his missi, who finali murdered him. Aleaeandrea, se Aleaeandria, acidis Egypt bulli by Alexander
Mur os, se orations strue X-tant.
Anicia, a semiae eo in f ADticus.
tiar nea, ne of Alexander auenerata, publicly romatae fortas valor. AMM--, ne of Alexander'a
feneras, si received Pamphia, Lyciae an Phrygia, as hisahar of the empire. Antiochus, Elingis Syria, sur---d tha Greae. e conqueredine greatex partis Graece, nd, at the instigialon o Hannibal, - hiari cen refuge at his couri, made mar against in Romans; but not foliorumin his comaelamith suffcient care, he was conquered, and oblige in ahe achon in humiliatin terma , fine of Moo talenta annu-
Det ater, tri, ne of Alexander' generata an successors,
who obtaine Macedonia as hisahar of the empire. Antonius, Marma, Mar Antony, Who acte a distinguished par in the dissensiona of the Roman empire, duris an aster
Caesar' time. enninus, ac mons the AM
aris, o medicine muste, Poetet, and eloquence. is oracles mere
in genera repute ali ver theworid the mos famous of mhich, and his mos splendid temple, masat Delphi. in rades, a mendis Dion. AP abia, a road sto Rometo Brundusium, in the . of Ita-lr, o calle because paved by the consul Appius Clatitatis. vidia, a countet in Italy onine Adriatic, nextri Calabria. eades, tim Gin. , Arcadians.
Argini inhabitant of Argos. Da eos an is neut.), thecapitalis Argolis in the ea refine Peloponnesus- Aristaretanes, a presectis Lydia an Ionia, under in Persianian . Aristidea, a celebrate Athenim, Whos temperance and virtve procure iam the name of the
tammache, ea, the wise of Dionysius the vider, and sister of Dion, memii in Armenians, Whosecountv lv at the fovice of tho
Tigris and Euphrates, an easto Cappadocia an Pontus.
tabanua, son o Hystaspes, an brother to Darius theraret, tangs, Persis. Cendeavoredio dissuade his nephem, Xerxes, fram maiam mar against the Greeta an at his retur ama
his throne. Arisbama, ne of Xerxes gen
Artaphemea, ne of strius a generias, ho Was conquere at
INDEX.mas longer than the ther Hedestrue Artabanua, ho admurdere his cither Xerxes 'nd, besides severa militar actaeve-menis, riae missi reae mi dom an moderition.
mme ther province on the Mediterraneanor sed an aran or
Greeta, and marche tomarda the Persio capitia in dethrone him. Artaxerxes et iam onine bank of the Euphrates, withan armis Mo,odin and in their strat ungagement his brother Wassiuin, and hera ne a decisivo
Memisitim, a promontor atine norit end of Euboea. Asia, ne of the quarters of
the globe Asia Minor is thetractabounde N. by the lacksea, . by the Arcmpelago, and S. by the Mediterranean. Aspendii, inhabitant of Aspendiis, a toWn o Pamphyliae in Asia Minor. Avis, ias a satramo Cataonia. Athamanra, tim GH. Laseopido Epiru .
edincerio Neptune si a firstgoverne buri successive hings, in las of mho mas ta tis: nexi, by magistrates called Ariesina, choren Mirs sis lige, ut at teret elacte annualb Theother ossicera mere electe hythe eople. Under this democracy the Athenians sim laeditamselves by theis valor in the id their munificence, and thecultivation of the fine arta Perihus no singlebit in the moridcan boast, in auch a stare spareo time, o so great a number of trul illustrious citigens generias, statesmen, philosophere, meis. an artiata , quali celebrated fortiat humani oleaming, andabilities. In both invasions orsreece by the Persiam, heir defiat mas oming to thens;whic inus rose in digniti and importance. At tengin, in the Peloponnesian Nar, nil Greeceturne againacit; and aster a dis- astrόus ane sanguinar contes of in Mars, it ma totali ruine by Lysander, horam sedisponotthiri tyranis These oppressedine civ foris fem years, ut mere
Athenians recovere somethingo thei former spirit, in the ageos Philip o Macedonia, hom
seli unde his pomer, and that os Alexander, an mere finalty -- jugared by the Romana, Myears betare the Christian era. 1 alline period of it histo , Athens excelle ait ther citius in thecultivation os science, literatureand the aris and was the resorto those ho mished in sindythem, rom ali quartera. Atheniensis, e Athenian, of Athens. Athenienses, tum, the Atheni-
or Attica; sed promiscuo lymit Atheniam S. Attictis, , ni Athenim, of Attica A sumam viven to T. Pomponitis, hominis long resi- nceret Athens,- Roman celebrate for his leaming, philanthropy and wealth. is life is in the text.
Auriatas, the name o a gemat Rome See tatis. Automatia, in Dddes of good fortune, so calle by the Greelis, but by the Roman wn nrtam. tvhrodates, a satra of Lydia, unde Artaxerxes.
Ba lan, Onis, a celebrate and mos splendi an luxurious ity, in caepital of the Assyrian empire. It waso miles quare, miningio in circumference and surrounde by a mali farichs,
of brass. The Euphrates anthroughri Middie of it. Baebius, the nam os a Romangens se Tamphilus. Emeres, a Persian sent illi Sisamithres to destro Alcibiades. Bestas, L. Comilitis, a friendo Atticus. Barbaras, the Barbarim, an epithet applied by lis Greehs mali except their own count men, especiallyrio the Asiatica, ane, byWay o distinction to the in of
u Thrace, o inemellespont. Bithyni the Bithynians. Bithyiaa, a countet in the N. W of Asia Minor, bina long
the Blaech a. Boeotia, a countet o Graece, N. of Attica. Boeotii, in Boeotians.
is neut GAE. , a casti in the Thracia Chersonesus Brutias, , a nobi family at Rome the ciues of hic mas eius sinitis, sumame Brutuso account of his apparent simpiditae; hich, hoWever, WasSigned in orde to fave his omnli , and thenester torae an Pportunit o destruing Tarquin, in murderer of his alter, and last in o Rome ne accomplisi diis objeci, an made thenomans mea neve again obear a ing. arcus Iunius Bratus, a linea descendant of the foreming, acie a convicuous par in the commotionso Caesar' time. e mo theside os Pompey; ut ster inebatile o Pharsalia, here Pom- y's fortune mere totalty rutaed, Caesa notini spare the lis of Brutus, but ad him ne of hismost confidentiae frienda Brutus, however, When e saethat Caesar aspirexto supreme pomer, disregarde this favor, and wasone of the foremost of his assas- sins. See Mniis, Gemmand C -- sitis. Aster in batile o Philippi, he seu upon his own Wolid. Η Was a scholaris mellis agenerat, and umid the tumulis of War, devote much of his timerio literature. Bbetantium, abii os Thrace, noe natαnti Ple. Bbetantii, une Bygantines.
Caecilius, L. Q. a richrenes of Atticus, si ad iam his
Caesar, C. I. a distinguis dgeneria, and Mst emperor of
led by no hero of antiquid, excepi perhus Alexander an Cyrus the Great. e obtaine theisce of high pries of Iupiter atine age of 12, and ursue amos unexample career unti hemata himself master of thera man empire. Se Roma, Whose
history an his durin his life,
in his remn. e is in Caesarmentione in the laschal of tholis of Atticus.
Oditas, L. I. a man distimguished for his rictas an poeticia talenta. Ni eae, an Athenian distinguis esse his ictas, horavid Cimon 's fine, o condition of vin his mi . in ierates, an Athenian hoseige in fovereignd of Syracuse, byraeceiving an assumimatin Dion. e mas expelled, ter reigning 13 montis. Calliphron, nis, a celebrated sincing master, ho aught Epaminondas. Nistratus, an orator of Aphidna in Attica, the most eloquento his age. tam sarea, a govemor o parto Cilicia. n , Q. Gessitis, a Mend of
Atticus. onnensis, , o Cannae, a village of Apulia, near the Aufidus, where annibal defestis the Romana, slaughtering do, o Capitolium, a celebrate tem
Cappadox, ocis, a Cappadocim. Cappadocia, a count in the E. f Asia Minor. Curiani, aseopte in the . of Asia Minor. Captia, a id of Campaenia, out 12 miles . . o Rome. ruere, timiGrh. , a peoplessAsia Minor. Cardiantis, a Cardian, an inhabitant of Cardia, a town in the Thracia Chersonesus. res inhabitant of Caria. orta, a comtet in the s. . of Asia Minor. Carthaginienses, tam in Carthaginiuns. Cartham, ginta, Carthage, a celebrate an mos splendidcommercia civ of Africa nearine present unis It was Munde about Io years earlier than Rome of Whic it me long the rival, and the capital of that parto Africa, and mistres of Sicily, Sardinia an Spain. It carriedon three mare missi Rome, calledine viae parasse RomaJ, attho ret of hic it containedreo, o inhabitanis; ut in thethird, hecit mas umed, and totalty destrue by Scipio, thesecon Africanus, . . Idet, itha but Ooo It was 23 miles
Cassander dri, a son o Antip ter. se Amtipvitem. J e received the govemmentis Macedoniafro his ather, an rei e 18 years. e hilled the moiner the two ives and the talesen os Alexander, to prevent the laverimm everruttaining to the throne. res, C., a distinguished Roman generat, an particularmen ot Brutus. e reo theside os . Pompey, and aster inebatue o Pharsalia his in asmared by Caesar; ut he was oneo his viderers. At thetaule orPhilippi, the wing Whichae com
omnisWord, the fame Whic hiasven Nound to Caesar. GOma, a countv of Asia Minor, Mimeen Cilicia an Cappadocia. to M. Porcio, a distinguish-ed Roman generat, intesman,
schola an philosopher; ut mos distinoished for his simplicium lite an severe moriam Η roserio ad the honora of the state, an lest 15 orations and many ther morks, hic arenoet t. Cottiditis, an elegant Latin post. tiatis, C. Lutatius, a Romanconsul, Who, missi Maeshipsenearine Mates, destrue Mo be- longin to the Carthaginians, and
compelle them to a Mace 'Ceruenius Q, a Roman Praetor.. Cerotinus, thunder, a sur
Chiarias, ae a famoua Atheni- an generat, Whos life appears in the text.Chiaciamus,' Magen home, air aes templa, Minerva at Sparta.Chaeria, Mia, a civis Euboea, norum Aegruont. Chaones Grk. , a nation os Epirus, Chares,stia, an Athenian generat Charon, a patriotic Theban. Chersonesus, a Gree mord, signibin peninset. . Theremere many of hic the most important mere in Hevo ratis, norum Morea an in Thraeianoremneatis, mentione in thetexi, bing nori of the Archipelago and west of the Dardanesses. Chius, an Chios, the laland of Sela. Cieem, M. Tulitas, a distinguis dirator, statesman scholaran philosopher of Rome, hoauiane to the highest honor of the state. e opposed Caesar, and aster iam Antonys in homprivate animosit he was sacrifice in the secon triumvirate, and was murdere nea Brundusium, jus besere he had reac dine ea in his ni hi rom Irid. Vereo, Q. Tuliiva brother of
the former, mas Caesar' lieulanant in Gaul, and was proscribedat in fame timem his brother. iae, iris, a Cilician. Cilicia, a countv in the S. E. Asia Minor o the Mediterra
non the nam os imo Athenians the one theriather, and theother in son, o Miltiades Thelis of the alter is found in the
Cinnanus, of or relatincto Cinna. Cinna, L. Comelius, a Romanconsul, Who mo the fide, Marius against Sylla, an purauedan unprecedente careeris cruel-t an bl dshed. e mas assas- sin ed by one of his offoers. Citium, a lamnis Cyprus.
Clastidium, a tomnis Liguria neu the o.
Marcellus and Nero. Cleon mite assem, Rhomm
Cnidus, a maritime lamn of Caria in the . . of Asia Minor. Colonae, stram, a place in Troas in the N. . of Asia Minor.
eius, o Cnem, a commonprenomen ut Rome.
non a distinguiahe Athenian commander, hos lis is mund in the text. r m one of the Ionianislands, nomior'. Corintitatis a tim Corinthian. Corinthus, a celebrared, richan splendi citu, o the isthmus o Corinth in themidiaestetmeen in Corinthio an Saronicaulis, Ming about sta miles hian ach. -liva, the nam o a di tinguished gens a Rome thediserent branches of Whic menth vario jurnames, a the S i , oravi, Cinnae, c.-L COCMlius Memina, e consul it Q. Minucius Thermus. Coronda, a tomnis Boeotia. ita, C. Atir ius, a Romanconsul. . Auresim, another.
elades, a cluater of istanda inino vigean. me, es the best tommotaeolia. lamma, a large istan in the
remE, Grum, a cilco Lybia, in the N. E. of Africa. remis, in Cyreneam. ma the eder, hing o Persia an Media, and ne of the greatest an nobtest heroes and
conquerora the mori has produced.- , the Otinere, abrother of Artaxerxe Mnemon,
ala politician, Athens. Darius, Cnoble satra o Persia, Who, on in murtar of medidis, oblatae in throne. Hemade ineat conquest both in theerat and west; and ecam so exasperate again trahe Greehs, that he ordere a servant to repeatrio iam, every evening these
Norda: G Remember, o ing, tophis in Athenians. ' At thebatue o Marathon, his tr psmere totali de Med, and e lostmo, o me in that expedition.
Datames, a governor of the Leucosyri in Cilicia, an generalo the armies of Artaxerxes, distinguiahe for the prompineas an rapidiv of his movementa. His liferis in the text. iis, commander of the Persia fleet in Xerxes expeditionagainst Greece.DEeelia, a village of Attica. D. hi, Ortim, a cilco Phocis, at the oot of mount Parnassus, samous fortat temple and oracleo Apollo. Desphima Delphic, an epithetor Apollo, rom his templa MDelphi. mitis and flos, ne of the Cyclades istanta in the Mean.
Demades, an Athenim, Who, hominis lor came en eloquentorator, and obtaine muc influenc in the state. Denisenenis, a rhetoricia of
o Antigonus in Asia Minor agreat maritor, urname Polio retes, destruer of torem. Demetrius urname Phalereus, an eloquent orator and statesman os Athens, who b his viriue, Wisemvernment, and generosid, madenimuel greatly belove an honored by the Athenians.
Demosthenes, a celebrated Athenian orator an statesman whol ore throus his count menagainst Philip.
Dercylim, a man appoinredove Attica by Antipater. Dragiis, theioddes of hunting. Dinon, a Gree Who wrote the histor o Persia in Alexander's
Diomedon, a Cygicene, sent incorrupi Epaminondas. DA, a Syracusan hos life is found in the text.Dionysius, the nam os imo franis . Syracuse, styled, fordistinction, the de and themtinger The lder a distinguished for his talenta, his un- parallele suspicious disposition, and his crueitu. Dionysius A Dunere, son and
successor of the preceding, resem-blathim in his vices, but not in his ilities Aster his expulsion, heretired re Corinth, Where, that hemight sudemo the plausum of ing a tyrant heriaught a school
Elis, dia, o B videre, a civis Peloponnesus, and uapitia of the countet of the fame name; famous for the Olmpie ames celebrared inere. Elpiniee, es the halfisister and mi is Cimon, Who consente tomaret Callias, conditionis his dischargin the fine imposed onher,iner, an for hic herhalfibrother an husiand was
Ennius, Q. , a Roman poet. amsi iam, ae a celebrated
an virtuous Theban generia, Ii eratoris Greece, Whos lis is found in the text.
heam, a cilco Ionia. Ephori, rum, ve magistrateschosen annuali a Sparta, Whose auctorit mas superior to that ofine hinM. The mere appoinredis mala over the righis an liberties of theseople, nad the man- agement of the treasury, and wero the arbiter of peuce and war. Epirota, an Epirot. Se Epistis. Epiroticus, , tim, of or in Epirus. Epirus, amountet in the . . o Greece, o in Adriatio. Ergeria, a civis Euboea.
INDEX. boea, an istandri in meam
o Cardia, and one o Alexander'sublest gener a Massiseria in the
manea, a iugis Pergamus, in alliano mith in Romans. mob dis, a familco priestaut Athena descende fro W-
Fahiva, Q. Maaeimus, a celebrate Roman generat, Who OP sed annibal in Italae more auccessivit inan an other,mhic he di by countermarches, hirmishes an ambuacades, constanti avoiding a genera Ections for,hic he received the epitheti Cunctator, deluer. Fiata,va, a mountian an plain Mimeen Rome and Napies. Fregeritia, an epithetis Iupiter Et Rome. Flaccus, L. Valeritia, a consul missi Cato. Flaminio et, a Roman consul, or rea an turbulent disposition. Flamimnma, L. Qui titis, a. R
Ηadrumgrum, o Adrumetum, a lamn o Africa, S. - Carthage, neu the present Susa. Haliartus, a citro Boeotia
Η camassus in Caria. methidear, a Carthaginim generia, under hom in his son