장음표시 사용
elected ironi the consulares 55), originali a the minimum intervat O four ears, after ard One in sive ears - the perio callest a lustrum oud holding ossiue for ighteon monilis. Theirtutius er of three ivds: α th0ytook the census, hiuli Was a register of the citigens illithei familius and the amount of thei property, Xed inaceordaneo illi his census, the position Os auli citigonin his tribe, lass, nil century, and fille vacanuies in thessenatu. b They had a generat versight of public morais, SPand ould punish an citigon for scandalous conduet byromovi nihim, is a senator orant glit, irom his ordo g 14, 20), or fis ommoner, o Howe olas in his tribe or even
tra ut for publio ortis, and superintended theirmonstrue- On. During the intervat et Neen the abdidation O oneboardi consors and the electior of thei successor theselast utius ore dol0gated by the senate to the eonSutS,
th cit by two lictors, Without the cit by ix. 61 4 The Tribuni. - The tributies of the plebs ere ton in number elected rom the plebeians only but hos nompraetiuali included the whole populus), by the comitia
tributa presidet overi an autua tribune. The were themos powerfui ossiuer of the State, though thoir power Waso a negative ind, and the had o uties hale ver. Their authorit Was continet to the cit itself, and thoi
tiro. d Thuy ad the mana gement of certain publiu
way for them through the Streeis, and dispersui disordei lycrowd that impedest public usitiess. The Viatores ad similar uties and e re the attendanis speciali of the
sati s 49 that a magistrato ad th right o veto tho
his pro vine the goVernor a Supreme, ut Onee commander
of the riny, hie executive, and uligo in both civi and crimina casses. In Sueli a position here a abundant opportunit for gaining immense Nealth. In times of peaee Sthero ere a thousand method os extortion, and the averagegovernor est non uniried in timet war there avere uities toto tunderest an captivos to e soldis flaves. 4rovincia governorshil Was ooked poti by Roman nobies asa old in froni hiuli to a their sebis and bu De Wpleasiare and hon Ors It was unde these promagistrates that the provineia quaestor. D67 served, and the relations
botWeen them ero naturali elos and confidentiat. Unde certain utreum Stanees the senato might avo the simperium conferreii ipores inferior magistrates or evenprivato iligens, and Seni them to tho province a pro-
magistrates, though the had o fille the magistracies
N person avin the imperium Was allowed O enter Rome, an promagistrate Were o permittet to returni rom thei province cum imperio uti reli0ved by thuir
Is The Roman commonwealth a conoeived os as founded by the gods, and continuousi an directi dependentiponthem. The national religion a a Statel ceremonia huv-
in litti toruo illi the lives an morais of the citigens, but maintained pon a lavisti scale for the purpOSe of Securing the favor of the gods, and with it the perpetuity
prie sthood were silled by the reates statesmen and general - Julius Caesar a Pontif0 Maximus hile hewas figlitin in Gaul. B THE PONTIFICES. The mos important of the riestly colleges a that of the ponti ces, wh had the SuperviSion of the hole state seligion includin generat verSight fati th other minister o religion thus exerting a VRSt
questions for the state auspici publica was investsed ineach of the ighor magistratos, ho as sat habere auspicias the interpretation a a Sole nee ius ustu=mιm), the speciat stud and care of the augurs. Magistrates and augur Wore therofore dependent iapon eaoh other, ei theralon could gut tho information destred. For at in tho auspicos an pen paeo a murked ut BE
i emplum for auspicia publica a the augura ultimispontho Capit l, ut for conveniene Other laeeS, O. g. the
Rostra in th forum, tho hortus Scipionis in the campus Martius, and tho bulldings erected a homes o th gods templa in ur Sense), ere inauguraled, ' ut ni by
Ba To both th augur and the magistrate the auspice Nerea Solare of re ut political ower. So minute ani intriuato were the rules and regulation o augury that a geniolis augur could tu a a in imos an auspiues, and thus effectuali preverat action on the partis magiStrate, Senate,