M. Tulli Ciceronis Orationes et epistolae selectae = Selected orations and letters of Cicero / with historical introduction, an outline of the Roman constitution, notes, excursuses, vocabulary and index by Harold W. Johnston

발행: 1906년

분량: 863페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


THE SENATE. 73other boariis and uiliis. The Quindecemviri Sacris Fuciundisi ad charge of the propheti books libri Sibyllini)whiel the Cumaean Sibyl sold o Tarquillius SuperbuS. Tho contained oraclo relatinito the state, and could econsulto and interpreted by the board ni by direct command of the Senate. The Harusypices er an nometa sagulld though the were Some times consulted by the senate

The senato as originalty the od os id men senatus 93 cf. seneae calledipon by theminito ad vis hi in huncindoubi It ad ne ver acquiret an additiona right bylaw, in adicit hastis constitutiona poW0r at ali, ut ithad come o dominate ali departitionis of state, o b in


did ali promagistratus illi imperium * 73), it virtually

with whioli ho magistratos for th timo ad ad nothing


the feribae s 70), in tho resone of tho prosidoni and fit principat Supporters, ho attestsed iis genuinenos by their signature S. There are frequent complaints of orged



ΤΠ abbreviations are for the mos part hos mitti Whiel the student has boconi familia in his Caesar. The following may sequire explanation Caes. - Caesar de Bello Gallico, ei ted by book Chaptor, and smalle section Hall. Cat i Sallusti 86-35 Bellum Catilina0 cit sed hy

Referon es to the Grammar as attention to sueti paris ni of the main artici as are followed by a markii unetvation. E. g. UA. 331,o; means - read allis artici 33 and section e unde it; hilo A. 331 e; means - read Section e unde artiel 33l, ut not artici 331itseli. Referetices to thoantroctuCtory Μalter ivo the sections tot read marked in and the page p. , on hicli the Seetion ogins Referen cesto the ENCurAuse give the number of the Excursus and the para graphsj toto senil The pago a b found froni the able os Contonis. Reiurenee to tho Oration give the ille of the oration the mallersection, and ille number of the line of the largo section in hieli ho word in question is found The ille is alWays abbreviated Ι. ΙΙ. ΙΙΙ., XV. mean ing the ii St, Seeond, etc., oration again Si Catilina, ur. Huli., Hest. Μil. the orations formurena Sulla, SeStiuS, o Milo. E. g. in the noto on page 119, lino I. 16 38 means clino S in paragraph16 of the irst oration against Catilina. In references to ord in therchapter of tho Same oration, tho Titio is omitte Mand the sigi Dis putbeiore the number of the paragraph. E. g. in the note on age 2 line 5 D3. 24 0ans - the 24tti line in para graph 3 of this ora ἰζon. Iareferencos to ord in the Samo hapter no necessarii in the samo paragi apti the ille and paragraph are omitted, and the abbreviation 1. is placodraetor the number of tho line. E. g. in tho note On page 80, liri 6 40 on l. ' means - road the noto ora lines of lus hapter. Reieroncses to the Leiter aro made in the Same Way, excepi that thelines of acti letter re numberet throughout The Letters aro distinguishod rom the rations by the abbroviation p., and eaeli letter is denote by iis number in this collection, printed in Roman capital s. hos orte letters are not divide into Paragi aptis, and in sucti enses, instea los a paragraph number, the abbreviation I. is Placedies0re the number of

the line.





I. Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia no-1stra quam diu itiam durori iste tuus nos ludo quem ad finem Sese effrenata iactabit audacia Nihilnote nouturnum praesidium Palati, nihil urbis vigiliae,

th quantit os penuli and thus

2. etiam, stili, in temporal

3. Nihilne, an emphaticinorine. Note the repetition of the same ordo the eginning of SueeeS- sive clauses instead os a conneetivo i is calle anaphora. g. Palati, mons Palatinus. This hil Was the original eat OiRome, and rem aine a poliat fgreat strategi importanee alWaySprompti garrisone i lieni anger it in the cit Was apprehended. On the brow of the hil toward the Via Sacra stood the temple of Jupiter Stator, Wlieret e Senate a noWassembled. Potnt out these objecison Planis Cicero ad increased the guardiso politica effeci.


OBA 11 QN CATILINAM PRIMA. nihil timor populi, nihil cone ursu bonorum Omnium, nihil hic munitissimus habendi senatus locus, nihil horum ora VoltuSque moverunt 3 utero tua consilia non Sentis, constrie tam iam horum omnium scientia teneri coniurationem tuam non vides Quid proxima 1 quid superiore Oete egeri S , ubi fueris, quo QOnVOCn-

veris, quid tonsilii tepetis, quem mostrum ignorare 2 arbitraris O tempora, o mores Senatus hae intellegit, consul videt hic tamen vivit. Vivit 3 immo vero etiam in senatum venit, fit publici consilii parti-

15 ceps, notat et designat oeuli ad enedem unum quemque nostrum Nos autem fortes viri satis fauere rei

5. Donorum, loya meri. thopolitica sens of the word, includ in ali person in the Penker' party, and exclud in allothers opposed to it a re the woriis improbi, perditi. 6. IOCUS, se on l. 4. Whore Were the meetings of the eunte commoni held 2 die Int. P. 75,

inter . . . dunt.

strictam esse ' A. 292 G. 230 H. 388 1 noto; B. 337 6.

Habeo is more common than teneo in his uso quot e Xampleirom Caesar I. 15, qttent . . . habebat. Cientia Q. e. i ΡΟWerleSS,