Joannis Lelandi antiquarii de rebus Britannicis collectanea : cum Thomae Hearnii praefatione notis et indice ad editionem primam

발행: 1770년

분량: 428페이지


분류: 전쟁


Great Chamber to be ovei much thronged by many of thenii 'sa Serva uta and otbers that came to see the Solemnity, instimuch as the Yeomen of the Guard could scarce Leep a convenient Passage clear r the Procession, it was thought fit that the most Part of the Bridegroom's Attendanis, inhicli


Datcheloi s. should now be conveyed into the Chapeli bc retiae Procession, and be there placed in the Right Handiarte Deciant, Which Was done accordingly by the especies Care of the Lord Chamberlain, and by admitting amongst

them such other Strangers, that were not the Bri degroom'stisted Attendanis, as were by the Favor of his Highnesse nominated byblon si eur de Dorpe, Mailre'd'Hotei and Coun-sellor to the Prince of Orange, who was appotnted to attend

itate beneath on the Fores eats as at other Times.

Manner :



environed with a Rope of great round Pearis at the Bottonithereos, about her Nech a Nec lacu of Pearis, rounda out her Shoulders and Breast a Cha in os pendant Pearis, and on her Breast a Rose of Six great pendant Pearis, beluo the fati est Pearis that a re in Christi ai idom, was led by Prince Charies and the Duke of York, utamari ted Ladies,

habited in vilii te Satin, immediat ely folio ving her, thechiefest going si si nearest to her Person, pro eding by Pairs;

Aster folio Med many married Ladies of Honour, the principat of them sirit, going by Pairs, amongst Whoni Uere the Dulchesse of Lennox, the Couatesse of Oxford, the

Lady Strange tali ing the Place of Countes se of Dei by by his


i Richmoud Heralds supplied the Place of the Provinciat Lings,

having upon his test Hand someta fiat belliud the Rhingrave. Then the Duke of Lennox, Mai quis Hamilton, and the Earios Holland , Genti emen of the Bed Chamber ; and after themthe Eari os Salis ury Capta in of the Band of the Pensioners, Lord Goring Vice Chamberlain to the Uing, Sir Henry Vane Secretary, who ali came ut on the Stage; Sir William Howard Lie utenant of the pand ; and thea the Gentiemen Pensiouers in Guard with theis Pole Axes, their Rearbi ought upiby Sir Edward Capeti their Standard Bearer, whicli Pensioners staid in the old or out ard Chappell. The Ling came to his armed Chair of State in theupper Part of the Haut pas ora the Right Hand of the Bride, the Sword being there held before him; the Lord Chamber-lain assisting thereio. The Organ ceased, and a suli Anthem Was begun, wluchbeing ended, the Queen, the Queen Mother, the Lady Elirabeth the Ling s second Daughter, the Prince Ele tortand some Ladies of Honour, came to the indois of the Queen's Clos et to sed the Celebrat ou of this Maritage si. TC M. V. X et The



basi adors were conveyed in to the other Travers.

and the new- mari ted Couple arose frona Liaeeling, and theia leon, Queen Mother, and the others in the Closet with dre , and returned into her Majesty's Eed Chamber.

I he Κ in veni up to his Clofer. and with him themari ted Couple, in the Manner soli ing : The Retinuo an d


The Eride, ted by the Two chielast Embasiadors, and the

other Two Assistants. Then the Dutch esse of Lennox, and the married Ladies of Honour aforementioned ; and after them the aforesuid maiden Ladies; and so ascended up in to the Κing 's Greati Closet, through the Κing's Privy Closet, into the Queen'si Privy Closet, Where the Bride, Bridegroom, Prince Charies, the Duke of York, the Four Embassadors, and Seven ori Eight of the chles est Nobtemen Strangers, and his Highnesses Govcrnor, and some others, stald to the ending of thel Sermon, attending there With them Sir Johia Finet and the a resaid Tino Provinciat Κings of Arms. Most of the Ladies reti red in to the Qtaeen's Great Closet. His Majesty, heing attended, as in his Proceed ing in to the Chappell, went up into his Clos et, where he rem ained during the Ressidue of the Divine Service. Then the Dean going to his

Sent, the Communion Service was read; but in regarii the rime was far spent, the Commandinenis and the Nicenet Creed mere omitted by the Dean's Ap potniment froni his

Chamberlain, he was flaort, but applied his Discourse to ille present Pui posse. Aster the Sermon Metas ended, the Anthem and ali theother Services fave the dat ly Prayer for the Ling) urere

Γwo of the Clock, ali returnen unio the ducen 's PrivyChamber in the fame Manner, by the same Way as theycame in to the Chapeli, sive that the Ambassadors conducted the Bride, and that the Sword of State was lese with the

The Time being thus too far spent, the publistaing of their Stiles was pretermitted in the Chapeli.




This heing a Dinner in private, their Styles were notproclaimed at the Second Coui se . That sanae Evening they

private Manner.

Though this Princesse mas not Ten Years of Age, Iwould not omit Description de la Ceremonte des Nuptialles de Monsietar te Prince d Oronge, et de Mada me la Princesse Fille ainee dia Roy de la Grande Bretaigne, en s'allant coucheata Mois de Alay le 4, I 6 I. Madam e la Ρrinces) fui demabit leg dans la Chambre deIa Reyne, et mise dans Ton Lit de Parad de Velour bleu a Fleur, ornee de granii Frange d 'or et d'Argent, aveo des Bou totis eu Broderi e d 'or et d'Argent partout, & avec quatre grand



grand Pannaches blanc au desius du Lit, & Rideaux dii Litestant trousio avec des Cordons d 'or elid'Aigent, et laChambre bien paree avec des riches Tapisseries, et de laVai Telle θ' or to ut massives, ou it y avolt bien grand Clario avec des Flambeaux de la Cire blanche, qui estoit mise dansles Bras, et placques d'Argent dore, ficti e contre les Murailles: l En cette Faςonne Madam la Princesse flat couche, en attendant te Prince d'Orange accompagnee avec la Reyne fa Mere, quii estoit assise a la ruest de son Lit, et a l'Entour de son Lit it y avolt des Dames et Femmes de Chambre de la Reyne, commeausit les Dames et Femmes de Madame la Princesse, commeelles soni nommes icy et Madame la Countesse de Denbighe, Dame d'Honneur dela Reyne, Madame la Duchesse de Lennox, la Comtessse de Cartile, la Comtesse d'Holland , la Com tesse de Rivieres. Les Femmes de Chambre soni. Madame la NOUrrice, Mademoiselle Κirk,

Madame Vantelet,

Mademoiselle Coignet, Mademoiselle Arpe. Et celles de Madame la Princesse soni. La Comtesse de RoXborough la GouVernante, et Madame Lillies fa Niece. Et ses Femmes de Chambre sent. l . Mis risi Anne, Mademoiselle la Garde, et i Mistris; Gristin sa Nourrice, et

Histriss StephenS.

Lea Dames de la Ville estolent.

I a Comtesse de CarnarVOn, Strange,' la Com tesse de Dorset. Aussi


Madame Kalamiken, avec les Filles d'Honne ur. Tous cy furedi dans la Chambre avec beau coup d'autres Dames de Conditiora, en sorte que la Chambre en eloit quasi pleine, attendant te Venu dia Prince d 'Orange, ou te Roymes me te conduis it avec grand Sotia, a cause de la Foule, et

Chambres et Galeries.

Le Roy conduis it te Prince desilaus ses Bras, elant habille avec se Robe de Nuit, et ses Pantouffles jusques au Bord duLit, ou il se init dans le Lit bien gentiment; et dabord il

plus1eurs au tres de sa Suite, qui elotent la present; aussi te Duc de Lennox, te Marquis d 'Hamilton, te Prince Electeur,le Com te d'Arundeli, te Com te de Pembrohe, Monsseur te Prince, et te Duc de York y furent ausi, ou te Princed 'Orange les balsa, en tes dissent, te bon Soir cette Nuit. La te Conite de Newcasile, te Com te de Rogborough, tu Conate d'FIolland , et plusseurs au tres estolent dans laChambre durant sa Demeure, jusques a tant que te Roytrouva bon, qui se leva pour s'en alter coucher dans sa Chambre de Lit; qui estoit bien prepare et di esse tout eXprespour luy avec beaucous' de la Vaisselle ii 'Or massive ; et en se levant hors du Lit potar dire adleu a Madam e la Princesse,il la balsa par trois Eois encore, puis apres il prit sa Robe

de Nuit, et chercliant ses Pantolasses, ori troia volt Un dans

The Night before his Highnesi departed hom London helook his Leave of the Ling, Queen, Prince of Wales, and Dulce of Υork, and of the Princesse in the Morning of his

