Joannis Lelandi antiquarii de rebus Britannicis collectanea : cum Thomae Hearnii praefatione notis et indice ad editionem primam

발행: 1770년

분량: 428페이지


분류: 전쟁




With her Arrival and Reception in England by Κ ing



ment of the Uing's Grace, directed and sent to th Iutent topiarvaye and provide for the Princesse and her Retinue in their Journey and Passige, as weli Viaunds, Horses, and Carriage, As everye other Necessitie: And so he did right conveniently. Aster that the Earie of Surrey, with divers other Temporali Lordes of the Land, came uiato the Meeting, and gave their Attendance ora this morthy Estate and Princesse.

proper Presence of Prince Arthur, who was come thither tosalute his sage Father ; the which was great Gladnesis to alltrustye Hearis of tiae Reatine. Here the most nobi e Henry of Richmont, the vii. Κing of England of that Name, accompanyed of his Sonne, tuli pleas antly passed over the Season of that Night, and in the

tarye of Spatiae meti him, and ens ured him, that they had receaved the strati Injunction ano Commandement of the Soverat gne Lord of their Land, that they saould in no Manner of wise permit their Lady the Princesse of Spatiae, Whom they had to guide and in Goverriment, to have any Meeting, ne to use any Manner of Communication, ni therto receive any Companye untili the Inception of the very Daye of the Solemnietation of the Mari adge : Whereuppon, after certaine musing on this Mynde of the Κinge of Spatiae, im mediately there in the Fiel des, the Κing's Grace of our Realme



Soone after it was , by the prudent Insearch of every Personhoth Spirituali and Temporali, concluded and ans Nered, that forasmuch as the due Agreements were in 'a Manuercompli sthed, a0d sith the Princess and her Attendanis mere so farre elatred in to the Empire and Reatine of England , theysmouid seem to in part dis chardged anensi their Soveraigne, and auoi ded and excluded os ali Governance of their faid Princeste ; and that the Pleastare and Commandement of her,seemed to lye in the PoWer, Grace, and Disposition os o ur

Theti his Highnesis auaunced himselfe, leavinge the Princn bellinde hippou the Plaine, and at the Time of h oriij of the Cloche iii the Asternoone, his Grace en tred the To Wiae of Degmersseld, Where the Princesse Was arrivedij or iij Howers before his coming, right Keil accomparab edand right richly beseene, si as here tofore have none bene seeneolixe her, having with her an Archbishop, a Bistaop, and au Erle, with manye other Nobles of Spatiae, and many Ladyes laud Gentie omen of the same Contrey to the Nomber of Threescore, and Ladyes and Gentie yornen ofiliis Region inglitinighe as manJe. Asqone as the Princesses Servants wer ascertained of the comisag of the Κing, ine Arch Bissiop, the Bissiop, the Erle, and othrei of her Retinue and Councell, 0:ewed bim that the Princessie was in her Rest ; i to whom he al)imered in such Forme, that is sine were in her Bed he would see and commuae With her, for that was the Mynde and: Intem os his Comminge : And thus, convenient Leisure toher respited, me gave him an hon norabie Meeting in her i hird Chamber, is here were used the most goodly Nordes, ut tered in the Langia ages of both Parties, to as great Ioyeand Gladiaer, as in any Perlons might ever conveniently have bene haed. Aster the which Wςlcomes and Communications ended, the Rins's Grace deposed his riding Garments and chalange thim : and witi, in Half an Hour alter the Ρrince was also Inow se to be present. Then the Κing's Highnes and the prince made their second Resori together to the Chamber of the Princesse, and there through the Interpretation of the Bistiops the Speaches of iboth coubtries, by Meane of Latiue, Vere undet stood.



her, in the Moriae right hon norably conducted her to herLod ging at Kennington near Lambeth, where stae contine eduntlli such Season as her entring into the Cit tye of Londonmight most convenient ly in every Manner be prepared, aswell on the Parte of her Retinue of Spaine, as of herAssii stariis of the Reatine of England , who by our Souverat piae were assigned a s weli for the Indi ea se and magnifying of herHon nor and Estate, as for the Maynteynance of the oldand famous Appetites that the Englim Peopic ever havel used in the wellcomming of acceptable and welbeloved

Rictamoni, where he was meti by the Queene's orace, homi he ascertained and made privye to the Acts and Demeanorve tweene himselfe, the Prince, and the Princesse, and h Ie





Mind and Errand done. In to this Tent was Entrance, that

the Κing, the Queene, the Prince, and my Ladye Princesse, with ait ther Nobles and Estates, might through Westminster Hali by the Exchequer Chamber, without any more Sheweor Appearance, come into ille said Standing and Stage. Iuthe Northe Syd, ancnst the Stage of the Κinge, ther Wasanother Stage covered with red Seay sor the Maior of London, the Sheristis, Aldermen, and wormipfuit Persons of the Cratis : And in ali the Circuits of this Field of Warre, byand upon the Wallas were do ubi e Stages, very thiche, and many weli bullded and planked for the honest and commonPeople, the whicli at the great Price and Cost of the commonPeople were hyred. The Field nigh unto the Tilt was barred, not only for the eschewing of the Peoples Rudenes, idie Discurse, and their Wandring among the Speares, Horses, and Coursers, but for the Ease and Regarde of their Huri and Jepardies, and for preventing the disroublingarid impediment of the present goodly Acts of the nobie .

Reatine, the Earie of Northumberland , the Earie of ShrewGibury, the Earie of Surrey, the Lordes Straungers of Smine,awith the most excellent Company of the Lords, Knighis, Esquiers, Gentiemen, and the Yeomen of the Guard tu his nobie Estate and Grace in Wayling, repayred to the a re- sayd Stage. The Maior of London and ali his Company like isse came to their Place as asore reliersed. The Stages



as also the Wallcs, Batteli nenis, and Windowes of the severat Baildings, wero furnismed and filled with a wondei fuit Multi inde of Pecple, that tanto the Sight and Percei ing there mas Nothing to the Eye but onely Visages and Faces, without


together : Aiad for the most Pari, at every Course, ei therili 'one Stasie or the other, or mosi common ly both, were

pany of Lorrisios England both Spirituali and Temporali.

had talion their nobie Seates under their Clothes of Estate in the satis Hall, and every one of the Nobles were orderedin their Places convenient, then began and entred the follow



in the fore Pari and another in the hinder Pari, secreti 1 hida ad apparet ted : Nothing of them Was seene but their Leggs, which were dis uised after the Proportion and Κinde of tho se of the Blasis that they were in . Thus this Caslle was by these Foure Beasis properly convayed si om the nether Partos the Hali to bifore the Κing and the Queene, Who were in the up per Part of the same Hall. There were Within the

o ut of the Windowes of the same. In the Foure Corners

Counteynances, Speaches, and Demeanor, used and bellaved themselves after the Manner and Guyse of Μariners, and



l grievous to abyde their Po er and Malice . . Incontinent came in the third Pageant, in Lilienes of agreat Hili or Motintaine, in the whicli utere inclosed viii.

and the Ladyes also, Fower of them being di essed alter the Englistae Famion, and the other Foure aster the Manner OfSpaine, davnced together divers and many goodly Daunces. In the Tyme of their da uncing, the Three Pageant S, ille Casile, the Shippe, and the Mountaine, removed and de- parted. In the sanae Wis e the said Dis uisers, as weli theΚnighis as the Ladyes, after certaine Leus ure of their solaceand 'Dispori, avo; ded and evanislied o ut of Sight and Pres ence. Then came downe the Lord Prince and thel Ladye Cecili, and davnced Two Basse Daunces, and departedi up againe: the Lord Prince to the Ling, and the Ladye Cecili to the Queetie. Eiis ones, the Ladye Princerte, .indi one of her Ladyes with her, in Apparet l. after tiae Spanisli Guisse, came downe, and davnced other I wo Basse Dauncos, and then both de parte d up againe to the dueene. In third and tali Place, the Duke of Yorke, having With him the Ladye Margaret his Sister in his Haiid, came down and davnced Tiso Basse Daunces. Aster ards he percei Vinghimselfe to be accombred with his Clotheg. sodalia ly cait ost