장음표시 사용
insignis, nam visos annos in Hibemia fererrinus anachoreticam in mamma perfectione uisam eieras. Si Guthlac'clis in his ancer-selle at
monlis o Banco live de lasore manuum suarum. V I a brother, quem utinam non nossem, cuius etiam nomen, si oc aliquid prodesset,
dicere ossem, tolerate by his restre an superior sor his hilla a carpenter, pendin night an da in his Woashop, ather hana in inurch ha a visionis a place reserve so him in hel by theside of Cataphas the abbat astemini aster sonising the
career O arm assum a militia sirituati tantum mansit humilis fratrumque simillimus aliorum, ut uentilare cum eis e trifurare, oues uitulasque mul ere, in pistrino in Aorso in coquina in cunctis monasterii 3 operi us iucundus et oberiens gaudere exerceri . . . aere pro curandis monaster ne tias Micubi digrediens, ubi operantes inuenis frames, solebas ei confestim in osse e coniunii uel a dii gressum uiua remnaeo uel ferrum maiae domando uel uentiliarum manu concutiendo ues
hy Thomas his deacon, an he aster ve eam by Berctgilsus calle also Boniface. Honorius a solio e in the episcopate of Canter Wi Deusdedit the fixi archbishop. II held the se morethan ine ears havm Men consecrate by Ithamar lino of Rochester, an he himself consecrate Damian to succee Ithamar in that bishoprie.
- POST X ET VII ANNOS ACCEPTI EPISCOPATVS p Io I 26. I Vi ut post x et, annos accepti episcopatus diem clausitI5 extremum. uita Cuth pr trans sis sepulturae eius annis uniscim
this time themidian Anies mere converte to Christiani .c Thei hine asino. Peada the sonis Penda, and he was desimuso marryin Alchfleda a clauote os in Osuiu, ut that monarchi iste that he an his eopte inould rst hecome Christums. Asterhearing the wor os truth and professin his ait Peada was baptised Oby bis p Finan in the tow of Ad murum. e oo with him into his vindio seu presbyterario instruct his eople and their reactingwas mos successsul. ingienda himself didio sorbi the reactingos Christiani , ut reproache thos who didiot ohey the God in Whomine prosesse to belleve Penda live two years aster in above name Ismenis. Aster his deat one os theriour presbyter Diuma by name, a Scot was made lino of themides Angles an os themercians. Diuma died inorit aster and was succeede is Ceollach, also a Scohand when he had retire tomii, Trumheri an Angles camelishom is as in the time os hincWulmere. OPI 16 HIS TEMPORIBVS pQ l 3 two eam helare Penda's deat Lelesore 6ss. Chron Sacanditor Vinalso place the conversion os theΜiddle Angle or iddie Saxon AD 653.
A the entreat os in Osuiu ine East Saxon returne to thea o Christian aith. Sigberct thei hin was a tendis Osuiu and
was osten admonished an instructed by that monarch When he camet visit the province of the orthumbrians Osuiu spis to iam os the natur os God of his government of the worid, and of the lature happines of those ho serve him. At last Sigberct consente to beas avitised, and his friend were baptise With hima Adiurum. At his ames request Cedd was calle stom the province of themiddie Angles an along ith him another priest a sent to reac tothe East Saxons Cedd' la urs ein attende Wit succes he was ordiane bis p of the East Saxon is Finan When Cedd returneda he bulli many churches an ordiane clero He also est lishedmonastic institutions among the Christians. In the micitis est this progress king Sigberct was mutaered by twobrothers his relatives, ho were aggrimed at therio mercisul tenden
Suidhelm sonis Sexbald succinde Sigheret. e mas baptised by lino Cedd and Aediluald kin os the Eas Angles an brother
P 60 IOIIGBERCT the secon Sigberct in proselyte is distinguishedas Sigberct bonus Smith . 5
I INVISIBILEM the whole passage retas in an extraci stomor paraphras os a creed.
BISΗΟΡ Cedd osten visite his omn province of orthumbria, and during one suis visi hin Oidiluald aine him to accepi in his hingdom is Deira a sit for a monaster' hin Wishe it locis he an orator an astematas a burial-placerior himself and eliminthat he would Maelped by the dati pruere in inces religious h se.
Cedd hos a siluation ami Iost an remote momitains, a placerat so the haunt os robber and wild beasis. y long pinyers andri tinglie purified in place intendinctorias during the whole ostent excepto Sunda 'ill the evening and then to tine ut ver litile ood. Me te days Cedd was summone by the hing, an his roster a presbyter Cynibili continue theriast the monaster Was at a placecasse Laestingaeu. Cedd aster many years of episcopa labour die lthere in a time os great mortality. He was fini burie ouiside, ut vhen a nem taurin mas uili, his remain were laid o the right sideI of the altari e had made his rother Ceadda ho aster ard Wasalso a blinopaea os the monaste . At mur brothere ere eminent primis, and w of them linops. When the ast Sinon hear of Ceda' death, about iniri monks came thence to aestingaeu to livenea the od of thei sather, ut ali ave ne die in the fame Is pestilence. The furvivor, a litti My was aved throuo the rversos theriather. his chil hadiso been baptised, and the supplicationso Cedd sine him stom perdition, an he astemata Min baptised
hecam a presbyter and a ministeris lis to othera.
I STATUTIS PROPOSITIS in Saxon vera n Vs and there he placed a provost and aldermen.
' an pros, animabus, si mortuorum cor ra in ecclesia suerint sepulta'. io
an offers, o ceas sto rava nihis inmom, he resolve toine the hespis God an to offer the gista, hichahe paganaincha aciojected unt in Lord. me vowed heresore that his daughter inouldbe dedicate to the lis os a nun and that he would esto twelve possession omine taurin sor monasticisses The nemWhad in amythiri times large than his own, ut Osuiu trusted in Christ. ne of his sons Ecgfrid was a the time a hostage in the and of the asΜercians, hile Oidiluald, his nephe , as a leade among the e my'ssorces, though,hen in time os the Magement came, he stood apartan meret watche what ould e thecisme of the conflict pagans ere route an nearly at inela leadem flain. e batile took placeraea the ver Vinuaed and o in to an inundation an os the so Metaginem pertinerin the water. The in sulfille his vow. misdaughter Aelfleda, litue more than ne ear old was devote to a virgin illa, and of the twelve possessions sic ere ove in Deira and si in emicis Aelfleda entere in monaster os Heruteu here Hild was ab M. Ghorti aster ard the monaster a Streanaeshalch 35 aclaunded and the y-Μ princes Was fini a schola there, and aster arci a reacher an die at the age of fisty-nine. Osuiu and ther
member of his amit area e in that monaster' his victo aedio the cohorsionis themercians, among Whom Diuma mas made irathis p. The second was Cellach. These mere both cois, ut thethir Trumheri mas an Angle who ha been abbo a Ingetlingum. That was in place here Osuin a murdered, and the monaster Wasbulit that prayers mio Maept up so the murdere an in murum hing aliis. The dominionis Osuiu Was extendedive themercians and ove agreat par of the Picis He made Peada sonis Penda, in of the Io Southmercians, ut he was killed in the next year Then solio ed a rebellio of the Mercia leadem, by .hich Osuiu mas drive aWay and Vulfhere a sonis Penda et up as king, Who ulla seventeen eam. Τrumheri continue to e bis p and was succeine in tum by Iaruman, Ceadda, and Uynfrid. ese ere ali bis ps fiereia
have ovena a litti Gild the tonsure or a religious habit, or is childrena Without thei parenis knowled. have assume the ne or the therand the parent in observiniit, have not at once esse an objection,ine these childre are bound to the religio ratis Howeve it is ovi childre unde ten ear of age that parem ma devote toste taurin. I the are older, the ma devote themselves to theas religio clis voluntarii' eitheri thei parenis Willis stom their o npiety'. Eddius co Wilfrid restore a My orasse, an inarge themothoeno devote him to God in his in Dari Maid hian, ut he was brought bach and died a mon os Ripon ibis many nobles sent their sons tomuiri sor instruction, aut deo seruirent, si eliorent, M
tiae maver Uium Miamque intra serta monasteris in infantiae annis submerulari tradiderint disciplina. uerum liceat eis, onquam suberiaris inoleverint annos erreri et mai rimonio eosulari. Me omnino deustamus, quia nefas est, ut ob eis a parentibus deo Isis uesti alis frena laxemur.
et ABLATO STUDIO MILITIAE TERRESTRI Lingard I 37 37a that these land ce in to suppori an earthly thaneshi or semice, smio sumis a fit place an suffcient maintenanc sor a heavenlyservice ...hadio these solciands...heemove astoclan to the convent, the would have continue to M a the had been helare, deal out ashenefices to the hinc thanes aut...nom ein devote to religio p poses, the were liberate stomisarthi services sor ever.' me also ocites Benedic cum esset minisser Osuiu remis ae possessionem serrae suo gradui rem senum illo donanse reciperet annos naeus circure uiginti et quinque fastidiust possessionem caducam, ut adquirere sonae aeteream , despexit m uiam eum corruptibili donativo terrestrem, ut
uero reo militare sine ing the distributionis laen or benefices amon asine orthumbria inanes' and the lette in Ecgberct, ,here Beda decliam mit great eloquenc against the any granis os land tomon teries as hoclanci, on this ground that ociand di no fumishthanes to fidit against invadere in delance of thei count ' es* Gnthis account the number of militar me mill gradually diminish, tillaoth country illae test nised an defenceles against the incursion esthe barbarians' ibid me complians that so se cland remes to Mallotted to the fons os nobi Angles an aged Wamors, in are obligedo that account to abando that country sor hic the ought to drinthe sWord, and to Me employmen in oreim countries sibid us 35it appears that the solesand were nationes properiri ut os,hic Isens
.a, staffices ere distribute to the roya thanes an militar me asward a toeir emices sco diplo Ieto) Charier so the conversion nisi land were granted by the kiu an confirmed by the