장음표시 사용
WΗEN Colman sam his opinion reiectedae retumes to Scottand
uero e scopus audiens quid esse facisndum, tonsuram et paschae rationem propter timorem farriae suae contempsit, in recedere a Mitas meriori sedem suam occupandam in uerae Peter the venerable in Bemar e et et sm IV I7 D takecto cheersu a vie. of these controversies, he he cites thema examples of variet irithout schism resis empore oriens, alio occidens, agis in Mem mstanniae mula Angli, Mi soli Chriseiani, scia et antiquiores, fascha domini eae
his disciplecto resus communion to those ho dissente Dom the Roman sage; et he was prior of Aedan's oundatio Lindisfame. Fuller g in his councili, o collation calicit hic mu plerae aster muc arguin pro an con, Wilfrid a last nocti do 35 With this argument that the Romis celebrationis Easter Was kundedon the practice of S ieter prince of the apostles, and porter of heaven. Icingis y hearing thi Was affrighted - had raster ange ali theother eleven apostles than offendra Peter one o hio in powe and
corona Hai tmdune et sollemnia Christi sine ecclesiae Christi Iosocietate uenerantur. , D HOC AE tonsure.
adopted by the early Christians se Remes intro to lis of S Columba lxxi his duodecima econom is em in the stor of hincos ald
naculo se dominicae crucis suaque omnia aduersum continuas
inmundorum spirituum insidias neresse habeant munime. C Bonis ep I Jasse. ms . et spope Zachar senos a scron, in hic theparis os in mas in Which crosses are tot made, re marhed). Greg
Paulis a cur so the yes quia multa per eandem benedictionem Isseri miracula ramueuerunt. Adamnan uita Columbae I et r. heimsswas also emploe M a signum salutare ver the pes besore milhine, ove tool besore the were sed Hence aros the readinem to erectti iuum erucis o the sit of an remain te occurrence. The cruci- formare gement os mast an Des in a hi Was also regarde aceto conducive to a favorabie myage. For muta additionat matter oninis subieci se Reeves introd to lis oscit Columbasp xiv-cxv. Ρ 78 1 BENEDICI Adamn uita Columbae ΙΙΙ et by Columba's blassing Ιona mas reed rom serpents. As ibida Iet. et AVARITIAE P ad Ecgb . . o. II sor 3 years sinceras hine Aldfrid's death, lamenta procured granis of land in perpetui , o pretunce of Aundin monasteries, in realit to scape the milita service hic possessionis the land involved. TERRITORI Us Dici 1.
et COACTUS as Cedd was presseda receio fossessionem errae
THE Da 66 D was distinguished sor an eclipse os the sun an a severe pestilence in Britain, in hic biino Tuda ted. The
plague also extended to Ireland. an persons stom among the Angles rellaeo OHreland at this period sor stud an instructio and were mellas received by the Irish-Scois Among these ious student mere moγoun men Edilhun an Ecgberct, ho ere at in monaster of
36 . et po97 Leti . Synodus episcoporum atricii cra clericus qui de Britannis ad nos uenit sine epistula, etsi habitet in plebe, non licitum ministrare ' Μigne III 826ὶ Gertrude, abbes of ivellescent VII whoris sal to have known early the whole bible by heari, sent sor eachere rom Ireland Μ illonis S Ora Boi 6 de
Ρ 80 4 VENERANDAE CANITIEI PRESBYTER 56 1 4 et So Beda ocites the evidence of the presbyters Herefrid uita Cuth praes Di and
- sEDuos Beda osten uses the adythus h a DP monarierium ... sedulus rexit ibidi sp 97 lao S hoe sedulus risaeem solebat iurare mandarum. but also sedulo V I pr. cs festinus Gre dialuo colis 5
the patience of Iob or some ther consolator passage of scripture requia nullaunus ad orandum sumere, non facile ad explemaeum solitae 3o psalmodiae cursum liquam uocemve poteras leuare didicis uir pru-Gnstinctu religionis dictante ser inrulas Humae siue noctumae orationis horas aliquos ad se fratrum uocare, quibus psalmos consuetos duobus in choris resonanetibus, et ipse cum eis quatenus solerat fauendo, quod per se solum nequiuerat, eorum iuvamine sus erat. cf. 3 pr of 35
Ceolfrid, in prospectis deat post incomparabilem orandi sallendique sollertiam, qua ipse cotidianus exerceri non desiit. I p completa horaesertiae salmodia ibi I Ceolfrid, rom the da of his quittin his monaster to the da os his death II Vs exceptis beside, not
II-Is three quadragesimal ast also in Theodore' penitentialIDII IIaddan-Stubbs II etoet ieiunia Ieritima tria sunt in anno proso is xl anu pascha, ubi Grimas anni soliamus es I ante natalem domini e sos pentecosten xl dies e noctes. I783 6
XXVIII VILFRID is sint by hine Alahfrid to Agilberct lino of Paris sor
oin retumin to Britain hom France coniunctus est amicitiis Ale/-
Ripon, tuming out the Scot whooemiane true to thei nationab age, to mine mansor him. Here he was ordiane presbyteri Agilberct, desiderante eo ut uir ansae eruditionis ae melimonis siri spectari re indiuiduo comisas saceraeos esse ac doctor quem non mulso post delectae Himinata ut Et sura docuimus Scottorum freta, Galliam mittens, cum consilio aque consensu patris sui Osuiu, episcopum sibi rogauit ordinari, cum esse annorum circi e triginta, eodem Agilbercto uncepiscopatum venu Parisiacae iustatis e cum quo elati undecim episcopi Ioad dedi eionem antisti is conuenientes Meum onor e ministerium impleuerunt. Eddius II the kings and wis me elect Wilfrid a most capsile of enforcing the Romanissage. et he asseris that ali the existingbps, quorum nullum meum est accusare, aut quanadecimani sun in Bri Iones, ut Scotti, aut a tuis...'disinsi. o mali sure theresere os Isrecognitio by Rome hcinae leave to see consecration in Gaul. cf
, I ORDINANDUM iis id objecte to the consecration os Englis bishops in much a the were either converis to the Scottishcalculatio regarding the observance of Easter, oria received ordination rom thos Who mere of that opinion uita Wilfridiciet. I MAGNO CUM HONORE Eddius Iaaefore ali theseopte et in asseia aurea sedentem more eorum sursum Hevarunt, forsantes in manibus soli e scopi intra rasoria nutu Mis auisonu A nosque e cantica in
PIM ECGFRIDO Eddius 7. I II. 24. INVENERUNT his expression inouldie noticeras an indicationis the litti communication belween the non and fouinis Englandat this Period.
BRETTONVM Theodore' penitentia II Ηaddan-Stubbs III 197 qui ordinati sunt a Scottorum uel Britonum epis-Iycopis, qui in pascha uel tonsura catholici non sunt, adunati ecclesiae non sunt, sed uerum auaraolico episcopo manus tm sitione con mentum. Accordingly Ceadda was reconsecrates p xl 5-I3. se SAEPIUS P et xl 6 n. parricia. SECUS a the mos canonicus is statis Rome cD II canonico a contra is the ord wanted. See secus in the fossary a not secusae, othemis than, have induce Bedario ove the word a sense opposite to the received Gidie alone has seen the difficulty. I VLLVS qu Boniface of E Anglia an possibi Damianus os Rochester Haddan-StuM II I in.
denounces roundi in erraneos simulatores sub nomine episcoporum uel disserorum, qui numquam ab episcopis ea holicis fuerun ordinati. I CASTITATI qu purit of doctrine orthodoxy Vox pio3 IIS Aldhelm roteo book against the error os the Britons, quo uae 3o fascia non suo te ore celebrant uel alia serplura ecclesiasticae castitati in Aldheli inritati et pari contraria Derunt. V o mo A catholicae ei confessione castis Simu S. I OPPIDA RURA p et I 6 pax Is-25 n. χII 13., IL NON EQUITANDO J n. 35 ID EISDEM ACTIBUS III 5.
chos the presbyter Vighard as fit to e archbisho an sentinimio Rome to e Hained, and that he asterward might Hain therhishops so the churches in Britain. ut Vighard die a Rome besore he ouid e consecrated, and the pope Vitalian wrote to in Osuiu, exhortingaim to solio 'Ur ut os St Peter in the keepingis Easter, and promising a soo ache aliouldae ablerio find a fit man to en abishoprio preside ver the Britis inurin and to instruct theseopte Hedeplores the death of Vighard an sends by the bearer of his letter some Dorelic a present to the kin and his quem Lasti he exhoris him tol our so the sprea os Christianit throuo the whole istandis Britain. The account of him ho was sent in Vighard' stea is reserve so the
do EDUCATUS A SCOTTIS I PII n. Ρ 83 3 1GHARDVM the fini abpis antemur chosen stom the secular de clero clero Stevenson). Mara es autem tempore miserae Ecgberctus Cantuariorum rex de Brittania electum ad episcopatus officium uirum nomine Uighardum, qui a Romanis beati Grgorii 25 papae discisulis in Cantia fuerat omni ecclesiastica institutione sufficienter edoctus cupiens eum sibi Romae ordinari episcopum, quatenus suaementis et Iinoae habens antistium anclo serfectius cum subiectis sibi putis uel uerbis imbueretur uel minueriis, quanto haec non ser interpretem sed per comati et contribulis uiri Isutiam simulaci
manumque susci res qui uirilicet ighardus Romam ueniens, cum cunctis qui secum uenere comitibus antequam gradum pontificatus perciperet, morbo ingruente defunctus est.
was due to the malaria hic has o osten prove sata to visitor os Rome The insalubrit of the Pontinemarshes is notorious, an suchattempis as ad in ancient time been made to drain them mere