A harmony of the four Gospels in Greek

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in the accounts of this supper iraeli neister of in Evangelista has specib




Icilio Notes Par VII in datos assigne by Dr. Res inson in his ea lier editions havo been substituis for thos of the last. Se Noto on 3 111.


alternoon, in oriter in ea tho paschal suppe at evening.

112. Di timo is specisse in Joli 12 12. alio ollior Evangelista do


eeh because of Joli 12 36, lites implies that Jesus alter ard appeared no more in public as a teaclier me immediates talces leave of the templo. 126 Tlio Evangelist Jolin here vos his oWn reflectiona pon the unb lies of ino JeWa. Fronio. 44, are nota underatan statuesus alis haVing est illo templo, returne an ultore this additiones discourso It is milier the vivi inaniterintho Evangelis himseli; ho thus introduces Jesus in alcing, in orde to recapitulate illo sum an substance of his inaching, .hic ine JeWs lia Prejecte L*3 127 130. The topic of these sections aro more fully discusse in an a uolo by tho author of this vork in the B Miotheca Mera, 1843 ΝΟ. III. pp. 631 sq. The very difficuli question respectinime interpretalion of this di

JoWs, ista themessiali vas et to go forti as an exalte tempora prince, insul veri the then present order of thiDν, in overthro stin enenates an aut due ali nations and thus restore preeminenc and glor in the M isti people, an reim in eam an splendor ver the vori L se Lulco 24 21 Acts 1:6. his vas the expecte cornin and the end of tho vorid, o present stato


128. hiat tho abominationis desolation. ' Mau. 24 15, etc., refera toine Roma arantes by vhicli Jerusalem vas beatege Lan destroyed is alio ni conclusivel la Lialc 21 20. The subse tuent desolatio an calamit spolienis in fati. 24 29 1 and tho partillo passages may bo nos appropriatet referre to the overthro vand comptoto extirpatio of the Je isti peoploiit years later unde Adi ian; Ivlien ther vere sol l a flavos an ulterindrive out imi tho land os thoiriathers. Seo Munter' Hacher Aries, Leipa. 1821 translate by . IV.

This vas tho finia Mar an catastroptio of thoiae aristi nation unde tho celebratei and Dysterious a Coclitii, ionis a Star.' t. Was a catastrophela more terru lo than sto destructionis Jerusalem; though in lalter, in consequenm of the vivi descriptionis it a Josephus, lim come to , usuallyconsidero a the M ac in his great tragedy. Such lio vever, it Was noti The uso os ino vor ευθ.- in Mail. V 29 favors the resereno accepte bym. Robinson; but mos Commentator fini in ille paragraph ilia tollo sola parallel passages a reseretice to ille seconi contingis Christ, Which lam comes the exclusive referenco inviardalis clos os the discourse.J The figurativo language of ines verses is similaro istat o many passages in ine id estament, hic resera civi commotion anc historica evenis ita les importance an in destruction os emisalem and the overthrox M

that illese verses cannot have referetice to the genera iudwent of the great an finia day the lanma e laiulce directi expressea tempora delivemine, an ilia only conlp. also Jolin 11 52 Mati; 23 37 Lu. 13 34. That sonte ea catast,ophe is meant, appears also froni the limitation to His generation,' mit. 24 34. an Pine parallel passages. The phrase ου μηπαρέλθη η γενεὰ αυτη - κτλ. in Mail. 24 34, etc., is equivaloni; in in phrasm:

εἰσίν τινες των δε ἐσπηκότων μνες υ μη γε σωνται θανάτου ἔως κτλ. in mins: 1. - For o popular se of the Word γενεά, gener On se also Gen. 5:16, comp. 13. This argumen is the strongestisne in favor of the exclusio referenco to the destructio of Jerusalem.JΜati. 24 3 4 connecta itseli directi Missi What procedes, se V. 36 and refers like is to the overthrow of therae isti peoplo and dispensationa comp. Luit 17 20 37. ut viin v. 42 otiatthew, an direct refereno in the JeWisi catastrophe terminatos This appear ironi in natur of the languam; an also further ironi the fac uiat thus far bothiari an Lulce metu parallel reporta; bile at this ver piant thei reporta Mase, an ali uia follows 3 Ionν tomat lematono. Dii goes o ho v that o discoui se of urat dumis inis minois to lis regaesed asin hole, hichris hero completed chining resereno to his cominiforme verilirow of Judaism. At inis potui a neu topic is introduced.*3 129, 130. Ourator here malles a transition, and procoed to mali f


maiis of thos sectiona is adde by mulae inermari an Lulco havsendo inoi parallel reporis relativo in ine Jemst catastrophe ait Matine vliere commences, witii V. 43, in dis urse Whichaiulce has ivenis another occasion, Lisco 12 39 sq. se in k62. his dis urso in Liulce has referenco obvisust in Manes' finia ooming and that it has here the fame referencola apparent i in in appropriatenes of the subsequent ramings, and ei infimato connectio Mihinati. 25 21-46 hicli lalter ali interpretersis notoine in referring to tho generat judmenta mi illis piant, furitier, at is


33 13 158.

A the evenis of ur Lord' Passion vere intimatet connecte Wu thocelebration o uio assover, hos circumstances relatin to that festivat, hici may servo o lustrato the sacre history, aro here brought togeuter.


It is hardi necessar in remari that in consequence of the lose mutua1 relation et veen the Passove and the festiva os uuleavene bread theso terius are osten used intercliangeia ly, speciali in Greelx, io the si hole festivat, includin both tho pascha suppe and the even sys of unleavened

a lani as a burni offering Lev. 23ci 10 12 This rite is expressi assimed