장음표시 사용
exat optes imore or ess imperfect of the type whicli Aristolle here condenans. The urula naenia errori ali suci theoties es in the assu naptio that τα μαθηματικά .re independenti reat; vherea in ac the are ad)ectiva features of the percepti ble
χωριστά since there is also a naalter ut of vhicli corporealsubstanc itfel ConaeS-tO-be Corporea subStance, o veVer,already characterige a suCh-and-Su Ch a determinate body, forthere is no such thin a bod in general), hi sanae matter salso the nialter of imagnitude an Guality-bein separabiesron these imat ters I definition, but o separabie in placeuntes Qualities an Attributes generali are, in mei turn, separabie frona SubstanCe'. Aristolle' doctrine ima be una naari Zed thus An actualperceptibi bod is corporea stubstance of a certain sige and vitii Certain αἰσθητα πάθη. It μέγεθος an it πάθη are inseparabie frona it corporea substantiali ty', whicli the quali sy, and
lather is the esticient cause of the cona ing-to-h, of the Child and
Zaba rella refers the Variant o κοινόν, vhiCh e interpret a Sσὼμ. ου αἰσθητόν, i. e. Corptis indifferens, potentiale, et nulli certae naturae alligatum '-or, ther Word S, RS πρωτη λη. But i σωμα κοινόν in ' a 3 loes notiaean σωμα ου αἰσθητόν. Itimeans perceptab Gob Da genera Q. e. the indeterminate universal
and the last passage is obscure There oes no appea to hiean referenCe in his Chapter to the natura heat'. The finalcause of gro vita to vhicli mei is no referen ce here is theatlainnaen by the living th in oscit norimal sige i. e. the si ZO vhicli it ought to have in imaturi ty, i it is to fulsit iis vitalfunction a te luatCly. The UeStion a to Iulial ause or causes 1 ntistrabe specisiecti the scienti sic definition o gro vita, is discusse belO V Cf.
dilentima a regard the niat ter of gro vili, by quot in thegeneration flair e g. Steana Otit os vater. It is true that here
in Corporeal and that et there is no reciproca interpenetrationos i vo bodies. ut the change is notiso rei in the sera Se heredesined, o tw of the three characteristic Condition areuia fulsisse : i there is no accession os resti a ateriai, and ii)