장음표시 사용
i ou de inon ' for oti account is to be me nona inal definition
vater, the volume of the nai X ture a a via Ole-i. e. the Volunae os
bolli and of ei ther of the ingredients-is greater Tlae realreason vlay the lain ora ly an no the ood nor both hin and Mod together is sal to have viro vn', is that the Substance of the hin persisis, vitiis that of the ood is transformessi and that the efficient cause of the proces. i. e. the αυξητικη φυχη i in laeshin, butio in the ood.
On the istinction here implied bet veen i an alterin agent' vhicli 1 itfel affected by te reaction os the patient, and si an
to his question :-See besides hi note noli present passage, his Cornmentar, on Post Anal. 94 2o-35. an his reati se
ili in is thus the adequale round of he postibilis 3 o gro ut h.
Frona his potnt of vie v, the ro vin thin , in virtve of the ba salsout vhicli is it 'sorna', ima be calle the materia cause of gro vili- in the ense Whichori Stolle gives o naateria cause in Post Anal. 94 2O-35. ut ii the sanae basa soli is also the trianaanent incient cause of gro vili, though Aristolle say veryli tile a bout it here rona that o in os vi exv. Apparently, O ,
Cessation an reversat i. e. diminution '), a re to e scribedio the basa soli G/a epicient carue CL a 2 28 33. I that is So, then the 'sonia' of the gro vin thiniis the ad equale Cau Se notoni os the ossibitari haut also of the actuat occiιrrence, O gro Vthan dini inution. Is the proposed interpretation be right theran satisfactorines of Aristolle' doctrine is obvious enough. me explaining gro vili
siderable interest in his account.
But it is clea frona What folio us that Aristolle is thini in of
is to illustrate in flux of the flesti qua mauer, an iis persistenCequa foran. The fore is the oul but it is manifeste in the
one vere O Our vate into vine, an me vine vere albi toConvert lae ex ingredient into vine.'
δυνάμει σαρκός. 22 I3. οὐ κοὐν αμα ἔντος, C. φάμενον τὸ αυξητικον ἐποίησενεντελεχει σάρκα. FO the mean in of ἄμα Cf. ' 16' η.
This actua bod, is potentiali another ac tua body the l)rea is potentiali flesh), an iis actua si re is potentiali a disserent Sige.