The clouds of Aristophanes

발행: 1858년

분량: 258페이지


분류: 미분류


sacre nori laecam profane, an vice verssi, Whicli seenas to

sidere in the hiotest degre' disgracesiit.' See artici onGreel Calendar in Dict of Gr. and Rom. Antiq. Suvern ho vever, is of opinio that it is very doubisium Iether ille cycle of eton vas introduce&when the Clouci vas exhibited, and thini scit more probable that the re so the earlier astronomical observations o Cleostratus, and his period of eight years, vere then at thei highesi potnt, and that the allusion inritae parabasis may be more properbreserre to this circumstance.

620. δικάζετε, eire litigating. The litigious dispositiono the Athenians viis frequently the subjectis the poers Satire. στρεβλουτε, It was common in the Atti proces totorture laves for the purpos os extorting confesSion. 622. -in .... Σαρπηδόνα, he we are MN ailinguemnon and Sarpedon. A scholiast says, Memnon and


constitutiniste Amphictyoni league sent to the assemblyor congress hel hal yearly in the spmn an autumn, a Delphi an Thermopylae tim classes os deputies, called Pytagorae and ΙΙieromnemones the omne to attend to the politica questions that carne besere the assembly, and lielalter to the religious assair of the league. At Athens the Pytagorae vero hose by an annua election, but themieromnemones vere appotnted by tot. Se Champliti' Do-mosthenes, ne V edition p. 192, note also Hermunn, Pol.


putri dolon, and sive Fur attention , and then proceed toquestion him. The dialogiae ves occasion to more filios ludicrous Inisapprehensions of the meaning os votason the par of the pupil some of Whicli liave Hready been noticed. 638-640. Πότερα .... διχοινικ*. Socrates is spe ingos poetica measures. Strepsiades knows nothin about sues things, and underStandin him O mean iri me ures, ans vers that tora e Sure, he Vould likerio lae instructo in measures, sor he had latet laeen cheate by a lourinealerout os a couple of choenices. 643. Ἐνὼ .... μιεκτέον To the question, Whether heconsidere the trameter o tetrameter ille mos beatitifulmeastire, Strepsiades repties that, sor his part heris os opinion ibat he hemiecteus is a good asinny. The Olce consist in this, - theta: ευς vas the ixti partis a medimnus; the medimnus of the Attic measure a sori eight licentuces the κτενς, theresere, IVM eight licenices, and the μι-εκτεον four, that is, a Strepsiades underatand the multer, a


idion occum in the Acharnians 1013, βουλε περιδόσθαι; tolli νου et ' The offer o bael his opinio by tibet is


666. ' λεκτρυαιναν. his sine is a farcical asci he had sal in Englisl coctis and och. The male an femiuebies vere designated by the fame vord, ἀλεκτρυών. 669. Λιαλφιτώσω, Ιwilissi sin mea


178 NOTE S.

opimis insula, M. Athen. I. 27 appellatur, v λεία mori mum .' pon vllichiilchri sus, That the mortar here means Sicily there an beatile doulat; and the wlio has observe lio large an inyedient cheese made in the compositionis an Athenia salta-consection, ali in ingredients

of which vere beatis in a mortar, villi e at nodos to umderstand the poet' meming.' The vor occurs again, Pax. 228, in iis proper meaning mortar Tite Sicilia cheese, τυρος Σικελίκος, is enumeraled, vii oster luxuries by Antiphanes. See Athen. Lib. I. 49. Cleonymus is introduce a great man times in the comedies of Aristophanes, as a demamgue, Periurer, glutton, and co vard. domo is no v that inere is an proos o Cleonymus having been in Sicily and the circumstanc stat Sieit is okinil calle a mortar, in ther places, an hardi len probabilit to the suppositio that the round mortar heresis Sicily. Pectaps the expression is a satiricia allusion to the fondnes of the parasite and glutton sor hi seseasoned disties, like the salad prepare in ille mortari and that he care so litiue se sinis bread that he didio even


728. νοος ἀποστερητικός. The epithe is a punning allusion to ille philosophica στερησις, o depravation. I Inny very vel be rendere into Englisti by an abstracti, talent. 729 730. ιμο .... ἀποστερητρίδας Vlisse Socrates is


cheatini creditor out of thei interest. 749. Θετταλ . The Thessalians ere notorious among the ancient so thei addiction to vitchcrast. The iverellae medium of the times. The thought that has struest themin os Stropsiades is, o purchas a Thessalia hag, and by lier magic drai themioon do vn Dom heaven, and thias, Minterest vas computed by the luna monilis escape the a mentis it by shutting the nicon in a mund case The


182 NOTES.

cast the Auitor.