The gospel according to S. John, with maps, notes and introd

발행: 1900년

분량: 475페이지


분류: 미분류


III. 34. NOPES. Io

l. 13, viii. 41 1 oh ii. 29, iii. 9, V. 7 V. 1, 4, 18. Nolo the

communication RS a hole.


35. ἀγαπα. See o v. 16 and comp. V. 10. The worda seem tote an


The wholo foetion is peculiarito S. John, an is vidently the narrative Dan eyeWitness of the Synoptist S. Luhe alone, the writer of the Universa Gospei, mentions an inter ourge of Christ illi Samaritans ix. 52, xvii. 16 comp. x. 33 . v. 1 1 are introductory, explaining the change of cene, in ii. 13 in tho previous



going, ἔδει. ascit Oae expecten that sing thero Hoeshould abstainlio doing good 3 3 On account of Acts viii. 5. How could Philipgo and convert the Samaritatis, is Christ ad ali eady dono so Butis trioa supposed that in two avs Christ perfecte Christianit in Samaria even Supposing What is no certain that Christ aud hilip


πω συ-παρ' inos. The pronouus are in emphati opposition:

have been les strici, an henc His discipies halion to bu food os Samaritans. ut even Phariseos allo e Samarita lauit, vegetabies, and ogga. Some important authorities omit the rem arL.


ἔδωκεν μῖν. his has no foundatio in Seripture, ut o doubt

εἰς ζωὴν αἰών. his is tho immediate result tho oui in hic tho

a concession to JeWis propriety, hic sorba a Rabbirio tala vitti a


lli theor that his osse is the work of a Gnostio Gros in the