장음표시 사용
noble, o good blath; optimi, in aristocrati Par . Bovianum, a tow of the Pentri
Cartham, Inis, in Carthage, in N. Afrisa.
Carthaginionais, inhabitant of Carthage 434 16. Gasinum, town in Latium clos tothe frontier os Campania; chaP.
Tyndarus reali os Iupiter and twimbrotheris Pollux, 434 aa.
dat tali precautions fori personor thing ,look aster the interestsos.
Etruria 35, 37, 3 λλ. Cinctas, minister o Pyrrhus, ingos Epirus, I DI
oiulina, aus, . citiaeninip. i. e. condition privileges, o right os
a cillam state. ori a , is, in damage destruction, ras disaste in War, desint, V . olam, in Secret, secreti
OIRaaia, is,in fleet, includi troops in iti
ootiora, riis, s cohortis insaniry, tent pari os legion.
cito as adsueuich, at ullis edor gallop.
in Patres et Conscripti, athersan Elect).
oon-Sto, are, stiti, statum, intrim correspond, e consistent, be
the two chie magistrates of the Roman Republic.
venio. oon-Ven1Ο, ire, Veni, Ventum, m
ouria, M. one of thera curies, eata containing o gentes, intowhic the Roman eopte ereoriginali divideo in senat
the thiri Ward into hichRomulus mas saida have divided the Roman eople; omninourinis, an assembi in hichtheseople Voted by curiae. Curius, a, nam os a Roma gens. Μ'. Curius Dentatus, conqueredine Samnites a , an Pyrrhus,
ourulis, e adj. actua urinis, curule chair, inlai With vory, ossiciat seat os consuis, Praetora, censors, an curule aediles, hence calle magistratus curules; curule, Dor belongincto the sella curulis.
anae intri, decide, decree e. σjudge, magistrate , vote soror
tribunus militum 3 3, he hemade a reat Victor ove the Samnites possible consul M, whenae devoted himself to deathnea Vesuvius in the Latin War,
sam nam devote himself todeat a Sentinum, a95 consul 3 a 3ο8, 97, 395 censor o ;supported the lex gulnia; ne of the firs plebeia pontifices; 8
secration. cle-Vovgo, ere, V6Vi, Vsitum, tr. v. consecrate to devote to destruction. clΘxter tera, isterum, more usu.
aWay, dissolve; os persons dis