T. Livi ab urba condita liber ix

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wa turned , Introd. p. IS. Samnia: cf. so the singular. Io quaestiono, inquiry' almost technical, es quaestio emserua. quos sor the antecedent omitte cf. Is Q and belowscribun , fui. II incto presumabi is Cursor a no consul then, he was in his amesahe' arm7. α triumDhum: in et August of the Roman calendar 32 B. C. octauiano technical ofa commander leavin his provincerio come home. uotorcta sunt tines the constructio that might follow scribunt. LII. st, an in fact'; e migh use me a a malindreae L 13. unctom, as osten to an Englisti mino, meret connecis,as f - an also'. 14. oum, unde the command of ' cf. ILL6. ullo theres 'la ablative rom quisquam cf. 2 cio. Dis etiam introduces a lac confirmator of the last state-ment; f. et just above. I6 111 . . . inquit Liv no vnnaturali find it convenienti dromthe constructio after ferunt, an to adopi direct speech

I7. motor the residin magistrate of Praeneste, howould command the contingent sent by that town to serve iththe Roman forCeS.

I9. Ba Rom-α, the Roman State, government'; Cf. Introd. p. I 3. atreret the subjunctive regulari follows such a phraseas nemo erat qui Matinant inimia together. Si . . . Vortinast the apodosis is containe in farem . . . ducem, hiCh- a the man who ould have been Greeli, hic has participi of ειμι - sum and whic can attachra tora participle, this ense an e tersei expresse by a οντa Latin writer of this date istie to secure an equalinterse formis expression in theiriwn language, and resorte to the tum sed heret Livy.


Da quihua . . . Volutavi animum English an Latin generalty spealis of revolvin thought in the mino'. laollia oogitationibus . . . eus: Englisti ut adjective an notin illithe antecedent, not with the relative. ovocat in molium,



out' 'lead me to express give expression toti futurus movit: the regula suboblique form, hether in primar o in histori sequence of the luperfeci subjunctive in the apodosis ofa conditional sentence. L3 ingoniα the plural illi the plura impera orum; CLD 4. Dor omnia humana: SC iotens for the asyndetoncs. I. 4. Δ, these factor in the problem, subjecto iraestant, though understood also a the objectri in uenti. hoo i. e. Alexander inviolum for this convenienti terse imitationos a Gree formis expression cf. Ιω I9. .

6. rasoL Xenophon, e. g. in his Κυρου παιMἱa. regnum Pomssium : hen the iraenomen o a Roman' nam is omitted the nomen and cog nomen are regulari inverted cf. IS DIO, II; I 6 LII. octo is Liv was ritin this inras . C. Pompeyhad been dead twenty-three years vertonti here intransitive. Drnatiuit, hande ove to exposed to.'L7. roosnasum here ivnturn hom his ne potnt nondum alteram fori exserius to the ther quod unus fuit. The arrangemen is natural grammarians calici chias is fuit hol1-ctum an Englistiman would considerfuisse more logicali correct;

cf. 9 ciet inciletui and dimicandum erat below.



DI Ot, momover' Cf. 16 cia intol antior intoxicate by success, he oon deteriorated in charaCter. a. - . . . DBotBtur, 'be judged by his is no the protasisto venisset. The fui expression tot be si specuturi affareat eum, si venisset, venturum fuisse similem sortunam enutron-ment, Surroundings, CircumStances, pom an state.' ut itactioam since a man cannot reali Change his ingenium. L4 ctoaictoratus, ,hichae requirecl. violas i. e. si victi essens. EuDDUoia the allusion is to Philotas execution. amicorum the allusion is to Clitus atlasia he laimedio beior of Olympias by Zeus, no Philip. I s. Quict 2 again, esides ' ira repea the predicate

so the dative aster the nou coriori tegumentum, 194 . The apodosis to si . . . seret is underStood e g. futura fuisse ν cf. I4

L6 1svissimi al Greehs were volatile an unbalanced. Livyis probabi thinhing of one Timagenes, wh aster Augustus in 3 B. . egan to Conside the Parthia question, eem to have argue that Rome a too ea to ope it Parthia, and thento have tinem the occasion clo magnis Alexander' exploiis. notum but there is a traditio that ambasSador Were sent DomRome o Alexander an sto him o Rome Dotuorit in this auxiliar the indicative ould e sed ut so the nep cf. i an missurus fuerit below.L7. α oraua quom for the antecedent followin cf. Is Q. in regulari inserte wit such word as urbe in apposition to a place-nam in the locative Thebes a burn in 338 B. C. tum maxim DPoDo: together, I a. Sunt: many ead sins suboblique) cf. 14 4. hominΘs e. g. DemostheneS, Lycurgus missurus morit: ut so the ne e hould have misisset cf. 7 o. 8 hominis his' unius . .. hominia Pit the predicate, as is hown by the prominence of unius . collecta . . . felicit o flus is osten sed indeclinabi and wit quam omitted, here number solio .L9. Violua ait: the subjunctive of these critics way of puttingili Case cf. a cis. Al-an a for the Syndeton cf. 7 I6. νεω - καὶ τούτου and that too.' iam qu-ringonissimum: i. e. in Alexander' day. Θhua: so the



was o et to expresso single oun-idea that it could governa genitive.

thirtem generationS. LII. Quin tu . . . oonfera equivalent to an imperative a livelyWay of putting a protasis si confers) CL Io oum homino: hic brachylogros comparison comparatio compendiaria' i due to the fame motive a has been notice in , rebus. Cf. ubi non ψmnto Mella decedunt viridique certa Baca Venafro, Horace Oae ii. 6. Ι4 sqq. Ia nomino-- could Ι' is necessa ). anniamus: libri sinu kept in Iuno Moneta' temple o the Capitol givingilsis of magistrates malia: almos equali bald chronicies hept by the sonu es, and recording the dates of batiles, eclipses, triumphis, and the like oonsulum Motatorum o no in apposition to Mistratuum, but wit iamnas hole page of ', pages fuit of the namesis.' 13. quo sint miratidiorsa : Liv does no notice that thispoint a be presse the the way-these magistrates' hortossice made possibi their claim to unchequered succeSS. VioΘ-

probabi a recollectionis Demosthenes. 17. fortuna vi orn i. e. his previous Successes, whicli,ere



Umbria, and the auis; a the outhinast, i. e. Samnium and Lucania in Etruria, in Vmbria: for the asyndeton see

oorum cf. Da in omni. The ancients gras of geograph wasles secure than urs es. Introd. p. 7 Tin and io malis of the whole stretch of coast here Greelis ere to e oundos is itfringe one ea, hic is hardi true lien that se is no called the editerranean but inferi cf. 2 4 superi maris). Thurii :to be explaine by the fac that theriown is reatly the nam os iis inhabitantari f. the old mistio of the Sumersaetan', nomo Bathan weus. Antio . . . tonus together The origines use an adverbia accusative of extent the stretch or reach of )wit a genitive or illi an ablative of the oin stom hicli themeasurement staris has ciuite develope into a repositionalisse. Oatua generali the singula sor is found Liv perhapschooses this sor variety cf. Neapolim e Cumas, here the selectionos places name mache determine by the fame consideration.

*8. artihua: I in lines hastare, princises, triarii; a longi



ivno i. e. Alexander the reat sua: i. e. sone bellorum suorum, abbreviate for eleganCe.*I2. Primo D 263-24 B. C. Brtatum es i. e. a Romaniserae a moturum representin aster reor an independent

16 B. C., an lost his throne non Oct . . . EB HS . . . qui in in a negative sentence, here the ver is common toboth paris, non modo constantinis sed for the logica non modo


I. moti paris of esse are constanti omitte by Livy;

Introd. P. II.

La. - . . . DODulis . . . Ictguti an adjectiva phrase, quali-Win a nou like the Gree use illi the article in . g. Οἱ ἐν τῆ πόλει. PBquintihus, many one aster another.' 4. ν- etiam x use probably influenced by that os, u in Greeh. s. praediolia in probabi Was Sent yearly C uam: a naturat, ut no stricti logical or grammatica construction. The praefectus Was appotnted creari and seni Mi heri ossit: the passive is usual hen a passive infinitive follows. εὐ-hus . . . clutis: hen allies ere overne in his a their local laws were revise and assimilated o Roman law before heingcontinuecl. Not ver dissimila is uroreaiment of India law. utrum B the enclingis a fraefectus, and the codificatio ofla s. - is robus the dative here instea os a genitive follows remedio; f. ω, 3 securi tegumentum. i 6. tridua this addition raised the numbe to thirty-one. 7. satos: the fame eopte a the Teanenses above lio Ioa



9. Apuli Derdomita Mogether. Dorreotum so this impersonat passive se cf. itur the go in antiquam simam. Io Maoiplina, institutions politica arrangemenis, Constitution.' agoro, dive.' Daius: instea os a praescius and a praeror lio adiso connexion illi the place achad beenthe case illi Capua LDabove), the satroni os Antium iiset were commissione to the work. Datroni: prominent Romans, whom a place abroad invited orandertake the duino watchinitis

interest a Rome. Θ - et . . . non.

I. Oroatia returne as elected. The constructio is notablative absolute. D3. in . . . ino in opposition Samnia: the singularis osten sed for variety one individuataein spolieni a representing the nation. o to no Compelleo here. ἶ- inclo os time, as in o o. alioni : i. e. Samnite an besieged, ach rom ther auia the orde gives theemphasis neede by the contrast iust Droε1io, is regular, pitchediatile. mox in Liv os succession in fas time Cf. Introd. p. II. noctvata referring to duplex error sodiversa elow. tutam, protected secured. to e distinguished hom incolumis. Θpit . . . Statuit: to S the plu- persect would seem natural clivorsa facing different ways, i meet both nemies. hs inmona thoughie sought both enemies at Once. Bomagno for the negative cf. o cio, an nec gravatus, 3 i. D6. Varia 'partiat': i. e. in ne par of the line an no in another. fuat in castra together.



tive, sincerit is virtuali suboblique-an idea in the generar mino. D7. indiat ouavicto, wit his lance couched a rest.

Betuo: ithout a reposition a poetica construction Introd. P. II. Bo . . . regis, Sed non . . . magis so much '). ut fit, ascis usualty the Case.'

DI a Soram the reposition is to e explained, as ad Saticulam, a LI. a. prior: efore the Samnite force came. 3. Hi super alios one se of scout aster another comin in. 4. obviam itum: cf. 24cio descensum est. ML-tulaa, ,ear,' by. iatorius either' victi violoroano: aster incertos cf. 3, 3. Cicero rites, a a rute, victine an viriores. L6 ah Roma the reposition perhaps ecause the word gowith exercitu novo as in aes a but cf. 6scio inhalatorsi: the oblique serm in histori sequenCe, of the deliberative subjunctive. in omnia ... oonsiliis hecleam fullyenough Q. Fabius plans. L . aliquot, a considerable number of modo governs obsessi an obsidentis.

D8. mouoius Sc esse, the subject eing the clause nullam . . . Spem. Θmet iPEo no reserring to the dictator. 9 viam, nu11α- cf. for the nou kept in the relative clauseurbem quam Iam vestra est. Io tuta, Strong, Secure, protected ' CL 2 L4. Bactomin&ata, at the fame time dangerous.' iro omnia: Cf. forthis Gree use I. Ei . . . Vesint . . . Eunt: theirregularit in the conditio correspond wit the sense. LII. frustrahor . . . vos, mise die opes in Our earis indiota nocho in D. Boisiati : final in sense. Ia quibus opera Bat, Who have timerio . . .



3 inqui ncto an instrumental o sociative ablative), ofattendant circumstances in the ourse of ' cf. II se




LI. Samnitium facta Q. e. fel into theirmands. 3. Roma quoquo as et a therum in theraeid. 4. quo exactor it . . . Tat: cf. 234 9 for the adjective in the relative ClauSe. 6. Quasationoa, tribunal os investigation ' cf. Io.ctici, tot nominated appotnted.' L7. tua: a possessive genitive depending on a subjective genitive ma Atratus). for the attraction cf. hoc fus, hic labor est, and ea elow. nominarontur L i. e. for triat; cf. below fostulabantur. For the ood se I3 I. L8 into rotancto possibi instrumentalis sociative cf. -- quirendo 23ῆ3; ut bellentakemas a dative of work contemplated; cf. II ma iussiano the statement of the case, hichneede authoritative interpretationis the answer, in saCt, homRome to the question referre thither. L9. oitioncta : i. e. a Rome flori the historic infinitive; a L3. quasationis, it ius.