T. Livi ab urba condita liber ix

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case of abstraci ouns generali Wit the ver esse, and wit no qualification excepi at times a single adjective. Ι 8. tiam qua non Donaint sc facere should probablyresor to the wores impossibilities' mo the asyndeton sed

viri. Ructu . . . vis . . . Estituit: CL ademptus Hector

the lossis Hector, aras confine in Cicero to the oblique Cases. 14. iam in osten, cantestae go in Englis by using suc aperiphrasis a Abegan to vinosvo: a histori infinitive. Malovontum the cit Was a Gree colony Μαλόεις As osten, the accusative a the or the Roman mostly eard in answere. g. to the question Where oes his mad gorio λ'), and wronglyanalysing iis Latin sorm, Heventum CL sarro rara forissa rus, cra is for crevisse), the altere it, as ill-omeneo, into

milia, although this is qualified by ad restin a.



7. Suctaan: here colonies are sent to sites no then CCupied generalty the name is put in the nominative in apposition to coloniae; Where to existin towns the accus is used ac Ieramnam belo .L8. et etiam Observe the word thrown efore ut soremphasis, andis to effect a connexion illi the revious sentencewithout using a Connective particle. ABnreti, senatus P Cf. plebei in flebis. Esct instea of the consul in the year of the decree Canyiniit oui.

. . . tum parallel.

suture participle, o Convenient for brevity, and copie laom theoree participi With αν, but influenced by the Latin us to representi Oratio Obliqua the conditiona subjunctive, s. Introd. P. II. ultro of Something unprovoked tali in the offensive inferrent virtuali suboblique, o the suture indicative. L5. Ohiboncto i. e. no lettiniit rea out. Θν- etiam. nouisi: the plural of two parties no individuals). 6. viam sto Romerio Capua through the omptine marshes-theirs publicuoad aquam in bulli an aqueduc miles long stom the Eastis Rome. εα the neuter plurat, referringliere t two feminine nounc generallyrio nounsis different genders)whicli are the ames of inanimat things. 8. iam inclo antiquitus: illi insuam 'fro the very earlies times 'ν cf. Io. Britanotrem . . . latinuit: together. solus for the cas cf. 34 'rivarus and ris,.



I. quctat . . . ct ormatum: C. ESSE. a. aliquot 1ootia the ex vinia about 36 B. C. directedui censores ex omni genere optimum quemque Dorent. Eoti DP Vi ct probabi neuter in gratiam αodihiclinom, topleas other oreto gratisy persona caprice,' a Cureflavour secure popularity o for a whim.' itavctrunt: i. e. to the Senate.

3 utraque : achain dis imperium hein besto ed on severat recipients the plurat is correct Cf. neutri, 29 4. Qucto, posts, ossices hich' cf. 29 cio quod morant honΘnoia, harbeen in Melis of D1ohoi for the form cf. 28 LM; ut plebi sciti below. clom meret gives the Sense of also ks Droximia oonaorthua: i. e. Appius Claudius and Gaius Plautius uno agmino, i. e. in a body' naori ita Dractoinorot hesides tibicines privati here ere tibicines publiciso the sacri ia sublica, and these are meant here. Cf. vid, Fasti vi 633 Caniabatonis, cantabat tibia ludis, Cansabat maestis tibia itineribus. The Iibicines ere probabi no Roman citigens, but Etrusca immigrantS.D7. Ostquam . . . n quinant, aindin that the were notlihelyrio succeed. oves the force of the tense cf. 3 f 6.LIo impotrato sor his impersona neuter ablative absolute cf. 64 3. ornati the put o maSks an molle robes. 1iosntia: ono Iune the might go bout drunk. 1 - :

novum bellum Sallentini hostes. 3. antiquiua, the old i good. s. hau tantum: Sc. as against Cluvianum omnia: se praeda. 6. O . . . intinias, ut): the adver replacinii id ai

passorum abis mittit . . . ut idem omnibus Sermo conSDI. Dogoris vim es odora canum vis.



successum erat.

6. morictio possibi ablative of separation illi inclinavit, but more probabi locative os time originali medi i aete). 7. Morat, has the advantage.'li anto inrita uotaque one line fought besore the colours. LII. quioquam . . . roi goatum at add the sense i fighting quo in id quod refereth to subsid. mod relictis. Observe the orde of vix quod, o common in Liv cf. Ia ctoosasorint theruoris subjunctive is sed generali in negative Clause here it gives the fame effect a the insertio of positively or actualis would have in English.

, et Etrusota: i. e. to helmthem. 3. um M in quibus oum the inverse use, regularlysollowed by the indicative. 4. Aomni logo finitum . . . Erat therars Censors, eleCted in 443 probablfheld office ill thewhad carrie out the quinquennial



together, in the predicate t esset non . . . ΘnST . . .

Potuisso the negative an e separate sto the ver fossumwhen it is thrown forwardis acto assectis Onc the whole Sentence. POE . . . tutam Appius argument seem to e that the eopte in nominatin censors subsequently to the Aemilianta an no expressi limitin thei powers cs. 34 LII isso facto

LI. inquit sc P. Sem pronius. a. rent . . . quam Ohm--t the subjunctive a in am I. 3. Saoruin montom: hen enenius Agrippa persuadedihem to return se Shahespeare' Coriolanus 494 B. C. 4. - -sroitus in apposition to the subjeci. his as in 449 When the Decemvir Were put down factnoMoa: his ledio the secession in 94. agrarias a to the disposal of the common lands', a the fame dates. s. nomon, family' cf. 29 LII. 6. itans tinctori Reatly λ' An indignant question, hereclandem pray oum, although.' uoctooimi uisa since Appius contention claime to e a me, thoughnovet, inserence ro the rule quote in the ex sentence, Sempronius appeal against it to the improbabilit that the rue sense had hitherio scape men. The XII abies ere drawn p4s B. . iussissΘt: his Sequence, in contrast to that in sit, fuerint above is probabindue to a is for variety Introd. p. II. aoiit the oni persect used by Lio, horases scivi for the perfectos scisco.

si qui . . . reli togetheri r nnita Dotoatalia: cs for the sense 334 4. The genitive is objective, an gives thecause of the annoyance Rctruvium a proletaria Without vote. Io auamolia instrumentalis sociative ablative os attendant circumstances.

II. ut qui optimo tur . . . : par of the old formula used in the lex directing the appotniment of magistrates It was intendedio secure to the neW magistrates at the rights of thei ossice : achwas tot appotnte fas ne ho wit fullest powers, with complete right has creatus est been appotnted L Aster the dictatorshipwas ademiable to an appea to the eopte this formula asomitted in appotnting dictators, o the ground that thei power Weretes than those of earlier dictators. ad the Samoechange been madem the censorship Ap. Claudius ould have hadiso handi formis



term of thei appotniment revised ali limitations ver imposed onthei ossice so that the would have ali the power Onc associaled illi the nam os that ossice Three cases are quote in hicli his vlew ould recali alim monarchy. rctgΘm amrinoiorum: when the monarch was replaced by a republic While two consulstook ove the important functions of the king the forma cluties of religion were entrustedio a poweries religious functionary, whosedisewa narro ly circumscribe but ho represente the State elare heaven Cf. the βασιλευς at Athens.

abruptrione, though it is in origin identicat with the Attic prohibition

the ver is common to two clauses of this charaCter, non modo is used where logic ould have require non modo non ino1Θ-mΘntiori notice the form perhaps chosen sor euphony most of theneighbouring owel are e). The wor is archaic. The Compara



LI Goonti: ithout an object cf. suserat, 32 munition i. e. the beleaguerintlines. 4. auhioota below the hilis, hic Fabius had just descended. 4. ingorem a poetica turn Introd. P. II. s. noui . . . lat- cs. 74 13 audita euo sor concisenessthicis test tot the grammatices subjectis vulneraverant. 7. Dor obliqua oremui diagonali acros the lain' cf. 37 D for this poetica neuter plurat. Dcttunt equites Romaniis subject to the subordinate ver only so that the main subject

sim, instance' os defective knowledge of ignorance). 6. horrohat ah ncto the subjectris the folio in clause, in hic quemquam is due to the negative implicatio of this


that moment' actrium the Comparative is neve used exceptwhen iis meaniniis extendedi Such an addition achere. Sero


to late ovortuntur: the subject cis continued stom



comitia centurias and tribus aros and held the realit os poWer, the format vesting wit imperium of those by them elected was done by the ancient patricia comitia curiata. Drinesvium in the Various curiae the voles ere tinen simultaneousty the the orderi Whichahe resulis stom the severa curiae hould e announcedwas determine by tot that hic camerars Min called frincis m. iunctom uritas fuerat: in 39 and inraa B. C. this curia had Me drawnirst, hen the lex curiat was to e passed so the various magistrates of thos years.*46. in Cromoram a stream near Veii here 3o Fabii Were Staini an ambush, 477 B.C. facit in his histo .

l . nam here has been lost an account os incident in Samnium and Etruria. I S. 1s --rata ooaoto the mise a moly war' the amybindiniitseli by a solemniat to fight to the death inmin

. . . Eimin es et . . . es, tum . . . eum.



, 4. horrictum: i. e. in Workmanlike accoutrement. s. in not attracte to Haedam because of arma following. 8. non omina: C. certamen in a different sense.

L3. noluianoni so the ood lo ive Fabius statemen orthought cf. 384 6. 4. Marai hitherio friendi to Rome though of the same