Homer's Iliad, books xix-xxiv

발행: 1899년

분량: 469페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


πρωτον μεν κατα πυρκα- σβέσαν αἴθοπι οἴνωπῆσαν, ποσσον πέσχε πυρος μενος ' αὐταρ επειτα

ooπεα λευκὰ λεγοντο κασίγνητοί θ' παροιτε μυρόμενοι, θαλερον δε κατείβετο δάκρυ παρειων. 7s5 καὶ τά γε θρυσε- ες λάρνακα θηκαν λόντες, πορφυρεοι πέπλοισι καλυψαντες μαλακοῖσιν αηια δ αρ ες κοίλην κάπετον θέσαν, αὐταρ περθεν

πυκνοῖσιν λάεσσι κατεστόρεσαν μεγαλοισιν.

800 μὴ πρὶν φορμηθεῖεν ἐυκ μιδες Ἀχαιοί

χευαν-ες δε το σημα πῶλιν κίον αὐταρ επειτα

εἶ συναγειρομενοι δαινυν ἐρικυδεα δαιτα


ΤΗΕ Homeri ΜSS. aro etter an more ancient than hos of any thersecuta Gree author Among the an fragmenta of papyrus hich thotombs of gypt have tellexu during this centu , Me more than iniri rotis an fragmenta containing puris of most of the book of the Iliad uom Writtona early a the intro centur B. c., and ne apparenti a late a the eventhcentur of ou era. ut these fragmenta have lituo critica value for ordinaryscholare, Myono the comfortin assurance hic the assor that in Homerictera has no been appreciabi corrupte during the las nineleen centuries, and that the student of ω-dantias defore him a more legibi an correct ex than most student hau in the time o Christ. These papyrus fragmenta are chlehno from in 'recension es an learne grammarian, and the contain omeegregious tundera. Te of these olla an fragmenta are nom in the ritish

Neri in age to the papyrus fragmenta DomAEgypt are the fragment of a S. of tho Minis fixi centur of ou era, in the Ambrosian librar atmilan. Fisty tot leaves are preserved mith nearly 800 versea in ali Theseime their preservation probabini the piantinga hic occupy one fide os ac leas. The most valvabio es alimSS. for the Homerio teri, and far the mos valu- able for the old Gree commenta Ἀσχ4λιαὶ ia known a Venet Codex Marcianus 454 , in the librar of San amo, at enice. It contain the entire Niaa, With Introductio an Scholia, on 327 leaves of parchment of hic 19are a much later substitute for the origines leaves hic hau been loAti, in large folio 15, 11 inchea It was ritis no later than in elevent century, in minuscule script With 25 verses o eac page Belomani above the texi ando tho ouis margin, Me 63 orae lineam scholia. et eo these scholi andine textris an interva o a ut an incli, in hic Apace ars other scholia. Ontherarat leave are many interlinea nosses, ut no many after lea 31 he


Scholia contain an epitome of four oris composed unde the early Romanemperora by Aristonicus, Didymus, Herodian, and Nicanor. Alao in the library of Saniarco at enice is Venetus Coclex Marcianus' 463ὶ, a parchment S in folio, With the Iliad on 338 leaves, hic Wa writteni in elevent centuo. His aluo contain scholia, ut theae aro farciem scholarinthan thos of Venetus A. In the Laurentiati librar a Florence are melve ΜSS. Whic contain the complete Nicia. of theae two have specia Valum Laurensianus Maii 3 Ci, parchment folio of the levent century, Wit 424 leaves an Laurentianua et ii 15 V, 233 Amali leave of parchment Writis about 1100 A. D. In ali more than one hundred Homeri ΜSS. areanown and describet.

The earlios prinis editionis Homer Mahat os Demetrius Chalcondylas, in imo large an han om Volumes, prinis a Floronce in 1488. The texi publiAhed by Stephanus, Poetae Graeci principes heroici carminis, Paris, 1566, long servexa in vulgate. The mos elaborat editionisve publiahe of the Iliaci mas that of Ηoyne, innine Volumes, LeipZig 1802-1822. la editio fosso e that es Wolf in timo, butino in method. ne perio bem Wit Homeri et mmctrariarum per ea reliquiae Grecensione F. A. Momi vola. Leipetig 1804 1807. Immanuel Bekker, a pupil of Wolf, gave What is perhapsina et in best formo the Alexandria texi, reconstructe from the ΜSS. and romine notices found in the ancient grammarians in Homeri opera eae recognitione mmanuesia mkkeri vola. Berlin 1843. Tho fimi scientific attempta go back of the Alexandria grammarians andio give the poema in the form in hic the were sun by the rhapsodes, restoring initialis here this coulli done mithout violent changes, a madein Carmina Homerica: Immanuel B ker emerida ut et an tisas. 2 vola. Bonn, 1858. The mos complete critica apparatus et provide is in Homeri in MIdem idirorum optimorum edidit . L Roche. Leipetig 1878. In the ex the editor follows the aim o Bekker' editionis 1843. In Homerica Carmina cum potiore lectionis nari te edidu Austuatus Naura, Berlin 1874 1879, in editor follom the aim o Beliker' editionis 1858, ut

cloes no print , , although e changes the texi in orde to remove obstaclea toth restoration 1 F. In Homeri Ni is carmina, seiuncta, discrαα emendata, mimomerii et

apparatu critico instructa, edidit uitelmus Christ, Leipetig 1884, the editor


purinea arimosoldilan to se forin his te of the compositionis in Homericpoema, an to present the ex in the form in hic it a sum. e Messurine than Bekker in restoring ρ. Hic protegomena contain much valu leant interesting matter in convenient form. Homerialias edidit Guillelmus Dindors editio quinta correctior quam curavumniae, LeipZig 1884, is a convenient conservative ex edition. The ex ofine present edition is a reprint of this, Wit a se alio changes in punctuation. In Die Homeriachealia nach threr talehuno baracuet und in de ura uno- lichen praehor inessemheroestelli non Austuat ira, Gottingen 1886, the poem are divide into M the editor considera their origina elementa, andare translate into tho Aeoli dialeci. In Homeritias scholarum in usum edidit Cauer, LeipZig 1890 the editor ha atriis to remove ali contracte an assimilate forma, ut a notatis te to restore , holuin that thia ound hae been lost rom the di lect efore the poem mere ut into thei present lam. Homerys Iliad the ex edite in aecordanc Uit modem criticiam is Arthur Pluti Cambrive 1894. Alioly emende teri, marked by the essor to gobach a farias is reasonabi possibi to the original lanmage of mmori The is printed, and many diphthonga re resolved. Einun waratostea und weiu gwα istum Buch de Nias non . . .m mann 2 vola. Clausinat, 1864. Thia contain fui informationis to the ΜSS. an Scholia. Homerialias, cum appares crstico ediderunt I. an Lemiseri et M. B. Mendeada Coata mitio altera. Leyden 1895. Ver adVancest, in the fame directionas Boiser, Nauch, and lati. The most prominent exegetical edition are the folloming the edition namedare in latent of Books ix. xxiV. :



Paris, 1883.


Although portions of thia Book aeom to eis later Orion, it certaini contain a nucleua hic belonge to the original formis the poem. The reconciliationis Achilles With Agamemnon is a necessary lin in the chain os eventa .hich lea to thomnia catastrophe in the leat of Hector. λ uch of the criticiam of this Boocturna pon ita relation to the embasa io Achilles in Bookix. Ι . Since in latisfia remine Mino of the later portions of the ni , in manifest referance tora hic are found in se 140 f. 1924. 2453 musti a terat equali recent. At tho ouiset of the Book, criticiam has been directe against 1 the exaggerato description of the terror of themyrmidona at the strat of the divine arma 1 f. 2 the senecemar solicitude of Achilles for the preservatio ofino Bod os Patroclus 23'. , since hia deat occurre but the dan fore, and his buria talios placem in followin lay; 3 the mentio of the ineramenana stoWarda, a distinc claas, ho hae notriasten par in previous assembliea. rimae ove theae criticisma res of minor importance, serioua dissiculum ars


found in the long discussio at the me ly 5 2653. Agamemnon begina his speech 87 is ascribin his infatuation ἄτη torae , Μoera, and the Erinys; but immediatel asterWardine personisse this Eam Ἀτη and chamea her Withblindin alimen an even Zeus himself. The allegorica form in hic this idearis presentel 91-94his foreigito the older Homeri style, anxit is no the

custom of the poet to represent mero men, line Agamemnon here 100 1133, M acquainte Wit eventa hic have occurre in Olympus. It is probabis that verse 95-136, at leaat, are an interpolation rom Ome current La os


Wit narrative intermingled. the use of τῆς in 176, Without an antecedent, the verae ein manifesti copie laomo 133, here it, ear in ita me

57. in με, se Μ. 269, 3. 69. On the practice of me ring the hair long se Helbi. 236. 71. Nauch ἰαυέμων. S in 72. 77. Omitte is Zenodotus, an brachete by most modem editors.s 136. Tho allegor of the deludingit Zeus by Ate is probabina late intempolation. his is indicate by 1 therantimetines of developinxto a flengtha meret ornamentia illustration; 2 the someWhat presumptuom comparisonis the folinos Agamemnon to an incident in the life of Zeus; 3hthe inconsistencymith 874. Where Agamemnon ascribes his infatuation ἄτην to Zeus, Fate, and the Erinys, hilo here Ateria pereonifled an acta in opposition to Zeus. 91. Nauch reads άτη.s2. The reading of the tori τὴ is that of Aristarchus and of most os urΜSS. though truces of an earlier readini τῆς are found in quotations. 103. The etymolog of Εἰλείθυια i doubifui. AH derive it rom λύω μύθω), as the contracting, cra ing, ainS. Ebelin prefers the tem ἐλυμ- ad Veniens.