Ploutarchou Granchoi : Lives of the Gracchi

발행: 1885년

분량: 341페이지


분류: 미분류



B. C. A. U. C. COSS.

P. Corn. Scipio Ahicanus Aemilianus C. Livitis Drii SuS

Cn. Cornelius I entulus L,. Munimius Achaicus Capture ami destruction os Carthage. Polybios present ast it ivitia Scipio, andalso at the destriction os Corinth. The Punic territory beComes the province of Africa, paying Sessendium. Deseat of the Actiaeans Ity ΜummiuS. Settiement of GreeCe, dissolution Os Confederacies, ine land of sorne Cities hie-COmCS ager fetesiacus, the rest pay a fixe d

Destruction of Corinth.

Deseat of C. Nigidius by Viriamus in

Lusitania. The te ingdonis of Egypt and Cyrene re- united under Euergetes, on ille death of Philonietor.

7 4 6io Ser. Sulpicius Gall)a Military successes of Q. Fabius in Spatia asL. Aurelius Cotta

The Μarcian Aqueduci bulli. Enibassy of Scipio Africanus, aCCoimpaniectby the philosopher PanaetiuS, to E YPt 1 3 611 App. Claudius Pulcher Caecilius Metellus Macedoni CIIS The consul Μetellus deseais ille Celtiberians in Hither Spatia ; but the incapablepraetor Quinctius siluis hinaself up in

Calvi IN Fabius Maxinius Servilianus Q. Cae C. Metelliis reduces the Northerii province of Spain, except Nuimantia anci


Tib. Gracchus no v in liis aetnd year: C. Gracchus in lais 13th year. Fannius, the historian, ServeS in Spain. I i 613 Cn. Servilius Caepio

Servilitis Caepio





P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica Serapio Ti. Gr.

13 et

Μ. Aemilitis Llepidus Porcina C. Hostilius Mancinus P. Flirius Philii; Sext. Atilius Serranus Ser. Fulvius Flaccus

Calpurnius Piso P. Corn. Scipio Africanus Aemilianus ΙΙ. C. Fulvius Flaccus P. Μucius Scaevola I. . Calpurnius Piso Frugi Pompeius disowns the Ni amantine treaty Cic. de fin. II g so. Rene val os theslege. Var in I .usitania brought to an end by the proconsul Caepio. Expulsion of the astrologers Chaldaea . Servile insurrection in Sicily. The Gabinia lex fabellaria or Ee utaris-rrasseus mandandis de leg. 5 g 353 carried by A. Gabinius, tribune of the COInnions, introducing vote by ballot into

elections os magiStrates. The consul Brittias successsul in Lusitania. Μ. Popillius, the proconStil, unSucceSSfulbesore Numantia.

Birili of Sulla. Tib. Gracclivis in his a6th year; C. Gracchus in his 17th year. Ti. Gracchus appotnted quaestor aet. 27),

Destruction of the army of Μ. Aemilius by the VaCCaei. Victory of Brutus over the Gallaeci Ovid. Fast. VI 461ὶ.Su ection of the Vardaei in Illyria to the consul maCCUS. Scipio receives Hispania citerior as his province to end the war Ti. Gr. 7 4 . Iugurtha, Gaius MariuS no v aet. 23, Sempronius Asellio the historian, and Lucilius the poet no v about zo), Served under

pio Ti. Gr. 13 13. While Scipio is absent at Numantia Tib. Gr. 2 43 Ti. Gracchus is made tribuneos the plebs aet. 3r, but according to Plutarch under so). He propoSeS an agrarianta v in favour of the smali faciners by re- distributing the state- domains in theoccupation os ricli fossessores in excess



B. C. IA. U. C. COSS.

32 622 P. Popillius P. Rupilius 133 623

P. Licinius CraSSus MucianUS L. Valerius Flaccus

Cn. Octaviiis T. Annitis Rusus L. Cassius Longinus L. Cornelius Cinna M. Aernilius Lepidus L. Aurelius OreStes and at a nominal rent. He is supported hi y the Consul Scaevola, the pontifex1Maximus Crassus, and Appius Claudius

the public land for stoching their sarmS.

his election is vetoed, and, in a mot headed by P. Scipio Nasica, talis a victina to the CauSe. This xvas the beginning of civill,loodsi 1ed in Rome Ti. Gr. 20 1 . The adherents of Ti. Gracchus Condemne lio death by the Iudiciat cornutission under the consul Popillius. Return of C. Gracchiis aet. 23 froni Spatii vitii Scipio, vlio triumPhS. End of Slave war in Sicily, and Capture os Enna and Tauromenium by P. Rupilius, Ulao reorganiSes ille province lex Ru-

vince os Asia Settied by the consut M'. Aquillius. Death of Scipio Africanus minor, brother-in-law of the Gracchi, under Suspicious

C. Gracchiis aet. 20 goes into Sardinia asutiae Stor vitii the consul Orestes C. Gr.



E. C. A. U. C. COSS.

122 63a M. Plautius HypSaeus M. Fulvius UaCCIIS C. Cassius Lion UnuS C. Sextius Calvinu SCaecilius Metellus Balearicus T. Quinctius Flamini-

Cn. Domitius Aheno

C. FanniuS Strabo Lex Junia, expelling non-CitirenS fere rinio froin ROIne. The Consul Flaccus proposes to besto v the franchise on the Italians, in opposition to the Senate. He talces the Cona manu in Transalpine Gaul. The governnient of Orestes being prolonged, C. Gracchus is stili hept in Sarcinia, where lae iS So Popular a s to excite ille fear of the optimates

C. Gracchus is not relieved in Sardinia, but returns to Rome, voliere lie is callento account besore the cenSors C. Gr. 2 3). Gracclius desentis himself in a speecs,sorne passages of whiCh have been preserved by Plutarch and Aulus Gellius. He is elected tribtine os the people, andenters on hiis office on the 1 olli os De

Fra brateria in Latium a Citigen-Colony.

P. Popillius retires into exile without 'vait-ing sor ille result of the popular vote. Another laxe, directed against the tribune Octavius, is xvitia tra. vn at the inStance of Cornelia C. Gr. g 1 3 . Other meaSurefios his for liniiting the po ver of tiae Senate, sociat, military, Judiciat. Establislinient

the po ver of the Senate C. Gr. 5 . C. Gracchus re-elected tribune xvith Μ. Fulvius Flaccus and Livius Drilsus C. Gr. 8 13 sor two of his ColleagiaeS. His proposal to extend fuit citigensilip to the Latins and sustrage to the other Italians oVercoime by the opposition of the consul Fannius and the aealotisy of the



B. C. A. U. C. COSS.

Li. Aurelius Cotta

Μ. Porcius Cato Marcius Rex117 637 L . Caecilius Metelliis

116 638 L icinius Geta Fabius MaximuSal 5l639 Μ. Aemilius Scatinis Μ. Caecilius Metellus 11 l6 o M'. Acili iis Balibus C. Porcius Catori 3 6 et C. Caecilius Metellus

Cn. Papiritis Cactolia 6 a M. Ibi vius DraisiiS L. Calpuria ius Piso

Iri 6 3P. Comaelitis Scipio

Nasica L. Calphiria ius Bestia Opimius, a Staian Cla optimate, is electen

Aproposal to prohibit the Colony os Iunonia is opposed by Μ. Fulvius and Gracchus C. Gr. 13), Who, On a mot, OCCUpy the Aventine C. Gri 15 . The Senate, headed by the Consul Opimius, attach antidescat the partyos Gracchus C. Gr. 16). Death of C. Gracchus and of s ulvius, and execution of 3ooo of the Gracchans C.

Carlbo accused by L. Crassus aeti et a in hilista iniselfFoundation os ille colonyos Narbo Martius by the consul Q. AlarciuS. Death of Cato in Afri Ca.

Deseat of the Carni by the Consul ScaurUS. Deseat os the constit Cato by the Scor tisci

in Macedonia. Birtia os Q. Horten Si US. Deseat of the consul Carbo by the Citnbri. Sitccessscit cana pnign of the Consili Dinistis against the Scordisci. He is the fi At Roinan generat to reach the Danube. Ius hirtha kilis Adherbal, who in he had be- siegei l in Cirta. Declaration Os uva r against Iugurtha. The consul Hestia nulli es a Stannie sul Peace vitii liiiii. Iti gurtha is Stintinone 1 to



tion os me tribune e. Mamilius, umler xvlaicta L,. Bestia, C. Cato, Sp. Albinus and L. Opimius C. Gr. 18 l. 9), C. Sulpicius Galba pontifex are Condemned.



P. as, l. 39 for διετίαν read τριετίαν. P. 42, t. 8 for υπεζωμενος read bπεζωσμένος. P. Va, Ch. VII g et, l. 10 adaetiae construction of ἀγαπαν vitii the infinitive is not in accordance vitii Attic usage, but nos uncommon in later Greelc: Plui . Alcib. c. 38 ηγάπησε φευγων ἀπραγμόνως ζην, Lucian dial. mori. 12, p. 386 οὐκ ηξίωσα την Μακεδόνων ἀρχὴν περιέπων ἀγαπαν άρχεινοπόσων ὁ πατὴρ κατέλιπεν, Herodian 2, Ι5 αγαπησας ανευ μάχης καὶ κινδύνου λαβεῖν ταὐτα ῶν ωρέγετο, 4, Ι ἀγαπῶν τε τοὐς αιχμαλίτους και τα χρηματα αναιμωτὶ ἀπολαβεῖν, Alciplar. Epist. 3, 61, 3 την πατρώαν ἀποβάλον ουσίαν αγαπῶ τ p γαστρὶ την ἀναγ

καίαν πλησμονην ex πορίζειν.

και νόμους ἐσφέρων πρωτος ὁ δε εν στάσει ἀπίλετο καὶ επ' αὐτ- πολλοὶ κατα το Καπετίλιον εἰλούμενοι περὶ τον νεὼν ἀνηρέθησαν '.

g ex. S. P.

Cf. ille similar constraaction os alienus in Cic. Acrul. post. I, 2 ournia quae essent alienafrmae et constantis a Sensionis. P. 121, ch. VIII g I, l. 10 for not to be con unded vitta' rectae proved by Μonam sen to be identicat dili'. P. 1 a , ch. XIV g I, l. 9 κατατεθείσης etc., dele the whole =rotes.


Ι IIμεῖς δε, την πρωτην ἱστορίαν ἀποδεδωκοτες, εχομεν οὐκ ἐλάττονα πάθη τούτων ἐν τn 'f'ωμαῖκοσυζυγία θεωρρσαι, τον Τιβερίου καὶ Γαίου βίον

ἀντιπαραβάλλοντες. οὐTOι Tιβρρων hus4tifcistos Γράγχου παῖδες ησαν, ω τιμηTRI TE Pωμαίων γενομένω καὶ δις υπατεU- σαντι και θριάμβους δυο καταγαγόντι λαμπρότερονην το ἀπο της aρετης aξίωμα. Διὸ καὶ την Σκηπίωνος του κατaπολεμησαντος 'Αννίβαν θυγατέρα

ο Κορνηλίαν, οὐκ ων φίλος ἀλλὰ καὶ διάφορος τψ

Gνδρι γεγονας, λαβεῖν ηξιωθη μετὰ την εκείνου

τελευτην. Λεγεται δε ποτε συλλαβεῖν - . . . 2

αυτον επὶ της κλίνης ζελος δρακόντων, i*xbor τοῖς δε μάντεις σκεψαμένους το τέρας ἄμφω μενε οὐκ εῶν ἀνελεῖν οὐδὲ ἀφειναι, περὶ δε θατέρου διαι-

ρειν, ως ὁ μὲν ἄρρην τω Τιβερίω φέροι θάνατον αναιρεθείς, η δὲ θ ήλεια Κορνηλία. Tὀν οὐν

Τιβέριον καὶ ψιλοὐντα την γυναῖκα καὶ μβλλον αὐτω προσήκειν, Oντι πρεσβυτέρω, καὶ τελευτῶν o ηγούμενον, ἔτι νέας ούσης εκείνης, τον μὲν αρρενα

H. G. I


κτεῖναι των δρακόντων, ἀφεῖναι δε την θηλειαν Aταυστερον οὐ πολλῶ χρόνω τελευτησαι, δεκαδυο παῖδας εκ τῆς Κορνηλίας αὐτω γεγονότας καταλιποντα. 3 C6fholi, iii Esἡ Κορνηλία δε ἀναλαβοῖσα τους παῖδας mother. οἰκον, οἴτω σώφρονα καὶ φιλὀ- 5 τεκνον κώ μιεγαλόψυχον αυτην παρέσχεν, ἄστε μηκακῶς δόξαι βεβουλευσθαι τον Tιβέριον ἀντὶ τοιαυ- της γυναικος ἀποθανεῖν ελόμενον, η γε καὶ Πτολεμαίου τοὐ βασιλέως κοινουμενου το διάδημα καὶ μνωμένου τον γάμον αυτης ἡρνήσατο, καὶ χρορεύουσα 3o τοῖς μεν ἄλλους ἀπεβαλε παῖδας, μίαν δε των θυγατερων, δε Σκηπίωνι τω νεωτέρω συν κησε, καὶ δύο υἱούς, περὶ ἄν τἁδε γεγραπται, Τιβεριον και Γαῖον, διαγενομενους οἴτω φιλοτίμως εξέθρεψεν, ωστε πάντων ευφυεστατους Ρωμαίων ομολογουμενως γεγονό- 35τας πεπαιδεὐσθαι δοκεῖν βέλτιον η πεφυκέναι προς

11 Ἐπεὶ δε, ἄσπερ η των πλασσομένων καὶ γρα- Generaleegbiti φομήνων Διοσκούρων Ομοιοτης εχει τινὰ τοὐ πυκτικοῖ προς τον δρομικον επὶ τῆς μορφῆς διαφοράν, οὐτω των νεανίσκων εκείνων εν πολλῆ τὴ προς ανδρείαν και σωφρο- 5σύνην, ετι δε ελευθεριότητα και λογιότητα καὶ μεγαλο φυ ίαν εμφερεία μεγάλαι περὶ τα εργα και τὰς πολιτείας οἷον εξήνθησαν καὶ διεφάνησαν ἀνομοιότητες,2 οὐ χειρον εἶναί μοι δοκεῖ ταύτας προεκθεσθαι. πρῶτον μεν οὐν ιδέα προσώπου και βλέμματι D

personat appear- και κινηματι πραος και καταστηματικος

ῆν ὁ Τιβέριος, εντονος δε καὶ σφοδρος

ὁ Γύῖος, ωστε και δημηγορεῖν τον μεν εν μια χώραβεβηκότα κοσμίως, τυν δε Pωμαίων πρῶτον επι τοὐ