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But Constantius, ullo vas oon to his courge an torment , seli more an imore unde the influenc os his reatenenay the Niconaedia Eusebius, no v transferre to the Seeos Constantinople whicli ad been vacated by the econ expulsionis Paul . A secon expulsion os Athanasius va no vnaeditated an it vas resolve to do vhat ad been impracticabie in 336,-to place a ne v bisho on the legandrian
The Eusebians, in his project could appea to eccle SiaSticalprincipies, and represent Athanasius as having ignore the Sentenc os a Councit, an re Sume his se on the round os an imperia mandate ' The charge id not come gracessit
a counci os his Sustras ans roni Egypti Libya, and Pentapolis , and procure Doni it an encyclicat, Whicli e sent by theliand os sonae priest toruonte. The two deputations beingilius conseonte With acti ther, Julius earnei the lacis asto the character os Pistus, and thereupon decline to write totam; an in Mareotic repori, ho vn to in by lae Eusebian
o Benedici, of Colunitan, an os Benaard, and of ali stes under an resoriners of monastic communities in me Vest. Athanasius received great hindiaeSs, no oni Dona JuliuS, Whosoon earn exto admire an love in ' titit Dona Eutropia thesister os Constantine I fro1 Abuterius, Sperantius, an manyoster XCellent persons an ii associatex vitii Marcellus, meeXiled bishop of Ancyra Whoniae had See a Nicaea, and ullo, havin been deposed by the Eusebians a me en O 335, I acharge of Sabellianigino , ad talcen refuge, silc himself, at Ronae'. Julius appe ars o have Sent two ptaeSis, Elpidius and Philoxenus, in the sumnae of this year, t Antioch vitii a letterso the Eusebians, in Whicli te again invited thenario a Councit,
advant age of me dedication os a ne v basilica at Antioch, calle dstoni iis splendour in Golde Church. to hold probatay
vlaicli vas almed at his a Se a harin disres ardet his 'de position,' and three creed Daime in languas e parti indesinite parti ait biit Nicene . Os his medication Councti no inforrnation ad reached Rome, When, in November, Julius re- Solve to xv ait no longer, an hel a Counci os more inantastybishops in moechurch ostiae presbyter Vito'. The Eusebian letter
ctaractenged by a servi eloquenc in regis to me benefit ostiae Incarnation , anxio ille inscrutable myster of the natureos God'. Athanasius remained a Rome untd the summer Os 343, fien, in the Murtia ear Dore his arrivat he received a lette Domthe mun empero Constans', 'Vlio, or bout the sanae periodsinceriti flavo liter o Constantine II. ha been sole foveret nos the Nest Heliad ornieri obtaine PDor Athanasius ome bound copies of the Scriptures arri' had recently unde the influence of bisho Maximin, repulsed Mur Eusebia prelatessent rom the Easto influence in against Athanasius, and ostio viim a ne v creed vilich al but consesse themonioousion M. He nox destre Athanasius to meet laim a Milan. On inquiring the cause, says Athanasius, Ad earned that sonae bishops hasta gone to his colari, and sice hin t write o Constantius, in orde to a. ne V Councii Accordingly I ventio Milan, an received great hindnes Dom hina sor e condescende to se me, in company vitii Protasius, istio os dilan, belli nil the curtain os the presen e-chamber, hi ut villiinia earing of his master of the ossices,' to a that he had
urit te ac cor ling to this equest. By the emperor' direction, Athanasius vent into aut in orde to mee HoSius, the Vene
II reser to e Seraphim vellinistet laces, ISa. i. a. Ain Apol ad ConSt. 4. See Ain. de 3m. 25N OZ. iii Io Hilar Fragm. iii 27. The discoveries of themasset a Fragmen and the Festa Letters have had the essecti throwin baci the dates of the Sardica Coiinci and thesecon retum os Athanasius. The received late os A. D. 3 7 so the Coiincit Soc. Sog. is prove to e to late even pari fron the lissi cultv as to Euphrates os Colotae . For Athanasius' retum vas sonae time aster thedeat os Gregory, whicli vas says Athanasius, in Hist. Aii. I some