The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


abscessu, quoque in mediocri suppuratione, id est aptum,abScera, alas in a moderate suppuration, that is sit, quod habet aridae resinae, nitri, ammoniaci, galbani, whioh hus os dry resis, of nitro, ον ammoniac, Ugalbanum, singul0rum pondo, cerae pondo. Aut in quo haec of euch a pound, of wuae a polind. Or in whroh these sar- Sunt : rasae aeruginis, thuris,licles) uro: of Haven scraped) verissigris, offrankincen8c, Singul0rum P. H. II. SaliS-ammoniaci p. H. VI. SqURmae sevcὴ p. H. II. of δaLu=mmoniac p. H. VI. of εcule aeris, Cerae, Singulorum p. H. VIII. aridae resinae P. H. Ubro , of wum, of euch p. H. VIII. 9 dry reδin P. Η . II. cJathus aceti. Farina cumini, cum AIA a muta os vinegar. Thomoal of oumin, icito struthio et melle, praestat idem. fuller's-herb und honey, effectε the Same., Si jecur dolet, id in quo est lacrimae V the liore is usuis, that in tohich there-is of tearbalSami p. N. XLI. COSti, Cinnamomi, corticiSU balsam p. N. XII. of costum, of cinnamon, of burk castae, myrrhae, croci, rotundi junci, seminis

ot cassia, of myrrh, of δ ron, ore round bubu8h, of seed balsami, Illyricast iridis, cardamomi, amomi, nardi, balsum, of Illyrion iris, of curdumom, of amomum, Vnuri

Singulorum p. Η. XVI. quibus adjicitur unguentumof euch p. H. AVI. to inhioh D-ud ted oiniment nardinum, donec sit crassitudo cerati. Et helonging-to-narc untii it-mv-be the thiolnera os cerate. Andusus est hujus recentis; Vero

mild wino, then they-are-muod with it. 4 At si lienis torquet, cortex glandis, quam ' But is the spleen tormenta, tho burh of the acorn, which


et nitrum contunduntur paribus portionibus, queund vitire are-beaton-together in equul portions, undreSperguntur aceto quam-acerrimo: ubi habetare spriuiled with vinegar αδ-εour-as os*iblo: whon it haScrassitudinem cerati, illinitur linteo, madefacto the uicturas of cerate, il-k-smearemon to lilat, made-wet

ante in frigida aqua, et sic imponitur, tofore sprevi ousty) in cold water, and thu8 istut-on, que sarina hordeacea injicitur supra: sed debetand meal belonginq-t0-bario is-oast-on above: but it oughi non manere ibi amplius sex horis, nensi to remala thoro more than sis hours, test ConSumat lienem; que est satius idit may-Consume the spleen; und it-is proferablo sor) that fieri bis, aut ter.

Autem Lyseas composuit commune et But Lysias has compo3ed a malagma common both jocinori, et lieni, et abscessibus, et Strumae, to the livor, and to the spleen, and to ab3oenes, and to Scrosula, parotidibus,tomarotid-3wellings, Suppurantibus aut suppurating orarticulis, quoque calcibus to thejoinis, ulso to heelsaliter dolentibus, etiamotheritiso being-inoain, alao concoctioni ventris, ex his:

to concoction of the bel0, oret of thrae ingredients): opoponacis, Styraei S, galbani, resinae, singulorum Us pop0nax, of StFra , of galbanum, of rosin, of eaohP. H. II. ammoniaci bdellii, cerae, sevi p. N. II. 9 ammoniae, of bdellium, of wur, of suettaurini, aridae iridis P. H. iv. helonginq-to-the buli, os dry iris p. N. IV. acetabulo cachryos, quadraginta granis piperis :with an acetabulum os caclirys, withforty g ruin3 ot pepper:

quae contrita temperantur unguento irino.whita belagobruised are-mirod with oiniment bolongis-ω-iris.


Autem est compositio Apollophanis ad But there-is a composition ον Apollophanes to lar)d0lores laterum: in qua Sunt re8inae poliis of the fides spleuristes in whioh aro in rosinterebinthinae, fuliginis thuris, belonging-to-turpentine, of εoot os fruηhιncenso, Singulorum P. H. iv. bdellii, ammoniaci, iridis, of eaoh p. H. IV. of bdellium, of ummontuo, os iris, aevi vitulini, aut caprini, R

ubi id est maturum, rumpit cutem, et perduci L ad ichen it is ripe, bursis the shin, and Duds tocicatricem. Prodest impositum minutis a scar cicatrigation). It projici heing ut-on to sinalique majoribus abscessibus ; item articulis, queand to greator ab8ce8sese atio to thoboinis, and ideo et c0xis, et pedibus on-that-account both to the 1 3, onil to the foetd0lentibus: item, si quid collisum-est in bcing-intain : uiso, is ony thing) hus-boon-bruised iuc0rpore, reficit; quoque emollit dura et inflata


Sycamorum, Sycamorf, etandIllyricaeos Illyrian iris,

they callTotundi of tho round bdellii, V bdellium,

Sal-ammoniaci, Creticae Of-8a ammoniuo, in Cretan Singulorum p. H. I. piperis et 9 euch p. N. I. of popper both longi, thymiamatis-ammoniaci, of tho long, of gum-ummonias, iridis, cardamomi, amomi, os cardamom, of amomum, masculi thuris, of malo frankincenSE, singulorum, p. N. N. of euch, P. COcci, spumae berta, offoum aristolochiae, radicis asistolochy, of oot


to be-oollected to sosten aud combine these drugs). Vero praecipuum ad resolvenda But the esseolai malagma) to sor) remaria quae Sunt adstricta, mollienda the things) whicis ore bounc ε tening sine things)quae sunt dura, digerenda quae coeunt, whioh ore hord, digesting dispersing thos e wliol colleot, est id quod refertur ad Polyarchiam auctorem. is that whioh D- referred to Polyarchu3 as) tho author. Habet quadrati junci, cardamomi, fuliginis It has of square buli ush, of card rom, of Νοοι thuris, amomi, cerae, liquidae resinae, pares of frunhincen3e, os amomum, UM , Uliquid resin, equal


emollit dura. Habet galbani unciam, sulis issostens hard things). D-has of galbanum anounce, of Sootthuris p. m. Cerae, thymiamatis-ammoniaci, trienteS, of incen*e p. of wai, of gum-ammoniac, thiria aridae picis p. II. aceti tres heminas. athird), 0 dry pitch P. II. of vinegar three heminae. i. Etiam , sertur sub Also One) i borno rep0rted) under the name os)auctore Medo, ad-digerenda, quae the author Medus, to sor) di ting dispersing things , whiohcoeunt, quod habet cerae P. f. Panaeis P. H. S. colloci, which has of wrei p. m. 9 panu G p. N. S. squamae aeris, rotundi aluminis, item scissilis, of ycale of brass, of round ulum, uiso of Scintlo aliam , singulorum p. N. I. c0mbuSti plumbi P. H. I. S. of ach p. Η . L. 9 burni Dad p. Η . I. S. i, Panthemus utebatur ad eadem, Ponthemus did-use iliis) to lar) tho Rame sthings , calcis p. S. contriti sinapis, item Graecios lime p. S. Vbruised sp0Wdered) musturd, ulso of Greehsami, aluminis, Singulorum p. I. Sevi huy scenugreel ), Uulum, of euch p. I. 9 Suot


Invenio multa malagmata ad Afrumam.

est, que minus facile diScutitur, eo

plura tentata-esse: quae mucli) more fremedi es) to have-bsen-triodo tolichresponderunt varie in personis. Andreas havo-answered variou80 in disserent) persons. Andreus est auctor, ut lime misceatitur: is the author, thut these sarticles) mv-bo-mιred Seminis Urticae P. V. I. rotundi piperis, bdellii,

of eed o netile p. H. I. Uround pepper, of bdellium, galbani, ui ymiamatis-ammoniaci, aridae resinae, of galbanum, Ugum-ammoniac, os dry resin, cerae, pyrethri, longi piperis, seminis lactucae ofwai, of toildmellitory, ylos pepper, of δeed os Diluce

marinae, sulphuris non experti belongis-to-the-gea, of britastone not having-αrperien edignem, qu0d Vocatur απυρον, aridae Decis aceti,

spumae nitri, Salis-ammoniaci, Sinapis, cardamomi, offam os nitre, of εuGu montuc, VmuStard, of cardamoni, radicis ex cucumere silvestri, of root out-of the cucumber belongis-to-the-woods wild), re8inae, Singulorum P. H. VIII. qi de Contundunturos rosin, of euch p. H. VIII. which are-beaten-together ex leni vino.

Fit expeditius ad idem That D-made more- peditiou80 to sor) the xunio quod habet semInis visci, Stercoris. thing), whion has of tho secit os viscu8, Udung, resinae, Sulphuris experti non ignem, pares of resin, of brisnsione huving - perienced not the sire, equolportiones. Et in quo est Sulphuris p. portions. And that) in which there-is of britastone s.


. I. lapidis, quem Vocant πυρίτην spuriten , Η . I. Vthe ytone, whicis they culi purites, P. H. Iv. acetabulum cumini. Item in quo P. H. IV. an acetabulum os cumin. Also stliat) in rehiohest una pars ejusdem lapidis, duae partes there-is one part of the 3ume Rione, two puris sulphuris, tres partes resinae terebinthinae. y brim/tone, three puris in rosin bolongis-to-turpentine.

o Autem est cujusdam Arabis ad But there. is sa malagma 9 u certain Arub tostrumam, et orientia tubercula, quae Vocantur

in iis tuberibus, quae conCOquuntur in those tumours, rohich are-concocted suppurate)dissiciliter, et in iis quae vocantur καρκινω ,

cerae P. I.


ea tubercula, quae nominatur μελι ἱρια, id eSt, those tubercles, whita are-uamed meli heria, that iis, savi, vel , item mala ulcera, Protarchus honey-Combδ, or phumata, also r) bad ulcers, Protarchus miscebat pumicis, liquidae reSinae Pineae,

did-mis of pumice, os liquid resin belonging-to-themine, fuliginis thuris, spumae nitri, iridis, singulorum σδost offrunhincenso, offoum os nitre, Viris, of euo4

P. H. VIII. Cum P. H. IX. cerae, que adjiciebat P. H. VIII. Mith p. N. IX. of tou.r, and he diiudditis cyathum et dimidium olei.

19 At adver8us panem, tum primum orientem, Aut against panis, then si si ' arising, quod Graeci vocant φύγίθλον, et omne tuberculum rehioh the Greeis catl phugethl0n, and every tubercle quod nominatur φύμα, Ochra, quae nominaturti hich iε-n med phuma, ochre, which D-nominated Attice, miscetur cum duabus partibus similae, Attio, is-mimed with two puris offines ur, que mel instillatur subinde his, and honey ismoured-δευ- -δεν occuSionalty to these,

dum contunduntur, donec sit crassitudo while they-ure-bruised, untii it-may-bo the thichneso malagmati S.

of u malagma. o Etiam id discutit omne tuberculum quod ' Also that dissipatos every tubercto relichvocatur φυμα, quod habet calcis, Spumae nitri, is-culled phuma, what has of lime, off0um os nitro, rotundi piperis, singulorum p. H. I. galbani P. Η . II. 0 round pepper, of euch p. A. I. galbanum . M. Ealis P. R. IV. quae excipiunturos sau p. H. IV. whioh are-received incorporaled)cerato facto ex rOSa.


Que id supprimit omne quod abscedit, And that Ruppresses every thing) whioh abscedes in quo est galbani, hessae sotans abscess), in tolich there-is of galbanum, of bruised

fabae, singulorum P. H. I. myrrhae, thuris, boan, of euch p. H. I. in myrrh, offrankinoeme, corticis ex radice capparis, Singulorumore barh out-of the root of ths cuper-tree, . V ea hP. Η. IV. Que mureX combustus, et bene contritus, p. H. IU. And murex burni, and weu bruised

aceto subinde adjecto, digerit p0Kdered), vlasgar occ tonatly being-added, dispersea

satis omnia abScedentia.

At si sanguis subit satis, But is theblood go extra 'asat es) ε ciently imponitur recte, quod quoque p0test very mucli), that) Dou on rightly, which uiso is-allo adversus phymata. Constat ex his : is effective) ugainst phymata. It consista out-of thesebdellii, styracis, ammoniaci, galbani, ingredients : ybdellium, of atyr , jummontuo, os galbanum, resinae, et aridae et liquidae pineae, resin, both Uthedry und stheliquid belonginq-to-theolae, item ex lentisco, thuris, iridis, singulorumatio out-os maStich, offran inceηδ' o ris, of each

But harhinode cancrous) phymata are Soothedcommode bis: galbani, visci, allevialed, es antageou30 by thrae: of galbanum, ofviscns,

ammoniaci, resinae terebinthinae, Singulorum os ammoniaci os resin belonging - to-turpentine, of each P. H. I. sevi taurini p. s. combustae iscis p. R. I. of Suot belongi W-to-the-buli p. g. of burni De


portione quam-m aina, dum faciat in a portion αδ-great-asmo ibis, while so that) it may-muheid non siccius quam oportet malagma eSSe. that not more-dry than it-behoves a malagma to be. o Quod-si facie contusa est Lut-f the face belW-bruised there-is subcruentus livor, haes compositio imposita a 8omewhal-bloody lividity, this compositrem being mutisnnocto et die tollit. Aristolochiae,

thapsiae, Singulorum p. N. H. bdellii, Styracis, of thapsia, of euch p. N. II. of bdellium, of styrax, thymiamitis-ammoniaci, galbani, aridae reSinae, et os gum-ammonius of galbanum, os dry resin, and liquidae ex lentisco, masculi thuris, Illyricaeos liquid Out-os mustioli, os male frankinoense, os Illyrianitidis, cerae, singulorum p. H. IV. Quoque laba imposita iris, of torei, of euch p. H. IV. Atio beau put-on proficit idem.

benestes the Same. Sunt etiam quaedam malagmata, quae Graeci There-are uiso sonio malagmata, et hita tho Greels

VOCant στομωτικα, quoniam habent vim

cali stomoti lca, beouuso theyt e the foroe potver)aperiendi. Quale est quod constat ex his: of opening. Such os is that) whiel consista out-of theselongi piperis, spumae nitri, Singulorum articlea) : os long pepyer, offoum nitre, of eaohp. Η. H. erySimi P. H. IV. quae mi Scentur cum melle. p. Η . u. of erySimon p. Η . IV. which ar -mired with hono.Que sunt etiam idonea Strumae aperiendae. And thoy-are uiso propor for 3 Uula to h -υ ed. iis generis, que Vehementius ex his