The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


et Graecum and Greel

temperantur. ar mitis. tantundem, just---muta, foenum, et roSa, et crocum

. Salisor Velaterium

. of suu

arf- received melle.

4 Autem compositio Numerili est optima Aut the composition V Nu1nenius is the beει adversus inflammationes vulvae, quae habet sulast in flammations of the bludder, whioh has croci P. H.

. cerae P. H. I.

. of wax P. E. I.


anserini P. H. XII. VIII.


cyatho. than a cyath. Vero

fulsi infans decessit intus

utendum eo.


locorum, cochleae cum suis

testis comburendae que conterendae,

But there-are εome mirtur medicamentorum, quibus utimur aridi S, neque

cum aliquo liquido. Some liquid.


P. H. I. aeruginis p. Η. II. Autem haec eadem p. H. I. in verit ris p. H. II. But thrae 3amscum melle purgant ulcera; cum cera implent.

Misy quoque et galla, si misceantur Misy also and nutwall, is they may-be-mued paribus portion7bus, consumunt corpus, in equul portions, consume the bo ille neshin, que licet inspergere ea vel arida, veland it-D-ullowed to urinhD-on them either dry, or illinire excepta cadmiato Smear-on them) being -reoo, d incorporaled) with cadmia.


6 Vero mel vel cum lenticula, vel cum ' But honey either with lentit, or mith marrubio, vel cum soliis oleae, ante horelounc or tolth leaves of olive, be re spreviοusty)decoctis ex vino, continet Putrem Carnem, bolied out-of in wino, restruina putrid flesh, neque patitur Serpere ultra, et leniter exest. rior alloκε it),to creep Iarther, and g ently eu&-out Item Campana-sertula cocta corrodes). Aiso Campaniun-litt&-garland melilot) bouedin mulso, deinde contrita, aut calx cum iu hydramel, afterwarda belW-bruised, or lime with

Cerato, aut amarae nuces Cum allio, sic

Spumae argenti p. Η. VI. combusti Cornu

atramenti-sutorii, aloes, Singulorum 9 ink-belonging-to-εhoemahors scopperasin, Vuloe, oseuckP. H. II. sciSSilis aluminis, thuris, singulorum . Η . IL. of Sol iis alum, offranhinoen8e, of eacu P. H. IV. gallae P. H. Vm. ari Stolochiae P. H. X. p. Η. IV. V nulsau p. H. VIII. V aristolocis p. H. X. Etiam auripigmentum cum chalcitide, et aut nitro, Aiso orpiment with chalcitis, and oither tolth nitre, aut calce, aut combusta charta lacit idemur inith time, or tolth burni paper offecis) tho δume


adurendo. Item sal cum aceto. Vel ea compositio -burnis. Aiso sale with vinegar. Or that compositionquae habet chalcitidis, capitulorum Punici mali,

aloes, Singulorum p. H. II. ScisSalis

P0megranate , of aloe, of euch p. H. II. 9 scissile aluminis, thuris, Singulorum p. H. IV. gallae alum, offrankincenso, of euch p. H. IV. of nutwallP. H. VIII. aristolochiae P. H. X. mellis quantum p. H. VIII. of aristolocis p. H. a. of honey --much- sit satis ad ea Cogenda.

1nv bo susscient to those things) to bo-collected sto incor-Uel cantharidum, sulfuris, Singulorum porate them). Or o cantharides, of brinruone, of each P. H. I. lolii P. H. HI. quibus adjicitur liquidae p. H. I. V darnei P. H. III. to which is adsed os liquid picis quantum est Satis ad ungendum. Velpitch as-much-as is 3 cient toboining them). Orquoque chalcitis mixta cum resina et ruta; aut also chalcitis mized with resin and rue; ordiphryges mixta cum eadem resina; aut taminia-uva diphryges mited with the δame resin; or Stauesa ecum liquida pice. Vero combustae saeces vini, et

pares portiones calcis et nitri, possunt idem: equul portions of tims and 9 nitre, are-alle the fame vel scissilis aluminiS P. H. have the fame effect): or os cinito alum p. Η. in. thuris, Sandaracliae, nitri, Singulorum P. N. I. of rankinoenae, σ3andarach, of nitro, of each p. N. I. gallae p. H. Vm. ari Stolocliam p. Η. X. mellis innutWali p. H. VIII. Varistolocis p. Η. A. of honest

Est etiam compositio Herae, quae habet 'i' There-is also a compo3ition Q Hera, ichich has


myrrhae, chalcitidis, Singulorum p. N. II. aloes, of myrrh, of chalcitis, of euch p. Η . II. V ulae, thuris, scissilis alumini S, Singulorum P. H. IV.9frankincense, os scissile alum, of each p. γ . IV. aristolochiae, immaturae gallae, Singulorum P. H. VIII.

of aristolochy, junrme nutwall, of euch p. Η. VIII. contriti malicorii p. Η X. of bruised pomegranate-rind P. H. X. 4 Est Judaei, in qua Sunt There-is sanother) 9 Iudoeus, in whiol there-are duae partes calcis, tertia pars nitritaeo paris of lime, a third pari inniti equam-ruberrimi, quae coguntur urina

-remaSmo ibis, whioh ure collected sunt ted) withtheurine pueri impuberis donec sit ina-boy not-arriveLatoubero untii it-may-be crassitudo strigmenti. Sed is locus, cui the thisin s of strigment. But thae place, to whichid illinitur, est subinde madefaciendus. that is meareson, is occaSionalty to be-mu -wet. At Iollas miscebat combustae Chartae, But Iollo did mix Vburni puer, sandarachae, Singulorum P. H. I. Calcis P. II. of sandarach, of euch p. H. I. of lime p. II. auripigmenti tantundem. Vorpiment just-a much. 0 Vero si sanguis profluit ex mΡmbrana Aut is biood solosinorth out-of the membrane quae est Super cerebrum, combustus et contritus which is over thebrain, burne and bruiseu vitellus debet inspergi. Si estyolh- QV oright to-bo-vrinkDd-on. V there-is profluvium Sanguinis ex alio l0co, auripigmenti, asotoing of blood out-j unother place, os orpiment, squamae peris, Singulorum P. H. I. Sandarachae σεcute of brus3, 9 cuc4 p. E. I. of Sandarachp. H. II. cocti marmoris p. H. IV. debent p. Η. II. Ucooked calcined) murbie p. H. IV. ou Λι


inspergi. Eademto bo-vrlahielon. The same mings)Cancro. Ad cicatricem

to induce cicatriZation), σε ule quoque obsistunt utio opp9δs inducendam, to be-broughtonderis, suliginis of bru3s, of8ootthuris, singulorum

P. H. II.

P. N. IV. Eadem qu0que Coercent Carnem p. Η . IV. The fame alsor train


growing-on fungous flesti)., Autem Timaeus utebatur his ad But Timaeus did usetoith thos


Cancrum: myrrhae p. Η . u. thuris, cancer: of myrrh p. H. u. VirankincenSe, atramenti-sutorii, singulorum os inh-belonging-to-8hoemulers scopperas), of eucis P. H. m. Sandarachae, auripigmenti, Squamae aeris, P. Η . III. σδandarach, of orpiment, ostscule of bra ,singulorum P. H. Iv. gallae P. H. VI. CombuStae of euch p. H. IV. of nutWHI P. H. UI. Utaret cerussae p. N. VIII. Ea Vel inspersa arida, vel Ceru3e p. Η . VIII. These either vi inh&Lon data, orexcepta melle, praeStant idem.

u Vero Sternutumenta excitantur vel albo' But 8noezings are- ested either istolite veratro, vel struthio conjecto in nares, hellebore, or is struthium botng-cast into the nostriti,

vel his mixtis: piperis, albior is these articles) being mitis: of pepper, os inhite

veratri, Singulorum P. H. . ea8torei P. H. I. hellebore, of euch p. Η. m. oscastoreum p. Η. I. spumae nitri p. Η. I. struthii P. Η . IV. offam os nitro P. N. I. V struthium p. N. IV.


9 Autem gargarizationes fiunt aut causa But gargies are-made either for-th sale laevandi, aut reprimendi, aut evocandi. of moothis, or os repre ing or of cuuing orthLac, cremor Vel ptisanae the humours). Miu, cream eιther of harlvWrout vel sursurum laevant. Aqua in qua Velor of brans εmooth. IV iter in tolita either

i Antidota sunt

Antidotes are praecipue necessacta, quia pectui ly nec sury, hecauScraro, sed interdumaeldom, but some times opitulantur gravissimis they assisl to the heavi teasibus. Ea dantur recte

most serious) accidenis. They urewiven rightly quidem corporibus collisis, vel per ictus, vel indoed to bodios bring dusheri either blow8, or ubi deciderunt ex alto, et heu they-hau Julian- domi out-U rom) u h I place), vel in doloAbus viscerum, laterum, DUCIumor in palns of the viscera, of the εides, ore thesaueeS,

que interiorum partium. Autem Sunt maxime und of the inner paris. But they-are mo8tly desideranda adversus venena inserta

Est unum quod habet lacrimae papaveris There-is one antidote) which hus of teor of poppy


Illyricae i Adis, V Illyriun iris,

anisi P. H. LII. unise p. Η . III. Tmae, cardamomi, Uthe rose, os cardamom, gummi, singulorum P. H. II

of gum, of euch P. H. M. Gallici nardi, aridorum soliorum os Gallio nurd, os dry leaves Singulorum P. H. IV. petroselinios euia P. N. IV. of paratu

silis, bdellii, geminis balsami, albi piperis, of sit, of bdellium, of seed Vbulsum, of wlite pesper,

myrrhae, opopanacis, Syri Dardi, masculi j myrrh, of opopan , of riun nard, of male thuris, succi liypocistidis, Singulorum p. H. VI.franhino 3o, oi uice of yStu3-rout, of euch p. H. VI. castorei P. H. VI. Costi, albi piperis, of OaStoreum P. H. VI. 9 C0δtum, 9 wlite pener, galbani, resinae terebinthinae, croci, os galbanum, of r in belonginq-to-turpentine, of ε ron, floris rotundi junci, Singulorum P. H. VI. - . offlower of round buli usi, of euch p. Η . VI. α se. dulcis radicis of 3weet root licorice excipiunturare received incorporaled)

vel melle vel either with hono or

Alterum Another quod 7 hiohZopyrus dicitur composuisse Zopyrus is-3uid to have. compored regi Ptolemaeo, atque nominasse Ambrosiam, for hing Ptolemy, and to have numed Ambrosia, constat ex his: Costi, masculi it- consist3 out-of these things): 9 Gδtum, of mul thuris, Singulorum p. Η . V. albi piperis frontinoen8e, of euch p. H. V. V Mitte pepper

P. H. II. p. H. II.


cinnamomi P. H. m. nigrae casiae p. H. Iv. Cilicii os cinnamon P. H. III. of blach cantu p. R. IV. V Cilicum

Iusinon p. H. IV. m. of myrrh which they name stahien) p. H. v. Indici nardi P. H. V. m. Quae Stulte p. H. V. V Indian nard p. Η. V. -. Whion singilla contrita excipiuntur COctoeach severally) belag-bruised are-received mixed) with-boiled melle: deinde ubi est utendum, id quod impleat honeyo Uterwarils when it-is to-be-used, that which missili magnitudinem AEgyptiae labae diluItur in equal) the sire in an Egyption bean is-diluted iupotione vini. u potion V wine. A Autem nobilissimum est

But the most-noble samous antidote) is stliat Mithridatis, sumendo quod quotidie ille rex dicituros Mithridates, O tahing whioh datly that hing D-suid

reddidisse suum corpus tutum adversus periculato have-rendered his hody 8ufo againεt the dungeres Venenorum. In quo sunt haec: costiypoisons. Ira whioh ure the3e ingredients) : of oo3tum P. Η. Z. acori P. H. V. hyperici, gummi, p. H. a. . of acorum P. H. V. yli Pericon, of gum, Sagapeni, Succi acaciae, Illyricae iridis, of sagapenon, Visice of acacia, of Illyrian iris, cardamomi, singulorum P. H. H. aniSi P. H. m. of cardamom, of euch p. H. M. Os aniδe p. H. III. Galilici nardi, gentianae-radicis, aridorum soliorum rosae, of Gallio nurd, 9 gentiun-root, os dry Dανω ον ro8e, singulorum P. H. IV. lacrimae papaveris, petroselini, of each P. H. IV. of terer of poppy, of parvo, singulorum P. H. Iv. m. casiae, Silis, l0lii, longios euch p. Η. IV. m. V ca8Sia, VSil, of Ornet, os long piperis, singulorum P. H. VI, Styruet 8 P. H. V. m. pener, of euch P. H. VI, of Styrrei p. H. V. .castorei, thuris, succi liypocistidis, of castoreum, Uyrunstinc Se, ον uice of cystus-rsos,


myrrhae, opopanacis, singulorum p. H. VI. si 9 myrrh, of opopanax, of eaia p. H. G. V leos malobathri p. H. vi. floris rotundi junei, ον malobathrum P. H. VI. offlower of the round bubuia,

V a ron, os ginger, of cinnamon, of euch p. H. VIII. Haec contrita excipiuntur melle, et Thrae belW-bruued are received uni ted) with honey, and quod impleat magnitudinem Graecae

nueiS, datur ex vino, adversus venenum. Autem nut, iswivon Out-os sin) wrne, against polaon. Butin ceteris affectibus corporis, pro modom other asinotrony of the body, accord/W-to the mannereorum, vel quod impleat

ervi, est Satis.

P. A. II. se. costi, quadrati junci, baccarum, P. H. II. . of costum, of square bubuδὴ, of herries, lauri, ammoniaci, cardamomi, Singulorum P. Η . IV. m. V Duroc os ammoniac, of cardamom, Ofeach p. H. IV. f. myrrhae, combusti peris, singulorum P. H. VII. Illyr7coeo myrrh, of burnt.bm83, of eaci P. H. VII. Os Illyrian