The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류



mellis of honta quod whiohresolvit, relaxe8, nitrum, nitre,

picis offitoh

crassitudo the uitane 27. grana, nitri, Cerae, gruin' of nitro, of tcain, P. . Olei heminam. p. . 9 oil a hemina. His Quoque est Miconis,

aperit, purgat. Habet alcFonium, Sulphur, Open' puri 3. It-has ulcSonium, brimStone, pumicem, paribus portionibus ; quibus tantum pumice, in equul portion8; to which δο-much et cerae adjicitur ut fiat . and of wam is adsed that it-may-be-madecerati. of cerate. Autem Aristogenis, ad ossa, sit

ex his: sulphuris P. H. I. TeSinae utu-of these ingredients) : of brim tone p. H. I. 9 rσελ terebinthinae, spumae nitri, et interiorisbelonging-to-turpentine, offoam os nitre, and 9 the innerpartis ex scilla, eloti plumbi, Singulorum P. H. U. part out-of εquili, of wa3hed Mad, of eaoh P. N. II. fuliginis thuris p. Η. vm. aridae ficus of Soot offrankinc δ e p. H. VIII. os dry fg

quam-pinguissImae, Sevi taurini, singulorum 3 ut-mmo die, of εuet besing ing-to-the-ιuli, of euch 'P. H. VIII. Cerae p. Η. XII. Macedonycae iridis p. Η. VI. p. H. VIII. of wax p. H. XII. UMacedoniau iriS p. H. VI. acetabulum fricti sesami. an acetabulum offled Sesamum. 2A Que malagma convenit maxIme nervis

And a malagma is si particularly for the nervos et articulis. Igitur Euthyclei est und for the jolata. Thorefro that) of Euthyoteus is

conveniens et ad articulO8, et ad omnem dolorem, Attist both to tho Dinis, and to every pain, ad vesicae, et ad articulos contractos



recenti cicatrice, quas Graeci nominant ἀγκυλας is recent Scar, whioh the Greeks cali agi illas), quod habet fuliginis thuris agi ulai, which hus of soot offr Lino 3eaCetabulum, resinae tantundem, galbani sine an acetabulum, of resin just-a3-much, of galbanum Mithout SurCuliS Sescunciam, ammoniaci, bdellii, the stulti an ounoe-and-a-lassi os ammonico, of bdellium, Singulorum p. cerae p. s. Ad eosdem di tos : iridis, yeuch p. m. 9 wui p. R. To the 8ume sngers: Viris, ammoniaci, galbani, nitri, Singulorum P. Η . XIV. ammontuo, os galbanum, of nitro, of ea fi P. H. XIV. liquidae resinae p. H. VI. Cerae P. H. XVI. V liquid resin p. H. m. of wai p. Η. AG. Ad dolores articulorum Sosagorae :*' Tb solus of the joinis stliere is one) VSosagor :combusti plumbi, lacrimae papaveris, corticis hyoscyami, of burni Dari os teor in poppy, of bark of honbone, styracis, peucedani, SeVi, resinae, cerae pareSV styrax, of peucedanum, of Suet, of resin, of wuae equul

Chrysippi: liquIdae resinae, Sandarachae, That) of Chrysippus : of liquid resin, of Sandarach,

piperis, singulorum P. H. XII. quibus paululum cerae VPepper, oseuch p. Η . A. II. to which very-litile of w adjicitur. D-added. Ctesiphontis: Creticae cretae, resinae

terebinthinae, nitri quam-ruberrimi, Singulorumhelonging-to-turpentine, of nitro as-ro Ha3-poni te, of eaohp. S. olei tres cyathi. Sed id nitrum teritur ante p. R. of Oil three cyaths. Aut that nitro is-rubbed bestiore per triduum, aqua instillata, thro h the-Apuc -U-throe- lays, water belW-droppe son, et incoquitur cum Sextario ejus, donec omn s


32. recte humor consumatur. Vero ea compositio potest the molature may be-consumed. But that compositioni is tibi etiam ad parotidas, phymata,

Strumam, que omnem collum humoris emolliendum.

ror ulu, and lar every collection of hi our to be 3 Lene l. Ad articulos, quoque aliquis ponit To sor the Dinis, uiso some person places partem aridi fici mixtam nepetae: vel right y part of u dry fg mi red lo cut-mini; or

Sed Aristonis quoque fit ad eam, quod But that) of Ari8ton uiso k-made to r) that, inhiokhabet nardi, Cinnamomi, Casiae, Chamaeleontis, has of nurri os cinnamon, os cassia, of chamaeleon, rotundi junci, Singulorum P. H. Vm. SeVios round bubush, Voachcaprini, liquati belonging - to-thewoat, meited . XX. iridis P. H. I. quae

debet jacere in aceto Η. XX. of iri8 p. Η. I. which ought to ite in v/negarquam-acerrimo per viginti dies. Autem idem αδ-Sour-asmosSible thro h twenty dus. But the sumo etiam discutit recensa phymata, que omnes doloreS. uiso dissiputes recent phymata, and ali potn8. A. At ad dolores pedum Theoxenus' Aut to sor) suins of the feet Theoxenus miscebat tertiam partem sevi a renibus, did-mi r a third puri os suet froni tho hulnem, duas partes salis, que imponebat membranulam two puris of 8ult, arid he didout-on a littis hin leatlier)illitam his; tum superinjiciebat thymiama


At NumenIns molliebat podagram, que ceteros But Numenius id sosten gout, and other articulos induratos, hoc: abrotoni, jointa heing-hurdened, withthis . of εouthernwood, aridae rosae, lacrimae papaveriS, Singulorum P. H. ΠΙ. of y roso, of tear Upoppy, Ofeues p. Η. III. resinae terebinthinae P. H. IV. thuris, 9 resin belonging-to turpentine p. Η. IV. Offraniin ense, Spumae, nitri, Singulorum P. H. VIII. iridis, aristolochiae, of Dum Unitre, of euch p. H. VIII. Osiris, of aristolocis, Singulorum P. H. XII. cerae P. III. quibus adjicitur unus Ueuch p. H. AII. 9 wuae p. III. to which k-added onecyathus cedri, tres cyathi olei

laurei, Sextarius acerbi olei. belonginq-to-the-laurei, a sextarius ore bitter oll. AA Autem si quando callus increvit

lenis vini instillatur. Umild wine ismoured-drop -drop. Autem ex emplastris nulla praestant majorem NyN' But out-os plastera nono ord greuter usum, quam quae injiciuntur protinus uso, than that) whichiare cast-on sapplied) immediatolycruentis vulneribus: Graeci vocant Enim to blao wounda: tho Greehs culi them) enuimu. Forhaec reprimunt inflammationem, nisi magna vis these repress inmmmation, uniera great force cogit eam, atque quoque minuunt

violetice, competi it, and uiso tho diminist


impetum ejus; tum, glutinant vulnera the uitata V it: then secondi y , they glutinate wounda quae patiuntur id, inducunt cicatricem inlita su er admit) that, theybring-on scar cicatrigation

iisdem . Autem constant ex medicamentis nouto the-Rame. Bul they-consist out-j medicines notpinguibus, que ideo nominantur αλόπαιν'. fui, and On-that-account aro-named al*uine.

i Optimum ex his est quod vocatur The best Out-of theso is that)-whioh iε-oulleuBarbarum. Habet rasae aerugini S P. H. XII. the Barbarian. D-has VRoraped verdigris p. H. XII. Spumae argenti P. Η. XX. aluminis, aridae

picis, aridae resinae pineae. Singulorum Pitch, os dry r in belonging-to themine, of eao P. H. I. quibus adjiciuntur olei et Laceti singulae P. N. I. to rchich are-added 9 oil undis vinegar single


heminae a hemina os each).b Alterum ad idem, quod vocant Coacon, Another to sor) the sume, rohich they culi Coacon, habet spumae argenti p. N. C. aridae resinaehus offoum os silver litharge) p. Η . C. os dry resin tantundem: sed spuma Prius coquitur just-as-much: but the fotim litharge) previsusty k-boiled ex tribus heminis olei. His duobus ou of with) three heminae of Oil. To these two emplaStris est niger color, qui sere pluaters there-is ablach colour, which y--the-moδtmare fit talis ex pice atque resina: at eXisemade εuch out-of pitch und reain: but that) out-σbitumine nigerrimus; ex aerugine, aut Squama ιitumen is) mouet-bluch ; that out-j verit ris, or scule aeris, viridis; eX mimo ruber;

ex cerussa albus.


s Sunt admodum paucae compositiones in quibus There-are very few compositions in teliolvarietas mixturae novat aliquid. Ergo varios of miature renewδ changes) some thing). Thermore id quoque est nigrum, quod nominatur βασιλιμον. that plaster) also is blach, which is-named basili hon. Habet panacis p. N. I. galbani P. H. II. Picis, It-haδ of panaces p. N. I. o/ galbanum P. H. II. Upitch, et resinae, singulorum P. H. x. olei dimidium-Cyathum.

tantundem, aceti, quo fuligo et aerugo juδt-αS-much, ofvinegar, in rchiol the gootiand the veritigris cogantur in unum. may-be oroed incorporaled) into one. Est etiam sere rufi coloris, There-is sone plaster) aiso almost Ua-red colour, quod videtur perducere vulnera celeriter ad cicatricem. tohita εeems to Dud wounda qui stly to a Scar Habet thuris P. H. I. reSinde cicatrietation). D-hos offrankincenSe p. H. I. Os resin P. H. II. Squamae aeris P. N. IV. Spumae argenti p. Η. II. of Scale of bran p. Η. IV. offoum os silver P. Η XX. cerae p. H. C. Olei heminam. litharge) p. H. XX. Vticaae p. N. C. of Oil a hemina. Praeterea est quam Vocant

Besides there-is sone composition) which th. cauπαρακου, τικην sparaholletilien) a glutinando. Constat paraholle like from glutinating. It consista ex his: bituminis, scissilis aluminis p. Η.out-of these sthings): of bitumen, of ScisSile sirem p. Η.


IV. Spumae argenti p. Η. XL. veteris olei

hemina. . . .

a hemina. - Praeterea Sunt quaedam ejusdem generis,/' Besides there-are Rome 9 the 8ame hirid, quae, quia Conveniunt maxime fractis capitibus, whioh, because they-arest particularly for-brohen heads, nominantur a Graecia κεφαλικα. Compositio are-numed by the Greeks kephalilia. The oon, ition Philotae habet Eretriae terrae, chalcitidis, Singulorum

os Philotas has of Eretrian eurth, of chalcitis, of euch

P. H. IV. myrrliae, Combu Sti aeris, Singulorum p. Η. p. N. IV. 0 myrrh, of burni brura, of euch p. H. X. ichthyocollae p. H. VI. raSae aerugini8, X. Visinglus3 p. H. VI. of Sorved vel digris, aristolochyse, rotundi aluminis, Singulorum P. H. VIII. V aristolocis, of round alum, of ea Λ p. H. VIII. squamae aeris P. H. X. masculi thuriS P. H. II. V acule of brusa p. Η. X. V male frankincems p. N. II. cerae P. I. rOSae, et acerbi olei, ternos cyathos,

of reai p. I. Urose oll), and of uo b Oil, three cyaths, aceti quantum est satis, dum arida os vinegar as-much-as is sufficient, while the dry ingre-

conteruntur ex eo.

peris, Squamae aeris, myrrhae, ichthyocollae, singulorum br*3, of δculo os bran, of myrrh, of iSinglura, of euch P. H. VI. crudi misy, rasae aeruginis, ari StolochIM, P. H. UI. of crude misy, of δoruped vel digris, of aristolocis, rotundi aluminis, singulorum P. H. VIII. cerae P. H. Uround ulum, of euch p. H. VIII. Os wux p. N. I. olei hemina, aceti quod sit satis. I. of Oilia hemina, of vinegur what muy-be Ruscient.b Autem non aliud melius puri Aut there is) not unother beller for matter


moVendo, quam quod estio be moved fas a suppurative), than that) whiol is expeditissimum: nominatur a Graecismost-e editiou8 eastly prepared): itis-numed by the Greeti τετραφάρμακον. Habet pares portiones cerae, picis, tetrapharmation. It-hus equat portiora ofwax, of pitch, resinae, sevi taurini; si id est non, of resin, σεuet belonging-to-the-buli; f that is notvitulini. to be obtained), helonging-to-the-calf.

io Alterum ad idem nominaturAnother to lar) the fame spurpose) isnamedenεαφάρμακον : quod purgat magis. Constat exenneapharmalion: which purifes more. It-consist8 out-o novem rebUS, Cera, melle, SeVO, TeSina, myrrha, nine thing8, wax, honey, Suet, rratu, myrrh, rosa, medulla vel cervina vel r e soll), murrow either belongis-to-the-deer orvitulina, vel bubula, sesypo, butyro: bolongi W-to-the-cain or belonging-to-the-oi, deSFpum, butier: quorum ipsorum quoque paria pondera

miscentur. ar mi. d.

i i Sunt etiam quaedam emplaStra, quibus

There-are aiso Somo pi terra, to whichest facultas utriusque rei: thero-is the pomer of eata thing are suppurative and de- quae, Si singula sunt habenda,

sunt meliora ; sed in copia one plaster cara be had), are bellor: bul in plentysunt rojicienda; iis potius when there is a choice, are to be-rejected -- those rather adhibitis, quae consequuntur proprie id quod belU-applied, which uttain effect) particularly that whichest opus eo tempore. Proponam duo is ne nary ut that time. Iδhal propose two


causa eXempli. Igitur est Attalum Dr-the-sule of exa te. There fore thoi e-is the Attumnad vulnera: quod habet squamae peris

p. H. XVI. fuliginis thuris P. H. xv. ammoniaci p. H. Xyr. σεoot offraniincense p. N. XV. Uammoniactantundem, liquidae resinae terebinthinae p. N. just- -much, of liquid r in belongi W-to- turpentine p. H. XXV. Sevi taurini tantundem, aceti XXV. Usuel belonging-to-the-buli ju8t-αδ-much, of vinegartres heminas, olei sextarium. At inter ea three heminae, of Oil a sextarius. But among those quae accommodantur fracto capiti, quidam habent which ure-adapted for-a-broheu heud, Somo have id quod resertur ad Iudaeum auctorem. that whioh is-referred to Judoeus sag) the author. Constat ex his: Sali S P. H. IV.D-consista out-of these ingredients): of sau p. Η. IV. Squamae rubri aeris, combusti aeris, Singulorum p. Η σ3calo of red brum, inburni bram, of euch p. Η - XII. thymiamati S-ammoniaci, suliginis thuris, XII. of gum-ammoniac, of oot os frankinoen8e, aridae resinae, singulorum p. H. XVI. Colophoniacae Udry r in, of euch P. H..XVI. of Colophonian resinae, cerae, Sevi vitulini curati, resin, of wai, os uel belonging-to-the-cul' cured pre- Singulorum p. Η. XX. Sesquicyatho pared), of euch p. H. XX. with-a-cyath-anla-halyaceti, minus cFatho olei. Graecios vinegari mith lora thun a cyath of Oil. The Greelsappellant τεθεραπευμενα, quae

vocant curata; Puta cum


12 Sunt etiam quaedam emplastra nobilia There-ure also δome plasters nobie renoWned ad-extrahendum: quae ipsa quoque nominanturto sor)-druwing-out; whiol them8elves also are-namis επισπαστιμα e quale est, quod, quia habet epispastilia: lihe-us ibat) is, whioh, because it-hus baccas lauri, appellatur δαφνίδων. In eo the berries of lauret, is-oulled dia daphnidon. In that est resinm terebinthinae p. A. X. nitri, there-is of resin belonging-to-turpentine P. H. x of nitro, cerae, aridae picis, baccarum lauri, Singulorum

P. H. XX. paulum olei. Quoties posuero p. Η . XX. a litile of 6il. A8-0ten-as L Rhal have-pluoedaut baccam, aut nucem, aut aliquid

resinae, aristolochiae, pyrethri, Parea portiones. rrain, os uristolocis, of wildmellitory, equul portions. Praeter haec, est Philocratis: quod Bosidos theso, there-is that) of Philocrates o whiohhabet salis-ammoniaci p. Η. vii. aristolochiae P. H. VIII. h of Sul- ammoniuo p. H. VII. Os arist0DCly p. H. VIII. cerae, resinae terebinthinae, suliginis