The eight books on medicine of Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, with a literal and interlineal translation, on the principles of the Hamiltonian system, adapted for students in medicine

발행: 1830년

분량: 544페이지


분류: 미분류


serramentum erit demittendum, donec perVeniat . iron-instrument re ill-be to be-lowered, untii it may-arrave

caput Ostendet se nusquam, intelligemusa head shali ρhem irae no-whero, wθ εhal under Standsic, ubi pus maxime subsit: illinemus thuδ, where pus chi y may-be-undere ice Rhau-8meartotum locum Cimolia creta, et patiemur the whola place with Cimolian Ohaia, and we-εhau guster siccari: quo loco liumor perseverabit it to be ted: in whae placo molaturo glasi peraevere maxime in ea, ibi pus erit proximum; continue) most in it, there the pus wiΠ-be neareSt',

que ea debebit uri. Si aliquid and it wil ought to be-burni cauteri ged) . V some thing)abscedet latius, erit perforandum 3hali form-aιδoras more-widely, it wil be to be-perforated duobus aut tribus locis: que linamentum demittendum, in two or in three placeae and lint is) to be-loweredaut aliquid ex penicillo quod introduced), or 8ome thing) out-os a penicillum inhioli

sit devinctum summum lino,

ut cducatur facile. Eadem reliqua that it muy-bmGawn-out eusily. The fame remaining Sunt lacienda, quae in ceteris things) are to bo- ne, whioh are done) in other adustis. Ubi ulcus erit purum, Corpus burni splaces . I en the ulcer ahuliabo olean, the bo debebit ali, ne tabes, sutura will oughl to be-nourishel tost consumption, abolit-to-be perniciosa, SubSequatur id malum. Nonnunquam, pernicibus latat , may folloto thut evit. Aome times, etiam, osse ipse affecto levius,


Pus, Sed quidam humor similis mucis, coit pus, but some humour lihe to mucus splur.3, colle Mintus, que cutig contra mollescit; in qua est within, and theuin opposito booomos sint; iu which it is utendum simili ustione. to bo-used with like burnis. 2 Est, in spina quoque, quod notemuSThere-is, in the vine also, that) whioh we may-murhProprie. Nam si id quod excedit ex vertebra porticular0. For is that which projects out-of the vertebra

fractum-est aliquo modo, l0cus, quidem, sit has been-hroleon in sonae manner, the place, in ed, beComcδConcavus; autem punctiones sentiuntur in eo; quia est hollow; but priohings are eu tu it; booauso it- sne esSe ea fragmenta esse spin0Sa: quoncce alta those fragmenti to bo prichly: by whichfit, ut homo subinde nitatur init happona, that the man occasionalty may strive into interiorem partem. Haec

Sunt causa rei noScendae. Vero esturo for the-sahe of the thing to be-hnoi n. Bul there-is opus iisdem medicamentiS, quae CXp0SIta-Sunt ne d with the sume applications, which have been-ciposed prima parte hujus capitis.

RurSUS, CaSus que curationes humeri uin, theucoidenis and troatmentε of the humerus et senioris sunt ex magna parte

similes: etiam quaedam in a great measure) liher atio some things are)commui Ia humeris, brachiis, seminibus, cruribus, omnion to the humori, to the arnis, to the th M, to the te s. digitis. SiquIdem ca franguntur mediato thos sors. Since-that thoso are-brohen mi illo in theminIme periculose ; qu0


propior fractura est Vel superiori vel inseriorinearer the fracture is either to tho h her or to the lowereRPiti, eo pejor est : nam et assert

majores dolores, et curatur dissicilius. Eagreater pains, and i8-trealed more-dissicult0. Thul est maxime tolerabilis Simplex,

transversa: Pejor, ubi multa fragmenta, tranδPerse: utorse, where tliere are) many frugmenis, atque ubi obliqua: pessimum ubi und whoro the si acture is) oblique: the worst where

eadem Sunt acuta. Autem nonnunquam

the sume fragments) ure acute. Aut δomethneSossa fracta in his remanent in suis sedibus: the donea brohon in theso remuin in their ε utS siluations): multo Saepius eXcidunt, que aliud effertur much Utener they fal out, and another one) is borne-out super aliud , que id debet considerari passes) ovor unother; und that ought to be-consideredante Omnia ; et notae sunt certae. Si sunt ι fore ali lliings) ; und the marἶδ uro certain. V they uromota Suis sedibus, TeSima, moved frona their sevis siluati0ns), they are) turne supward, que repraesentant senSum punctionis ; Sunt inaequalia

iaetu. Vero si junguntur non adverSA,

in much. Lut is they aro joinod not oppo8ite 0ne another), sed obliqua, qu0d fit ubi fiunt non suo but obliquo, which happens tolen they ure not in thei, loco, id membrum est brevius altero latere, et pistori thae limo is δhortor thun the other fide, and musculi ejus tument. Ergo, si hoc the muscies of is are-3wollen. Thermoro, is this deprehensum-est, oportet Protinus extendere id has been disooveneri it bohoves immediutely to tond tholmembrum: nam nervi que musculi intenti per limbo jor the norura und muSctra stret hed through


Ο88a contrahuntur; neque veniunt in suum locum, the bone3 are-contracteil; nor come into their place,

nisi aliquis intendit illos per vim. Rursus, si uni a sonae person stretoles them through foroe. Again, fid omissum-est primis diebus, inflammatio that has-been-omitted in thes, si Gys, inflammationoritur; sub qua vis adhibetur nervis et arises; under which foroe is-applied to the nerves both dissicile et periculose: nam distentio nervorum Vel docuitly und Ongerousty : for distention of the nerves orcancer Sequitur; vel certe, ut gangrens follow8; or certainly, thul although)agatur mitisseme pus. it may-bo-aoled most-mild0 at least) pus suppuration). Itaque, Si ossa

Therinore, is tho bonos

Autem etiam But evenvel quoqueor uiso ante,

bo fore,

aliudother membrum, Si est adhuc tenerum; cum prehendit limb, is it-is asset tendor; when he tahes-hol δευalteram partem dextra, alteram

another one) part with the right hand), tho other sinistra. Valentius membrum eget duobus, with the Dyt. A moremowerfui limi needs with two qui contendant in diversa. Si personS , who may Atrius into dis ront directions). Unervi sunt firmiores, ut evenit in robubiis viris, the norves are verysran, as happen3 in robuδι men, que maxime seminibus et cruribus e0Ium; capita

and evectul0 in the th hs und log s 9them; theleari articulorum utrinque sunt deliganda quoque eniis) of the joinis on-both-sides aro to be-bound aiso habenis, vel linteis fasciis, et ducenda permith εlraps, or Mith linon ban gra, and to be-draton Oplures in diversa. Ubi more many persons) into disserent directious . Jhen


vis fecit membrum paulo longius quam thesoreo h -mado the limb by a littis longer than

debet esse naturaliter; tum, demum, ossa SUDtit ought to he natural0; then, at-long th, tho bono3 ars compellenda in suam sedem: quo indicium to-be-thrust into their seat Siluation) : and the tolen ossis reposIti est dolor sublatus, of the bone heing-r placed is the pula bcing -remove , et membrum aequatum alteri. ond the limb bei g-ma δε-equat to the other.

Involvendum duplicibus ve triplicibus It is) to be wropped-up with tw old or inith threeford pannis tinctis in vino et oleo; quos esse linteos est ruga di ed in mine and ollwhich tobo linein is

voluta ter circa fracturam, seraturbelag-rolled thrice around the fructuro, may-be-borne VerSum Sursum, et serpat quasi in cochleam: t9wurri vwardy, and may creep as- into u snailque est satis eam circuire

in a spirat sorm) : und it-is susscient sor) it to go-uround ter hoc modo. Altera lon orthrice in this manner. The other the next) longer dimidio ; que, si os eminet qua parte, is huis; und, y the bone isti ominent in au pari, ea ab ea; si totum

est aequale, debet incipere undelibet superis equat, it ought to begin whonce-itileases above fracturam, adversa priori, the fructure, oppo/ite contrariWise to the formerque tendere deorsum; atque bandage), and to δtretch downwarri; and reversa iterum ad si acturam, desinere inhiat ing-retui nod Quin to the fracturo, to cease in


Superiore parte ultra priorem fasciam. Super has the Uper pure beyond the former bandage. Over theseceratum est injiciendum latiore linteo, quod cerate is to be- ει-on with a broader linen, whiolcontineat has. Ac si os eminet may olfiogether these. And y the bone is prominent qua parte, triplex pannus objiciendus ea in any puri, a threefold oloth is) to be-cast- against in that

madens eodem vino et oleo. Haec

part) to et with the fame mino and oll. Thesesunt comprehendenda tertia fascia, que quarta, are to-be-embra d by a third bandage, and is a forerra. sic ut Semper insequens sit udVergaso that altous the following one) may-bs o mite priori, et tertia tantum in inseriore to the former, und the third ons may end) in thelower parte, tres finiant in superiore: quia par the other) three may-endin the u er part) : Oecause

est satius circuire saepius quam

it-is preferable ser the bandages in to go oround ostener thun adstringi: si quidem id quod est adstrictum

Aut tho limo is to be-held bound unto the third diem: que vinctura debet esse talis ut primo die y : und the bundage ought to be suoh that on the frat avoffenderit nihil, tamenit may-have- ended spained) nothing not at all), yet

visa-sit non laxa; secundo laxior ; tertio may-havc-seemed not Dose; on the second Do3er; on the thiωjam paene resoluta. Ergo, tum, id membrum aDeady ulmost Dos ned. Ther fore, then, tias limb


est deligandum rursus, que quinta fascia adjiciendaeis to be-bound again, and as th bundope to be-added prioribus: que est resolvendum iterum quintoto the formere and it-is to be-Loaenod Quin ontho thdie, et involvendum Sex fasciis, sic ut tertIad , und to he rolled-up with su bandages, Ro that the thirdet quinta finiantur infra, ceterae supra. Autem Ond Isth may-be-ended beloto, the rest above. Butquotiescunque membrum Solvitur, est

it-is vendum calida aqua. Sed si fractura est

Mater. Butis the fractureis juxta articulum, vinum est instillandum diu, near a Dint, tome is to be- ronem in a longptime, exigua parte olei adjecta; que Omnia eadem v smali part of oit belW-added; und au the 8ante things facienda, donec inflammatio solvaturto be-done, untii tho inflammation may-be-Do8ed removed)adeo, ut id membrum fiat quoque tenuiusso, thaί that limb may-be-made even thinnerquam ex conSuetudine: quod si septimus

dies dedit non, certe Donus exhibet: y Λαδ givon spr0duced) not, certainly the ninth exhibit; tum ossa tractantur facillime. Ergo, sithon the bones ure-hansed most-easily. Thermore, is commiSSa-Sunt Parum, debent committi rursus :they have-been Oinod titile, theyought to beboinod a uin si qua fragmenta eminesnt, Sunt reponendas uis fragments ur prominent, they-are to he-roplacedin suas sedes: deinde, membrum deligandum in o theis secue usterwurri, the limb to be-bound eodem inodo; que serulae sunt

accommodandae super, quae fissa que circumpositae, to be-udupted overi u hi h bring-vlit anil placed-around contineant ossa in sua Sede et


in quam partem fractura inclinat, ab eallato tohat part the fracture inolines, Irom son) thut latior que valentior serula est imponenda. a broader und stronger ferule splint) is to bemut-on.

ne Oportet omnes eas esse resimas Circa

And it bolonos ali these to be turned-V around articulum, ne laedant hunc; nec adstringitheisint, test they may-hurt this; hor to be-tightenedultra quam ut contineant

ossa: et Cum laxentur spatio the bones e and when they may-be-rel ed in a vace

coarctari suis habenis paulum ostime) iobe-draton-together by their strapa alitile quoque tertio die; ac si est nulla prurigo, on eaoh third day; and is there is no itching,

nullus dolor, manerens puin, to remuin Sic, donec dum partes thu8, uniit two parurius temporis,

of that time,

compleantur; may-be-completeil; calida aqua, with hot water, quo


lavere leviusto foment more-sighilyest opuSit is necessury ser)materiam digerithe mattor to be-dispersed evocari. Ergo, idto ho-oallodyorth. There fore, that primo, tumatoirst, thenest ungendumis to be-anointed quoque leuIter liquIdo cerato, que Summa uiso gently with liquid cerato, and the his est cutis est perfricanda; que id est deligandum sicin is to be-rubbod; and that is to be-bound laXIus: solvendum quoque tertio die, Sic ut more Dos lyr to be-Dosed on euch third diu, so that calida aqua remota, cetera eadem the tot mater heinr-remove I excepted), the other Samesant; tantummodo lascide singuliae illings) mny-bo-done; only the bandages single


subtrahantur one each time) may-be-withdraton quoties

general); Siquidem

Sinoe-that illa propria. theεe xve are ab0ut to speah os) particular. humerus fractus, intenditur non the humerus being-brohen, is-stretched nolsic ut aliud membrum: sed homo collocaturgo us another limb: but the man isvlacedalto sedili, autem medicus adversus humiliore. on a high 8eat, but the physiolan oppoεits on a loroer Una fascia, amplexa brachium, seat). One bandage having embraced thesor arm, sustinet id ex cervice ipsius qui supporis that out-of hom) the neok ofhbn wholae8us-est; altera data Super

nodum ; tertia, imo humero a Got; athird, the lowest humerus the l0west pari os thevincto demittitur deorsum, ibi qu0que humerus) belW-bound is lowered downwarδε, there aiso capitibus ejus vinctis inter se. Deinde the heada Uit belW-bound belween thenaseives. Ast warriminister ab occipitio ipsius, an attendunt from at the buck-part-U-the-hoad of him, dextro brachio porrecto Sub ea fasciathe right urm belW-stretched under that banduge quam posui secundo loco, si dexter humerus inhioh I hupemlaoed in the 8econd place, is the right humerus est ducendus, sinistro brachio, si is to b drawn, ite lest arm being passed under), is sinister, tenet baculum demissum the lost humerus is to be draWnὶ, hold3 a εtuis δαι- ton


inter semina ejus qui curatur: placed) botroeen the th hs of him who is-trealed emedicus injicit dextram plantam Super ea the phySrcum cast in the right sole- -the ool over that sfasciam, de qua dixi tertio loco, si ibandage, concerning whita I suid in the thirii place, in Sinister humerus curatur: sinistram Sil

deXter: que simul tho right humerus is trealed): and at-the-game-timeminister attollit alteram fasciam, medICUS tho attendant ruises the other one) han ge, the physicum premit alteram; quo fit ut humerus Dre es the other; by whita it happens that the humeru8CXtendatur leniter. Vero est opus brevioribus mssy-ιe- tended gent0. But there is need mith shortersasciis, si medium aut imum Os

Io er pari os the bone) has-be -brohen; ν the highrat longioribus: ut

Porrigantur ab eo quoque sub altera they may-be-strotohed froni it also under the othorata per pectus arm-pit through over) the breust Vero brachium protinu8 Cum But the foro-urni immediatoly tolen

deligatur, estit is-bound, is inclinandum sic: que id efficit ut quoque anteio be-inclined thus; ond that e focis that everi before fascias sit figurandum sic; the landa es it may-be to be-εhapod sarranged) thus; ne P0Stea suspensum inclinet humerum irat ustorwariis belU-εuspended it may-inosine the humerus aliter atque tum deligabatur. Que brachio Othorwke and than) when it was-bound. And the fore-arm VSPenso, quoque humerus ipse est deligandus bciny-όuspenderi uiso the humerus itSely is to he-hound