The life of Our Saviour Jesus Christ [microform] : three hundred and sixty-five compositions from the four Gospels, with notes and explanatory drawings

발행: 1899년

분량: 222페이지


분류: 미분류




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was no in ii seis ille mos important hui rom the o in os vi ex Olili pa inter lio istius o pol ira I lina unde many disserent a specisi is the riches in varie xand characteris lic pisodes. The aptism, the emplation, he callingos the Apost les the te aching in the Synagogue ille ourneys 1 and ro ricli in miracles and sublime incidenis the actuali rea ching. interspersed, tilicio an stri hing parabies and Supplemen led by the gestures nil movemenis os hecrowd io hom hos parabies e re old ali hes things Ombine o callis p a series os vivid picture S. very page of the Go Spei S e Uen, heia meret re ad sit ling the minit illi molion and nilius iasin Such was the subjeci I ad now to reniter ando usi sti a se Hor is to expla in ho I undet sto od it. A l have ali eady expla ined in m Inlroduction to these volume as a Whole. y one a imis io interpret estis. Now Jesus is a very complex individuali ty forte is olli and man. and even is realed a maia ni He has an aspecis sorte is a like ih ivpe fium an ii as a holerandis hecie isti race in particular Heris the heroisine centur and althe sanae lime ille aster spiritis nil ages. I ad 1 give a rendering o Him in ea ei and allo these mani sold specis and I adiutine medium, illi,hiclito persorna myrias k ritia osmy ars For, i ruth io et t. lam nova literar man Lam ala inier. Inste ad os a conseculive disco ui se in hic holi trulli is gradu atly unio id ed. I have a m disposai ut a series os suc

have, then chosen rom amongst the scenes of the public lis of Jesus iliose, hic hie stillustrale no only hai He is hut halie was and what He oughi tolera o us e speciallylli OSE hich. be in more suggestive than others are a helter stari ing-po in sor the imagina-llon a iis floris O ris to the comprehension O that incomprehensi hie ideat hich is ille Christ. The pisodes and parabies of the Gospeis in hicli ille ear of the aster a laidbare, and in hich His thougliis. His designs. His temporary and terna relations With Humanit were re Vealud Such, e re the subjecis hich irst cla inaedis attention. Then an Xi Iu Si mali Jesus known as a typica member os a peculia race at a speciat epochi iis history,

I et mys et to uel scenes in hich ivli justice couldie done to historica truth and local


INTRODUCTIONcolouring From his quest resulteii certa in compositions os,hichis sirs si glit the aluondestres' no perhaps apparent They a re intende duo put the spectator in Ouch Nith contem porar Jeri isti civili Salion a the time os ille Roman domination to bring vividi bes ore hi mille eo ple and thei institutions ih counir and iis custonas in ille id si os hich the liseo Christ a pas Sed So that willio ut to great a stra in on iis imagination lae may be ahleio orna a jus idea os hal tha lis as a' hole reatly was inste ad os adoptiniso me orae ora nother O ille modern ira vesties Os it evolved by the caprice of this or ilia critie. li illino te undet stood hy myi citi res illustralive os ille arabies a re interspersedamong S my cenes rom he actual lis o Jesus infle ad oste in Mirouped separalely. ad tollo ed the alter plan no only ould a certa in ea vines alti mon Oiony have been there suit bulo hould also have mis led the publicis 1 my intentions. Or ii, Ouid have Seem ed a i l is hed olive a series of illustrations os ille Pachin ii Jesus whicli is no theca se . in ly ished io recali ilia leae hin in thos instances in hic licit reflected the personali ty o the a Ster, or ille socia en viro tamen in hich e lived For instance I avere presen led the Sota the oo. Samaritati the oo i L phPr . ille Uini and the Fhr-frPP. be cause bene ath ali hese ligures estis Christ reve aled Himself Other parabies suci, a thal

ili spo sonae bit os naturalis cenery o sonae character istic aspect os lis in the East. I atthe Same inae I sa hanc os embodying in any picture sonae gruat morat truth I was notSlow o vati myseis os t. A cases in poliat. may mention the pictures of he filii haslia est ιι fresasu res for hinis V. ille Benhar La arus and the Pharis P and thes Publicati. Is it necessar sor me to add that in ali my composition I have en de avo ured in additionto their histori and picturesciue specis io reniter ille philosophica si de of the subjeci ΘΡOr Xample m the Vario u Synagogue t have patia ted. I have purpo sely accentuated the letalis o construction and ornamentation accumulat ed evo nil meas ure by Jeu isti formalism liave rought into reli ei the complex and complica1ed costumes of the ab his., hic hare a reflection os the custonas observed by them in ille id si os lia I may ali ali his superannua ted decorative lumber the oble simplici ly of the personalit and doctrine i ,hrisi lanas ut ali lae more vivid ly we ire id fore se that He is come re not o destroybut o stillii the la A that He illisweep way at these mouldy accumulations o centuri es and we an understand the et ter the liter atred hich the Divine reformer, illa rota Se against Him on Ver Side.

I illis ot ho ever pursu illis analysis to far that ould e to de pari frona myci ruero te and would reatly be a sigia os ea lines s lora ori os art should De edis commentary e ver intelligent and attentive spectator ought io emble to gras p iis mean incat once Myonly isti in il l have usi a id is lora rotis attention. I may b asked hy I have gi ven separate portraiis os esus the Apost les and theti herchie person mentione d in t te os peis. Some Nili perhaps remari that it ould have been enoughoc introduce hem in the variotis cenes re pro sented and that a the portrait sinu St o necessi ly be mere arbitrar representations io Mive them by thenaseives Nas perfeci lyuseless. I have o fel myseis in the leas bound to respectu his objection. t was my earn esten deavoti to obtain a distinc idea os every personalit with whom I came in contacti theway and I anted to embod that dea Penetrat ed by what the Gospeis tellis of the lives. the morat temperament s. the cis os ou Lord and lis solio ers. Dende avo ured to embodyeach personalit in ha I may callis syntheti portrait, in hic holi type alone as


arbitrary. no et ther the character o the expression Haveri succee led I dare not venture tosay the enterpri se as, it illi admitted dii licuit nough e specialty illi regarii to the divine figure hic hishould dominate very other that oi ura ord and Savi Our Jesus Christ. In is case I ad to give myseli up tora rotracted meditation and prayer and to appea toe ver solare os emotion a m di Sposai: et alter ali the result se em totis olei ut uehie. Lastly liave supplemented ille princilia compositions, illi a sew sh et ches and studi est alien on the pol. hic hes thini introduce an elementi agree able varie ty in the worias a hole and complete thorator told by the patiatings. Ma I no in a se Word ans e certa in criticisms,hich have been prono tincedi ponnae set aside os course thos Whicli meret dwellipon the amo untii talent shewn hy vwork these by the way, are rare so the public and y brother artist have been very generous in heir reat mentis me There are ho ever, certa in re martis of anothd character hic hoo uch me a morem early and whichri iee it m duinto replyrio, illi a sew observa

tion S.

It has heen salix the work is not summaryaenough here a re to man det ait S. io many pictures it ould have been ei terrio condens the whole into a se profound pages. Hae leave o differ rom his opinion As o profundi ty weli liave ought it to the est o navabiti ly perhaps tilio ut alia in incit: ut it a m lirm determinalion tote di isti sive And ha prove to me thates a in the right is the difficulty that certa in persons have ro in thesirsti ad in look in at things rona helo in o vi e I is hed them lora alie it is no eas lore present at ille pre Sent da the en viro tamen in hic li Jesus lived manu things in aliena pie rest Orations o ex linc civili salion asto nisi, and even repet s. his ei nil so was it noti vital imp artan cessor me io tali complete possessionis ille imaginationis ille spectator. io solat hi in entiret si ona his reconceived ideas and to te ad ina lowlv. et illio ut saligue a long the patiis here he wil me et ille rue Christ To have ac led dii ferent ly underpretera ce Ol avo id in repetition. ould i hin k have beenuo diministi myi hance of successand lo have e X posed myseli tote in only hal findersio od. I has also been a id and his has o unded me alii eras a bello vin Christian and asinartist illi convictions o my wn hat was the good os patiat in Christ like iliat Theon ly Christ here is a ny sense in patiat in now-a- lay is the Christ cro ned illi horns: that i to a a conventiona Christ. Auch a the devorat a re sed to Christ as ou conceive Him o have been is no longe a subjec sor he a inter sor nobody belle ves in Himio . To his I replv. io heg in illi rahat a sor me. I belle ve in Him lirmi v. and that consequently ha Ve Very right to X press y Nn conviction in my wn a V l laeta ans verilia it is no true that nobod heli eves in liris at ille present day what is more ear thel ruthos that He is ignorei and orgo iten. hicli is precis et V hat ives me conliden cecinthe opportunenes of my ork I Wished lo say to this positive century. hether it is presumption on m part 'nori not. his is appe ars to me is hal iacet, appened in the histor os humani ty. his is hal l have re ad What ou oo an re ad lor oui se lues in history no in ii si ory concocted aster consuli in Some system. ut in true history. Sincere history dis interest ei and coharageotis history. Nori . hai ook place then is orththini in aho ut The whole os human is depend on il in it e can sind what, allso earne stly seel in his century what has laeen ought in allias centuri es hel p. com fort.light. de alit 3 . ope os eternat appines s. Onee more Nas it for me to spe aliis these hings Θ domo know but itio es se em to me that it is permitte. to veru ne to interest hina seli


9. Iterum dico vobis, quia si duo


The Volce in the Desert

niis Crulit nos Θ si id dicis det ipso ξa 3. Ait Ι go vox clamatitis in deserto : Dirigite viam Domini, sicut dixit Isaias prophCta.

3. Hi est enim qui dictus Si Cr

Chap. I


s in that sent St thou of

Heria id, Damoice of one in the wil-

lv ; forti there re fruits meet

raham to Ur

that Godis able

Sa in Mattheu

ACIPE ergo fructum dignunt poena itentiae . 9. Et ne velitis dicere intra vos Patrem habemus Ab

istis sus CitarCfilio Abrahae. IO. Iam enim SCCuris ad radi CC in arborum posita St. Omnis Ergo arbor quae non facit fructum bonum excidetur et in ignem mittetur.