장음표시 사용
Draesecto the Parthia Viceroy Cf. h. 8, 4. I 3. Paululum, &c. i. e. hedelayed the acceptance of Mithridates by formin a part Who Supporte hi o n preten Sions. Cotys sonis nain o Thrace of the fame a me. This Cotys h ad in 39 A. D. received his ingdom hom Gaius Dio ix II, J. It was a mali Stri os country e St of the Uppe Euphrate S, P re-vio usi sor so me time formin partis Cappadocia. illuo oward him S illuc cuncta Vergere', i 3, 3. atrociorem, cles conciliatory', no necessarii in a very ad
4. Here Parthia evenis are resume Dona Ch. 8 6. foectus iaciunt i the readini that o Med. is right, it must
meam sermones iaciunt de foedere ' Cf. terminos iaciebat', ut 3I, 2. Another read in is ciciunt', an some emen to faciunt'. comoleae ctextram: f. ii 47, 3. DeDigere . . . ulcisol a Similar Con Struction is used in i VII, 4. ipsi inter Eo Conoectere, Maive opposita ClaimS .f6. SePtimo . . . anno: i. e. in 3 A. D. The revolt stomArtabanus began in 36 A. D. Vi 2 I.
This date is confirme by the mentionis ibius Marsus as legatus in Syria, in ch. IO, I, and by the date os the death of Vardanes,
3. Erincteri: unknown perhaps the Charincla mentione by Ptolem sui 2, 2), ne of the Stream flowin into the outh of the
Caspian. multum Certato impersonat abi abs. Intr. II 2I.
Sincten unknown. The campa ign too place et ween the Caspia an Herat. The Arii here re probabi no the tribe of that name lio live fouth-westis Bactria, but the word S probablya corruption for the nam os a peopte orthi eas of the Dahae in the regio of the Oxus o Iaxartes Vardane boast in his in Ser. belo that he penetrate beyon the established limit os the Parthia Empire. ctisterminat: ni here sed in aci, but Mund in Pli ny a. q. asPernabantur, detested'. s. monimentia D nothiniis no know of these. nec an declare that he had exacte Domitiose raceStribute never et rendered by them to any of the Arsacidae'.
Daveo intor, tot nam ex vitii oni a se of even long-lix edmonarch although his rei gn ad been o hort), i. e. equali edb sew'. f. Liv xxii inter pauca memorata populi Romani clades', of the batile of Lahe Thrasymene. For the anastrophecf. Intr. II S.
Ohaictio predicative dative of a ord Mund ni here derived
bedet gorio assume the overe igni of his athers' cf. vi 32, Ι).11 Chapto II, Q. Actem consutihus Claudius an Vitellius, the ConSul O the year, 47 A. D. are meant though the had by this time probabi give placerio auffecti', an hau them gelves enteredo thei censorship Ch. 3, I). Iucti Saeculares these eremo hel by Claudius to mar the Sevenili centenar of the traditionaliate of the Mundationi Rome 733 B. Q), but the had been institute by Augustus in I B. C. Omar a saeculum os a different sori, namel the inauguration f ne age', hicli, a Cordin to a tradition parti Gree partly Etruscan, pene upo the expiration o Mur great period o II ob ears Se below, οὐ rationes ). The eremonte of this festiva were modelle o the ludi Terentini belleved tolem great antiquit and regula recurrenCe, ofwhicli ho ever the earli est authenticate celebration too place in
number of unlavourabie prodigies, cludi Terentini in campo Martio'were ordere in hono ur os Dis an Proserpina, illi sacrifices of hostiae furvae , and thei repetition lentesimo quoque anno ' Waseivioined The festival ad been repeate in I 46 B. C., ut iis nexi Centenar lapse ascit et in the time of the civit,ar o Pompeius and Julius Caesar. The cludi Terentini' er no originali a Roman festivat, and the godihonoured eremo Roman 'en e iis Celebration uisi de the pomerium'; ut Augustus festiva included Sacrifices to the Roman State divinities, Jupiter, uno Lucina, Apollo, Diana, an Latona, as ellis to Demeter, the Fates, i S, and
tion of theirs decade of Augustus rute, hen the 'imperium ' On- ferre onaim in et B. C. a renewed Orive ear more. 2. Pationem thes saeculum ' was taken by the quindecimviri'
t he Io ear i undeno decie Per annOS', Hor L . S. I , and celebrations of the estival e re attributed by them to the ears 4 6, 346, 236, 26 B. C, O that I B. C. Was the CloSin year of thelasi saeculum in the Serie S.
libris the Historias, of hicli the extant portion Book Ι-IUan partis V does nota beyond 7 A. D. I 3 is quoque, c. in A. D. Domitian Ollowed Augustus 'vie of the saeculum', ut anticipate the fuit amount of the timesrom Augustus celebrationi Si yearS. intentius actfui, as particulari intereste in them . sacerctotio Quinctooimvirali: See Vici 2 I.
4. iactantia causa ablative. o cura, the quindecimviri fas a body had of old the charge of these games, an Such of them a Saappene to be magistrates ereselected by referen ce rather than other of the ody so the public performarice of the religio us uti es'. f. Hor. C. S. o
quindecim Diana prece virorum Curet'. In Augustus time, and S also probabi in that os his Succe S Sors there ere sives magistri 'among the quindecimviri', of ho the em peror a one andit a in that capacit that he hel the cludi saeculares'. iththes magistri' ere also S Sociate Such ther of thes quindecimviri as ere holding one of heaigher magistracies. I S. circensibus lucti hel on one of the days of the cludi
luctiorum Troias evolution Such a thos referre to in Uergit, Aen. v 343 an soli. The were probabi of very ancient origin, and were talien umby the earlier Caesaribe ause of the laim of the Iulii to Trojan de Scent. Duori nolades : mos of the authorities describe the oys ahingpar in these evolutions a divide into two turmae ' of maiores
tively. Princes of the imperiat ou Se ook par in his stio at
by Messalinario hil the chil bein frightene a way by a Serpent.
externis miraeulis Such a the tor that Alexander the reat wasiegoti e by a go in the formis a Serpent. Chaptor 12, o supererat, as a furviva Germanicus. 12sonis Tiberius' brother Drusus, ad die in I A. D. an Nero and his mothe were the ni furvi vin member of that fami ly. commotior, iouSed to greater sury'. quo minus, α wa to much ngrOSSed, illi . . . to malle pCharge an subor accusers'. uo minus solio soli notion fprevention in distinebatur'. o the eugma illi strueret cf. molitur crimina et accusatorem , ii 22 I. Da Catua SiliuA: See Ch. , 3.
exaraorat, had forme so violent a passion or . Iunia Silana perhaps aughter of L. Silanus, COS. Suff. in 27 A. D. hecis mentione Subsequently a the laien d an aster-ward the enemy, of Agrippinari iii I9, 2 iv I 2 8. vacuo test ithout a i se sh secure undispute possessiono her param Our'. D3. Certo exitio : abi. abS. S also non nulla Spe ' Intr. II 22, a. fallorici, is esca pin detectioi' like λανθύνειν. ODDoriri futura, uo ait for the future , i. e. to et evenis ahetheir oui se'. Some editor give operire', a Couer, hut hi S
Messalina transferre t hi houSe πύντ τὰ τιμιωτaτ των του Κλαυδίου κειμηλίων.13 Chastor 13, o matrimonii here probabi Conjuga relationS, generat ly, iis married lis es', i. e. the dishonour done to im as hvsband. addidit pauca Drusus de matrimonio Suo', iii 34, II. The wor might also possibi be sed as abstraci forconcrete in the SenSe of coniugis', a in ii 3, 3 matrimonia ac pecunias hostium praedae destinare . munia ConSoria usurpana, io exerci Sing the functions oscenSor'. The moSt important powers of the censori ad alway been veste in the princeps Intr. p. mix); ut no actua Censors hadbeen appo in te since 23 B. Q unti the office a assume by Claudius an Vitellius, o laying own thei consulfhi in his
theatralem lasciviam, hisbeliavi ou in the theatre'. P. PomDonium: Cf. VI, 4. 2. Ioge lata : probabi carrie by him in his capacit os tribune in the formi a plebiscitum It is to such laws that plebiscitis , in ch. 14 3 i the read inii accepted), must refer. in mortem, Mith a vie to the death , i. e. orae repaid o thedeath of thei parentS. filiis familiarum, person stili 'in potestate patrii'. fontesque aquarum Claudius, a Censor, imitated the great work of his ancestor, Appius Claudius CaecuS, ho, a cen Sor in I B. Q, COnStru Cted a great queduci, the Aqua Claudia, ringing ater tolli cit froni the Sabine Hilis. The Simbruini colles ' containe the three lahes forme by the Anio, rom hicli the et glibouring Sublaqueum ' no Subiaco)derive it name. The great queduci reserre to here ad been begu by Gaius in 38 A. D. and when Complete consiste of two paris, the aqua Claudia' and Anio Novus', both of whicli stream sentere the Citntogether, ne above the other, by the arche S two Of
ich sorinthe present Poria Magiores'. An inscription onit sextant recordingahe completion and dedicationis the work by Claudius
in . . I ., and Sub Sequent rest Oration St, Vespasian and Titus Theleno h of the Claudia cis state by the inscription to he hirty-five,
and that os the Anio Novus si y-t vo Rona an mile S. Pli ny saysthe water a brought to a te vel rom hi chlal the ills os Rome could be reached A . H. XXXui 3, 24. 22 . The date of the workgi veni Tacitus does no agree illi that in the inscription Elther Tacitus record the inceptio of the work in theirst yearis Claudius' censors hip and the in Scription record iis completion a the en os his office ; or, se urbi intulit denotes the completion of the work in tht year, 47 A. D. it must be Supposed that the introduction os the Aqua Claudia in to the cit was rs accomptished, and that the date in the inscription record the subsequent connexion os the Anio
Novus illi it. D3. novas litterarum forma : See Ch. 4 S. comoerto: In tr. II I. littoraturam, system os letters , alphabet'.
Chaptor 14 I. Primi, α the gyptians ore the rs to 14 represent ideas, hicii the didi means of the hapes of animal s Such primitive record of human histor are to e Seen engravedon rochs), and the declare that the were the inventor of the alphabet'. Tacitus ignores the faci that in the hieroglyphic sit hersymbolibesides the ornas of animal are employed A to theirat Phabet two systems ere developed the hieratic' and demotic Characters, both cursive forins into hicli the hieroglyphic Were modi fied the forme dat in froin the eighteenti or ineleenthdynasty and the alter frona the se venti or inti Centur D. C. Another tradition, hicli Pli ny ma sol lowS N. H. vii 6, 7, 92 , mahes Assyria the primitive alphabet: his is derive frona the ACcadian, hicli again a develope Dona hieroglyphics. tamquam EPPererint: In tr. II o. Da fama est soldi. v 38. Pli ny ma also gives his legend, and says that Cadmus alphabet originali consiste os si xteen letters to hicli Palamedes in the time of the Trojan a ad dedi ur, an later Simonides o Ceos adde another Mur. Id quotes alSO, O the authorit os Aristolle another tradition mali in the Original number eighteen, an substitutin an additio of two by Epicharmus for that os Muri PalamedeS.
3. quictam the legend which ut Cecrops sor Cadmus isoni Munda ere. Linum so Diodorus and Suidas. Palamectem so Stesichorus and Euripides. Secte im . . . mox alios: this tradition embodies the truth that
the Greelis modi fied the origina Phoenicia alphabet by dropping
Tarquinius Priscus, o that the traditio Tacitus sol lows malae thel 24 49 O
us o letters in Etruria later than in Latium It is far more lihelyin lac that the alphabet existe in both di Strici Domin ery early
Ahoriginos this nam is iven to the early Latins by Livysi I, 3 an othe writerS. Evanctor mythicat munder of the ancient lallanteum o the Palatine Verg. Aen. vii ira an soli. 3. The nrt of writin was nodoub introduce among the Italians by the Greelas, an Evander isto Latium, as Demaratus to Etruria, the representative in legend of prehistoric Greel influenceS. Cumae, Colonige a early a the eighth centur B. C., is a probable ource of the spread in os riting. ωΥma, C. also lin N. H. vii 58, Io).
Duuene Pimum an versialement. Theanown addition areno numerous. Cicero N. D. ii 37, 3 spealis of the alphabet in hi time a consistin os twenty-one letters of these ρ existing in the earli est Scipioni e inscription circ. 29 B. C.)his sald by Plutarchaoliave been introducedi Sp. Carvilius Ohis oui die in the time os the First unic War. Also M though found in the earli est eXtant
writ ing, asino in universali se, and c was osten Sed forcit. It spositio a the end of the prope Roma alphabet suggest that itwas adde to the earli est system, o perhaps restore aster a periodo di fuge. In Cicero' time Mandis came into use, but were reStrictedio Gree word s. A passage in Suetonius A . 88 shows that was regarde a the las letter of the rue alphabet. s. Claudius additions ere the symbolsis o the semi-Consonanta v I santi sigma sor is r s f the Gree sign or the
spiritus asper ' so the γ ound intermediate between Dan u. Ofthes ne signf the rs was emplo, e latri frequently for a time, but the last tw very Seldom. Dulatio 'Mia lotiis citis: the read in is questionabie, and the factis plebiscita' bein passed under the Empire is no undis puted See Ch. 3, 2); therwi se publicandis plebiscitis ' might seem a Satisfactor emendation. The doubtii ord dis an plebiscitis may be glosses to explain 'per fora a templa', interpolate Domthe margin into the text. 15 Chaptor 15 I. uno collogio, cibout the establishment of a colleges'. Aes ordo haruspicum Augustorum , apparenti of SixtymemberS, is mentione in an inscription elongin to this period, and was probabi establishexas a result of this motion Haruspices' though honoured in Etruria, ere in Rome much inferior tolli augurs, ho sorme one of the great prie Sti Colleges of me of the ighest rank. A magistrate ' haruspex ranked only illi his
apparitorS, and Cicero ad Fam v I 8, 1 consider it an indigni tytha personsolio ad been haruspices ad in his da become
accitos hom Etruria, the home os the science of haruspicina . habitas, hept up . Datrum Romanorum impulsu Cicero mentions a Senatu S
consultum pres bing thai Sic principum filii ' sons of the ighest Etruscan families, hould e trained in ea Cli Etruscan communi tyto the stud id Dio irat, a). Dulalica, o vin to the generat apath of the citigens in resto nobi accomptishments externae Sus QPAtitione : i. e. the Egypti an and exuisti possibiyalso the Christian religions and the practice of astrolog and magic. 2. ne giving the effect of sho vin gratitude, thu prevent-ing ', α
into ambigua in times of peril so vi 2I, 4. 3. quae, α, ,hat a to e kept ulmo strengthene in the institutions os the haruspices' the es tablis liment of the neru collegium ' ouldie made in accordance illi thi resolution. Forthe omissionis essent See In tr. II 27. Chaptor 16, DI Choruscorum gans the lived north- east of the 16 Chatti . et Neen the wese and the Elbe They a re mentione in CaeSar, L. G. V IO, 3, a ne igh bour an possibi rival of the Suevi; an aster Varus' digas ter A. D. the were prominent in theresistance of the Germans to Rome 9-I A. D.). y the time os Tacitus the had been verwhelmed by the Chatti Germ. 36, 2)anda ad hecome quieSCent. aDuct urbem habebatur a sonis a prince professin alli ancewith Rome S also princes of Easterna ingdona Nere brought upi Romeri vici I, 4 32, 3 Det Arminius a the chie of the Cherusci ho prompte therebellion in hicli Uarus os his lis and three legions erean nihil ale A. D. . He had received civitas ' illi equestri an
rank o previ ous Service to Rome Histrother Flavus is mentioned in iii, in 'insignis fide erga Romanos et amisso per vulnus oculo paucis ante annis duce Tiberio'. Chattorum: the Chatti are describe in Germ. 3o I as inhabit in the mercynius saltus', a terna of id impor in os ancient authors. Their nam Sur vives in the modern messen , hicli, with partis assati, represent their localit at this time.
ralige a he would e by his education enuavement, an modeos life ali of them fore igit'. II. at si the argument is, cis he had been a soni Arminius, he would have ecome demorali es; hile is eoahes after his
fallier, he illi a traitor to the GermanS'. 17 Chapto 17 Da inrupisam: Suppi se'; s. In tr. II 3. 3. ruborici sonivris, mihi rubori est'. volentibus Italicus refers to the acquiescen ce of the Germans in Roman ut be ire the risin againS Varus.f4. Privatim, α, ias in thei private ise, mischievous in thei public activities'.
3. The Langobardi are firstieard of on therio ulli si de of the Et benex to the Chauci, an are thought to have been among thosedri ven acros that rive by the Roman advance unde Tiberius. Thei importanc in Solith German date froin the id die of the fifth century, and their ingdom in Ital laste M two centuries Dom 368 A. D. The nam is derived by soni as long beardi', and by ther as long axes', f. ' halberdy. res, α, irought miser o the Cherusci'; the remar Sum S pthe character of his rei gn a a hole. 1 Chapto IS, DI POP icto tempus probabi here, a in h. IO the event of more than ne ea are brought together. Chauci the occupiet a large pace, apparenti, in enchisi de of the Lower eser Those long the Coastiet ween the eger and Em were unde Roman contro si 38). A previ ous rebellion oftheir is mentione in Suet. Cl. 243. nulla, &c. In tr. II 22, a. Sanquinii se vi , . His death, and the appo intinent os Corbulo to succee him, ere probabi mentioned in the los books. Cn. Domitius Coaehulo, probabi Son of the person mentionedi iii 4 as attaching, unde Tiberius, the corruption of the Contractor so the oad in Italy, was hal Dbrother of Suillius sch. I, I)an Caesonia is of Gaius he was Consul in 3 Α. D. an prΟ- consulis Asia in SI-52 or 32-53 A. D. Unde Nero he was appotnte di 54 A. D. to the command in the East, hici he held ill recalle dand force to sulci de ini A. D. Canninefas livin in the insula ' of the Rhine assio in in the
Det oui this reser to gloria'. trivomo fleet of Sea-go in Ships was heptin the Rhine in theearly Empire. It was sed in A. D. by Tiberius in his expeditionto the Elbe, and again by Germanicu in IS A. D. imo, ).
no, c. CXplaining veterem morem'. the ancient discipline,
nos, α, our spirit as heightened the barbarians complete lylost eart'. o auget vires' i 24. I. The dea might more naturali be expressed by a pas Sive construction, ut the se of the active is determine by Tacitus Miadnes sor variet y. In tr. II 64. natio Frisiorum occupyin moSt os the orthi Hollan l. Their nam Sur vives in the modern Friefland Thei rebellion in 28 . D. is describet in ius an foll. L, APronius, propraetor fio e Germany suffere severe loSSin repressing the revolt os 28 A. D. The siege of the oriress Flevum ' was alsed, butio subjugationis the country was effecte d. Consectit, C. in the fame way the Ubii ad been grante a reservation in Lower Germany See ii 27, 2. aDu - in In tr. II 6. 3. Paesidium immunivit, ista blis hed a sori res and garrisonamong them' in Graecis in like φρουρια ,- ζει , en Cy r. iii I, 27. maiorem: Separated Dor their esterni et glibours the minoreS' Chauci, by the weSer. 4. egeneros, in orth of Roman S) cf. ii Ι9 I.
Ut laeta, C. : abi. abs. the nexus os his do ings e in halle divit libo by many though vieri ed illi dissa uour in certain quarteri'. Cf. laeti . . . nuntii ' i , 6.D6 formictolosum, α, a militar hero, be in an objectis dread
I there e re osses, the State no the generat, ould sufferri fhe succeeded Claudius ouldie jealous of him, and this ouldiri vehim into rebellion.)
7. Germaniam thi plurat, properi denotin the wo Roman provinceS, a distinc Dona Germania the genera nam of the Country, Seem Some time tole used ais os hos paris beyond the Rhine hic li,ere regarde a properi belongin to Rome thoughthe had et ther lapse Dona allegi ance or ad not so sar been brought unde effective control. f. i 37 2. ChaDto 2O, ea littoras, Hetters to that esse ri'. Oossvncterentur, ,ere crowding into his minil Intr. II o. Quonctam Med. ha quoSdam . The correction is supporte by
L3. insignia triumphia both Claudius and Nero gave this distinction ora very light round s CL ii D; iii 33 pervulgati Striumphi insignibus . Augustus an probabi Tiberius oni gavethis honour in cases here, unde the Republic a generat Would have Secure a triumphis ovation.
person hono ured, illi theses insignia' had the right to appea at publi spectacles earin a laurei, re ath, and in exceptional CRSe S, the vestis triumphalis' his nam was en rolle in the Fasti triumphales an his statue et u in the forum Augusti and he might decorate the en trance of his ou se illi trophie and Set up a laurei-Wreat he Statue in a triumphal car in his urn
*4. Curtius Rufus legatus os Uppe Germany probabiflather of the historian. agro, attiaco the districtis hic li quae Mattiacae Wies baden was the centre. The tribe, a branch of the Chatti, seem Sto have submittexto Rome aster the time o Tiberius, and was stili faithfulin the time o Tacitu Germ. 29, 3 i.