장음표시 사용
referring to his o via elevation, although novus homo', of himself quem vos it se ortu hominibus nobili SSimis . . . praetulisti S', Phil. vii I7. 4. longa . . . Senoeta : abi. of deScription sol lowed sor oesy by nominatives adrogans', dissicilis' note also the dat. minoribus solio vini adverSu SuperioreS' O the Same rea Son. Cf. Intr. II 64. tristi adulationo, laltering illi affecte Stirline Ss'. minoribus here inferiorS'. cimollis, ingeniat', brusque'. Consulare iiDorium consulatum'. The date os his s
fatalo Drassagium implovit, fultilled the presage of his desti ny '. Cliastor 22,4 I. nullis Dalam causis: In tr. II 49. 22roperitur: ac cord in to Suetonius G. S), persons seehingaudience of the em peror at the moria in salutatio ri ere earchedbefore admi S Sion. 2. nam this Xplaini neque cognitis above. 3. isclem consulthus: See Ch. II, I. P. Dolabella prominent a a servile senator unde Tiberius; ConSul in I A. D. and procos os Africa in 24 A. D. Hic sententia
wa evidenti take u by Claudius for the enacimen i referredio a among the lacta Claudii in xiii 3, 2, an is ascribe toti in by Suetonius CL 24). eorum, Sec. i. e. the quaeStores designati'; the were reli eved of the obligation to give these hows in S A. D. X iii 5, 2).D4 ict i. e. appo iniment to an ossice of State. cunetis civium : In tr. II 23 Thi statement disregard the considerable periodis time during hicli the plebeians though par of the communi ty, were disqualitie frona holdin an magi Stracy. ne aetas quictem the lex illi annalis , of ISO B. C. fixe the aetas legitima for the magi Strates it regulation the mini
Plutarch says that alerius Poplicola established the reasur in the first year of the Republic, an gave theseopte the right to choo Set o quae Stor to anage it It Seem then that the quaestores
parricidii of the roya period acquired unde the Republic additionaliunctions a. quaestore aerarii', an in time camerio exerci Se thel alter function Only. Ioae curiata : hi was the acti which imperium' a conseri edon magi Strate aster election. The comitia centuriata ' very carlytook ver the legislative iunctions that ad elonged originali tot hes comitia curiata', and the tinctions of the lalteriecam mere ly
sormal, one of them eing this esto val of the imperium in theelected magistrates. In the later times of the Republic thes comitia Curiata' as represente by thiri lictors, With three augurs
a L. Bruto Popolita 'datin bach to L. Brutus'. Tacitus ascribes the formis ord used at the Ceremon conferring imperiumon the consul to the original law of the traditiona Munder of the Republic by hicli the electionis the firs consul was rati fie and thei power defined an it is implied in the ex sentenc that this old lec empowere the consul to appoint quaeStorS, a theliingsa ad done helare them. I . Aetaagensimo tertio anno 447 B. C. The quaestorshipiadbeen in abeyance unde the Decemvirate, and O upo it re- institution a transferre stom consula nomination to populareiection in the comitia tributa . ut, C. i. e. to aCCompany the ConSul to ar, an tali echarge of the militar chest Res militari S i analogous to resfamiliaris . 8. uomctctiti, &c. accordin toti v si 43, in the quae Storswere originali appo inte sor urban functions and wo additional
mota cluplicatu numorus in 26 B. C. When the Subjugation o Italy was completed. The our ne quaeStors, Calle d quaestores Classici' admini Stere depariment provinciae' in Italy It is possibi that ne of the se a transferreda Lilybaeumaster the anneXationis Sicily, and that Tacitus refers to this in theword. et accedentibus provinciarum vectigalibus . For his expresSion cf. Intr. II 23, C.)stiponctiaria, &α, ,hencitat was no subjeci'. The talians could notis ver have been calle stipendiarii in the sense in hichthe provincials were moSt of thei Communities, Owever, ould naturali pay tributum ' a lacon lande property unti it abolition incitat after the conquest o Macedonia in I 68 B. C. ki log Sullas in I . . Some addition to the number os quaestor had probabi been made at ready a the number of
viginti Gulius Caesar subsequently raised thei numbe to forty, but Augustus Seem to have reduce Mitrio tu ent again. EuDDlencto Aonatui : Sulla ad the quaeStorShi the quali sication sor entrance in to the Senate, the numbers of hich he had
occlignitato, C. 'in account os,or hines in the candidatilli rough the complai Sance of the electors'. vo nunclaretur, ' a thrown Pen O pui Cha Se' becauseoni thericli could assor to give the nece SSar ShO S.Chaptor 23 I. A. Vitellius Sub Sequently emperor sor par L 23 of 69 A. I i. tantii deposed by Vespa Sian me a Son os the Consul of the precedin year He is ni once mentione d again in the A m aD, in i 49. I. Where an in Stance of his servile deferen eoo Nero is recorded. L. Vipstanus Poplicola : nolither is lino n. cle supploncto sonatu Claudius as bout o cari y ut the lectio senatui in virtve of the censors hip upon hich e an his Colleagiae elatere ora layingio 1 thei consul Ship Ch. 3, IJ. Primoro a deputationi youngi hie seri f. tot insignes iuvenes quot intueor', orat Claud. ii 22. Comata, dong-haired'; the terna denotes the ne ver provinces,
Aquitania Lugdunensis and Belgica, as distinguis hed frona the Romani re Gallia Narbonen Sis. foectora o civitatem These clites belonge to Clans, Such Sthe Aedui Remi, an Lingones, hich ad a foedus', illi Rome, and themselve poSsesse Roman Citigenship a privilege hichia lbeen Deel besto ed by Julius Caesar an Augustu on auis os
ius actis is conctorum in Pho honorum it ho ut be noted that o Roman Citigen was, unde the rule laid do n by Augustus, eligibi sor a magistracy unleSche wa a Senator Or a member fili Senatorial order These Gaulisti hi ess ad noto his qualification, but ere not unde an disabilit no fel by the ordinary
among the ad viser of Claudiu in a private conseren ceci apuclprincipem in and the argument os hos opposed to the grant in os the petition of the aut occupy the rema inder of thi Chapter. Claudius combate thei objections Statim' Ch. 24, Ι), ut fallingi convince them, Convene the senate and there re-state his vlew of the a se. Tacitus Seem to Combine the two ulterance of Claudius in hi para PhrRSC. I 3 oonSanguineis populi dative. The ut o nati ve-boria Romans ad Once Suffce sor i. e. been acquiesce in by kindredi eo Ples . olim: hen Latins Sabines, α, ad not et suli qualit with citi gens livingin ager Romanu '. uct sc spectantia'. may, stili deed were quote a the productis the Roman Character unde the old way of li se, exempli syli heroism and winning reno n.' I . Vonoti Et Insularo quo ted a typical of the Transpadani, who received the citi gens hi frona ullus Caesar in D. C.
nisi, C., inles the Semblance of captivit is lora inflicte onu through the crow of aliens introduce M'. The read in os Med. i. coetus' 'untes a crowd os aliens is to e imposed on S, bring-
ingruiit ere Captivit upon S'. s. ultra: to e alien predicati vely, supplying fore', Mouldbe est', i. e. i Roman aspirant to office ere Cro de out by an influxi provincia Candidate S. aut Si quis, α, an poor Senator Dom Latium , i. e. any novus homo Domine of the municipia . To 'si quis ' suppi an antecedent in the dative CaSe.ὶD6. clivito illo CL Ch. I 8 I. ces, in apposition illi rivi proavique'. aDuct Alesiam : here Vercingetorix made his last Stand 52 B. C.
The sit is identi fled illi Alis Naint Rei ne in the Cotei'Or.
Ohaocterint for a time Caesar a be Siege axweli a beSi eger.* . oreretur . . . Sint emende hom Med. moreretur qui Capitolio et ara Romana manibus eorundem per Se Sati S eorum' refers to the Romans, an eorundem to the auis. The allusionis to the capture of Rome by the Senones in 39 B. C. 2 Ctireptor 24 DI. ita Oxoraumast: the spe ech here given, n wellas the fragments of Claudius actuat speech hich have been pre- Served, Stio remini Scence of the speech o Canuleius in Livyi 3 5. ClauAus Attus ClauSus, accordinito the most generali aCCepted
ortantur uti S in h. 6, 3 Intr. II 3Ι. in eiulatio GaDQAAoncta, in m political action cf. xvi 26 8 quod . . . CapeSSendae rei publicae iter ingrederetur'. Iulios Atha Romulus himself was ne of the royal ouse of Alba an descende fro Iulus. The transferen ce of the inhabitant of Alba Longario Rome a attribute to Tullus Hostilius, thethirda in o Rome. 2. CamePium, o Cameria, one of the Latin Cities, was de Stroyedat so early a date that iis sit is doubisul.
I8 B. C., ouldi the bestanown of this fami ly. Etruria Lucaniaque : abi. Intr. II I 3. accitos, sta homines' cf. Simila ellip Se in Ch. Ι4 4. The allusion is to the genera admission of the Italians to citi gen-shil aster the Socia War 89 B. Qipsam citaliam. act Also Dromotam though the Transpadani had been granted Civitas i 49 B. Q the province of Cisalpine Gaul a no format lyaboli Shed ill I B. C., win to the disturbances of the Civit War. D3. quiem referrinito the penC Secured by AuguStUS.
tune. . . eum Oe no reser to the actuat ear of the ensean-
chisemen o the Transpadani, 49 D. C. Whicli Nas immediat et sol lowed by civit War an disturbances of ali foris, ut to the period,
generat ly, heia licitat hadieco me Roman. specie, C., inde colour os provid in Settiement abolit thewori formur legion i. e. veteran Si, the nil in Strength of ur em pire a recrui ted by the admi Ssionis the fines of our provinciais'. When colonies of veteran were Planted provinciat Soere admitte in to them an received civitas'. Such set ilement naturali hecam valvabi as utpoSt o Empire an recrui tingaround S. D4. L. Cornelius Eallaus obta ined citi gen Shi frona Pompeius, but after ardijoine Julius Caesar. His consul Shi in Ora . . a Sthe rst ver obtaine by a foret gner. His nephew of the samename won a triumphrior succes Se a proconSul in Africa, I B. C. He bulli a theatre in the Campus Marti u nea the river dedi Caled
neo minus insigne : natives of Gaul ad been admitte into the senatem Iulius Caesar Suetonius Lia. O). s. vietos pro alienigeni arcebant, excluded Dona politicalprivileges a men o alien birili'. For his se of pro ' cf. iv 38, 2 pro Sepulchris spernuntur' sat o temples uilio perSonages h were dei fie aster death an Subsequently becam unpopulari. RPoebant for the factS, CL the reat ment of the Messenian by the Spartans, and of thei maritime allies by the Athenians. D6. nostri: Cf. ii 37, 4. Plerosquo permulto ' Romulus a sat est have admitted the me of Antemnae an CruStumerium into the State, an to
D7 advenae e g. Numa, Tarquinius Pri Scus, an Servius Tulliu S. libertinorum the terna denotes 4reedmen 'las a claSS, libertus bella used os a reedman in relation to hi late master ac libertus Pompeii'. Suetonius CL 24 says that in the time o Appius Claudius, Censor in I B. Q, libertinu S meant sonis a Deedman', and that Claudius ignored that fact; ut the use of the word by ther Roman author cloes no beari ut that View. magistratus Cn. Flavius, son o a Deedman, ob taliae thecurule aedileShi o vin to the influence of Appius Claudius in 3O L. C., and the oram a freedman was tribune in ICO D. C. App.
Pepens here recens ' f. vi , . Driori in the time of the Republic. 8. Senonitium the aut S lio capture Rome 39 B. QVulso o Aoqui the hie enenates os Rome in the early da, sos the Republic 'ith whom Rome and the cities of the Latin Leaguel ad to contendi uring the fifth ani par of the si Xth centuries D. C. 9. Tuscis allud in to the conquestis Rome by OrSena. Samnitium iugum sula limum aster the di faster at thes Caudine ForkS', 32 B. C. Liv i I-63.
hreviore satio the completion of the Conques of Gaul byJulius Caesar in the perio 38-5 B. C. suggest a contrast illi theton resistance of Spain and the fallure to Subdue Germany omeo the Easter conque Sis e re much more qui Clit achi eved. Continua a ficta Dux the rising o Iulius Florus in I A. D.
II DI Boii the allusion is to the admission os plebeians to the magistractes, hi Ch at ilii Si ere monopolige by the patri Cians. Latini an instanc is morde by Ti. Coruncanius a native os
Magistracies ould ni be open to a se of the Latinoowns whos citi gens ad the fuit right o Roma Citigens no to those who poSseSSed meret the Caerite franchise Τ.J Italiae i. e. after the Socia War Thus, Ventidius Hassus, anative of Picenum, alien prisone in the Socia War in his insancy, Subsequently be came con Sulland was awarde a triumph in 38 B. C. 25 Ctiastor 25. I. primi ibi not Clear, hether Tacitus means that the Aedua chiela ere alien rst among thos admitte to thene privilege, o that the privilege a at sirs limite for a time tothes ancient allies of Rome Thei admission in to the senate was
probabi effected by the direct adlectio' of the princeps in his
Censoria CapaCity. Da. ooctori the date of this reat is unknown but the Aedui are calles socii as early a III B. C. Livy, sis lxi . fraternitatis nomon Caesar Speak of the Aedui fratres ConSanguineoSque Saepenumer ab Senatu appellato.' Caes. B. G. i. 33, a).I3 in numerum Patriolorum actaeivit. Whendulius Caesar an Augustu adde to the patricians the ac te by specia law se below Claudius, an after hi in Vespasian an Titus, Conserpatricia ranki virtve of thei censoria powers. Such grant were madeo individuals e. g. L. Salvius Otho, sather of the emperor, P. lautius Pulcher, brother of the emperor' former iis Plautia Vrgulanilla, an possibi C. Silius, ere thus ennobled at thi time). Anciently hen addition a made to the iatricii ' the hono urwould e conferre on hole families, no meret ora individuals, and would e effected by co-optation by the existin patrician
adus'. This eurolmeniis ne v member into the senate must notbe consu sed illi admission o ne v member in to the patriciate; these senatorial conscripti ' rem aliae plebeians.)logo Cassia this lax is no here et Se mentione d but was dotibiles the lax by vhicli Caesar in s D. Q admittet in to the patriciate
numerous X-Consul and e magistrates of ther grades Dio xiiii
47, 3). Among thos then addet to the patricians ei e the Octavii
logo Saenia Augustus says in the Monumentum n Franum ii r patriciorum numerum auXi consul quintum 29 B. C. iussu
populi et senatu S'. L. Saenius as consul suffectus ' o Ward the en of 3 B. C., and doubiles gave his nam to the meaSure pas Sed in the popularassem bl enabi in Augustus to ad sto the patricinias. 4. in rom Dublicam equivalento in publicum ' similarly associat ex ith laetus in xii 8, 3. These meas ures, grati syin to the publici ere underlahen illi great pleasiare on the par of the Censor.' S. recens rePertam cina B. C. Augustus had induced si senator to resigia thei rank voluntari ly, anda ad oblige I Oither toret ire rom the senate This aso purisy the order, aster theindiscriminate additions made to it by Julius Caesar. f. at So ii
quam understans magis'. Intr. II 47. Delevet ius, C. Senator could no resigno heir rank ithout the em peror' leave. f. i 5 s. here a Senator equeSte leaveto resign through overty, and wa presente With the sum os HS I, O, O by Tiberius to enabi hi in to maintain his position. 6. Propositurum, te ould pubi isti . DeΓmixta: neut Plur. a agreein with ord of different gender so that the avo id ance of distinction et ween a Sentence of the cenSors and the modest o voluntar reti rement might reli eve thei di Shonour'. 7. Promiscum, gi ven to thers', vig. to Cicero, ultu Caesar, an AuguStu S. II. onctictit lustrum the phrase technicali denotes the clo singo the eremon of lustratio' illi the sacrifice of suovetaurilia'
nuptias incestas: illi Agrippina his ni ece. Chapter 26, Q. facilitato, α, through the eas ines of her 26 adulteries pas Sindito distas te for them'. Drofluebat prolabebatur', legan to Sinh'. fatali vascorctia, it in dedi desti ny '. an unu sua a introduc in an alternative aster sive ' i may indicate a preserencerior the econ explanation. urgohat here alone Sed, illi acc. an insin. Intr. II 3I. 6 I
D2. non eo ventum ut the weremo in a position to'. oonsilia contrasted illi audacia'. Innoxia is predicative. To the innocent deliberate plans e re sala, ut for detecte crime Securit musti fought froni a boli stroke.'D3. asithom he had divorCed his i se Ch. Ι2, 2. k4. insictii : probabi dative, uia suspici ous os an plot' cf. Seianus Tiberium sibi uni incautum effecit)'. ira Properum: CL Oblatae occaSionis propera', ii 66, 2 and Intr. I 24. 3. amore causa abl. In tr. II I9.no, Dom ear est . D6. nomon matrimonii, iam of wi se . Quiua, C., a plensure hicli illi the abandone oullast all
consulem ctesignatum: Ch. 3, 3. Qui odsignavont, ,ho ere o Sig the marriage Contract'. volui suscipionctorum Ithororum ausa: ord to this esseCtwould Orm an essentia par of the marriage Contra t.
volui: sed like ως illi a participi e Gnt r. II SO R. auspicum Vorlaa: f. missi auspices' to the ride), xv 37, 9; veniet cum signatoribus auSpex', Juvenal, at x 336. The Signing of the marriage Contraci, and the nnouncement auspices 'that the mens vere favourabie, ould form par of the marriage Ceremon hel a the ride' house, e re the 'deductio to thebri degroom' home. An Cienti noth in os an importance Wasdone ithout talain auspices, ut by this time the takin os auspice was ordinarii represente at the marriage ceremon by the repetitio by ome of the friend present of a formula pronouncing good luch. Euhiaso the wor Seem to reser o Some phrase sed in the CourSe of the marriage eremony, perhaps that for entering thedoor of the hvsbanu's ouse; cf. sub forem' Catullus lxi 68
acteingi, was armin himseis'. 3. facilitas, iliabili in . Esct in eo, c., the crisi turn edin the chance hether she wouldget ara earing and o the necessit os loSin hi ear even against a consession Si an ut caro on the force of in eo , and the expression is greatly compressed; utque et quod emciendum
Chapter 29 I. a Primo ... Det cloin these particles mari 20 the change of purpos o the par of the three po versul Deed men hen the Camerio tali definite teps to Carta ut thei reSolution, state in the last hapter, o attac Messalina. Callistus his sui nam eoas C. Iulius Claudius Callistus, showing that he ook ames frona both his patrons the Emperor Gaius as etl a Claudius. His departinent unde Claudius as a libellis' that is, e deali illi petition addresse to the
mihi narratus in a portionis the los books, here his complicit in the assassinationis Gaius a no doub uescribed. For mihi se In tr. II Io, an for the se of circa In tr. II 6. ApDianae Caectis the murder of Appius Iunius Silanus, Consuli 28 B. C. Who ha be come secon lius bandis Messalina' mother, Domitia Lepida, in42 A. D. and of his life through a tot concocted illi Narcissus by Messalina in her anger at Appius' rejectionis her adVanCeS. Nareissus the emperor' secretar ab epistulis ' . O Nero saccession, he sellis victim to Agrippina' resentinent xiii I, ), in consequence of his oppoSition to her On Variou occasionM e. g. ii 57, 4 65, 2. Pallas a Deedman o Antonia mother of Claudius), whose brother Felix a the overnor of Judaea mentione in the Acts. He a Claudius trea furer rationibus'). He is sal to have been Oisone by Nero for the salie of his ealth, in et A. D.
flagrantissim . . . gratia, ,ho a that time a sint the height of his pernici ous influence' abl. of deScription .ctissimulantes, conceat in thei knowledge os allislse', i. e. the Conspiracy ch. 26, 2). 2 ultro: i. e. earing that the would notini nil, ut them selves in cur destruction. prioris rogiae malle Cour os Gaius.
adoria dependent on peritus , applyin to the econ ClauSe, by Zeugma, in the sense of expertus . Deratitit, solum i immutans i. e. Narcissus adhere to theorigina determination to proceed against Messalina, rejecting the
method, suggeste in k I, of turn in her rom her adulter by
2 cieri postulat Intr. II I. 3. Quoct, C., hau in concealed rom hi in his nowledge of the adulteries of suci me a Vettius an Plautius ' se Ch. Ι,6 36, ). The circumstances lia probabi been ad familia tollis readersi Tacitus in the los portio of the Annati. noctum the subjectis reposceret is Claudius, and the sentenceis bitteri ironicat, ' stilicies must the emperor thinio demandingbac his estabiistiment, his laves, and the ther CCOmpaniment So imperiat rank'. 4. talaulas nuptialis the tablet on hic the marriage
s. iacictium tuum, ter repudiatio of her arriage i th
31 Chaptor 31 I. Dotissimum quomque So potiSSimo amicorum', iii Ι 8, . Turranium he is mentione as praesectus annonae at thebeginning o Tiberi u S rei gn, I A. D. i , in thirty-Dur ears previously. The charge of the cor supply was ne of the great praefecturae ope to a Roman nigiit in the emperor's Servi Ce. Lusius Gota critici ged unlavourabi in h. 33, later on Agrippina a able to remove hi an his Colleague Rufrius Crispinus stom thei command and appoin Burrus in thei Stead, SI A. D. Xii 42. k2. Castra the praetoria Camp, into hicli the cohortes' forming the emperor' bodyguard ad been concentrate by Seianus in 3 A. D. si a I). The cam Was ut si de the agger
The usual period of the intage a marhed by an pening Sacrifice o the cith Aug., and the vindemialis feria' last in DomAug. 22 to Oct. Ι5. Eimulacrum, representationi a vini age estivat'.